seperating out config

This commit is contained in:
brianleroux 2010-09-05 11:38:48 -07:00
parent 40997b4cb8
commit 22e9530c66

View File

@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ class Create
attr_reader :name, :pkg, :www, :path attr_reader :name, :pkg, :www, :path
def initialize(path) def initialize(path)
read_config(path) set_paths(path)
clobber clobber
build_jar build_jar
create_android create_android
@ -20,36 +21,39 @@ class Create
msg msg
end end
def set_paths(path)
def read_config(path)
# if no path is supplied uses current directory for project # if no path is supplied uses current directory for project
path = FileUtils.pwd if path.nil? path = FileUtils.pwd if path.nil?
# if a www is found use it for the project # if a www is found use it for the project
path = File.join(path, 'www') if File.exists? File.join(path, 'www') path = File.join(path, 'www') if File.exists? File.join(path, 'www')
# ensure an index.html
raise 'No index.html found!' unless File.exists? File.join(path, 'index.html')
# setup default vars # defaults
@name = path.split("/").last.gsub('-','').gsub(' ','') # no dashses nor spaces @name = path.split("/").last.gsub('-','').gsub(' ','') # no dashses nor spaces
@path = File.join(path, '..', "#{ @name }_android") @path = File.join(path, '..', "#{ @name }_android")
@www = path @www = path
@pkg = "com.phonegap.#{ @name }" @pkg = "com.phonegap.#{ @name }"
# android sdk discovery ... could be better
@android_sdk_path = Dir.getwd[0,1] != "/" ? `android-sdk-path.bat android.bat`.gsub('\\tools','').gsub('\\', '\\\\\\\\') : `which android`.gsub('/tools/android','') @android_sdk_path = Dir.getwd[0,1] != "/" ? `android-sdk-path.bat android.bat`.gsub('\\tools','').gsub('\\', '\\\\\\\\') : `which android`.gsub('/tools/android','')
@android_dir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__).gsub('lib','')) @android_dir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__).gsub('lib',''))
@framework_dir = File.join(@android_dir, "framework") @framework_dir = File.join(@android_dir, "framework")
@icon = File.join(@www, 'icon.png')
@app_js_dir = ''
@content = 'index.html'
# read in www/config.xml and kick off package # stop executation on errors
@config = {} raise 'No index.html found!' unless File.exists? File.join(path, 'index.html')
raise 'Could not find android in your path!' if @android_sdk_path.empty?
# reads in a config.xml file
def read_config
config_file = File.join(@www, 'config.xml') config_file = File.join(@www, 'config.xml')
if File.exists?(config_file) if File.exists?(config_file)
require 'rexml/document' require 'rexml/document'
f = config_file f = config_file
doc = doc =
@config = {}
@config[:id] = doc.root.attributes["id"] @config[:id] = doc.root.attributes["id"]
@config[:version] = doc.root.attributes["version"] @config[:version] = doc.root.attributes["version"]
doc.root.elements.each do |n| doc.root.elements.each do |n|
@ -66,23 +70,14 @@ class Create
# extract android specific stuff # extract android specific stuff
@config[:versionCode] = doc.elements["//android:versionCode"] ? doc.elements["//android:versionCode"].text : 3 @config[:versionCode] = doc.elements["//android:versionCode"] ? doc.elements["//android:versionCode"].text : 3
@config[:minSdkVersion] = doc.elements["//android:minSdkVersion"] ? doc.elements["//android:minSdkVersion"].text : 1 @config[:minSdkVersion] = doc.elements["//android:minSdkVersion"] ? doc.elements["//android:minSdkVersion"].text : 1
# will change the name from the directory to the name element text # will change the name from the directory to the name element text
@name = @config[:name] if @config[:name] @name = @config[:name] if @config[:name]
# set the icon from the config # set the icon from the config
@icon = File.join(@www, @config[:icon]) @icon = File.join(@www, @config[:icon])
# sets the app js dir where phonegap.js gets copied # sets the app js dir where phonegap.js gets copied
@app_js_dir = @config[:js_dir] ? @config[:js_dir] : '' @app_js_dir = @config[:js_dir] ? @config[:js_dir] : ''
# sets the start page # sets the start page
@content = @config[:content] ? @config[:content] : 'index.html' @content = @config[:content] ? @config[:content] : 'index.html'
# set to the default icon location if not in config
@icon = File.join(@www, 'icon.png')
@app_js_dir = ''
@content = 'index.html'
end end
end end
@ -110,7 +105,6 @@ class Create
# TODO need to allow more flexible SDK targetting via config.xml # TODO need to allow more flexible SDK targetting via config.xml
def create_android def create_android
target_id = `android list targets | grep id:`.split("\n").last.match(/\d/).to_a.first target_id = `android list targets | grep id:`.split("\n").last.match(/\d/).to_a.first
puts "NAME #{@name}"
`android create project -t #{ target_id } -k #{ @pkg } -a #{ @name } -n #{ @name } -p #{ @path }` `android create project -t #{ target_id } -k #{ @pkg } -a #{ @name } -n #{ @name } -p #{ @path }`
end end
@ -201,7 +195,7 @@ class Create
" "
code_dir = File.join(@path, "src", @pkg.gsub('.', File::SEPARATOR)) code_dir = File.join(@path, "src", @pkg.gsub('.', File::SEPARATOR))
FileUtils.mkdir_p(code_dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(code_dir)
open(File.join(code_dir, "#{ @name.gsub(' ','') }.java"),'w') { |f| f.puts j } open(File.join(code_dir, "#{ @name }.java"),'w') { |f| f.puts j }
end end
# friendly output for now # friendly output for now