diff --git a/bin/templates/cordova/lib/pluginHandlers.js b/bin/templates/cordova/lib/pluginHandlers.js
index cfdb5004..5b37bcaf 100644
--- a/bin/templates/cordova/lib/pluginHandlers.js
+++ b/bin/templates/cordova/lib/pluginHandlers.js
@@ -321,13 +321,14 @@ function getInstallDestination (obj) {
     var APP_MAIN_PREFIX = 'app/src/main';
     if (obj.targetDir.includes('app')) {
-        // If any source file is using the app new directory structure,
+        // If any source file is using the new app directory structure,
         // don't penalize it
         return path.join(obj.targetDir, path.basename(obj.src));
     } else if (obj.src.endsWith('.java')) {
         return path.join(APP_MAIN_PREFIX, 'java', obj.targetDir.substring(4), path.basename(obj.src));
     } else {
-        // For all other files, add 'app/src/main' to the targetDir if it didn't have it already
+        // For all other source files not using the new app directory structure,
+        // add 'app/src/main' to the targetDir
         return path.join(APP_MAIN_PREFIX, obj.targetDir, path.basename(obj.src));