mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 23:56:20 +08:00
refactor: use es6 class (#911)
Refactored to Classes: * Api * AndroidManifest * AndroidProject
This commit is contained in:
@ -51,317 +51,320 @@ function setupEvents (externalEventEmitter) {
* The PlatformApi instance also should define the following field:
* * platform: String that defines a platform name.
* @class Api
function Api (platform, platformRootDir, events) {
this.platform = PLATFORM;
this.root = path.resolve(__dirname, '..');
class Api {
constructor (platform, platformRootDir, events) {
this.platform = PLATFORM;
this.root = path.resolve(__dirname, '..');
const appMain = path.join(this.root, 'app', 'src', 'main');
const appRes = path.join(appMain, 'res');
const appMain = path.join(this.root, 'app', 'src', 'main');
const appRes = path.join(appMain, 'res');
this.locations = {
root: this.root,
www: path.join(appMain, 'assets', 'www'),
res: appRes,
platformWww: path.join(this.root, 'platform_www'),
configXml: path.join(appRes, 'xml', 'config.xml'),
defaultConfigXml: path.join(this.root, 'cordova', 'defaults.xml'),
strings: path.join(appRes, 'values', 'strings.xml'),
manifest: path.join(appMain, 'AndroidManifest.xml'),
build: path.join(this.root, 'build'),
javaSrc: path.join(appMain, 'java')
* Installs platform to specified directory and creates a platform project.
* @param {String} destination Destination directory, where insatll platform to
* @param {ConfigParser} [config] ConfgiParser instance, used to retrieve
* project creation options, such as package id and project name.
* @param {Object} [options] An options object. The most common options are:
* @param {String} [options.customTemplate] A path to custom template, that
* should override the default one from platform.
* @param {Boolean} [options.link] Flag that indicates that platform's
* sources will be linked to installed platform instead of copying.
* @param {EventEmitter} [events] An EventEmitter instance that will be used for
* logging purposes. If no EventEmitter provided, all events will be logged to
* console
* @return {Promise<PlatformApi>} Promise either fulfilled with PlatformApi
* instance or rejected with CordovaError.
Api.createPlatform = function (destination, config, options, events) {
events = setupEvents(events);
var result;
try {
result = require('../../lib/create').create(destination, config, options, events).then(function (destination) {
return new Api(PLATFORM, destination, events);
} catch (e) {
events.emit('error', 'createPlatform is not callable from the android project API.');
throw (e);
return result;
* Updates already installed platform.
* @param {String} destination Destination directory, where platform installed
* @param {Object} [options] An options object. The most common options are:
* @param {String} [options.customTemplate] A path to custom template, that
* should override the default one from platform.
* @param {Boolean} [options.link] Flag that indicates that platform's
* sources will be linked to installed platform instead of copying.
* @param {EventEmitter} [events] An EventEmitter instance that will be used for
* logging purposes. If no EventEmitter provided, all events will be logged to
* console
* @return {Promise<PlatformApi>} Promise either fulfilled with PlatformApi
* instance or rejected with CordovaError.
Api.updatePlatform = function (destination, options, events) {
events = setupEvents(events);
var result;
try {
result = require('../../lib/create').update(destination, options, events).then(function (destination) {
return new Api(PLATFORM, destination, events);
} catch (e) {
events.emit('error', 'updatePlatform is not callable from the android project API, you will need to do this manually.');
throw (e);
return result;
* Gets a CordovaPlatform object, that represents the platform structure.
* @return {CordovaPlatform} A structure that contains the description of
* platform's file structure and other properties of platform.
Api.prototype.getPlatformInfo = function () {
var result = {};
result.locations = this.locations;
result.root = this.root;
result.name = this.platform;
result.version = require('./version');
result.projectConfig = this._config;
return result;
* Updates installed platform with provided www assets and new app
* configuration. This method is required for CLI workflow and will be called
* each time before build, so the changes, made to app configuration and www
* code, will be applied to platform.
* @param {CordovaProject} cordovaProject A CordovaProject instance, that defines a
* project structure and configuration, that should be applied to platform
* (contains project's www location and ConfigParser instance for project's
* config).
* @return {Promise} Return a promise either fulfilled, or rejected with
* CordovaError instance.
Api.prototype.prepare = function (cordovaProject, prepareOptions) {
cordovaProject.projectConfig = new ConfigParser(cordovaProject.locations.rootConfigXml || cordovaProject.projectConfig.path);
return require('./lib/prepare').prepare.call(this, cordovaProject, prepareOptions);
* Installs a new plugin into platform. This method only copies non-www files
* (sources, libs, etc.) to platform. It also doesn't resolves the
* dependencies of plugin. Both of handling of www files, such as assets and
* js-files and resolving dependencies are the responsibility of caller.
* @param {PluginInfo} plugin A PluginInfo instance that represents plugin
* that will be installed.
* @param {Object} installOptions An options object. Possible options below:
* @param {Boolean} installOptions.link: Flag that specifies that plugin
* sources will be symlinked to app's directory instead of copying (if
* possible).
* @param {Object} installOptions.variables An object that represents
* variables that will be used to install plugin. See more details on plugin
* variables in documentation:
* https://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/4.0.0/plugin_ref_spec.md.html
* @return {Promise} Return a promise either fulfilled, or rejected with
* CordovaError instance.
Api.prototype.addPlugin = function (plugin, installOptions) {
var project = AndroidProject.getProjectFile(this.root);
var self = this;
installOptions = installOptions || {};
installOptions.variables = installOptions.variables || {};
// Add PACKAGE_NAME variable into vars
if (!installOptions.variables.PACKAGE_NAME) {
installOptions.variables.PACKAGE_NAME = project.getPackageName();
this.locations = {
root: this.root,
www: path.join(appMain, 'assets', 'www'),
res: appRes,
platformWww: path.join(this.root, 'platform_www'),
configXml: path.join(appRes, 'xml', 'config.xml'),
defaultConfigXml: path.join(this.root, 'cordova', 'defaults.xml'),
strings: path.join(appRes, 'values', 'strings.xml'),
manifest: path.join(appMain, 'AndroidManifest.xml'),
build: path.join(this.root, 'build'),
javaSrc: path.join(appMain, 'java')
return Promise.resolve().then(function () {
return PluginManager.get(self.platform, self.locations, project).addPlugin(plugin, installOptions);
}).then(function () {
if (plugin.getFrameworks(this.platform).length === 0) return;
selfEvents.emit('verbose', 'Updating build files since android plugin contained <framework>');
// This should pick the correct builder, not just get gradle
// CB-11022 Return truthy value to prevent running prepare after
.then(() => true);
* Gets a CordovaPlatform object, that represents the platform structure.
* @return {CordovaPlatform} A structure that contains the description of
* platform's file structure and other properties of platform.
getPlatformInfo () {
var result = {};
result.locations = this.locations;
result.root = this.root;
result.name = this.platform;
result.version = require('./version');
result.projectConfig = this._config;
* Removes an installed plugin from platform.
* Since method accepts PluginInfo instance as input parameter instead of plugin
* id, caller shoud take care of managing/storing PluginInfo instances for
* future uninstalls.
* @param {PluginInfo} plugin A PluginInfo instance that represents plugin
* that will be installed.
* @return {Promise} Return a promise either fulfilled, or rejected with
* CordovaError instance.
Api.prototype.removePlugin = function (plugin, uninstallOptions) {
var project = AndroidProject.getProjectFile(this.root);
if (uninstallOptions && uninstallOptions.usePlatformWww === true) {
uninstallOptions.usePlatformWww = false;
return result;
return PluginManager.get(this.platform, this.locations, project)
.removePlugin(plugin, uninstallOptions)
.then(function () {
* Updates installed platform with provided www assets and new app
* configuration. This method is required for CLI workflow and will be called
* each time before build, so the changes, made to app configuration and www
* code, will be applied to platform.
* @param {CordovaProject} cordovaProject A CordovaProject instance, that defines a
* project structure and configuration, that should be applied to platform
* (contains project's www location and ConfigParser instance for project's
* config).
* @return {Promise} Return a promise either fulfilled, or rejected with
* CordovaError instance.
prepare (cordovaProject, prepareOptions) {
cordovaProject.projectConfig = new ConfigParser(cordovaProject.locations.rootConfigXml || cordovaProject.projectConfig.path);
return require('./lib/prepare').prepare.call(this, cordovaProject, prepareOptions);
* Installs a new plugin into platform. This method only copies non-www files
* (sources, libs, etc.) to platform. It also doesn't resolves the
* dependencies of plugin. Both of handling of www files, such as assets and
* js-files and resolving dependencies are the responsibility of caller.
* @param {PluginInfo} plugin A PluginInfo instance that represents plugin
* that will be installed.
* @param {Object} installOptions An options object. Possible options below:
* @param {Boolean} installOptions.link: Flag that specifies that plugin
* sources will be symlinked to app's directory instead of copying (if
* possible).
* @param {Object} installOptions.variables An object that represents
* variables that will be used to install plugin. See more details on plugin
* variables in documentation:
* https://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/4.0.0/plugin_ref_spec.md.html
* @return {Promise} Return a promise either fulfilled, or rejected with
* CordovaError instance.
addPlugin (plugin, installOptions) {
var project = AndroidProject.getProjectFile(this.root);
var self = this;
installOptions = installOptions || {};
installOptions.variables = installOptions.variables || {};
// Add PACKAGE_NAME variable into vars
if (!installOptions.variables.PACKAGE_NAME) {
installOptions.variables.PACKAGE_NAME = project.getPackageName();
return Promise.resolve().then(function () {
return PluginManager.get(self.platform, self.locations, project).addPlugin(plugin, installOptions);
}).then(function () {
if (plugin.getFrameworks(this.platform).length === 0) return;
selfEvents.emit('verbose', 'Updating build files since android plugin contained <framework>');
// This should pick the correct builder, not just get gradle
// CB-11022 Return truthy value to prevent running prepare after
.then(() => true);
* Builds an application package for current platform.
* @param {Object} buildOptions A build options. This object's structure is
* highly depends on platform's specific. The most common options are:
* @param {Boolean} buildOptions.debug Indicates that packages should be
* built with debug configuration. This is set to true by default unless the
* 'release' option is not specified.
* @param {Boolean} buildOptions.release Indicates that packages should be
* built with release configuration. If not set to true, debug configuration
* will be used.
* @param {Boolean} buildOptions.device Specifies that built app is intended
* to run on device
* @param {Boolean} buildOptions.emulator: Specifies that built app is
* intended to run on emulator
* @param {String} buildOptions.target Specifies the device id that will be
* used to run built application.
* @param {Boolean} buildOptions.nobuild Indicates that this should be a
* dry-run call, so no build artifacts will be produced.
* @param {String[]} buildOptions.archs Specifies chip architectures which
* app packages should be built for. List of valid architectures is depends on
* platform.
* @param {String} buildOptions.buildConfig The path to build configuration
* file. The format of this file is depends on platform.
* @param {String[]} buildOptions.argv Raw array of command-line arguments,
* passed to `build` command. The purpose of this property is to pass a
* platform-specific arguments, and eventually let platform define own
* arguments processing logic.
* @return {Promise<Object[]>} A promise either fulfilled with an array of build
* artifacts (application packages) if package was built successfully,
* or rejected with CordovaError. The resultant build artifact objects is not
* strictly typed and may conatin arbitrary set of fields as in sample below.
* {
* architecture: 'x86',
* buildType: 'debug',
* path: '/path/to/build',
* type: 'app'
* }
* The return value in most cases will contain only one item but in some cases
* there could be multiple items in output array, e.g. when multiple
* arhcitectures is specified.
Api.prototype.build = function (buildOptions) {
var self = this;
return require('./lib/check_reqs').run().then(function () {
return require('./lib/build').run.call(self, buildOptions);
}).then(function (buildResults) {
// Cast build result to array of build artifacts
return buildResults.paths.map(function (apkPath) {
return {
buildType: buildResults.buildType,
buildMethod: buildResults.buildMethod,
path: apkPath,
type: path.extname(apkPath).replace(/\./g, '')
* Builds an application package for current platform and runs it on
* specified/default device. If no 'device'/'emulator'/'target' options are
* specified, then tries to run app on default device if connected, otherwise
* runs the app on emulator.
* @param {Object} runOptions An options object. The structure is the same
* as for build options.
* @return {Promise} A promise either fulfilled if package was built and ran
* successfully, or rejected with CordovaError.
Api.prototype.run = function (runOptions) {
var self = this;
return require('./lib/check_reqs').run().then(function () {
return require('./lib/run').run.call(self, runOptions);
* Cleans out the build artifacts from platform's directory, and also
* cleans out the platform www directory if called without options specified.
* @return {Promise} Return a promise either fulfilled, or rejected with
* CordovaError.
Api.prototype.clean = function (cleanOptions) {
var self = this;
// This will lint, checking for null won't
if (typeof cleanOptions === 'undefined') {
cleanOptions = {};
// CB-11022 Return truthy value to prevent running prepare after
.then(() => true);
return require('./lib/check_reqs').run().then(function () {
return require('./lib/build').runClean.call(self, cleanOptions);
}).then(function () {
return require('./lib/prepare').clean.call(self, cleanOptions);
* Removes an installed plugin from platform.
* Since method accepts PluginInfo instance as input parameter instead of plugin
* id, caller shoud take care of managing/storing PluginInfo instances for
* future uninstalls.
* @param {PluginInfo} plugin A PluginInfo instance that represents plugin
* that will be installed.
* @return {Promise} Return a promise either fulfilled, or rejected with
* CordovaError instance.
removePlugin (plugin, uninstallOptions) {
var project = AndroidProject.getProjectFile(this.root);
* Performs a requirements check for current platform. Each platform defines its
* own set of requirements, which should be resolved before platform can be
* built successfully.
* @return {Promise<Requirement[]>} Promise, resolved with set of Requirement
* objects for current platform.
Api.prototype.requirements = function () {
return require('./lib/check_reqs').check_all();
if (uninstallOptions && uninstallOptions.usePlatformWww === true) {
uninstallOptions.usePlatformWww = false;
return PluginManager.get(this.platform, this.locations, project)
.removePlugin(plugin, uninstallOptions)
.then(function () {
if (plugin.getFrameworks(this.platform).length === 0) return;
selfEvents.emit('verbose', 'Updating build files since android plugin contained <framework>');
// CB-11022 Return truthy value to prevent running prepare after
.then(() => true);
* Builds an application package for current platform.
* @param {Object} buildOptions A build options. This object's structure is
* highly depends on platform's specific. The most common options are:
* @param {Boolean} buildOptions.debug Indicates that packages should be
* built with debug configuration. This is set to true by default unless the
* 'release' option is not specified.
* @param {Boolean} buildOptions.release Indicates that packages should be
* built with release configuration. If not set to true, debug configuration
* will be used.
* @param {Boolean} buildOptions.device Specifies that built app is intended
* to run on device
* @param {Boolean} buildOptions.emulator: Specifies that built app is
* intended to run on emulator
* @param {String} buildOptions.target Specifies the device id that will be
* used to run built application.
* @param {Boolean} buildOptions.nobuild Indicates that this should be a
* dry-run call, so no build artifacts will be produced.
* @param {String[]} buildOptions.archs Specifies chip architectures which
* app packages should be built for. List of valid architectures is depends on
* platform.
* @param {String} buildOptions.buildConfig The path to build configuration
* file. The format of this file is depends on platform.
* @param {String[]} buildOptions.argv Raw array of command-line arguments,
* passed to `build` command. The purpose of this property is to pass a
* platform-specific arguments, and eventually let platform define own
* arguments processing logic.
* @return {Promise<Object[]>} A promise either fulfilled with an array of build
* artifacts (application packages) if package was built successfully,
* or rejected with CordovaError. The resultant build artifact objects is not
* strictly typed and may conatin arbitrary set of fields as in sample below.
* {
* architecture: 'x86',
* buildType: 'debug',
* path: '/path/to/build',
* type: 'app'
* }
* The return value in most cases will contain only one item but in some cases
* there could be multiple items in output array, e.g. when multiple
* arhcitectures is specified.
build (buildOptions) {
var self = this;
return require('./lib/check_reqs').run().then(function () {
return require('./lib/build').run.call(self, buildOptions);
}).then(function (buildResults) {
// Cast build result to array of build artifacts
return buildResults.paths.map(function (apkPath) {
return {
buildType: buildResults.buildType,
buildMethod: buildResults.buildMethod,
path: apkPath,
type: path.extname(apkPath).replace(/\./g, '')
* Builds an application package for current platform and runs it on
* specified/default device. If no 'device'/'emulator'/'target' options are
* specified, then tries to run app on default device if connected, otherwise
* runs the app on emulator.
* @param {Object} runOptions An options object. The structure is the same
* as for build options.
* @return {Promise} A promise either fulfilled if package was built and ran
* successfully, or rejected with CordovaError.
run (runOptions) {
var self = this;
return require('./lib/check_reqs').run().then(function () {
return require('./lib/run').run.call(self, runOptions);
* Cleans out the build artifacts from platform's directory, and also
* cleans out the platform www directory if called without options specified.
* @return {Promise} Return a promise either fulfilled, or rejected with
* CordovaError.
clean (cleanOptions) {
var self = this;
// This will lint, checking for null won't
if (typeof cleanOptions === 'undefined') {
cleanOptions = {};
return require('./lib/check_reqs').run().then(function () {
return require('./lib/build').runClean.call(self, cleanOptions);
}).then(function () {
return require('./lib/prepare').clean.call(self, cleanOptions);
* Performs a requirements check for current platform. Each platform defines its
* own set of requirements, which should be resolved before platform can be
* built successfully.
* @return {Promise<Requirement[]>} Promise, resolved with set of Requirement
* objects for current platform.
requirements () {
return require('./lib/check_reqs').check_all();
* Installs platform to specified directory and creates a platform project.
* @param {String} destination Destination directory, where insatll platform to
* @param {ConfigParser} [config] ConfgiParser instance, used to retrieve
* project creation options, such as package id and project name.
* @param {Object} [options] An options object. The most common options are:
* @param {String} [options.customTemplate] A path to custom template, that
* should override the default one from platform.
* @param {Boolean} [options.link] Flag that indicates that platform's
* sources will be linked to installed platform instead of copying.
* @param {EventEmitter} [events] An EventEmitter instance that will be used for
* logging purposes. If no EventEmitter provided, all events will be logged to
* console
* @return {Promise<PlatformApi>} Promise either fulfilled with PlatformApi
* instance or rejected with CordovaError.
static createPlatform (destination, config, options, events) {
events = setupEvents(events);
var result;
try {
result = require('../../lib/create').create(destination, config, options, events).then(function (destination) {
return new Api(PLATFORM, destination, events);
} catch (e) {
events.emit('error', 'createPlatform is not callable from the android project API.');
throw (e);
return result;
* Updates already installed platform.
* @param {String} destination Destination directory, where platform installed
* @param {Object} [options] An options object. The most common options are:
* @param {String} [options.customTemplate] A path to custom template, that
* should override the default one from platform.
* @param {Boolean} [options.link] Flag that indicates that platform's
* sources will be linked to installed platform instead of copying.
* @param {EventEmitter} [events] An EventEmitter instance that will be used for
* logging purposes. If no EventEmitter provided, all events will be logged to
* console
* @return {Promise<PlatformApi>} Promise either fulfilled with PlatformApi
* instance or rejected with CordovaError.
static updatePlatform (destination, options, events) {
events = setupEvents(events);
var result;
try {
result = require('../../lib/create').update(destination, options, events).then(function (destination) {
return new Api(PLATFORM, destination, events);
} catch (e) {
events.emit('error', 'updatePlatform is not callable from the android project API, you will need to do this manually.');
throw (e);
return result;
module.exports = Api;
@ -23,104 +23,106 @@ var xml = require('cordova-common').xmlHelpers;
var DEFAULT_ORIENTATION = 'default';
/** Wraps an AndroidManifest file */
function AndroidManifest (path) {
this.path = path;
this.doc = xml.parseElementtreeSync(path);
if (this.doc.getroot().tag !== 'manifest') {
throw new Error('AndroidManifest at ' + path + ' has incorrect root node name (expected "manifest")');
class AndroidManifest {
constructor (path) {
this.path = path;
this.doc = xml.parseElementtreeSync(path);
if (this.doc.getroot().tag !== 'manifest') {
throw new Error('AndroidManifest at ' + path + ' has incorrect root node name (expected "manifest")');
getVersionName () {
return this.doc.getroot().attrib['android:versionName'];
setVersionName (versionName) {
this.doc.getroot().attrib['android:versionName'] = versionName;
return this;
getVersionCode () {
return this.doc.getroot().attrib['android:versionCode'];
setVersionCode (versionCode) {
this.doc.getroot().attrib['android:versionCode'] = versionCode;
return this;
getPackageId () {
return this.doc.getroot().attrib['package'];
setPackageId (pkgId) {
this.doc.getroot().attrib['package'] = pkgId;
return this;
getActivity () {
var activity = this.doc.getroot().find('./application/activity');
return {
getName: function () {
return activity.attrib['android:name'];
setName: function (name) {
if (!name) {
delete activity.attrib['android:name'];
} else {
activity.attrib['android:name'] = name;
return this;
getOrientation: function () {
return activity.attrib['android:screenOrientation'];
setOrientation: function (orientation) {
if (!orientation || orientation.toLowerCase() === DEFAULT_ORIENTATION) {
delete activity.attrib['android:screenOrientation'];
} else {
activity.attrib['android:screenOrientation'] = orientation;
return this;
getLaunchMode: function () {
return activity.attrib['android:launchMode'];
setLaunchMode: function (launchMode) {
if (!launchMode) {
delete activity.attrib['android:launchMode'];
} else {
activity.attrib['android:launchMode'] = launchMode;
return this;
getDebuggable () {
return this.doc.getroot().find('./application').attrib['android:debuggable'] === 'true';
setDebuggable (value) {
var application = this.doc.getroot().find('./application');
if (value) {
application.attrib['android:debuggable'] = 'true';
} else {
// The default value is "false", so we can remove attribute at all.
delete application.attrib['android:debuggable'];
return this;
* Writes manifest to disk syncronously. If filename is specified, then manifest
* will be written to that file
* @param {String} [destPath] File to write manifest to. If omitted,
* manifest will be written to file it has been read from.
write (destPath) {
fs.writeFileSync(destPath || this.path, this.doc.write({ indent: 4 }), 'utf-8');
AndroidManifest.prototype.getVersionName = function () {
return this.doc.getroot().attrib['android:versionName'];
AndroidManifest.prototype.setVersionName = function (versionName) {
this.doc.getroot().attrib['android:versionName'] = versionName;
return this;
AndroidManifest.prototype.getVersionCode = function () {
return this.doc.getroot().attrib['android:versionCode'];
AndroidManifest.prototype.setVersionCode = function (versionCode) {
this.doc.getroot().attrib['android:versionCode'] = versionCode;
return this;
AndroidManifest.prototype.getPackageId = function () {
return this.doc.getroot().attrib['package'];
AndroidManifest.prototype.setPackageId = function (pkgId) {
this.doc.getroot().attrib['package'] = pkgId;
return this;
AndroidManifest.prototype.getActivity = function () {
var activity = this.doc.getroot().find('./application/activity');
return {
getName: function () {
return activity.attrib['android:name'];
setName: function (name) {
if (!name) {
delete activity.attrib['android:name'];
} else {
activity.attrib['android:name'] = name;
return this;
getOrientation: function () {
return activity.attrib['android:screenOrientation'];
setOrientation: function (orientation) {
if (!orientation || orientation.toLowerCase() === DEFAULT_ORIENTATION) {
delete activity.attrib['android:screenOrientation'];
} else {
activity.attrib['android:screenOrientation'] = orientation;
return this;
getLaunchMode: function () {
return activity.attrib['android:launchMode'];
setLaunchMode: function (launchMode) {
if (!launchMode) {
delete activity.attrib['android:launchMode'];
} else {
activity.attrib['android:launchMode'] = launchMode;
return this;
AndroidManifest.prototype.getDebuggable = function () {
return this.doc.getroot().find('./application').attrib['android:debuggable'] === 'true';
AndroidManifest.prototype.setDebuggable = function (value) {
var application = this.doc.getroot().find('./application');
if (value) {
application.attrib['android:debuggable'] = 'true';
} else {
// The default value is "false", so we can remove attribute at all.
delete application.attrib['android:debuggable'];
return this;
* Writes manifest to disk syncronously. If filename is specified, then manifest
* will be written to that file
* @param {String} [destPath] File to write manifest to. If omitted,
* manifest will be written to file it has been read from.
AndroidManifest.prototype.write = function (destPath) {
fs.writeFileSync(destPath || this.path, this.doc.write({ indent: 4 }), 'utf-8');
module.exports = AndroidManifest;
@ -55,148 +55,148 @@ function getRelativeLibraryPath (parentDir, subDir) {
return (path.sep === '\\') ? libraryPath.replace(/\\/g, '/') : libraryPath;
function AndroidProject (projectDir) {
this._propertiesEditors = {};
this._subProjectDirs = {};
this._dirty = false;
this.projectDir = projectDir;
this.platformWww = path.join(this.projectDir, 'platform_www');
this.www = path.join(this.projectDir, 'app/src/main/assets/www');
class AndroidProject {
constructor (projectDir) {
this._propertiesEditors = {};
this._subProjectDirs = {};
this._dirty = false;
this.projectDir = projectDir;
this.platformWww = path.join(this.projectDir, 'platform_www');
this.www = path.join(this.projectDir, 'app/src/main/assets/www');
* Reads the package name out of the Android Manifest file
* @param {String} projectDir The absolute path to the directory containing the project
* @return {String} The name of the package
getPackageName () {
var manifestPath = path.join(this.projectDir, 'app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml');
return new AndroidManifest(manifestPath).getPackageId();
getCustomSubprojectRelativeDir (plugin_id, src) {
// All custom subprojects are prefixed with the last portion of the package id.
// This is to avoid collisions when opening multiple projects in Eclipse that have subprojects with the same name.
var packageName = this.getPackageName();
var lastDotIndex = packageName.lastIndexOf('.');
var prefix = packageName.substring(lastDotIndex + 1);
var subRelativeDir = path.join(plugin_id, prefix + '-' + path.basename(src));
return subRelativeDir;
addSubProject (parentDir, subDir) {
var parentProjectFile = path.resolve(parentDir, 'project.properties');
var subProjectFile = path.resolve(subDir, 'project.properties');
var parentProperties = this._getPropertiesFile(parentProjectFile);
// TODO: Setting the target needs to happen only for pre-3.7.0 projects
if (fs.existsSync(subProjectFile)) {
var subProperties = this._getPropertiesFile(subProjectFile);
subProperties.set('target', parentProperties.get('target'));
subProperties.dirty = true;
this._subProjectDirs[subDir] = true;
addToPropertyList(parentProperties, 'android.library.reference', getRelativeLibraryPath(parentDir, subDir));
this._dirty = true;
removeSubProject (parentDir, subDir) {
var parentProjectFile = path.resolve(parentDir, 'project.properties');
var parentProperties = this._getPropertiesFile(parentProjectFile);
removeFromPropertyList(parentProperties, 'android.library.reference', getRelativeLibraryPath(parentDir, subDir));
delete this._subProjectDirs[subDir];
this._dirty = true;
addGradleReference (parentDir, subDir) {
var parentProjectFile = path.resolve(parentDir, 'project.properties');
var parentProperties = this._getPropertiesFile(parentProjectFile);
addToPropertyList(parentProperties, 'cordova.gradle.include', getRelativeLibraryPath(parentDir, subDir));
this._dirty = true;
removeGradleReference (parentDir, subDir) {
var parentProjectFile = path.resolve(parentDir, 'project.properties');
var parentProperties = this._getPropertiesFile(parentProjectFile);
removeFromPropertyList(parentProperties, 'cordova.gradle.include', getRelativeLibraryPath(parentDir, subDir));
this._dirty = true;
addSystemLibrary (parentDir, value) {
var parentProjectFile = path.resolve(parentDir, 'project.properties');
var parentProperties = this._getPropertiesFile(parentProjectFile);
addToPropertyList(parentProperties, 'cordova.system.library', value);
this._dirty = true;
removeSystemLibrary (parentDir, value) {
var parentProjectFile = path.resolve(parentDir, 'project.properties');
var parentProperties = this._getPropertiesFile(parentProjectFile);
removeFromPropertyList(parentProperties, 'cordova.system.library', value);
this._dirty = true;
write () {
if (!this._dirty) {
this._dirty = false;
for (var filename in this._propertiesEditors) {
var editor = this._propertiesEditors[filename];
if (editor.dirty) {
fs.writeFileSync(filename, editor.toString());
editor.dirty = false;
getInstaller (type) {
return pluginHandlers.getInstaller(type);
getUninstaller (type) {
return pluginHandlers.getUninstaller(type);
* This checks if an Android project is clean or has old build artifacts
isClean () {
var build_path = path.join(this.projectDir, 'build');
// If the build directory doesn't exist, it's clean
return !(fs.existsSync(build_path));
_getPropertiesFile (filename) {
if (!this._propertiesEditors[filename]) {
if (fs.existsSync(filename)) {
this._propertiesEditors[filename] = properties_parser.createEditor(filename);
} else {
this._propertiesEditors[filename] = properties_parser.createEditor();
return this._propertiesEditors[filename];
static getProjectFile (projectDir) {
if (!projectFileCache[projectDir]) {
projectFileCache[projectDir] = new AndroidProject(projectDir);
return projectFileCache[projectDir];
static purgeCache (projectDir) {
if (projectDir) {
delete projectFileCache[projectDir];
} else {
projectFileCache = {};
AndroidProject.getProjectFile = function (projectDir) {
if (!projectFileCache[projectDir]) {
projectFileCache[projectDir] = new AndroidProject(projectDir);
return projectFileCache[projectDir];
AndroidProject.purgeCache = function (projectDir) {
if (projectDir) {
delete projectFileCache[projectDir];
} else {
projectFileCache = {};
* Reads the package name out of the Android Manifest file
* @param {String} projectDir The absolute path to the directory containing the project
* @return {String} The name of the package
AndroidProject.prototype.getPackageName = function () {
var manifestPath = path.join(this.projectDir, 'app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml');
return new AndroidManifest(manifestPath).getPackageId();
AndroidProject.prototype.getCustomSubprojectRelativeDir = function (plugin_id, src) {
// All custom subprojects are prefixed with the last portion of the package id.
// This is to avoid collisions when opening multiple projects in Eclipse that have subprojects with the same name.
var packageName = this.getPackageName();
var lastDotIndex = packageName.lastIndexOf('.');
var prefix = packageName.substring(lastDotIndex + 1);
var subRelativeDir = path.join(plugin_id, prefix + '-' + path.basename(src));
return subRelativeDir;
AndroidProject.prototype.addSubProject = function (parentDir, subDir) {
var parentProjectFile = path.resolve(parentDir, 'project.properties');
var subProjectFile = path.resolve(subDir, 'project.properties');
var parentProperties = this._getPropertiesFile(parentProjectFile);
// TODO: Setting the target needs to happen only for pre-3.7.0 projects
if (fs.existsSync(subProjectFile)) {
var subProperties = this._getPropertiesFile(subProjectFile);
subProperties.set('target', parentProperties.get('target'));
subProperties.dirty = true;
this._subProjectDirs[subDir] = true;
addToPropertyList(parentProperties, 'android.library.reference', getRelativeLibraryPath(parentDir, subDir));
this._dirty = true;
AndroidProject.prototype.removeSubProject = function (parentDir, subDir) {
var parentProjectFile = path.resolve(parentDir, 'project.properties');
var parentProperties = this._getPropertiesFile(parentProjectFile);
removeFromPropertyList(parentProperties, 'android.library.reference', getRelativeLibraryPath(parentDir, subDir));
delete this._subProjectDirs[subDir];
this._dirty = true;
AndroidProject.prototype.addGradleReference = function (parentDir, subDir) {
var parentProjectFile = path.resolve(parentDir, 'project.properties');
var parentProperties = this._getPropertiesFile(parentProjectFile);
addToPropertyList(parentProperties, 'cordova.gradle.include', getRelativeLibraryPath(parentDir, subDir));
this._dirty = true;
AndroidProject.prototype.removeGradleReference = function (parentDir, subDir) {
var parentProjectFile = path.resolve(parentDir, 'project.properties');
var parentProperties = this._getPropertiesFile(parentProjectFile);
removeFromPropertyList(parentProperties, 'cordova.gradle.include', getRelativeLibraryPath(parentDir, subDir));
this._dirty = true;
AndroidProject.prototype.addSystemLibrary = function (parentDir, value) {
var parentProjectFile = path.resolve(parentDir, 'project.properties');
var parentProperties = this._getPropertiesFile(parentProjectFile);
addToPropertyList(parentProperties, 'cordova.system.library', value);
this._dirty = true;
AndroidProject.prototype.removeSystemLibrary = function (parentDir, value) {
var parentProjectFile = path.resolve(parentDir, 'project.properties');
var parentProperties = this._getPropertiesFile(parentProjectFile);
removeFromPropertyList(parentProperties, 'cordova.system.library', value);
this._dirty = true;
AndroidProject.prototype.write = function () {
if (!this._dirty) {
this._dirty = false;
for (var filename in this._propertiesEditors) {
var editor = this._propertiesEditors[filename];
if (editor.dirty) {
fs.writeFileSync(filename, editor.toString());
editor.dirty = false;
AndroidProject.prototype._getPropertiesFile = function (filename) {
if (!this._propertiesEditors[filename]) {
if (fs.existsSync(filename)) {
this._propertiesEditors[filename] = properties_parser.createEditor(filename);
} else {
this._propertiesEditors[filename] = properties_parser.createEditor();
return this._propertiesEditors[filename];
AndroidProject.prototype.getInstaller = function (type) {
return pluginHandlers.getInstaller(type);
AndroidProject.prototype.getUninstaller = function (type) {
return pluginHandlers.getUninstaller(type);
* This checks if an Android project is clean or has old build artifacts
AndroidProject.prototype.isClean = function () {
var build_path = path.join(this.projectDir, 'build');
// If the build directory doesn't exist, it's clean
return !(fs.existsSync(build_path));
module.exports = AndroidProject;
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