Working on the API, doing a 5 PM build to try to get this rolling along

- Got Vibrate to work
- 411 works out of the box
This commit is contained in:
unknown 2009-03-30 17:06:27 -07:00
parent 0514195d94
commit c78a0b876a
7 changed files with 815 additions and 495 deletions

View File

@ -1,444 +1,91 @@
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"
<html xmlns=""> "">
<head> <head>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/> <meta name="viewport" content="width=320; user-scalable=no" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="master.css" type="text/css" media="screen" title="no title" charset="utf-8">
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="phonegap.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
var deviceInfo = function(){
document.getElementById("platform").innerHTML = Device.platform;
<title>PhoneGap 0.1</title> document.getElementById("version").innerHTML = Device.version;
<meta name="viewport" content="width=320; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=0;"/> document.getElementById("uuid").innerHTML = Device.uuid;
<style type="text/css" media="screen">@import "file:///android_asset/iui.css";</style>
<script type="application/x-javascript" src="file:///android_asset/iui.js"></script>
<script type="application/x-javascript" src="file:///android_asset/gap.js"></script>
initGap = function() {
// Device.init() initializes OS-Device values
// Device.Location.init() to initalize location
//Device.Acceleration.callback = updateAccel;
} }
function addLoadEvent(func) { var getLocation = function() {
var oldonload = window.onload; var suc = function(p){
if (typeof window.onload != 'function') { alert(p.latitude + " " + p.longitude);
window.onload = func; };
} else { var fail = function(){};
window.onload = function() { navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(suc,fail);
} }
updateSettings = function() { var beep = function(){
$('platform').value = Device.model; navigator.notification.beep(2);
$('version').value = Device.version;
$('osversion').value = Device.osversion;
$('sdkversion').value = Device.sdkfwversion;
$('gap_version').value = Device.gapVersion;
$('uuid').value = Device.uuid;
} }
updateLocation = function(lat, lon) { var vibrate = function(){
// updateLocatin based on user input navigator.notification.vibrate(0);
// $('lat') is already the dom object
// thus we need to
// associate with a var
$('lat').value = document.getElementById('lat').value;
$('lon').value = document.getElementById('lon').value;
Device.myLat = document.getElementById('lat').value;
Device.myLon = document.getElementById('lon').value;
} }
readLocation = function() { var getContact = function(){
//assume that Device.Location.set ran once and thus var suc = function(c){ alert("Contact 4: " + c.contacts[3].name); };
// and Device>location.lon are set var fail = function(){};
Device.Location.init(); navigator.ContactManager.get(suc, fail);
$('userlat').value =;
$('userlon').value = Device.Location.lon;
//we need to poll but have poll of functions run more than once during specified interval
setInterval('readLocation()', Device.myGPSInterval);
} }
userSetIntervals = function() { var watchAccel = function() {
//allow user to set intervals for gps and accel polling var suc = function(a){
//otherwise mad user to do to excessive polling of GPS values and etc document.getElementById('x').innerHTML = roundNumber(a.x);
//which reduces battery power document.getElementById('y').innerHTML = roundNumber(a.y);
$('usersgpsInterval').value = document.getElementById('usergpsInterval').value; document.getElementById('z').innerHTML = roundNumber(a.z);
Device.myGPSInterval = document.getElementById('usergpsInterval').value; };
$('useraccelInterval').value = document.getElementById('useraccelInterval').value; var fail = function(){};
Device.myAccelInterval = document.getElementById('useraccelInterval').value; var opt = {};
opt.frequency = 100;
timer = navigator.accelerometer.watchAcceleration(suc,fail,opt);
} }
updateAccel = function(){ function roundNumber(num) {
$('accelx').value = accelX; var dec = 3;
$('accely').value = accelY; var result = Math.round(num*Math.pow(10,dec))/Math.pow(10,dec);
$('accelz').value = accelZ; return result;
} }
var preventBehavior = function(e) {
receiveSmsNotification = function(func) function init(){
{ document.addEventListener("touchmove", preventBehavior, false);
if (func == 'watchPosition') { deviceInfo();
} else
if (func == 'clearWatch') {
} }
function onReceiveSms(number, message)
$('number').value = number;
$('message').value = message;
http = function(func)
if (func == 'get') {
Device.http.get($('httpGetUrl').value, $('httpGetFile').value);
fileManagement = function(x){
if (x == 'getFreeDiskSpace'){
$('file_status').value = Device.file.getFreeDiskSpace();
if (x == 'testFileExists'){
$('file_status').value = Device.file.testFileExists($('checkfile').value);
if (x == 'testDirectoryExists'){
$('file_status').value = Device.file.testDirectoryExists($('checkdir').value);
if (x == 'createDir'){
$('file_status').value = Device.file.createDirectory($('createfile').value);
if (x == 'delFile'){
$('file_status').value = Device.file.deleteFile($('delfile').value);
if (x == 'delDir'){
$('file_status').value = Device.file.deleteDirectory($('deldir').value);
audio = function(func)
if (func == 'startPlaying') {$('audioFile').value);
} else
if (func == 'stopPlaying') {;
} else
if (func == 'startRecording') {$('audioFile').value);
} else
if (func == 'stopRecording') {;
} else
if (func == 'getCurrentPosition') {
$('posdur').value =;
} else
if (func == 'getDuration') {
$('posdur').value =$('audioFile').value);
if (func == 'setEarpiece') {;
} else
if (func == 'setSpeaker') {;
if (func == 'getAudioOutputDevice') {
$('audoutput').value =;
phInformation = function(){
alert ('Device.information.getLine1Number()');
$('phnumber').value = Device.information.getLine1Number();
$('vmnumber').value = Device.information.getVoiceMailNumber();
$('nwoperator').value = Device.information.getNetworkOperatorName();
$('simiso').value = Device.information.getSimCountryIso();
$('tzid').value = Device.information.getTimeZoneID();
</script> </script>
</head> </head>
<body onload="init();" id="stage" class="theme">
<body orient="landscape"> <h1>Welcome to PhoneGap!</h1>
<div class="toolbar"> <h2>this file is located at assets/index.html</h2>
<h1 id="pageTitle">Main</h1> <div id="info">
<a style="display: none;" id="backButton" class="button" href="#"></a> <h4>Platform: <span id="platform">&nbsp;</span></h4>
<h4>Version: <span id="version">&nbsp;</span></h4>
<h4>UUID: <span id="uuid">&nbsp;</span></h4>
</div> </div>
<dl id="accel-data">
<ul id="home" title="Main" selected="true"> <dt>X:</dt><dd id="x">&nbsp;</dd>
<li><a href="#system" onclick="updateSettings();return false;">System...</a></li> <dt>Y:</dt><dd id="y">&nbsp;</dd>
<li><a href="#readgeo" onclick="readLocation();">Read Location...</a></li> <dt>Z:</dt><dd id="z">&nbsp;</dd>
<li><a href="#accel" onclick="updateAccel();">Accelerometer...</a></li> </dl>
<li><a href="#photo" onclick="Device.Image.getFromPhotoLibrary();">Photo...</a></li> <a href="#" class="btn large" onclick="watchAccel();">Watch Accelerometer</a>
<li><a href="#audio" onclick="audio();">Audio...</a></li> <a href="#" class="btn large" onclick="getLocation();">Get Location</a>
<li><a href="#notification" onclick="notification();">Notification...</a></li> <a href="tel://411" class="btn large">Call 411</a>
<li><a href="#http" onclick="http();">HTTP...</a></li> <a href="#" class="btn" onclick="beep();">Beep</a>
<li><a href="#file" onclick="">File IO...</a></li> <a href="#" class="btn" onclick="vibrate();">Vibrate</a>
<li><a href="#pi" onclick="phInformation();">Phone Info...</a></li> <!--
<li><a href="" target="_self">About</a></li> <a href="#" class="btn large" onclick="getContact();">Get Fourth Contact</a>
</ul> -->
<div id="system" title="System" class="panel">
<div class="row">
<input disabled="enabled" id="gap_version" name="gap_version" value="" type="text"></input>
<div class="row">
<input disabled="enabled" id="platform" name="platform" value="" type="text"></input>
<div class="row">
<label>OS Version</label>
<input disabled="enabled" id="osversion" name="osversion" value="" type="text"></input>
<div class="row">
<label>SDK Version</label>
<input disabled="enabled" id="sdkversion" name="sdkversion" vale="" type="text"></input>
<div class="row">
<input disabled="enabled" id="version" name="version" value="" type="text"></input>
<div class="row">
<input style="font-size: 10px;" disabled="enabled" id="uuid" name="uuid" value="" type="text"></input>
<div id="geo" title="Geo Location" class="panel" >
<h2>Change Location</h2>
<div class="row">
<input name="lat" id="lat" value="000.000" type="text"/>
<div class="row">
<input name="lon" id="lon" value="000.000" type="text"/>
<div class="row">
<a class="button blueButton" type="submit" onclick="updateLocation();">Update Location</a>
<div id="readgeo" title="Read Location" class="panel" >
<h2>Read Location</h2>
<div class="row">
<input disabled="enabled" name="lat" id="userlat" value="" type="text"/>
<div class="row">
<input disabled="enable" name="lon" id="userlon" value="" type="text"/>
<div id="setintervals" title="Set Intervals" class="panel" >
<h2>Change Intervals</h2>
<div class="row">
<label>GPS </label>
<input name="lat" id="lat" value="60000" type="text"/>
<div class="row">
<input name="lon" id="lon" value="60000" type="text"/>
<div class="row">
<a class="button blueButton" type="submit" onclick="userSetIntervals();">Set Intervals</a>
<div id="accel" title="Accelerometer" class="panel">
<div class="row">
<input disabled="enabled" name="accelx" id="accelx" value="" type="text"></input>
<div class="row">
<input disabled="enabled" name="accely" id="accely" value="" type="text"></input>
<div class="row">
<input disabled="enabled" name="accelz" id="accelz" value="" type="text"></input>
<div id="notification" title="notification" class="panel">
<div class="row">
<a class="button leftButton" type="submit" onclick="receiveSmsNotification('watchPosition');">startSmsListener</a>
<a class="button blueButton" type="submit" onclick="receiveSmsNotification('clearWatch');">stopSmsListener</a>
<div class="row">
<input disabled="enabled" id="number" type="text"></input>
<div class="row">
<input disabled="enabled" id="message" type="text"></input>
<div id="http" title="http" class="panel">
<p><i>Make sure your Android sdk sdcard is mounted!</i></p>
<div class="row">
<a class="button leftButton" type="submit" onclick="http('get');">HTTP get remote_url</a>
<div class="row">
<input type=text name="httpGetUrl" id="httpGetUrl" size=60 maxlength=2048 value="" style="width: 30ex"></input>
<div class="row">
<input type=text name="httpGetFile" id="httpGetFile" size=60 maxlength=2048 value="/hullophonegap.mp3" style="width: 30ex"></input>
<div id="file" title="file IO" class="panel" >
<h2>file IO</h2>
<div class="row">
<label>File IO</label>
<input disabled="enabled" name="file_status" id="file_status" value="" type="text"></input>
<div class="row">
<a class="button leftButton" type="submit" onclick="fileManagement('getFreeDiskSpace');">getFreeDiskSpace</a>
<div class="row">
<a class="button leftButton" type="submit" onclick="fileManagement('testFileExists')">testFileExists</a>
<input type=text name="checkfile" id="checkfile" value="/hullophonegap.mp3" size=60 maxlength=2048 value="" style="width: 30ex"></input>
<div class="row">
<a class="button leftButton" type="submit" onclick="fileManagement('testDirectoryExists')">testDirExists</a>
<input type=text name="checkdir" id="checkdir" value="/foo" size=60 maxlength=2048 value="" style="width: 30ex"></input>
<div class="row">
<a class="button leftButton" type="submit" onclick="fileManagement('createDir');">Create Directory</a>
<input type=text name="createfile" id="createfile" value="/foo" size=60 maxlength=2048 value="" style="width: 30ex"></input>
<div class="row">
<a class="button leftButton" type="submit" onclick="fileManagement('delFile');">Delete File</a>
<input type=text name="delfile" id="delfile" value="/hullophonegap.mp3" size=60 maxlength=2048 value="" style="width: 30ex"></input>
<div class="row">
<input type=text name="deldir" id="deldir" value="/foo" size=60 maxlength=2048 value="" style="width: 30ex"></input>
<a class="button leftButton" type="submit" onclick="fileManagement('delDir');">Delete Directory</a>
<div id="audio" title="audio" class="panel">
<p><i>Make sure your Android sdk sdcard is mounted!</i></p>
<div class="row">
<input type=text name="audioFile" id="audioFile" size=60 maxlength=2048 value="/hullophonegap.mp3" style="width: 30ex"></input>
<div class="row">
<a class="button leftButton" type="submit" onclick="audio('startRecording');">startRecording</a>
<a class="button blueButton" type="submit" onclick="audio('stopRecording');">stopRecording</a>
<div class="row">
<a class="button leftButton" type="submit" onclick="audio('startPlaying');">startPlaying</a>
<a class="button blueButton" type="submit" onclick="audio('stopPlaying');">stopPlaying</a>
<div class="row">
<input disabled="enabled" id="posdur" type="text" />
<div class="row">
<a class="button leftButton" type="submit" onclick="audio('getDuration');">getDuration</a>
<a class="button blueButton" type="submit" onclick="audio('getCurrentPosition');">getPosition</a>
<div class="row">
<a class="button leftButton" type="submit" onclick="audio('setEarpiece');">Earpiece</a>
<a class="button blueButton" type="submit" onclick="audio('setSpeaker');">Speaker</a>
<div class="row">
<a class="button leftButton" type="submit" onclick="audio('getAudioOutputDevice');">getAudioDevice</a>
<input disabled="enabled" id="audoutput" type="text" style="width: 30ex"/>
<div id="pi" title="Phone Information" class="panel">
<div class="row">
<label>Phone NO.</label>
<input disabled="enabled" name="phnumber" id="phnumber" value="" type="text" style="width: 30ex"></input>
<div class="row">
<label>Voice Mail NO.</label>
<input disabled="enabled" name="vmnumber" id="vmnumber" value="" type="text" style="width: 30ex"></input>
<div class="row">
<input disabled="enabled" name="nwoperator" id="nwoperator" value="" type="text" style="width: 30ex"></input>
<div class="row">
<label>Sim Country ISO</label>
<input disabled="enabled" name="simiso" id="simiso" value="" type="text" style="width: 30ex"></input>
<div class="row">
<label>Time Zone</label>
<input disabled="enabled" name="tzid" id="tzid" value="" type="text" style="width: 30ex"></input>
<div id="preloader"></div>
</body> </body>
</html> </html>

assets/master.css Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
body {
background:#222 none repeat scroll 0 0;
border-top:1px solid #393939;
border: 1px solid #ffd324;
-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
border-radius: 5px;
margin:15px 6px 0;
padding:4px 0px 2px 10px;
#info > h4{
margin:5px 0;
/* Definition List */
#stage.theme > dl{
#stage.theme > dl > dt{
#stage.theme > dl > dd{
/* Content Styling */
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margin:1em 0 .5em 13px;
#stage.theme > h1{
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/* Stage Buttons */
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border: 1px solid #555;
-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
border-radius: 5px;
padding:1.2em 0;
margin:3px 0px 3px 5px;
#stage.theme a.btn.large{
padding:1.2em 0;

assets/phonegap.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,604 @@
* This class contains acceleration information
* @constructor
* @param {Number} x The force applied by the device in the x-axis.
* @param {Number} y The force applied by the device in the y-axis.
* @param {Number} z The force applied by the device in the z-axis.
function Acceleration(x, y, z) {
* The force applied by the device in the x-axis.
this.x = x;
* The force applied by the device in the y-axis.
this.y = y;
* The force applied by the device in the z-axis.
this.z = z;
* The time that the acceleration was obtained.
this.timestamp = new Date().getTime();
* This class specifies the options for requesting acceleration data.
* @constructor
function AccelerationOptions() {
* The timeout after which if acceleration data cannot be obtained the errorCallback
* is called.
this.timeout = 10000;
* This class provides access to device accelerometer data.
* @constructor
function Accelerometer() {
* The last known acceleration.
this.lastAcceleration = null;
* Asynchronously aquires the current acceleration.
* @param {Function} successCallback The function to call when the acceleration
* data is available
* @param {Function} errorCallback The function to call when there is an error
* getting the acceleration data.
* @param {AccelerationOptions} options The options for getting the accelerometer data
* such as timeout.
Accelerometer.prototype.getCurrentAcceleration = function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {
// If the acceleration is available then call success
// If the acceleration is not available then call error
// Created for iPhone, Iphone passes back _accel obj litteral
if (typeof successCallback == "function") {
var accel = new Acceleration(_accel.x,_accel.y,_accel.z);
Accelerometer.lastAcceleration = accel;
* Asynchronously aquires the acceleration repeatedly at a given interval.
* @param {Function} successCallback The function to call each time the acceleration
* data is available
* @param {Function} errorCallback The function to call when there is an error
* getting the acceleration data.
* @param {AccelerationOptions} options The options for getting the accelerometer data
* such as timeout.
Accelerometer.prototype.watchAcceleration = function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {
this.getCurrentAcceleration(successCallback, errorCallback, options);
// TODO: add the interval id to a list so we can clear all watches
var frequency = (options != undefined)? options.frequency : 10000;
return setInterval(function() {
navigator.accelerometer.getCurrentAcceleration(successCallback, errorCallback, options);
}, frequency);
* Clears the specified accelerometer watch.
* @param {String} watchId The ID of the watch returned from #watchAcceleration.
Accelerometer.prototype.clearWatch = function(watchId) {
if (typeof navigator.accelerometer == "undefined") navigator.accelerometer = new Accelerometer();
* This class provides access to the device media, interfaces to both sound and video
* @constructor
function Media(src) {
this.src = src;
} = function() {
Media.prototype.pause = function() {
Media.prototype.stop = function() {
* This class contains information about any Media errors.
* @constructor
function MediaError() {
this.code = null,
this.message = "";
MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_DECODE = 3;
//if (typeof == "undefined") = new Media(src);
* This class provides access to the device camera.
* @constructor
function Camera() {
* @param {Function} successCallback
* @param {Function} errorCallback
* @param {Object} options
Camera.prototype.getPicture = function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {
if (typeof == "undefined") = new Camera();
* This class provides access to the device contacts.
* @constructor
function Contact() { = ""; = "";
this.address = "";
* @param {Object} successCallback
* @param {Object} errorCallback
* @param {Object} options
Contact.prototype.get = function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {
function ContactManager() {
// Dummy object to hold array of contacts
this.contacts = [];
this.timestap = new Date().getTime();
ContactManager.prototype.get = function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {
// Interface
if (typeof navigator.ContactManager == "undefined") navigator.ContactManager = new ContactManager();
* This class provides generic read and write access to the mobile device file system.
function File() {
* The data of a file.
*/ = "";
* The name of the file.
*/ = "";
* Reads a file from the mobile device. This function is asyncronous.
* @param {String} fileName The name (including the path) to the file on the mobile device.
* The file name will likely be device dependant.
* @param {Function} successCallback The function to call when the file is successfully read.
* @param {Function} errorCallback The function to call when there is an error reading the file from the device.
*/ = function(fileName, successCallback, errorCallback) {
* Writes a file to the mobile device.
* @param {File} file The file to write to the device.
File.prototype.write = function(file) {
if (typeof navigator.file == "undefined") navigator.file = new File();
* This class provides access to device GPS data.
* @constructor
function Geolocation() {
* The last known GPS position.
this.lastPosition = null;
* Asynchronously aquires the current position.
* @param {Function} successCallback The function to call when the position
* data is available
* @param {Function} errorCallback The function to call when there is an error
* getting the position data.
* @param {PositionOptions} options The options for getting the position data
* such as timeout.
Geolocation.prototype.getCurrentPosition = function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {
// If the position is available then call success
// If the position is not available then call error
* Asynchronously aquires the position repeatedly at a given interval.
* @param {Function} successCallback The function to call each time the position
* data is available
* @param {Function} errorCallback The function to call when there is an error
* getting the position data.
* @param {PositionOptions} options The options for getting the position data
* such as timeout and the frequency of the watch.
Geolocation.prototype.watchPosition = function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {
// Invoke the appropriate callback with a new Position object every time the implementation
// determines that the position of the hosting device has changed.
this.getCurrentPosition(successCallback, errorCallback, options);
var frequency = (options != undefined)? options.frequency : 10000;
var that = this;
return setInterval(function() {
that.getCurrentPosition(successCallback, errorCallback, options);
//navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(successCallback, errorCallback, options);
}, frequency);
* Clears the specified position watch.
* @param {String} watchId The ID of the watch returned from #watchPosition.
Geolocation.prototype.clearWatch = function(watchId) {
if (typeof navigator.geolocation == "undefined") navigator.geolocation = new Geolocation();
* This class provides access to native mapping applications on the device.
function Map() {
* Shows a native map on the device with pins at the given positions.
* @param {Array} positions
*/ = function(positions) {
if (typeof == "undefined") = new Map();
* This class provides access to notifications on the device.
function Notification() {
* Causes the device to blink a status LED.
* @param {Integer} count The number of blinks.
* @param {String} colour The colour of the light.
Notification.prototype.blink = function(count, colour) {
* Causes the device to vibrate.
* @param {Integer} mills The number of milliseconds to vibrate for.
Notification.prototype.vibrate = function(mills) {
* Causes the device to beep.
* @param {Integer} count The number of beeps.
* @param {Integer} volume The volume of the beep.
Notification.prototype.beep = function(count, volume) {
// TODO: of course on Blackberry and Android there notifications in the UI as well
if (typeof navigator.notification == "undefined") navigator.notification = new Notification();
* This class provides access to the device orientation.
* @constructor
function Orientation() {
* The last known orientation.
this.lastOrientation = null;
* Asynchronously aquires the current orientation.
* @param {Function} successCallback The function to call when the orientation
* is known.
* @param {Function} errorCallback The function to call when there is an error
* getting the orientation.
Orientation.prototype.getCurrentOrientation = function(successCallback, errorCallback) {
// If the position is available then call success
// If the position is not available then call error
* Asynchronously aquires the orientation repeatedly at a given interval.
* @param {Function} successCallback The function to call each time the orientation
* data is available.
* @param {Function} errorCallback The function to call when there is an error
* getting the orientation data.
Orientation.prototype.watchOrientation = function(successCallback, errorCallback) {
// Invoke the appropriate callback with a new Position object every time the implementation
// determines that the position of the hosting device has changed.
this.getCurrentPosition(successCallback, errorCallback);
return setInterval(function() {
navigator.orientation.getCurrentOrientation(successCallback, errorCallback);
}, 10000);
* Clears the specified orientation watch.
* @param {String} watchId The ID of the watch returned from #watchOrientation.
Orientation.prototype.clearWatch = function(watchId) {
if (typeof navigator.orientation == "undefined") navigator.orientation = new Orientation();
* This class contains position information.
* @param {Object} lat
* @param {Object} lng
* @param {Object} acc
* @param {Object} alt
* @param {Object} altacc
* @param {Object} head
* @param {Object} vel
* @constructor
function Position(lat, lng, acc, alt, altacc, head, vel) {
* The latitude of the position.
this.latitude = lat;
* The longitude of the position,
this.longitude = lng;
* The accuracy of the position.
this.accuracy = acc;
* The altitude of the position.
this.altitude = alt;
* The altitude accuracy of the position.
this.altitudeAccuracy = altacc;
* The direction the device is moving at the position.
this.heading = head;
* The velocity with which the device is moving at the position.
this.velocity = vel;
* The time that the position was obtained.
this.timestamp = new Date().getTime();
* This class specifies the options for requesting position data.
* @constructor
function PositionOptions() {
* Specifies the desired position accuracy.
this.enableHighAccuracy = true;
* The timeout after which if position data cannot be obtained the errorCallback
* is called.
this.timeout = 10000;
* This class contains information about any GSP errors.
* @constructor
function PositionError() {
this.code = null;
this.message = "";
PositionError.UNKNOWN_ERROR = 0;
PositionError.PERMISSION_DENIED = 1;
PositionError.TIMEOUT = 3;
* This class provides access to the device SMS functionality.
* @constructor
function Sms() {
* Sends an SMS message.
* @param {Integer} number The phone number to send the message to.
* @param {String} message The contents of the SMS message to send.
* @param {Function} successCallback The function to call when the SMS message is sent.
* @param {Function} errorCallback The function to call when there is an error sending the SMS message.
* @param {PositionOptions} options The options for accessing the GPS location such as timeout and accuracy.
Sms.prototype.send = function(number, message, successCallback, errorCallback, options) {
if (typeof navigator.sms == "undefined") navigator.sms = new Sms();
* This class provides access to the telephony features of the device.
* @constructor
function Telephony() {
* Calls the specifed number.
* @param {Integer} number The number to be called.
*/ = function(number) {
if (typeof navigator.telephony == "undefined") navigator.telephony = new Telephony();
// Android specific overrides here
Notification.prototype.vibrate = function(mills)
* On the Android, we don't beep, we notify you with your
* notification! We shouldn't keep hammering on this, and should
* review what we want beep to do.
Notification.prototype.beep = function(count, volume)
* Since we can't guarantee that we will have the most recent, we just try our best!
* Also, the API doesn't specify which version is the best version of the API
Geolocation.prototype.getCurrentPosition = function(successCallback, errorCallback, options)
this.global_success = successCallback; = errorCallback;
// Run the global callback
Geolocation.prototype.gotCurrentPosition = function(lat, lng)
if (lat == 0 || lng == 0)
var p = { "lat" : lat, "lng": lng };
* This turns on the GeoLocator class, which has two listeners.
* The listeners have their own timeouts, and run independently of this process
* In this case, we return the key to the watch hash
Geolocation.prototype.watchPosition = function(successCallback, errorCallback, options)
var frequency = (options != undefined)? options.frequency : 10000;
if (!this.listeners)
this.listeners = []
var key = this.listeners.push( {"success" : successCallback, "fail" : failCallback }) - 1;
// TO-DO: Get the names of the method and pass them as strings to the Java.
return Geolocation.start(frequency, key);
* Retrieve and stop this listener from listening to the GPS
Geolocation.prototype.success = function(key, lat, lng)
} = function(key)
Geolocation.prototype.clearWatch = function(watchId)

View File

@ -91,8 +91,10 @@ public class DroidGap extends Activity {
{ {
// The PhoneGap class handles the Notification and Android Specific crap // The PhoneGap class handles the Notification and Android Specific crap
PhoneGap gap = new PhoneGap(this, mHandler, appView); PhoneGap gap = new PhoneGap(this, mHandler, appView);
appView.addJavascriptInterface(gap, "Droid"); GeoBroker geo = new GeoBroker(appView, this);
// This creates the new javascript interfaces for PhoneGap
appView.addJavascriptInterface(gap, "Device");
appView.addJavascriptInterface(geo, "Geo");
} }
/** /**

View File

@ -23,25 +23,9 @@ public class GeoBroker {
mAppView = view; mAppView = view;
} }
public GeoTuple getCurrentLocation() public void getCurrentLocation()
{ {
GeoListener listener = new GeoListener("0", mCtx, 60000, mAppView); GeoListener listener = new GeoListener("global", mCtx, 10000, mAppView);
Location loc = listener.getCurrentLocation();
GeoTuple geo = new GeoTuple();
if (loc == null)
{ = 0;
geo.lng = 0;
geo.ele = 0;
geo.lng = loc.getLongitude(); = loc.getLatitude();
geo.ele = 0;
return geo;
} }
public String start(int freq, String key) public String start(int freq, String key)

View File

@ -30,7 +30,15 @@ public class GeoListener {
/* /*
* We only need to figure out what we do when we succeed! * We only need to figure out what we do when we succeed!
*/ */
mAppView.loadUrl("javascript:GeoLocation.success(" + id + ", " + loc.getLatitude() + ", " + loc.getLongitude() + ")"); if(id != "global")
mAppView.loadUrl("javascript:Geolocation.success(" + id + ", " + loc.getLatitude() + ", " + loc.getLongitude() + ")");
mAppView.loadUrl("javascript:Geolocation.gotCurrentPosition(" + loc.getLatitude() + ", " + loc.getLongitude() + ")");
} }
void fail() void fail()

View File

@ -42,13 +42,12 @@ public class PhoneGap{
* UUID, version and availability * UUID, version and availability
*/ */
public boolean droid = true; public boolean droid = true;
private String version = "0.1"; public static String version = "0.2";
public static String platform = "Android";
public static String uuid;
private Context mCtx; private Context mCtx;
private Handler mHandler; private Handler mHandler;
private WebView mAppView; private WebView mAppView;
private GpsListener mGps;
private NetworkListener mNetwork;
protected LocationProvider provider;
SmsListener mSmsListener; SmsListener mSmsListener;
DirectoryManager fileManager; DirectoryManager fileManager;
AudioHandler audio; AudioHandler audio;
@ -61,6 +60,7 @@ public class PhoneGap{
mSmsListener = new SmsListener(ctx,mAppView); mSmsListener = new SmsListener(ctx,mAppView);
fileManager = new DirectoryManager(); fileManager = new DirectoryManager();
audio = new AudioHandler("/sdcard/tmprecording.mp3", ctx); audio = new AudioHandler("/sdcard/tmprecording.mp3", ctx);
uuid = getUuid();
} }
public void updateAccel(){ public void updateAccel(){
@ -75,42 +75,14 @@ public class PhoneGap{
} }
public void takePhoto(){
// TO-DO: Figure out what this should do
public void playSound(){
// TO-DO: Figure out what this should do
public void vibrate(long pattern){ public void vibrate(long pattern){
// Start the vibration // Start the vibration, 0 defaults to half a second.
if (pattern == 0)
pattern = 500;
Vibrator vibrator = (Vibrator) mCtx.getSystemService(Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE); Vibrator vibrator = (Vibrator) mCtx.getSystemService(Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE);
vibrator.vibrate(pattern); vibrator.vibrate(pattern);
} }
public void getLocation( ){ Runnable() {
public void run() {
GeoTuple geoloc = new GeoTuple();
Location loc = mGps.hasLocation() ? mGps.getLocation() : mNetwork.getLocation();
if (loc != null)
{ = loc.getLatitude();
geoloc.lng = loc.getLongitude();
geoloc.ele = loc.getAltitude();
{ = 0;
geoloc.lng = 0;
geoloc.ele = 0;
mAppView.loadUrl("javascript:gotLocation(" + + ", " + geoloc.lng + ")");
public String getUuid() public String getUuid()
{ {
@ -119,6 +91,11 @@ public class PhoneGap{
return uuid; return uuid;
} }
public void init()
mAppView.loadUrl("javascript:Device.setData('Android','" + version + "','" + this.getUuid() + "')");
public String getModel() public String getModel()
{ {
String model = android.os.Build.MODEL; String model = android.os.Build.MODEL;
@ -145,6 +122,9 @@ public class PhoneGap{
return version; return version;
} }
// Old SMS code, figure out what to do with this!
// BTW: This is awesome!
public void notificationWatchPosition(String filter) public void notificationWatchPosition(String filter)
/** /**
* Starts the listener for incoming notifications of type filter * Starts the listener for incoming notifications of type filter