- Replacing currentNW and homeNW with networkName.
- Changing Connection constants to strings instead of ints.
- Firing online/offline events on network change.
I did my best to clean up the JavaScript so it would pass through jsHint more cleanly. There still are issues but there are a lot fewer now. This helped to make the JS code more consistent.
Android 2.2 introduces the navigation.connection interface but it does not work properly in WebView. So in order to get the proper connection information we had to implement our own connection interface which is accessible at navigator.network.connection.
For Android version 2.2 or better the navigator.connection object already
exists. If this case we should immediately fire the onPhoneGapConnectionReady
event so we don't tie up the 'deviceready' event.
Adding a new object to navigator called 'connection'. Users can query the
connection object to find out what type of network, if any, the device is
connected to. The connection object will be updated each time there is a
connectivity change on the device.