Please make sure the checklist boxes are all checked before submitting the PR. The checklist
is intended as a quick reference, for complete details please see our Contributor Guidelines:
### Platforms affected
### What does this PR do?
### What testing has been done on this change?
### Checklist
- [ ] [Reported an issue](http://cordova.apache.org/contribute/issues.html) in the JIRA database
- [ ] Commit message follows the format: "CB-3232: (android) Fix bug with resolving file paths", where CB-xxxx is the JIRA ID & "android" is the platform affected.
- [ ] Added automated test coverage as appropriate for this change.
- remove dependency on the device plugin in the js and html
- clean out dollar signs chars that were accidently appended to the license
- fix punctuation in the viewport value
- Found stale cordova.js in the test project. Changed ant script to copy in
a fresh one in the pre-build stage. Removed stale copies from git, added
to .gitignore. This is what was causing the test failure when sending
javascript to the webview.
- Found almost-stale copy of device plugin, did the same as above.
- Fixed spacing in log messages in CordovaWebView.
- Updated README.md with current information.
- Removed dollar signs that were previously accidently appended to the license.
- Added cordova version to html pages, next to the other metadata.
- Fix incorrect separator in the viewport meta tag.
- Changed old-style <log> tag to <preference name="loglevel"> in config.xml.
- In BackButtonMultiPageTest, increased the TIMEOUT so the deviceready event
can trigger the referenced javascript, improved the setup() method to
explicitly load the starting point.