<!-- # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # --> ## Release Notes for Cordova (Android) ## ### 3.6.4 (Sept 30, 2014) ### * Set VERSION to 3.6.4 (via coho) * Update JS snapshot to version 3.6.4 (via coho) * CB-7634 Detect JAVA_HOME properly on Ubuntu * CB-7579 Fix run script's ability to use non-arch-specific APKs * CB-6511 Fixes build for android when app name contains unicode characters. * CB-7463: Adding licences. I don't know what the gradle syntax is for comments, that still needs to be done. * CB-7463: Looked at the Apache BigTop git, gradle uses C-style comments * CB-7460: Fixing bug with KitKat where the background colour would override the CSS colours on the application ### 3.6.0 (Sept 2014) ### * Set VERSION to 3.6.0 (via coho) * CB-7410 fix the menu test * CB-7410 Fix the errorUrl test * CB-7410 Fix Basic Authentication test * CB-3445: Allow build and run scripts to select APK by architecture * CB-3445: Add environment variable 'BUILD_MULTIPLE_APKS' for splitting APKs based on architecture * CB-3445: Ensure that JAR files in libs directory are included * CB-7267 update RELEASENOTES for 3.5.1 * CB-7410 clarify the title * CB-7385 update cordova.js for testing prior to branch/tag * CB-7410 add whitelist entries to get iframe/GoogleMaps working * CB-7291 propogate change in method signature to the native tests * CB-7291: Restrict meaning of "\*" in internal whitelist to just http and https * CB-7291: Only add file, content and data URLs to internal whitelist * CB-7291: Add defaults to external whitelist * CB-7291: Add external-launch-whitelist and use it for filtering intent launches * CB-3445: Read project.properties to configure gradle libraries * CB-7325 Fix error message in android_sdk_version.js when missing SDK on windows * CB-7335 Add a .gitignore to android project template * CB-7330 Fix dangling function call in last commit (broke gradle builds) * CB-7330 Don't run "android update" during creation * CB-3445 Add gradle support clean command (plus some code cleanup) * CB-7044 Fix typo in prev commit causing check_reqs to always fail. * CB-3445 Copy gradle wrapper in build instead of create * CB-3445 Add .gradle template files for "update" as well as "create" * CB-7044 Add JAVA_HOME when not set. Be stricter about ANDROID_HOME * CB-3445 Speed up gradle building (incremental builds go from 10s -> 1.5s for me) * CB-3445: android: Copy Gradle wrapper from Android SDK rather than bundling a JAR * CB-3445: Add which to checked-in node_modules * CB-3445: Add option to build and install with gradle * CB-3445: Add an initial set of Gradle build scripts * CB-7321 Don't require ant for create script * CB-7044, CB-7299 Fix up PATH problems when possible. * Change in test's AndroidManifest.xml needed for the test to run properly. Forgot the manifest. * Change in test's AndroidManifest.xml needed for the test to run properly * Adding tests related to 3.5.1 * CB-7261 Fix setNativeToJsBridgeMode sometimes crashing when switching to ONLINE_EVENT * CB-7265 Fix crash when navigating to custom protocol (introduced in 3.5.1) * Filter out non-launchable intents * Handle unsupported protocol errors in webview better * CB-7238: I should have collapsed this, but Config.init() must go before the creation of CordovaWebView * CB-7238: Minor band-aid to get tests running again, this has to go away before 3.6.0 is released, since this is an API change. * Extend whitelist to handle URLs without // chars * CB-7172 Force window to have focus after resume * CB-7159 Set background color of webView as well as its parent * CB-7018 Fix setButtonPlumbedToJs never un-listening * Undeprecate some just-deprecated symbols in PluginManager. * @Deprecate methods of PluginManager that were never meant to be public * Move plugin instantiation and instance storing logic PluginEntry->PluginManager * Fix broken unit test due to missing Config.init() call * Update to check for Google Glass APIs * Fix for `android` not being in PATH check on Windows * Displaying error when regex does not match. * Fix broken compile due to previous commit :( * Tweak CordovaPlugin.initialize method to be less deprecated. * Un-deprecate CordovaActivity.init() - it's needed to tweak prefs in onCreate * Tweak log messages in CordovaBridge with bridgeSecret is wrong * Backport CordovaBridge from 4.0.x -> master * Update unit tests to not use most deprecated things (e.g. DroidGap) * Add non-String overloades for CordovaPreferences.set() * Make CordovaWebview resilient to init() not being called (for backwards-compatibility) * Add node_module licenses to LICENSE * Update cordova.js snapshot to work with bridge changes * Provide CordovaPlugin with CordovaPreferences. Add new Plugin.initialize() * Convert usages of Config.\* to use the non-static versions * Change getProperty -> prefs.get\* within CordovaActivity * Make CordovaUriHelper class package-private * Fix PluginManager.setPluginEntries not removing old entries * Move registration of App plugin from config.xml -> code * Make setWebViewClient an override instead of an overload. Delete Location-change JS->Native bridge mode (missed some of it). * CB-4404 Revert setting android:windowSoftInputMode to "adjustPan" * Refactor: Use ConfigXmlParser in activity. Adds CordovaWebView.init() * Deprecate some convenience methods on CordovaActivity * Fix CordovaPreferences not correctly parsing hex values (valueOf->decode) * Refactor: Move url-filter information into PluginEntry. * Don't re-parse config.xml in onResume. * Move handling of Fullscreen preference to CordovaActivity * Delete dead code from CordovaActivity * Update .classpath to make Eclipse happy (just re-orders one line) * Delete "CB-3064: The errorUrl is..." Log message left over from debugging presumably * Refactor Config into ConfigXmlParser, CordovaPreferences * Delete Location-change JS->Native bridge mode * CB-5988 Allow exec() only from file: or start-up URL's domain * CB-6761 Fix native->JS bridge ceasing to fire when page changes and online is set to false and the JS loads quickly * Update the errorurl to no longer use intents * This breaks running the JUnit tests, we'll bring it back soon * Refactoring the URI handling on Cordova, removing dead code * CB-7018 Clean up and deprecation of some button-related functions * CB-7017 Fix onload=true being set on all subsequent plugins * CB-5971: Fix package / project validation * CB-5971: Add unit tests to cordova-android * CB-5971: Factor out package/project name validation logic * Delete explicit activity.finish() in back button handling. No change in behaviour. * CB-5971: This would have been a good first bug, too bad * CB-4404: Changing where android:windowSoftInputMode is in the manifest so it works * Add documentation referencing other implementation. * CB-6851 Deprecate WebView.sendJavascript() * CB-6876 Show the correct executable name * CB-6876 Fix the "print usage" * Trivial spelling fix in comments when reading CordovaResourceApi * CB-6818: I want to remove this code, because Square didn't do their headers properly * CB-6860 Add activity_name and launcher_name to AndroidManifest.xml & strings.xml * Add a comment to custom_rules.xml saying why we move AndroidManifest.xml * Remove +x from README.md * CB-6784 Add missing licenses * CB-6784 Add license to CONTRIBUTING.md * Revert "defaults.xml: Add AndroidLaunchMode preference" * updated RELEASENOTES * CB-6315: Wrapping this so it runs on the UI thread * CB-6723 Update package name for Robotium * CB-6707 Update minSdkVersion to 10 consistently * CB-5652 make visible cordova version * Update JS snapshot to version 3.6.0-dev (via coho) * Update JS snapshot to version 3.6.0-dev (via coho) * Set VERSION to 3.6.0-dev (via coho) ### 3.5.1 (August 2014) ### This was a security update to address CVE-2014-3500, CVE-2014-3501, and CVE-2014-3502. For more information, see http://cordova.apache.org/announcements/2014/08/04/android-351.html * Filter out non-launchable intents * Handle unsupported protocol errors in webview better * Update the errorurl to no longer use intents * Refactoring the URI handling on Cordova, removing dead code ### 3.5.0 (May 2014) ### * OkHttp has broken headers. Updating for ASF compliance. * Revert accidentally removed lines from NOTICE * CB-6552: added top level package.json * CB-6491 add CONTRIBUTING.md * CB-6543 Fix cordova/run failure when no custom_rules.xml available * defaults.xml: Add AndroidLaunchMode preference * Add JavaDoc for CordovaResourceApi * CB-6388: Handle binary data correctly in LOAD_URL bridge * Fix CB-6048: Set launchMode=singleTop so tapping app icon does not always restart app * Remove incorrect usage of AlertDialog.Builder.create * Catch uncaught exceptions in from plugins and turn them into error responses. * Add NOTICE file * CB-6047 Fix online sometimes getting in a bad state on page transitions. * Add another convenience overload for CordovaResourceApi.copyResource * Update framework's .classpath to what Eclipse wants it to be. * README.md: `android update` to `android-19`. * Fix NPE when POLLING bridge mode is used. * Updating NOTICE to include Square for OkHttp * CB-5398 Apply KitKat content URI fix to all content URIs * CB-5398 Work-around for KitKat content: URLs not rendering in <img> tags * CB-5908: add splascreen images to template * CB-5395: Make scheme and host (but not path) case-insensitive in whitelist * Ignore multiple onPageFinished() callbacks & onReceivedError due to stopLoading() * Removing addJavascriptInterface support from all Android versions lower than 4.2 due to security vu * CB-4984 Don't create on CordovaActivity name * CB-5917 Add a loadUrlIntoView overload that doesn't recreate plugins. * Use thread pool for load timeout. * CB-5715 For CLI, hide assets/www and res/xml/config.xml by default * CB-5793 ant builds: Rename AndroidManifest during -post-build to avoid Eclipse detecting ant-build/ * CB-5889 Make update script find project name instead of using "null" for CordovaLib * CB-5889 Add a message in the update script about needing to import CordovaLib when using an IDE. ### 3.4.0 (Feb 2014) ### 43 commits from 10 authors. Highlights include: * Removing addJavascriptInterface support from all Android versions lower than 4.2 due to security vulnerability * CB-5917 Add a loadUrlIntoView overload that doesn't recreate plugins. * CB-5889 Make update script find project name instead of using "null" for CordovaLib * CB-5889 Add a message in the update script about needing to import CordovaLib when using an IDE. * CB-5793 Don't clean before build and change output directory to ant-build to avoid conflicts with Eclipse. * CB-5803 Fix cordova/emulate on windows. * CB-5801 exec->spawn in build to make sure compile errors are shown. * CB-5799 Update version of OkHTTP to 1.3 * CB-4910 Update CLI project template to point to config.xml at the root now that it's not in www/ by default. * CB-5504 Adding onDestroy to app plugin to deregister telephonyReceiver * CB-5715 Add Eclipse .project file to create template. For CLI projects, it adds refs for root www/ & config.xml and hides platform versions * CB-5447 Removed android:debuggable=“true” from project template. * CB-5714 Fix of android build when too big output stops build with error due to buffer overflow. * CB-5592 Set MIME type for openExternal when scheme is file: ### 3.3.0 (Dec 2013) ### 41 commits from 11 authors. Highlights include: * CB-5481 Fix for Cordova trying to get config.xml from the wrong namespace * CB-5487 Enable Remote Debugging when your Android app is debuggable. * CB-5445 Adding onScrollChanged and the ScrollEvent object * CB-5422 Don't require JAVA_HOME to be defined * CB-5490 Add javadoc target to ant script * CB-5471 Deprecated DroidGap class * CB-5255 Prefer Google API targets over android-## targets when building. * CB-5232 Change create script to use Cordova as a Library Project instead of a .jar * CB-5302 Massive movement to get tests working again * CB-4996 Fix paths with spaces while launching on emulator and device * CB-5209 Cannot build Android app if project path contains spaces ### 3.2.0 (Nov 2013) ### 27 commits from 7 authors. Highlights include: * CB-5193 Fix Android WebSQL sometime throwing SECURITY_ERR. * CB-5191 Deprecate <url-filter> * Updating shelljs to 0.2.6. Copy now preserves mode bits. * CB-4872 Added android version scripts (android_sdk_version, etc) * CB-5117 Output confirmation message if check_reqs passes. * CB-5080 Find resources in a way that works with aapt's --rename-manifest-package * CB-4527 Don't delete .bat files even when on non-windows platform * CB-4892 Fix create script only escaping the first space instead of all spaces. ### 3.1.0 (Sept 2013) ### 55 commits from 9 authors. Highlights include: * [CB-4817] Remove unused assets in project template. * Fail fast in create script if package name is not com.foo.bar. * [CB-4782] Convert ApplicationInfo.java -> appinfo.js * [CB-4766] Deprecated JSONUtils.java (moved into plugins) * [CB-4765] Deprecated ExifHelper.java (moved into plugins) * [CB-4764] Deprecated DirectoryManager.java (moved into plugins) * [CB-4763] Deprecated FileHelper.java (moved into plugins), Move getMimeType() into CordovaResourceApi. * [CB-4725] Add CordovaWebView.CORDOVA_VERSION constant * Incrementing version check for Android 4.3 API Level 18 * [CB-3542] rewrote cli tooling scripts in node * Allow CordovaChromeClient subclasses access to CordovaInterface and CordovaWebView members * Refactor CordovaActivity.init so that subclasses can easily override factory methods for webview objects * [CB-4652] Allow default project template to be overridden on create * Tweak the online bridge to not send excess online events. * [CB-4495] Modify start-emulator script to exit immediately on a fatal emulator error. * Log WebView IOExceptions only when they are not 404s * Use a higher threshold for slow exec() warnings when debugger is attached. * Fix data URI decoding in CordovaResourceApi * [CB-3819] Made it easier to set SplashScreen delay. * [CB-4013] Fixed loadUrlTimeoutValue preference. * Upgrading project to Android 4.3 * [CB-4198] bin/create script should be better at handling non-word characters in activity name. Patched windows script as well. * [CB-4198] bin/create should handle spaces in activity better. * [CB-4096] Implemented new unified whitelist for android * [CB-3384] Fix thread assertion when plugins remap URIs