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# Android Native Tests #

These tests are designed to verify Android native features and other Android specific features.

## Initial Setup ##

There really isn't any manual setup to do. The ant script takes care of that.
You don't even need to compile cordova-x.y.z.jar or copy it, because 
project.properties has a library reference to ../framework.  However, Robotium has to be 
installed for the onScrollChanged tests to work correctly.  It can be found at https://code.google.com/p/robotium/

To run manually from command line:

0. Build by entering `ant debug install`
0. Run tests by clicking on "CordovaTest" icon on device

To run from Eclipse:

0. Import Android project into Eclipse
0. Ensure Project properties "Java Build Path" includes the lib/cordova-x.y.z.jar
0. Create run configuration if not already created
0. Run As -> Android JUnit Test

## Automatic Runs ##

Once you have installed the test, you can launch and run the tests
automatically with the below command:

    adb shell am instrument -w org.apache.cordova.test/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner