/* * create a phonegap/android project * * USAGE * ./create [path package activity] */ function read(filename) { var fso=WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); var f=fso.OpenTextFile(filename, 1, true); var s=f.ReadAll(); f.Close(); return s; } function write(filename, contents) { var fso=WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); var f=fso.OpenTextFile(filename, 2, true); f.Write(contents); f.Close(); } function replaceInFile(filename, regexp, replacement) { write(filename, read(filename).replace(regexp, replacement)); } function exec(s) { var o=shell.Exec(s); } var args = WScript.Arguments, PROJECT_PATH="example", PACKAGE="com.phonegap.example", ACTIVITY="PhoneGapExample", shell=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"); if (args.Count() == 3) { WScript.Echo('Found expected arguments'); PROJECT_PATH=args(0); PACKAGE=args(1); ACTIVITY=args(2); } var PACKAGE_AS_PATH=PACKAGE.replace(/\./g, '\\'); var ACTIVITY_PATH=PROJECT_PATH+'\\src\\'+PACKAGE_AS_PATH+'\\'+ACTIVITY+'.java'; var MANIFEST_PATH=PROJECT_PATH+'\\AndroidManifest.xml'; var TARGET=shell.Exec('android.bat list targets').StdOut.ReadAll().match(/id:\s([0-9]).*/)[1]; var VERSION=read('VERSION').replace(/\r\n/,'').replace(/\n/,''); // clobber any existing example /* if [ $# -eq 0 ] then rm -rf $PROJECT_PATH fi */ // create the project exec('android.bat create project --target '+TARGET+' --path '+PROJECT_PATH+' --package '+PACKAGE+' --activity '+ACTIVITY); // update the phonegap framework project to a target that exists on this machine exec('android.bat update project --target '+TARGET+' --path framework'); // compile phonegap.js and phonegap.jar // if you see an error about "Unable to resolve target" then you may need to // update your android tools or install an additional Android platform version exec('ant.bat -v -f framework\\build.xml jar'); // copy in the project template exec('cmd /c xcopy bin\\templates\\project '+PROJECT_PATH+' /S /Y'); // copy in phonegap.js exec('cmd /c copy framework\\assets\\www\\phonegap-'+VERSION+'.js '+PROJECT_PATH+'\\assets\\www\\phonegap-'+VERSION+'.js /Y'); // copy in phonegap.jar exec('cmd /c copy framework\\phonegap-'+VERSION+'.jar '+PROJECT_PATH+'\\libs\\phonegap-'+VERSION+'.jar /Y'); // copy in default activity exec('cmd /c copy bin\\templates\\Activity.java '+ACTIVITY_PATH+' /Y'); // interpolate the activity name and package replaceInFile(ACTIVITY_PATH, /__ACTIVITY__/, ACTIVITY); replaceInFile(ACTIVITY_PATH, /__ID__/, PACKAGE); replaceInFile(MANIFEST_PATH, /__ACTIVITY__/, ACTIVITY); replaceInFile(MANIFEST_PATH, /__PACKAGE__/, PACKAGE); /* # leave the id for launching touch $PROJECT_PATH/package-activity echo $PACKAGE/$PACKAGE.$ACTIVITY > $PROJECT_PATH/package-activity */