/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ /* * create a cordova/android project * * USAGE * ./create [path package activity] */ var fso = WScript.CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject'); function read(filename) { var fso=WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); var f=fso.OpenTextFile(filename, 1); var s=f.ReadAll(); f.Close(); return s; } function setTarget() { var targets = shell.Exec('android.bat list targets').StdOut.ReadAll().match(/id:\s\d+/g); return targets[targets.length - 1].replace(/id: /, ""); // TODO: give users the option to set their target } function write(filename, contents) { var fso=WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); var f=fso.OpenTextFile(filename, 2, true); f.Write(contents); f.Close(); } function replaceInFile(filename, regexp, replacement) { write(filename, read(filename).replace(regexp, replacement)); } function exec(command) { var oShell=shell.Exec(command); while (oShell.Status == 0) { if(!oShell.StdOut.AtEndOfStream) { var line = oShell.StdOut.ReadLine(); // XXX: Change to verbose mode WScript.StdOut.WriteLine(line); } WScript.sleep(100); } } function createAppInfoJar() { if(!fso.FileExists(ROOT+"\\bin\\templates\\cordova\\appinfo.jar")) { WScript.Echo("Creating appinfo.jar..."); var cur = shell.CurrentDirectory; shell.CurrentDirectory = ROOT+"\\bin\\templates\\cordova\\ApplicationInfo"; exec("javac ApplicationInfo.java"); exec("jar -cfe ..\\appinfo.jar ApplicationInfo ApplicationInfo.class"); shell.CurrentDirectory = cur; } } function cleanup() { // Cleanup // if(fso.FileExists(ROOT + '\\framework\\libs\\commons-codec-1.6.jar')) { // fso.DeleteFile(ROOT + '\\framework\\libs\\commons-codec-1.6.jar'); // fso.DeleteFolder(ROOT + '\\framework\\libs', true); // } if(fso.FileExists(ROOT + '\\framework\\cordova-'+VERSION+'.jar')) { fso.DeleteFile(ROOT + '\\framework\\cordova-'+VERSION+'.jar'); } if(fso.FileExists(ROOT + '\\framework\\assets\\www\\cordova-'+VERSION+'.js')) { fso.DeleteFile(ROOT + '\\framework\\assets\\www\\cordova-'+VERSION+'.js'); } } function downloadCommonsCodec() { if (!fso.FileExists(ROOT + '\\framework\\libs\\commons-codec-1.7.jar')) { // We need the .jar var url = 'http://apache.osuosl.org/commons/codec/binaries/commons-codec-1.7-bin.zip'; var libsPath = ROOT + '\\framework\\libs'; var savePath = libsPath + '\\commons-codec-1.7-bin.zip'; if (!fso.FileExists(savePath)) { if(!fso.FolderExists(ROOT + '\\framework\\libs')) { fso.CreateFolder(libsPath); } // We need the zip to get the jar var xhr = WScript.CreateObject('MSXML2.XMLHTTP'); xhr.open('GET', url, false); xhr.send(); if (xhr.status == 200) { var stream = WScript.CreateObject('ADODB.Stream'); stream.Open(); stream.Type = 1; stream.Write(xhr.ResponseBody); stream.Position = 0; stream.SaveToFile(savePath); stream.Close(); } else { WScript.Echo('Could not retrieve the commons-codec. Please download it yourself and put into the framework/libs directory. This process may fail now. Sorry.'); } } var app = WScript.CreateObject('Shell.Application'); var source = app.NameSpace(savePath).Items(); var target = app.NameSpace(ROOT + '\\framework\\libs'); target.CopyHere(source, 256); // Move the jar into libs fso.MoveFile(ROOT + '\\framework\\libs\\commons-codec-1.7\\commons-codec-1.7.jar', ROOT + '\\framework\\libs\\commons-codec-1.7.jar'); // Clean up fso.DeleteFile(ROOT + '\\framework\\libs\\commons-codec-1.7-bin.zip'); fso.DeleteFolder(ROOT + '\\framework\\libs\\commons-codec-1.7', true); } } var args = WScript.Arguments, PROJECT_PATH="example", PACKAGE="org.apache.cordova.example", ACTIVITY="cordovaExample", shell=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"); // working dir var ROOT = WScript.ScriptFullName.split('\\bin\\create.js').join(''); if (args.Count() == 3) { PROJECT_PATH=args(0); PACKAGE=args(1); ACTIVITY=args(2); } if(fso.FolderExists(PROJECT_PATH)) { WScript.Echo("Project already exists!"); WScript.Quit(1); } var PACKAGE_AS_PATH=PACKAGE.replace(/\./g, '\\'); var ACTIVITY_PATH=PROJECT_PATH+'\\src\\'+PACKAGE_AS_PATH+'\\'+ACTIVITY+'.java'; var MANIFEST_PATH=PROJECT_PATH+'\\AndroidManifest.xml'; var TARGET=setTarget(); var VERSION=read(ROOT+'\\VERSION').replace(/\r\n/,'').replace(/\n/,''); // create the project WScript.Echo("Creating new android project..."); exec('android.bat create project --target '+TARGET+' --path '+PROJECT_PATH+' --package '+PACKAGE+' --activity '+ACTIVITY); // build from source. distro should have these files if (!fso.FileExists(ROOT+'\\cordova-'+VERSION+'.jar') && !fso.FileExists(ROOT+'\\cordova-'+VERSION+'.js')) { WScript.Echo("Building jar and js files..."); // update the cordova framework project to a target that exists on this machine exec('android.bat update project --target '+TARGET+' --path '+ROOT+'\\framework'); // pull down commons codec if necessary downloadCommonsCodec(); exec('ant.bat -f \"'+ ROOT +'\\framework\\build.xml\" jar'); } // copy in the project template WScript.Echo("Copying template files..."); exec('%comspec% /c xcopy '+ ROOT + '\\bin\\templates\\project\\res '+PROJECT_PATH+'\\res\\ /E /Y'); exec('%comspec% /c xcopy '+ ROOT + '\\bin\\templates\\project\\assets '+PROJECT_PATH+'\\assets\\ /E /Y'); exec('%comspec% /c copy '+ROOT+'\\bin\\templates\\project\\AndroidManifest.xml ' + PROJECT_PATH + '\\AndroidManifest.xml /Y'); exec('%comspec% /c copy '+ROOT+'\\bin\\templates\\project\\Activity.java '+ ACTIVITY_PATH +' /Y'); // check if we have the source or the distro files WScript.Echo("Copying js, jar & config.xml files..."); if(fso.FolderExists(ROOT + '\\framework')) { exec('%comspec% /c copy '+ROOT+'\\framework\\assets\\www\\cordova-'+VERSION+'.js '+PROJECT_PATH+'\\assets\\www\\cordova-'+VERSION+'.js /Y'); exec('%comspec% /c copy '+ROOT+'\\framework\\cordova-'+VERSION+'.jar '+PROJECT_PATH+'\\libs\\cordova-'+VERSION+'.jar /Y'); fso.CreateFolder(PROJECT_PATH + '\\res\\xml'); exec('%comspec% /c copy '+ROOT+'\\framework\\res\\xml\\config.xml ' + PROJECT_PATH + '\\res\\xml\\config.xml /Y'); } else { // copy in cordova.js exec('%comspec% /c copy '+ROOT+'\\cordova-'+VERSION+'.js '+PROJECT_PATH+'\\assets\\www\\cordova-'+VERSION+'.js /Y'); // copy in cordova.jar exec('%comspec% /c copy '+ROOT+'\\cordova-'+VERSION+'.jar '+PROJECT_PATH+'\\libs\\cordova-'+VERSION+'.jar /Y'); // copy in xml fso.CreateFolder(PROJECT_PATH + '\\res\\xml'); exec('%comspec% /c copy '+ROOT+'\\xml\\config.xml ' + PROJECT_PATH + '\\res\\xml\\config.xml /Y'); } // copy cordova scripts fso.CreateFolder(PROJECT_PATH + '\\cordova'); createAppInfoJar(); WScript.Echo("Copying cordova command tools..."); exec('%comspec% /c copy '+ROOT+'\\bin\\templates\\cordova\\appinfo.jar ' + PROJECT_PATH + '\\cordova\\appinfo.jar /Y'); exec('%comspec% /c copy '+ROOT+'\\bin\\templates\\cordova\\cordova.js ' + PROJECT_PATH + '\\cordova\\cordova.js /Y'); exec('%comspec% /c copy '+ROOT+'\\bin\\templates\\cordova\\cordova.bat ' + PROJECT_PATH + '\\cordova\\cordova.bat /Y'); exec('%comspec% /c copy '+ROOT+'\\bin\\templates\\cordova\\clean.bat ' + PROJECT_PATH + '\\cordova\\clean.bat /Y'); exec('%comspec% /c copy '+ROOT+'\\bin\\templates\\cordova\\debug.bat ' + PROJECT_PATH + '\\cordova\\debug.bat /Y'); exec('%comspec% /c copy '+ROOT+'\\bin\\templates\\cordova\\log.bat ' + PROJECT_PATH + '\\cordova\\log.bat /Y'); exec('%comspec% /c copy '+ROOT+'\\bin\\templates\\cordova\\emulate.bat ' + PROJECT_PATH + '\\cordova\\emulate.bat /Y'); exec('%comspec% /c copy '+ROOT+'\\bin\\templates\\cordova\\BOOM.bat ' + PROJECT_PATH + '\\cordova\\BOOM.bat /Y'); // interpolate the activity name and package WScript.Echo("Updating AndroidManifest.xml and Main Activity..."); replaceInFile(ACTIVITY_PATH, /__ACTIVITY__/, ACTIVITY); replaceInFile(ACTIVITY_PATH, /__ID__/, PACKAGE); replaceInFile(MANIFEST_PATH, /__ACTIVITY__/, ACTIVITY); replaceInFile(MANIFEST_PATH, /__PACKAGE__/, PACKAGE); cleanup();