/** Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ const rewire = require('rewire'); const path = require('path'); const CordovaError = require('cordova-common').CordovaError; const GradlePropertiesParser = require('../../lib/config/GradlePropertiesParser'); const PATH_RESOURCE = path.join('platforms', 'android', 'app', 'src', 'main', 'res'); /** * Creates blank resource map object, used for testing. * * @param {String} target specific resource item */ function createResourceMap (target) { const resources = {}; [ 'mipmap-ldpi', 'mipmap-mdpi', 'mipmap-hdpi', 'mipmap-xhdpi', 'mipmap-xxhdpi', 'mipmap-xxxhdpi', 'mipmap-ldpi-v26', 'mipmap-mdpi-v26', 'mipmap-hdpi-v26', 'mipmap-xhdpi-v26', 'mipmap-xxhdpi-v26', 'mipmap-xxxhdpi-v26' ].forEach((mipmap) => { if (!target || target === 'ic_launcher.png') resources[path.join(PATH_RESOURCE, mipmap, 'ic_launcher.png')] = null; if (!target || target === 'ic_launcher_foreground.png') resources[path.join(PATH_RESOURCE, mipmap, 'ic_launcher_foreground.png')] = null; if (!target || target === 'ic_launcher_background.png') resources[path.join(PATH_RESOURCE, mipmap, 'ic_launcher_background.png')] = null; if (!target || target === 'ic_launcher_foreground.xml') resources[path.join(PATH_RESOURCE, mipmap, 'ic_launcher_foreground.xml')] = null; if (!target || target === 'ic_launcher_background.xml') resources[path.join(PATH_RESOURCE, mipmap, 'ic_launcher_background.xml')] = null; if ( !mipmap.includes('-v26') && (!target || target === 'ic_launcher.xml') ) { resources[path.join(PATH_RESOURCE, mipmap, 'ic_launcher.xml')] = null; } }); return resources; } /** * Create a mock item from the getIcon collection with the supplied updated data. * * @param {Object} data Changes to apply to the mock getIcon item */ function mockGetIconItem (data) { return Object.assign({}, { src: undefined, target: undefined, density: undefined, platform: 'android', width: undefined, height: undefined, background: undefined, foreground: undefined }, data); } /** * Create a mock item from the getSplashScreen collection with the supplied updated data. * * @param {Object} data Changes to apply to the mock getSplashScreen item */ function mockGetSplashScreenItem (data) { return Object.assign({}, { src: undefined, density: undefined }, data); } describe('prepare', () => { // Rewire let prepare; // Spies let emitSpy; let updatePathsSpy; beforeEach(() => { prepare = rewire('../../lib/prepare'); emitSpy = jasmine.createSpy('emit'); prepare.__set__('events', { emit: emitSpy }); updatePathsSpy = jasmine.createSpy('updatePaths'); prepare.__set__('FileUpdater', { updatePaths: updatePathsSpy }); }); describe('updateIcons method', function () { // Spies let updateIconResourceForAdaptiveSpy; let updateIconResourceForLegacySpy; // Mock Data let cordovaProject; let platformResourcesDir; beforeEach(function () { cordovaProject = { root: '/mock', projectConfig: { path: '/mock/config.xml', cdvNamespacePrefix: 'cdv' }, locations: { plugins: '/mock/plugins', www: '/mock/www' } }; platformResourcesDir = PATH_RESOURCE; // mocking initial responses for mapImageResources prepare.__set__('mapImageResources', function (rootDir, subDir, type, resourceName) { if (resourceName.includes('ic_launcher.png')) { return createResourceMap('ic_launcher.png'); } else if (resourceName.includes('ic_launcher_foreground.png')) { return createResourceMap('ic_launcher_foreground.png'); } else if (resourceName.includes('ic_launcher_background.png')) { return createResourceMap('ic_launcher_background.png'); } else if (resourceName.includes('ic_launcher_foreground.xml')) { return createResourceMap('ic_launcher_foreground.xml'); } else if (resourceName.includes('ic_launcher_background.xml')) { return createResourceMap('ic_launcher_background.xml'); } else if (resourceName.includes('ic_launcher.xml')) { return createResourceMap('ic_launcher.xml'); } }); }); it('Test#001 : Should detect no defined icons.', function () { const updateIcons = prepare.__get__('updateIcons'); // mock data. cordovaProject.projectConfig.getIcons = function () { return []; }; updateIcons(cordovaProject, platformResourcesDir); // The emit was called expect(emitSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); // The emit message was. const actual = emitSpy.calls.argsFor(0)[1]; const expected = 'This app does not have launcher icons defined'; expect(actual).toEqual(expected); }); it('Test#002 : Should detech incorrect configrations for adaptive icon and throws error.', function () { const updateIcons = prepare.__get__('updateIcons'); // mock data. cordovaProject.projectConfig.getIcons = function () { return [mockGetIconItem({ density: 'mdpi', background: 'res/icon/android/mdpi-background.png' })]; }; expect(function () { updateIcons(cordovaProject, platformResourcesDir); }).toThrow( new CordovaError('One of the following attributes are set but missing the other for the density type: mdpi. Please ensure that all require attributes are defined.') ); }); it('Test#003 : Should detech incorrect configrations (missing foreground) for adaptive icon and throw an error.', function () { const updateIcons = prepare.__get__('updateIcons'); // mock data. cordovaProject.projectConfig.getIcons = function () { return [mockGetIconItem({ density: 'mdpi', background: 'res/icon/android/mdpi-background.png' })]; }; expect(function () { updateIcons(cordovaProject, platformResourcesDir); }).toThrow( new CordovaError('One of the following attributes are set but missing the other for the density type: mdpi. Please ensure that all require attributes are defined.') ); }); it('Test#004 : Should detech incorrect configrations (missing background) for adaptive icon and throw an error.', function () { const updateIcons = prepare.__get__('updateIcons'); // mock data. cordovaProject.projectConfig.getIcons = function () { return [mockGetIconItem({ density: 'mdpi', foreground: 'res/icon/android/mdpi-foreground.png' })]; }; expect(function () { updateIcons(cordovaProject, platformResourcesDir); }).toThrow( new CordovaError('One of the following attributes are set but missing the other for the density type: mdpi. Please ensure that all require attributes are defined.') ); }); it('Test#005 : Should detech incorrect configrations and throw an error.', function () { const updateIcons = prepare.__get__('updateIcons'); // mock data. cordovaProject.projectConfig.getIcons = function () { return [mockGetIconItem({ density: 'mdpi' })]; }; expect(function () { updateIcons(cordovaProject, platformResourcesDir); }).toThrow( new CordovaError('One of the following attributes are set but missing the other for the density type: mdpi. Please ensure that all require attributes are defined.') ); }); it('Test#006 : Should display incorrect configuration with density in message.', function () { const updateIcons = prepare.__get__('updateIcons'); // mock data. cordovaProject.projectConfig.getIcons = function () { return [mockGetIconItem({ density: 'mdpi' })]; }; expect(function () { updateIcons(cordovaProject, platformResourcesDir); }).toThrow( new CordovaError('One of the following attributes are set but missing the other for the density type: mdpi. Please ensure that all require attributes are defined.') ); }); it('Test#007 : Should display incorrect configuration with size in message from height.', function () { const updateIcons = prepare.__get__('updateIcons'); // mock data. cordovaProject.projectConfig.getIcons = function () { return [mockGetIconItem({ height: '192' })]; }; expect(function () { updateIcons(cordovaProject, platformResourcesDir); }).toThrow( new CordovaError('One of the following attributes are set but missing the other for the density type: size=192. Please ensure that all require attributes are defined.') ); }); it('Test#008 : Should display incorrect configuration with size in message from width.', function () { const updateIcons = prepare.__get__('updateIcons'); // mock data. cordovaProject.projectConfig.getIcons = function () { return [mockGetIconItem({ width: '192' })]; }; expect(function () { updateIcons(cordovaProject, platformResourcesDir); }).toThrow( new CordovaError('One of the following attributes are set but missing the other for the density type: size=192. Please ensure that all require attributes are defined.') ); }); it('Test#009 : Should detech incorrect configrations (missing background) for adaptive icon and throw an error.', function () { const updateIcons = prepare.__get__('updateIcons'); // mock data. cordovaProject.projectConfig.getIcons = function () { return [mockGetIconItem({ density: 'mdpi', foreground: 'res/icon/android/mdpi-foreground.png' })]; }; expect(function () { updateIcons(cordovaProject, platformResourcesDir); }).toThrow( new CordovaError('One of the following attributes are set but missing the other for the density type: mdpi. Please ensure that all require attributes are defined.') ); }); it('Test#010 : Should detech adaptive icon with vector foreground and throws error for missing backwards compatability settings.', function () { const updateIcons = prepare.__get__('updateIcons'); // mock data. cordovaProject.projectConfig.getIcons = function () { return [mockGetIconItem({ density: 'mdpi', background: 'res/icon/android/mdpi-background.png', foreground: 'res/icon/android/mdpi-foreground.xml' })]; }; expect(function () { updateIcons(cordovaProject, platformResourcesDir); }).toThrow( new CordovaError('For the following icons with the density of: mdpi, adaptive foreground with a defined color or vector can not be used as a standard fallback icon for older Android devices. To support older Android environments, please provide a value for the src attribute.') ); }); it('Test#011 : Should detech adaptive icon with color foreground and throws error for missing backwards compatability settings.', function () { const updateIcons = prepare.__get__('updateIcons'); // mock data. cordovaProject.projectConfig.getIcons = function () { return [mockGetIconItem({ density: 'mdpi', background: 'res/icon/android/mdpi-background.png', foreground: '@color/background' })]; }; expect(function () { updateIcons(cordovaProject, platformResourcesDir); }).toThrow( new CordovaError('For the following icons with the density of: mdpi, adaptive foreground with a defined color or vector can not be used as a standard fallback icon for older Android devices. To support older Android environments, please provide a value for the src attribute.') ); }); it('Test#012 : Should update paths with adaptive and standard icons. Standard icon comes from adaptive foreground', function () { const updateIcons = prepare.__get__('updateIcons'); // mock data. cordovaProject.projectConfig.getIcons = function () { return [mockGetIconItem({ density: 'mdpi', background: 'res/icon/android/mdpi-background.png', foreground: 'res/icon/android/mdpi-foreground.png' })]; }; // Creating Spies const resourceMap = createResourceMap(); const phaseOneModification = {}; phaseOneModification[path.join(PATH_RESOURCE, 'mipmap-mdpi-v26', 'ic_launcher_foreground.png')] = 'res/icon/android/mdpi-foreground.png'; phaseOneModification[path.join(PATH_RESOURCE, 'mipmap-mdpi-v26', 'ic_launcher_background.png')] = 'res/icon/android/mdpi-background.png'; const phaseOneUpdatedIconsForAdaptive = Object.assign({}, resourceMap, phaseOneModification); updateIconResourceForAdaptiveSpy = jasmine.createSpy('updateIconResourceForAdaptiveSpy'); prepare.__set__('updateIconResourceForAdaptive', function (preparedIcons, resourceMap, platformResourcesDir) { updateIconResourceForAdaptiveSpy(); return phaseOneUpdatedIconsForAdaptive; }); const phaseTwoModification = {}; phaseTwoModification[path.join(PATH_RESOURCE, 'mipmap-mdpi', 'ic_launcher.png')] = 'res/icon/android/mdpi-foreground.png'; phaseTwoModification[path.join(PATH_RESOURCE, 'mipmap-mdpi-v26', 'ic_launcher_background.png')] = 'res/icon/android/mdpi-background.png'; const phaseTwoUpdatedIconsForLegacy = Object.assign({}, phaseOneUpdatedIconsForAdaptive, phaseTwoModification); updateIconResourceForLegacySpy = jasmine.createSpy('updateIconResourceForLegacySpy'); prepare.__set__('updateIconResourceForLegacy', function (preparedIcons, resourceMap, platformResourcesDir) { updateIconResourceForLegacySpy(); return phaseTwoUpdatedIconsForLegacy; }); updateIcons(cordovaProject, platformResourcesDir); // The emit was called expect(emitSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); // The emit message was. const actual = emitSpy.calls.argsFor(0)[1]; const expected = 'Updating icons at ' + PATH_RESOURCE; expect(actual).toEqual(expected); // Expected to be called. expect(updatePathsSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(updateIconResourceForAdaptiveSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(updateIconResourceForLegacySpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); const actualResourceMap = updatePathsSpy.calls.argsFor(0)[0]; const expectedResourceMap = phaseTwoUpdatedIconsForLegacy; expect(actualResourceMap).toEqual(expectedResourceMap); }); it('Test#013 : Should update paths with adaptive and standard icons.', function () { const updateIcons = prepare.__get__('updateIcons'); // mock data. cordovaProject.projectConfig.getIcons = function () { return [mockGetIconItem({ density: 'mdpi', src: 'res/icon/android/mdpi-icon.png', background: 'res/icon/android/mdpi-background.png', foreground: 'res/icon/android/mdpi-foreground.png' })]; }; // Creating Spies const resourceMap = createResourceMap(); const phaseOneModification = {}; phaseOneModification[path.join(PATH_RESOURCE, 'mipmap-mdpi-v26', 'ic_launcher_foreground.png')] = 'res/icon/android/mdpi-foreground.png'; phaseOneModification[path.join(PATH_RESOURCE, 'mipmap-mdpi-v26', 'ic_launcher_background.png')] = 'res/icon/android/mdpi-background.png'; const phaseOneUpdatedIconsForAdaptive = Object.assign({}, resourceMap, phaseOneModification); updateIconResourceForAdaptiveSpy = jasmine.createSpy('updateIconResourceForAdaptiveSpy'); prepare.__set__('updateIconResourceForAdaptive', function (preparedIcons, resourceMap, platformResourcesDir) { updateIconResourceForAdaptiveSpy(); return phaseOneUpdatedIconsForAdaptive; }); const phaseTwoModification = {}; phaseTwoModification[path.join(PATH_RESOURCE, 'mipmap-mdpi', 'ic_launcher.png')] = 'res/icon/android/mdpi-foreground.png'; phaseTwoModification[path.join(PATH_RESOURCE, 'mipmap-mdpi-v26', 'ic_launcher_background.png')] = 'res/icon/android/mdpi-background.png'; const phaseTwoUpdatedIconsForLegacy = Object.assign({}, phaseOneUpdatedIconsForAdaptive, phaseTwoModification); updateIconResourceForLegacySpy = jasmine.createSpy('updateIconResourceForLegacySpy'); prepare.__set__('updateIconResourceForLegacy', function (preparedIcons, resourceMap, platformResourcesDir) { updateIconResourceForLegacySpy(); return phaseTwoUpdatedIconsForLegacy; }); updateIcons(cordovaProject, platformResourcesDir); // The emit was called expect(emitSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); // The emit message was. const actual = emitSpy.calls.argsFor(0)[1]; const expected = 'Updating icons at ' + PATH_RESOURCE; expect(actual).toEqual(expected); // Expected to be called. expect(updatePathsSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(updateIconResourceForAdaptiveSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(updateIconResourceForLegacySpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); const actualResourceMap = updatePathsSpy.calls.argsFor(0)[0]; const expectedResourceMap = phaseTwoUpdatedIconsForLegacy; expect(actualResourceMap).toEqual(expectedResourceMap); }); it('Test#014 : Should update paths with standard icons.', function () { const updateIcons = prepare.__get__('updateIcons'); // mock data. cordovaProject.projectConfig.getIcons = function () { return [mockGetIconItem({ density: 'mdpi', src: 'res/icon/android/mdpi-icon.png' })]; }; // Creating Spies const phaseOneUpdatedIconsForAdaptive = createResourceMap(); updateIconResourceForAdaptiveSpy = jasmine.createSpy('updateIconResourceForAdaptiveSpy'); prepare.__set__('updateIconResourceForAdaptive', function (preparedIcons, resourceMap, platformResourcesDir) { updateIconResourceForAdaptiveSpy(); return phaseOneUpdatedIconsForAdaptive; }); const phaseTwoModification = {}; phaseTwoModification[path.join(PATH_RESOURCE, 'mipmap-mdpi', 'ic_launcher.png')] = 'res/icon/android/mdpi-icon.png'; const phaseTwoUpdatedIconsForLegacy = Object.assign({}, phaseOneUpdatedIconsForAdaptive, phaseTwoModification); updateIconResourceForLegacySpy = jasmine.createSpy('updateIconResourceForLegacySpy'); prepare.__set__('updateIconResourceForLegacy', function (preparedIcons, resourceMap, platformResourcesDir) { updateIconResourceForLegacySpy(); return phaseTwoUpdatedIconsForLegacy; }); updateIcons(cordovaProject, platformResourcesDir); // The emit was called expect(emitSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); // The emit message was. const actual = emitSpy.calls.argsFor(0)[1]; const expected = 'Updating icons at ' + PATH_RESOURCE; expect(actual).toEqual(expected); // Expected to be called. expect(updatePathsSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(updateIconResourceForAdaptiveSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(updateIconResourceForLegacySpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); const actualResourceMap = updatePathsSpy.calls.argsFor(0)[0]; const expectedResourceMap = phaseTwoUpdatedIconsForLegacy; expect(actualResourceMap).toEqual(expectedResourceMap); }); }); describe('prepareIcons method', function () { let prepareIcons; beforeEach(function () { prepareIcons = prepare.__get__('prepareIcons'); }); it('Test#001 : should emit extra default icon found for adaptive use case.', function () { // mock data. const ldpi = mockGetIconItem({ density: 'ldpi', background: 'res/icon/android/ldpi-background.png', foreground: 'res/icon/android/ldpi-foreground.png' }); const mdpi = mockGetIconItem({ density: 'mdpi', background: 'res/icon/android/mdpi-background.png', foreground: 'res/icon/android/mdpi-foreground.png' }); const icons = [ldpi, mdpi]; const actual = prepareIcons(icons); const expected = { android_icons: { ldpi, mdpi }, default_icon: undefined }; expect(expected).toEqual(actual); }); it('Test#002 : should emit extra default icon found for legacy use case.', function () { // mock data. const ldpi = mockGetIconItem({ src: 'res/icon/android/ldpi-icon.png', density: 'ldpi' }); const mdpi = mockGetIconItem({ src: 'res/icon/android/mdpi-icon.png', density: 'mdpi' }); const icons = [ldpi, mdpi]; const actual = prepareIcons(icons); const expected = { android_icons: { ldpi, mdpi }, default_icon: undefined }; expect(expected).toEqual(actual); }); }); describe('updateIconResourceForLegacy method', function () { // Spies let fsWriteFileSyncSpy; // Mock Data let platformResourcesDir; let preparedIcons; let resourceMap; beforeEach(function () { // Mocked Data platformResourcesDir = PATH_RESOURCE; preparedIcons = { android_icons: { mdpi: mockGetIconItem({ src: 'res/icon/android/mdpi-icon.png', density: 'mdpi' }) }, default_icon: undefined }; resourceMap = createResourceMap(); fsWriteFileSyncSpy = jasmine.createSpy('writeFileSync'); prepare.__set__('fs', { writeFileSync: fsWriteFileSyncSpy }); }); it('Test#001 : Should update resource map with prepared icons.', function () { // Get method for testing const updateIconResourceForLegacy = prepare.__get__('updateIconResourceForLegacy'); // Run Test const expectedModification = {}; expectedModification[path.join(PATH_RESOURCE, 'mipmap-mdpi', 'ic_launcher.png')] = 'res/icon/android/mdpi-icon.png'; const expected = Object.assign({}, resourceMap, expectedModification); const actual = updateIconResourceForLegacy(preparedIcons, resourceMap, platformResourcesDir); expect(actual).toEqual(expected); }); }); describe('updateIconResourceForAdaptive method', function () { // Spies let fsWriteFileSyncSpy; // Mock Data let platformResourcesDir; let preparedIcons; let resourceMap; beforeEach(function () { // Mocked Data platformResourcesDir = PATH_RESOURCE; preparedIcons = { android_icons: { mdpi: mockGetIconItem({ density: 'mdpi', background: 'res/icon/android/mdpi-background.png', foreground: 'res/icon/android/mdpi-foreground.png' }) }, default_icon: undefined }; resourceMap = createResourceMap(); fsWriteFileSyncSpy = jasmine.createSpy('writeFileSync'); prepare.__set__('fs', { writeFileSync: fsWriteFileSyncSpy }); }); it('Test#001 : Should update resource map with prepared icons.', function () { // Get method for testing const updateIconResourceForAdaptive = prepare.__get__('updateIconResourceForAdaptive'); // Run Test const expectedModification = {}; expectedModification[path.join(PATH_RESOURCE, 'mipmap-mdpi-v26', 'ic_launcher_background.png')] = 'res/icon/android/mdpi-background.png'; expectedModification[path.join(PATH_RESOURCE, 'mipmap-mdpi-v26', 'ic_launcher_foreground.png')] = 'res/icon/android/mdpi-foreground.png'; const expected = Object.assign({}, resourceMap, expectedModification); const actual = updateIconResourceForAdaptive(preparedIcons, resourceMap, platformResourcesDir); expect(actual).toEqual(expected); }); }); describe('cleanIcons method', function () { it('Test#001 : should detect that the app does not have defined icons.', function () { // Mock const icons = []; const projectRoot = '/mock'; const projectConfig = { getIcons: function () { return icons; }, path: '/mock/config.xml', cdvNamespacePrefix: 'cdv' }; const platformResourcesDir = PATH_RESOURCE; const cleanIcons = prepare.__get__('cleanIcons'); cleanIcons(projectRoot, projectConfig, platformResourcesDir); const actualEmitMessage = emitSpy.calls.argsFor(0)[1]; expect(actualEmitMessage).toContain('This app does not have launcher icons defined'); }); it('Test#002 : Should clean paths for adaptive icons.', function () { // Mock const icons = [mockGetIconItem({ density: 'mdpi', background: 'res/icon/android/mdpi-background.png', foreground: 'res/icon/android/mdpi-foreground.png' })]; const projectRoot = '/mock'; const projectConfig = { getIcons: function () { return icons; }, path: '/mock/config.xml', cdvNamespacePrefix: 'cdv' }; const platformResourcesDir = PATH_RESOURCE; const expectedResourceMapBackground = createResourceMap('ic_launcher_background.png'); // mocking initial responses for mapImageResources prepare.__set__('mapImageResources', function (rootDir, subDir, type, resourceName) { if (resourceName.includes('ic_launcher_background.png')) { return expectedResourceMapBackground; } }); const cleanIcons = prepare.__get__('cleanIcons'); cleanIcons(projectRoot, projectConfig, platformResourcesDir); const actualResourceMapBackground = updatePathsSpy.calls.argsFor(0)[0]; expect(actualResourceMapBackground).toEqual(expectedResourceMapBackground); }); it('Test#003 : Should clean paths for legacy icons.', function () { // Mock const icons = [mockGetIconItem({ src: 'res/icon/android/mdpi.png', density: 'mdpi' })]; const projectRoot = '/mock'; const projectConfig = { getIcons: function () { return icons; }, path: '/mock/config.xml', cdvNamespacePrefix: 'cdv' }; const platformResourcesDir = PATH_RESOURCE; const expectedResourceMap = createResourceMap(); // mocking initial responses for mapImageResources prepare.__set__('mapImageResources', function (rootDir, subDir, type, resourceName) { return expectedResourceMap; }); const cleanIcons = prepare.__get__('cleanIcons'); cleanIcons(projectRoot, projectConfig, platformResourcesDir); const actualResourceMap = updatePathsSpy.calls.argsFor(0)[0]; expect(actualResourceMap).toEqual(expectedResourceMap); }); }); describe('prepare arguments', () => { // Rewire let Api; let api; // Spies let gradlePropertiesParserSpy; // Mock Data let cordovaProject; let options; beforeEach(function () { Api = rewire('../../lib/Api'); cordovaProject = { root: '/mock', projectConfig: { path: '/mock/config.xml', cdvNamespacePrefix: 'cdv' }, locations: { plugins: '/mock/plugins', www: '/mock/www' } }; options = { options: {} }; Api.__set__('ConfigParser', jasmine.createSpy('ConfigParser') .and.returnValue(cordovaProject.projectConfig) ); Api.__set__('prepare', prepare.prepare); prepare.__set__('updateUserProjectGradleConfig', jasmine.createSpy()); prepare.__set__('updateWww', jasmine.createSpy()); prepare.__set__('updateProjectAccordingTo', jasmine.createSpy('updateProjectAccordingTo') .and.returnValue(Promise.resolve())); prepare.__set__('updateIcons', jasmine.createSpy('updateIcons').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve())); prepare.__set__('updateSplashes', jasmine.createSpy('updateSplashes').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve())); prepare.__set__('updateFileResources', jasmine.createSpy('updateFileResources').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve())); prepare.__set__('updateConfigFilesFrom', jasmine.createSpy('updateConfigFilesFrom') .and.returnValue({ getPreference: jasmine.createSpy('getPreference') })); gradlePropertiesParserSpy = spyOn(GradlePropertiesParser.prototype, 'configure'); api = new Api('android', cordovaProject.root); }); it('runs without arguments', async () => { await expectAsync( api.prepare(cordovaProject, options).then(() => { expect(gradlePropertiesParserSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({}); }) ).toBeResolved(); }); it('runs with jvmargs', async () => { options.options.argv = ['--jvmargs=-Xmx=4096m']; await expectAsync( api.prepare(cordovaProject, options).then(() => { expect(gradlePropertiesParserSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ 'org.gradle.jvmargs': '-Xmx=4096m' }); }) ).toBeResolved(); }); }); describe('updateSplashes method', function () { // Mock Data let cordovaProject; let platformResourcesDir; beforeEach(function () { cordovaProject = { root: '/mock', projectConfig: { path: '/mock/config.xml', cdvNamespacePrefix: 'cdv' }, locations: { plugins: '/mock/plugins', www: '/mock/www' } }; platformResourcesDir = PATH_RESOURCE; // mocking initial responses for mapImageResources prepare.__set__('makeSplashCleanupMap', (rootDir, resourcesDir) => ({ [path.join(resourcesDir, 'drawable-mdpi/screen.png')]: null, [path.join(resourcesDir, 'drawable-mdpi/screen.webp')]: null })); }); it('Test#001 : Should detect no defined splash screens.', function () { const updateSplashes = prepare.__get__('updateSplashes'); // mock data. cordovaProject.projectConfig.getSplashScreens = function (platform) { return []; }; updateSplashes(cordovaProject, platformResourcesDir); // The emit was called expect(emitSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); // The emit message was. const actual = emitSpy.calls.argsFor(0)[1]; const expected = 'This app does not have splash screens defined'; expect(actual).toEqual(expected); }); it('Test#02 : Should update splash png icon.', function () { const updateSplashes = prepare.__get__('updateSplashes'); // mock data. cordovaProject.projectConfig.getSplashScreens = function (platform) { return [mockGetSplashScreenItem({ density: 'mdpi', src: 'res/splash/android/mdpi-screen.png' })]; }; updateSplashes(cordovaProject, platformResourcesDir); // The emit was called expect(emitSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); // The emit message was. const actual = emitSpy.calls.argsFor(0)[1]; const expected = 'Updating splash screens at ' + PATH_RESOURCE; expect(actual).toEqual(expected); const actualResourceMap = updatePathsSpy.calls.argsFor(0)[0]; const expectedResourceMap = {}; expectedResourceMap[path.join(PATH_RESOURCE, 'drawable-mdpi', 'screen.png')] = 'res/splash/android/mdpi-screen.png'; expectedResourceMap[path.join(PATH_RESOURCE, 'drawable-mdpi', 'screen.webp')] = null; expect(actualResourceMap).toEqual(expectedResourceMap); }); it('Test#03 : Should update splash webp icon.', function () { const updateSplashes = prepare.__get__('updateSplashes'); // mock data. cordovaProject.projectConfig.getSplashScreens = function (platform) { return [mockGetSplashScreenItem({ density: 'mdpi', src: 'res/splash/android/mdpi-screen.webp' })]; }; // Creating Spies updateSplashes(cordovaProject, platformResourcesDir); // The emit was called expect(emitSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); // The emit message was. const actual = emitSpy.calls.argsFor(0)[1]; const expected = 'Updating splash screens at ' + PATH_RESOURCE; expect(actual).toEqual(expected); const actualResourceMap = updatePathsSpy.calls.argsFor(0)[0]; const expectedResourceMap = {}; expectedResourceMap[path.join(PATH_RESOURCE, 'drawable-mdpi', 'screen.webp')] = 'res/splash/android/mdpi-screen.webp'; expectedResourceMap[path.join(PATH_RESOURCE, 'drawable-mdpi', 'screen.png')] = null; expect(actualResourceMap).toEqual(expectedResourceMap); }); }); });