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# cordova-common
Expoeses shared functionality used by [cordova-lib](https://github.com/apache/cordova-lib/) and Cordova platforms.
## Exposed APIs

### `events`
Represents special instance of NodeJS EventEmitter which is intended to be used to post events to cordova-lib and cordova-cli

var events = require('cordova-common').events;
events.emit('warn', 'Some warning message')

There are the following events supported by cordova-cli: `verbose`, `log`, `info`, `warn`, `error`.

### `CordovaError`

An error class used by Cordova to throw cordova-specific errors. The CordovaError class is inherited from Error, so CordovaError instances is also valid Error instances (`instanceof` check succeeds).


var CordovaError = require('cordova-common').CordovaError;
throw new CordovaError('Some error message', SOME_ERR_CODE);

See [CordovaError](src/CordovaError/CordovaError.js) for supported error codes.

### `ConfigParser`

Exposes functionality to deal with cordova project `config.xml` files. For ConfigParser API reference check [ConfigParser Readme](src/ConfigParser/README.md).

var ConfigParser = require('cordova-common').ConfigParser;
var appConfig = new ConfigParser('path/to/cordova-app/config.xml');
console.log(appconfig.name() + ':' + appConfig.version());

### `PluginInfoProvider` and `PluginInfo`

`PluginInfo` is a wrapper for cordova plugins' `plugin.xml` files. This class may be instantiated directly or via `PluginInfoProvider`. The difference is that `PluginInfoProvider` caches `PluginInfo` instances based on plugin source directory.

var PluginInfo: require('cordova-common').PluginInfo;
var PluginInfoProvider: require('cordova-common').PluginInfoProvider;

// The following instances are equal
var plugin1 = new PluginInfo('path/to/plugin_directory');
var plugin2 = new PluginInfoProvider().get('path/to/plugin_directory');

console.log('The plugin ' + plugin1.id + ' has version ' + plugin1.version)

### `ActionStack`

Utility module for dealing with sequential tasks. Provides a set of tasks that are needed to be done and reverts all tasks that are already completed if one of those tasks fail to complete. Used internally by cordova-lib and platform's plugin installation routines.

var ActionStack = require('cordova-common').ActionStack;
var stack = new ActionStack()

var action1 = stack.createAction(task1, [<task parameters>], task1_reverter, [<reverter_parameters>]);
var action2 = stack.createAction(task2, [<task parameters>], task2_reverter, [<reverter_parameters>]);


.then(function() {
    // all actions succeded
    // One of actions failed with error

### `superspawn`

Module for spawning child processes with some advanced logic.

var superspawn = require('cordova-common').superspawn;
superspawn.spawn('adb', ['devices'])
    if (data.stderr)
        console.error('"adb devices" raised an error: ' + data.stderr);
    // Do something...

### `xmlHelpers`

A set of utility methods for dealing with xml files.

var xml = require('cordova-common').xmlHelpers;

var xmlDoc1 = xml.parseElementtreeSync('some/xml/file');
var xmlDoc2 = xml.parseElementtreeSync('another/xml/file');

xml.mergeXml(doc1, doc2); // doc2 now contains all the nodes from doc1

### Other APIs

The APIs listed below are also exposed but are intended to be only used internally by cordova plugin installation routines.


## Setup
* Clone this repository onto your local machine
    `git clone https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/cordova-lib.git`
* In terminal, navigate to the inner cordova-common directory
    `cd cordova-lib/cordova-common`
* Install dependencies and npm-link
    `npm install && npm link`
* Navigate to cordova-lib directory and link cordova-common
    `cd ../cordova-lib && npm link cordova-common && npm install`