#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'fileutils' class Build attr_reader :android_sdk_path, :name, :pkg, :www, :path, :dir def initialize(*a) @android_sdk_path, @name, @pkg, @www, @path = a @s = File::SEPARATOR @dir = Dir.pwd + @s end # runs the build script def run puts "Building the JAR..." build_jar puts "Creating Android project..." create_android puts "Generating manifest..." generate_manifest puts "Copying over libraries and assets..." copy_libs puts "Adding some application name to strings.xml..." add_name_to_strings puts "Writing application Java code..." write_java puts "Complete!" end # removes local.properties and recreates based on android_sdk_path # then generates framework/phonegap.jar def build_jar FileUtils.rm "#{ @dir }framework#{@s}local.properties" if File.exists? "#{ @dir }framework#{@s}local.properties" FileUtils.rm "#{ @dir }framework#{@s}phonegap.js" if File.exists? "#{ @dir }framework#{@s}phonegap.js" FileUtils.rm "#{ @dir }framework#{@s}phonegap.jar" if File.exists? "#{ @dir }framework#{@s}phonegap.jar" open("#{ @dir }framework#{@s}local.properties", 'w') do |f| f.puts "sdk.dir=#{ @android_sdk_path }" end Dir.chdir(@dir + "framework") `ant jar` Dir.chdir(@dir) end # runs android create project # TODO need to allow more flexible SDK targetting # TODO validate Android SDK def create_android `android create project -t 5 -k #{ @pkg } -a #{ @name } -n #{ @name } -p #{ @path }` FileUtils.mkdir_p "#{ @path }#{@s}assets#{@s}www" FileUtils.cp_r "#{ @www }#{ @s }.", "#{ @path }#{ @s }assets#{ @s }www#{ @s }" end # creates an AndroidManifest.xml for the project def generate_manifest manifest = "" open(@dir + 'framework/AndroidManifest.xml', 'r') do |old| manifest = old.read manifest.gsub! 'android:versionCode="5"', 'android:versionCode="1"' manifest.gsub! 'package="com.phonegap"', "package=\"#{ @pkg }\"" manifest.gsub! 'android:name=".StandAlone"', "android:name=\".#{ @name }\"" manifest.gsub! 'android:minSdkVersion="5"', 'android:minSdkVersion="3"' end open("#{ @path }#{@s}AndroidManifest.xml", 'w') { |x| x.puts manifest } end # copies stuff from framework into the project # TODO need to allow for www import inc icon def copy_libs FileUtils.cp "#{ @dir }framework#{@s}phonegap.jar", "#{ @path }#{@s}libs" FileUtils.cp "#{ @dir }framework#{@s}res#{@s}values#{@s}strings.xml", "#{ @path }#{@s}res#{@s}values#{@s}strings.xml" FileUtils.cp "#{ @dir }framework#{@s}res#{@s}layout#{@s}main.xml", "#{ @path }#{@s}res#{@s}layout#{@s}main.xml" FileUtils.cp "#{ @dir }framework#{@s}res#{@s}layout#{@s}preview.xml", "#{ @path }#{@s}res#{@s}layout#{@s}preview.xml" %w(drawable-hdpi drawable-ldpi drawable-mdpi).each do |e| FileUtils.cp "#{ @dir }framework#{@s}res#{@s}drawable#{@s}icon.png", "#{ @path }#{@s}res#{@s}#{ e }#{@s}icon.png" end end # puts app name in strings def add_name_to_strings x = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?> <resources> <string name=\"app_name\">#{ @name }</string> <string name=\"go\">Snap</string> </resources> " open("#{ @path }#{@s}res#{@s}values#{@s}strings.xml", 'w') do |f| f.puts x.gsub(' ','') end end # this is so fucking unholy yet oddly beautiful # not sure if I should thank Ruby or apologize for this abusive use of string interpolation def write_java j = " package #{ @pkg }; import android.app.Activity; import android.os.Bundle; import com.phonegap.*; public class #{ @name } extends DroidGap { @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); super.loadUrl(\"file:///android_asset/www/index.html\"); } } " dir = "#{ @path }#{@s}src#{@s}#{ @pkg.gsub '.', '/' }"; cls = "#{ @name }.java" pth = File.join(dir,cls) open(pth,'w') { |f| f.puts j.gsub(' ','') } end # end if ARGV.length == 5 Build.new(*ARGV).run else puts <<-EOF DroidGap: PhoneGap/Android Project Generator ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Creates a fresh app for hybrid mobile web hacking. Delicious robot! Usage: ./droidgap <android_sdk_path> <name> <package_name> <www> <path> Params: android_sdk_path ... The path to your Android SDK install. name ............... The name of your application. package_name ....... The name of your package (For example: com.nitobi.demo) www ................ The path to your www folder. (Wherein your HTML, CSS and JS app is.) path ............... The path to generate the application. EOF end