Also adds a log statement to print out amount uploaded when an IOException is thrown.
Cordova Android
Cordova Android is an Android application library that allows for Cordova-based projects to be built for the Android Platform. Cordova based applications are, at the core, applications written with web technology: HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Apache Cordova is a project at The Apache Software Foundation (ASF).
- Java JDK 1.5 or greater
- Apache ANT 1.8.0 or greater
- Android SDK http://developer.android.com
- Apache Commons Codec http://commons.apache.org/codec/
Test Requirements
To create your cordova.jar, copy the commons codec:
mv commons-codec-1.7.jar framework/libs
then run in the framework directory:
android update project -p . -t android-17
ant jar
Cordova Android Developer Tools
The Cordova developer tooling is split between general tooling and project level tooling.
To enable the command-line tools available in the ./bin directory, make
sure you have all of the dependencies installed. You will need
NodeJS (which should come with npm
). To install
the dependencies:
$ cd bin
$ npm install
General Commands
./bin/create [path package activity] ... create the ./example app or a cordova android project
./bin/bench ............................ generate a bench proj
./bin/autotest ......................... test the cli tools
./bin/test ............................. run mobile-spec
Project Commands
These commands live in a generated Cordova Android project.
./cordova/debug [path] ..................... install to first device
./cordova/emulate .......................... start avd (emulator) named default
./cordova/log .............................. starts logcat
Running the Example Project
Start avd (emulator) named default
Create the example project and build it to the first device:
cd example
Start adb logcat (console.log calls output here):
Creating a new Cordova Android Project
./bin/create ~/Desktop/myapp com.myapp.special MyApp
Importing a Cordova Android Project into Eclipse
- File > New > Project...
- Android > Android Project
- Create project from existing source (point to the generated app found in tmp/android)
- Right click on libs/cordova.jar and add to build path
- Right click on the project root: Run as > Run Configurations
- Click on the Target tab and select Manual (this way you can choose the emulator or device to build to)
Running Tests
Please see details under test/README.md.