- rename npm tasks to reflect what they do (npm run unit-tests, npm run e2e-tests). main `npm test` runs linter, unit tests and e2e tests now. - locked jasmine down to ~2.6.0. - consolidate gitignores. - updated travis to run `npm test`. add android sdk installation to appveyor ci run.align android dpendencies across travis and appveyor. have appveyor install gradle. force gradle to version 3.4.1 in appveyor, as that seems to be the only version choco has. explicitly invoke sdkmanager to move license accepting process along.
Cordova Android Test Project
The project in this directory is an Android Test project that enables those interested in further developing cordova-android to validate their changes.
The requirements in the top-level README still apply. In addition, ensure you have installed Gradle, and that it is (at the time of this writing) at least version 3.3 or newer.
Getting Started
You can run this test project from both the command line as well as from Android Studio.
Command Line
Ensure you have the gradle wrapper script, gradlew
, in this directory. If
you do not, you can run the following to generate it:
$ cd cordova-android/test
$ gradle :wrapper -b build.gradle
You can then see a list of all tasks available to run with gradlew tasks
The two different kinds of tests one typically wants to run are unit tests and end-to-end, or instrumented, tests. Unit tests do not require any particular environment to run in, but the instrumented tests, however, require a connected Android device or emulator to run in.
To run the unit tests, run: gradlew test
To run the instrumented tests, run: gradlew connectedAndroidTest
Android Studio
Import this test/
directory into Android Studio, and hit the Play button.