macdonst 230c635a54 [CB-3392] Fix a problem with the Windows jscript runtime
The problem is with this line in "create.js":

exec('%comspec% /c copy "'+ROOT+'"\\bin\\templates\\project\\ '+ ACTIVITY_PATH +' /Y');

The Windows "copy" command will not create directories that don't exist, so the command above fails because "src\PACKAGE_AS_PATH" doesn't exist.  This can be fixed with:

Also update cordova.js reference
2013-05-14 19:19:10 -04:00
2013-05-13 15:30:16 -07:00
2012-09-20 16:17:59 -07:00
2012-05-07 10:56:37 -07:00
2012-06-13 15:42:31 -07:00