We have this of the package name. It only outputs that the current one is bad, not what the current one actually is. Added an output of the current one to the error.
Cordova Android
Cordova Android is an Android application library that allows for Cordova-based projects to be built for the Android Platform. Cordova based applications are, at the core, applications written with web technology: HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Apache Cordova is a project of The Apache Software Foundation (ASF).
⚠️ Report issues on the Apache Cordova issue tracker
- Java JDK 1.8 or greater
- Android SDK http://developer.android.com
Cordova Android Developer Tools
We recommend using the Cordova command-line tool to create projects and be able to easily install plugins.
However, the following scripts can be used instead:
./bin/create [path package activity] ... creates the ./example app or a cordova android project
./bin/check_reqs ....................... checks that your environment is set up for cordova-android development
./bin/update [path] .................... updates an existing cordova-android project to the version of the framework
These commands live in a generated Cordova Android project. Any interactions with the emulator require you to have an AVD defined.
./cordova/clean ........................ cleans the project
./cordova/build ........................ calls `clean` then compiles the project
./cordova/log ........................ streams device or emulator logs to STDOUT
./cordova/run ........................ calls `build` then deploys to a connected Android device. If no Android device is detected, will launch an emulator and deploy to it.
./cordova/version ...................... returns the cordova-android version of the current project
Using Android Studio
- Create a project
- Import it via "Non-Android Studio Project"
Running the Native Tests
The test/
directory in this project contains an Android test project that can
be used to run different kinds of native tests. Check out the
README contained therein for more details!