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synced 2025-03-16 22:11:02 +08:00
CB-12469 (ios) Appium tests can now run on iOS 10
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,10 +21,10 @@
// these tests are meant to be executed by Cordova Medic Appium runner
// you can find it here: https://github.com/apache/cordova-medic/
// these tests are meant to be executed by Cordova Paramedic test runner
// you can find it here: https://github.com/apache/cordova-paramedic/
// it is not necessary to do a full CI setup to run these tests
// just run "node cordova-medic/medic/medic.js appium --platform android --plugins cordova-plugin-camera"
// just run "node cordova-paramedic/main.js --platform ios --plugin cordova-plugin-camera"
'use strict';
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ var cameraHelper = require('../helpers/cameraHelper');
var MINUTE = 60 * 1000;
var PROMISE_PREFIX = 'appium_camera_promise_';
describe('Camera tests iOS.', function () {
var driver;
@ -45,6 +46,10 @@ describe('Camera tests iOS.', function () {
var promiseCount = 0;
// going to set this to false if session is created successfully
var failedToStart = true;
// points out which UI automation to use
var isXCUI = false;
// spec counter to restart the session
var specsRun = 0;
function getNextPromiseId() {
promiseCount += 1;
@ -55,10 +60,9 @@ describe('Camera tests iOS.', function () {
return PROMISE_PREFIX + promiseCount;
function saveScreenshotAndFail(error) {
function gracefullyFail(error) {
return screenshotHelper
return driver
.then(function () {
return getDriver();
@ -82,11 +86,43 @@ describe('Camera tests iOS.', function () {
.fail(function () {
// For some reason "Choose" element is not clickable by standard Appium methods
if (isXCUI) {
return driver
.waitForElementByAccessibilityId('Choose', MINUTE / 3)
// For some reason "Choose" element is not clickable by standard Appium methods on iOS <= 9
return wdHelper.tapElementByXPath('//UIAButton[@label="Choose"]', driver);
function clickPhoto() {
if (isXCUI) {
// iOS >=10
return driver
.then(function(photos) {
if (photos.length == 0) {
return driver
.sleep(0) // driver.source is not a function o.O
.then(function (src) {
gracefullyFail('Couldn\'t find an image to click');
// intentionally clicking the second photo here
// the first one is not clickable for some reason
return photos[1].click();
// iOS <10
return driver
function getPicture(options, cancelCamera, skipUiInteractions) {
var promiseId = getNextPromiseId();
if (!options) {
@ -96,17 +132,18 @@ describe('Camera tests iOS.', function () {
return driver
.execute(cameraHelper.getPicture, [options, promiseId])
.then(function () {
if (skipUiInteractions) {
if (options.hasOwnProperty('sourceType') && options.sourceType === cameraConstants.PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY) {
return driver
.waitForElementByXPath('//*[@label="Camera Roll"]', MINUTE / 2)
.waitForElementByAccessibilityId('Camera Roll', MINUTE / 2)
.then(function () {
return clickPhoto();
.then(function () {
if (!options.allowEdit) {
return driver;
@ -115,9 +152,7 @@ describe('Camera tests iOS.', function () {
if (options.hasOwnProperty('sourceType') && options.sourceType === cameraConstants.PictureSourceType.SAVEDPHOTOALBUM) {
return driver
.waitForElementByXPath('//UIACollectionCell', MINUTE / 2)
return clickPhoto()
.then(function () {
if (!options.allowEdit) {
return driver;
@ -127,15 +162,13 @@ describe('Camera tests iOS.', function () {
if (cancelCamera) {
return driver
.waitForElementByXPath('//*[@label="Cancel"]', MINUTE / 2)
.waitForElementByAccessibilityId('Cancel', MINUTE / 2)
return driver
.waitForElementByXPath('//*[@label="Take Picture"]', MINUTE / 2)
.waitForElementByAccessibilityId('Take Picture', MINUTE / 2)
.waitForElementByXPath('//*[@label="Use Photo"]', MINUTE / 2)
.waitForElementByAccessibilityId('Use Photo', MINUTE / 2)
@ -164,7 +197,12 @@ describe('Camera tests iOS.', function () {
// takes a picture with the specified options
// and then verifies it
function runSpec(options) {
function runSpec(options, done, pending) {
if (options.sourceType === cameraConstants.PictureSourceType.CAMERA && !isDevice) {
pending('Camera is not available on iOS simulator');
specsRun += 1;
return driver
.then(function () {
return getPicture(options);
@ -172,10 +210,11 @@ describe('Camera tests iOS.', function () {
.then(function () {
return checkPicture(true, options);
function getDriver() {
failedToStart = true;
driver = wdHelper.getDriver('iOS');
return wdHelper.getWebviewContext(driver)
.then(function(context) {
@ -187,6 +226,42 @@ describe('Camera tests iOS.', function () {
.then(function () {
return wdHelper.injectLibraries(driver);
.then(function (caps) {
var platformVersion = parseFloat(caps.platformVersion);
isXCUI = platformVersion >= 10.0;
.then(function () {
var options = {
quality: 50,
allowEdit: false,
sourceType: cameraConstants.PictureSourceType.SAVEDPHOTOALBUM,
saveToPhotoAlbum: false,
targetWidth: 210,
targetHeight: 210
return driver
.then(function () { return getPicture(options, false, true); })
.then(function alertDismissed() {
// TODO: once we move to only XCUITest-based (which is force on you in either iOS 10+ or Xcode 8+)
// UI tests, we will have to:
// a) remove use of autoAcceptAlerts appium capability since it no longer functions in XCUITest
// b) can remove this entire then() clause, as we do not need to explicitly handle the acceptAlert
// failure callback, since we will be guaranteed to hit the permission dialog on startup.
}, function noAlert() {
// in case the contacts permission alert never showed up: no problem, don't freak out.
// This can happen if:
// a) The application-under-test already had photos permissions granted to it
// b) Appium's autoAcceptAlerts capability is provided (and functioning)
.elementByAccessibilityId('Cancel', 10000)
.then(function () {
failedToStart = false;
@ -199,27 +274,46 @@ describe('Camera tests iOS.', function () {
it('camera.ui.util configure driver and start a session', function (done) {
.then(function () {
failedToStart = false;
}, fail)
}, 10 * MINUTE);
}, 15 * MINUTE);
describe('Specs.', function () {
afterEach(function (done) {
if (specsRun >= 15) {
specsRun = 0;
// we need to restart the session regularly because for some reason
// when running against iOS 10 simulator on SauceLabs,
// Appium cannot handle more than ~20 specs at one session
// the error would be as follows:
// "Could not proxy command to remote server. Original error: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED"
return driver
.then(function () {
return getDriver();
} else {
}, 15 * MINUTE);
// getPicture() with mediaType: VIDEO, sourceType: PHOTOLIBRARY
it('camera.ui.spec.1 Selecting only videos', function (done) {
specsRun += 1;
var options = { sourceType: cameraConstants.PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY,
mediaType: cameraConstants.MediaType.VIDEO };
// skip ui unteractions
.then(function () { return getPicture(options, false, true); })
.waitForElementByXPath('//*[contains(@label,"Videos")]', MINUTE / 2)
}, 3 * MINUTE);
}, 7 * MINUTE);
// getPicture(), then dismiss
// wait for the error callback to be called
@ -228,6 +322,7 @@ describe('Camera tests iOS.', function () {
if (!isDevice) {
pending('Camera is not available on iOS simulator');
specsRun += 1;
var options = { sourceType: cameraConstants.PictureSourceType.CAMERA,
saveToPhotoAlbum: false };
@ -237,15 +332,11 @@ describe('Camera tests iOS.', function () {
.then(function () {
return checkPicture(false);
}, 3 * MINUTE);
}, 7 * MINUTE);
it('camera.ui.spec.3 Verifying target image size, sourceType=CAMERA', function (done) {
if (!isDevice) {
pending('Camera is not available on iOS simulator');
var options = {
quality: 50,
allowEdit: false,
@ -255,11 +346,10 @@ describe('Camera tests iOS.', function () {
targetHeight: 210
}, 3 * MINUTE);
runSpec(options, done, pending).done(done);
}, 7 * MINUTE);
it('camera.ui.spec.4 Verifying target image size, sourceType=SAVEDPHOTOALBUM', function (done) {
var options = {
quality: 50,
allowEdit: false,
@ -269,11 +359,10 @@ describe('Camera tests iOS.', function () {
targetHeight: 210
}, 3 * MINUTE);
runSpec(options, done, pending).done(done);
}, 7 * MINUTE);
it('camera.ui.spec.5 Verifying target image size, sourceType=PHOTOLIBRARY', function (done) {
var options = {
quality: 50,
allowEdit: false,
@ -283,17 +372,13 @@ describe('Camera tests iOS.', function () {
targetHeight: 210
}, 3 * MINUTE);
runSpec(options, done, pending).done(done);
}, 7 * MINUTE);
it('camera.ui.spec.6 Verifying target image size, sourceType=CAMERA, destinationType=FILE_URL', function (done) {
// remove this line if you don't mind the tests leaving a photo saved on device
pending('Cannot prevent iOS from saving the picture to photo library');
if (!isDevice) {
pending('Camera is not available on iOS simulator');
var options = {
quality: 50,
allowEdit: false,
@ -304,11 +389,10 @@ describe('Camera tests iOS.', function () {
targetHeight: 210
}, 3 * MINUTE);
runSpec(options, done, pending).done(done);
}, 7 * MINUTE);
it('camera.ui.spec.7 Verifying target image size, sourceType=SAVEDPHOTOALBUM, destinationType=FILE_URL', function (done) {
var options = {
quality: 50,
allowEdit: false,
@ -319,11 +403,10 @@ describe('Camera tests iOS.', function () {
targetHeight: 210
}, 3 * MINUTE);
runSpec(options, done, pending).done(done);
}, 7 * MINUTE);
it('camera.ui.spec.8 Verifying target image size, sourceType=PHOTOLIBRARY, destinationType=FILE_URL', function (done) {
var options = {
quality: 50,
allowEdit: false,
@ -334,17 +417,13 @@ describe('Camera tests iOS.', function () {
targetHeight: 210
}, 3 * MINUTE);
runSpec(options, done, pending).done(done);
}, 7 * MINUTE);
it('camera.ui.spec.9 Verifying target image size, sourceType=CAMERA, destinationType=FILE_URL, quality=100', function (done) {
// remove this line if you don't mind the tests leaving a photo saved on device
pending('Cannot prevent iOS from saving the picture to photo library');
if (!isDevice) {
pending('Camera is not available on iOS simulator');
var options = {
quality: 100,
allowEdit: false,
@ -354,11 +433,10 @@ describe('Camera tests iOS.', function () {
targetWidth: 305,
targetHeight: 305
}, 3 * MINUTE);
runSpec(options, done, pending).done(done);
}, 7 * MINUTE);
it('camera.ui.spec.10 Verifying target image size, sourceType=SAVEDPHOTOALBUM, destinationType=FILE_URL, quality=100', function (done) {
var options = {
quality: 100,
allowEdit: false,
@ -369,11 +447,10 @@ describe('Camera tests iOS.', function () {
targetHeight: 305
}, 3 * MINUTE);
runSpec(options, done, pending).done(done);
}, 7 * MINUTE);
it('camera.ui.spec.11 Verifying target image size, sourceType=PHOTOLIBRARY, destinationType=FILE_URL, quality=100', function (done) {
var options = {
quality: 100,
allowEdit: false,
@ -384,17 +461,12 @@ describe('Camera tests iOS.', function () {
targetHeight: 305
}, 3 * MINUTE);
runSpec(options, done, pending).done(done);
}, 7 * MINUTE);
// combine various options for getPicture()
generateOptions().forEach(function (spec) {
it('camera.ui.spec.12.' + spec.id + ' Combining options. ' + spec.description, function (done) {
if (!isDevice && spec.options.sourceType === cameraConstants.PictureSourceType.CAMERA) {
pending('Camera is not available on iOS simulator');
// remove this check if you don't mind the tests leaving a photo saved on device
if (spec.options.sourceType === cameraConstants.PictureSourceType.CAMERA &&
spec.options.destinationType === cameraConstants.DestinationType.NATIVE_URI) {
@ -402,8 +474,8 @@ describe('Camera tests iOS.', function () {
'For more info, see iOS quirks here: https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-camera#ios-quirks-1');
}, 3 * MINUTE);
runSpec(spec.options, done, pending).done(done);
}, 7 * MINUTE);
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