/*jshint node: true, jasmine: true */ // these tests are meant to be executed by Cordova Medic Appium runner // you can find it here: https://github.com/apache/cordova-medic/ // it is not necessary to do a full CI setup to run these tests // just run "node cordova-medic/medic/medic.js appium --platform android --plugins cordova-plugin-camera" 'use strict'; var wdHelper = require('../helpers/wdHelper'); var wd = wdHelper.getWD(); var isDevice = global.DEVICE; var cameraConstants = require('../../www/CameraConstants'); var cameraHelper = require('../helpers/cameraHelper'); var screenshotHelper = require('../helpers/screenshotHelper'); var MINUTE = 60 * 1000; var DEFAULT_WEBVIEW_CONTEXT = 'WEBVIEW_1'; describe('Camera tests iOS.', function () { var driver; var webviewContext = DEFAULT_WEBVIEW_CONTEXT; var startingMessage = 'Ready for action!'; function win() { expect(true).toBe(true); } function fail(error) { screenshotHelper.saveScreenshot(driver); if (error && error.message) { console.log('An error occured: ' + error.message); expect(true).toFailWithMessage(error.message); throw error.message; } if (error) { console.log('Failed expectation: ' + error); expect(true).toFailWithMessage(error); throw error; } // no message provided :( expect(true).toBe(false); throw 'An error without description occured'; } // generates test specs by combining all the specified options // you can add more options to test more scenarios function generateSpecs() { var sourceTypes = [ cameraConstants.PictureSourceType.CAMERA, cameraConstants.PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY ], destinationTypes = cameraConstants.DestinationType, encodingTypes = [ cameraConstants.EncodingType.JPEG, cameraConstants.EncodingType.PNG ], allowEditOptions = [ true, false ]; return cameraHelper.generateSpecs(sourceTypes, destinationTypes, encodingTypes, allowEditOptions); } function getPicture(options, cancelCamera, skipUiInteractions) { if (!options) { options = {}; } var command = "navigator.camera.getPicture(function (result) { document.getElementById('info').innerHTML = 'Success: ' + result.slice(0, 100); }, " + "function (err) { document.getElementById('info').innerHTML = 'ERROR: ' + err; }," + JSON.stringify(options) + ");"; return driver .sleep(2000) .context(webviewContext) .execute(command) .sleep(5000) .context('NATIVE_APP') .then(function () { if (skipUiInteractions) { return; } if (options.hasOwnProperty('sourceType') && options.sourceType === cameraConstants.PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY) { return driver .elementByName('Camera Roll') .click() .elementByXPath('//UIACollectionCell') .click() .then(function () { if (options.hasOwnProperty('allowEdit') && options.allowEdit === true) { return driver .elementByName('Use') .click(); } return driver; }); } if (options.hasOwnProperty('sourceType') && options.sourceType === cameraConstants.PictureSourceType.SAVEDPHOTOALBUM) { return driver .elementByXPath('//UIACollectionCell') .click() .then(function () { if (options.hasOwnProperty('allowEdit') && options.allowEdit === true) { return driver .elementByName('Use') .click(); } return driver; }); } if (cancelCamera) { return driver .elementByName('Cancel') .click(); } return driver .elementByName('PhotoCapture') .click() .elementByName('Use Photo') .click(); }) .sleep(3000); } function enterTest() { return driver .contexts(function (err, contexts) { if (err) { fail(err); } else { // if WEBVIEW context is available, use it // if not, use NATIVE_APP webviewContext = contexts[contexts.length - 1]; } }) .then(function () { return driver .context(webviewContext); }) .fail(fail) .elementById('info') .fail(function () { // unknown starting page: no 'info' div // adding it manually return driver .execute('var info = document.createElement("div"); ' + 'info.id = "info"' + 'document.body.appendChild(info);') .fail(fail); }) .execute('document.getElementById("info").innerHTML = "' + startingMessage + '";') .fail(fail); } function checkPicture(shouldLoad) { return driver .contexts(function (err, contexts) { // if WEBVIEW context is available, use it // if not, use NATIVE_APP webviewContext = contexts[contexts.length - 1]; }) .context(webviewContext) .elementById('info') .getAttribute('innerHTML') .then(function (html) { if (html.indexOf(startingMessage) >= 0) { expect(true).toFailWithMessage('No callback was fired'); } else if (shouldLoad) { expect(html.length).toBeGreaterThan(0); if (html.indexOf('ERROR') >= 0) { expect(true).toFailWithMessage(html); } } else { if (html.indexOf('ERROR') === -1) { expect(true).toFailWithMessage('Unexpected success callback with result: ' + html); } expect(html.indexOf('ERROR')).toBe(0); } }) .context('NATIVE_APP'); } function runCombinedSpec(spec) { return enterTest() .then(function () { return getPicture(spec.options); }) .then(function () { return checkPicture(true); }) .then(win, fail); } beforeEach(function () { jasmine.addMatchers({ toFailWithMessage : function () { return { compare: function (actual, msg) { console.log('Failing with message: ' + msg); var result = { pass: false, message: msg }; return result; } }; } }); }); it('camera.ui.util Configuring driver and starting a session', function (done) { driver = wdHelper.getDriver('iOS', done); }, 3 * MINUTE); describe('Specs.', function () { // getPicture() with mediaType: VIDEO, sourceType: PHOTOLIBRARY it('camera.ui.spec.1 Selecting only videos', function (done) { var options = { sourceType: cameraConstants.PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY, mediaType: cameraConstants.MediaType.VIDEO }; enterTest() .then(function () { return getPicture(options, false, true); }) // skip ui unteractions .sleep(5000) .elementByName('Videos') .then(win, fail) .elementByName('Cancel') .click() .finally(done); }, 3 * MINUTE); // getPicture(), then dismiss // wait for the error callback to bee called it('camera.ui.spec.2 Dismissing the camera', function (done) { // camera is not available on iOS simulator if (!isDevice) { pending(); } var options = { sourceType: cameraConstants.PictureSourceType.CAMERA }; enterTest() .then(function () { return getPicture(options, true); }) .then(function () { return checkPicture(false); }) .elementByXPath('//UIAStaticText[contains(@label,"no image selected")]') .then(function () { return checkPicture(false); }, fail) .finally(done); }, 3 * MINUTE); // combine various options for getPicture() generateSpecs().forEach(function (spec) { it('camera.ui.spec.3.' + spec.id + ' Combining options', function (done) { // camera is not available on iOS simulator if (!isDevice) { pending(); } runCombinedSpec(spec).then(done); }, 3 * MINUTE); }); }); it('camera.ui.util.4 Destroy the session', function (done) { driver.quit(done); }, 10000); });