StatusBar ====== > The `StatusBar` object provides some functions to customize the iOS StatusBar. The plugin reads the __StatusBarOverlaysWebView__ (boolean, defaults to true) and __StatusBarBackgroundColor__ (color hex string, defaults to #000000) values from config.xml. For iOS 7, to use the statusbar style functions, you need the addition of a key in your Info.plist. See the Permissions section below. Methods ------- - StatusBar.overlaysWebView - StatusBar.styleDefault - StatusBar.styleLightContent - StatusBar.styleBlackTranslucent - StatusBar.styleBlackOpaque - StatusBar.backgroundColorByName - StatusBar.backgroundColorByHexString Properties -------- - StatusBar.isVisible (TODO: not implemented yet) Permissions ----------- #### config.xml #### [ProjectName]-Info.plist UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance StatusBar.overlaysWebView ================= On iOS 7, make the statusbar overlay or not overlay the WebView. StatusBar.overlaysWebView(true); Description ----------- On iOS 7, set to false to make the statusbar appear like iOS 6. Set the style and background color to suit using the other functions. Supported Platforms ------------------- - iOS Quick Example ------------- StatusBar.overlaysWebView(true); StatusBar.overlaysWebView(false); StatusBar.styleDefault ================= Use the default statusbar (dark text, for light backgrounds). StatusBar.styleDefault(); Supported Platforms ------------------- - iOS StatusBar.styleLightContent ================= Use the lightContent statusbar (light text, for dark backgrounds). StatusBar.styleLightContent(); Supported Platforms ------------------- - iOS StatusBar.styleBlackTranslucent ================= Use the blackTranslucent statusbar (light text, for dark backgrounds). StatusBar.styleBlackTranslucent(); Supported Platforms ------------------- - iOS StatusBar.styleBlackOpaque ================= Use the blackOpaque statusbar (light text, for dark backgrounds). StatusBar.styleBlackOpaque(); Supported Platforms ------------------- - iOS StatusBar.backgroundColorByName ================= On iOS 7, when you set StatusBar.statusBarOverlaysWebView to false, you can set the background color of the statusbar by color name. StatusBar.backgroundColorByName("red"); Supported color names are: black, darkGray, lightGray, white, gray, red, green, blue, cyan, yellow, magenta, orange, purple, brown, clear Supported Platforms ------------------- - iOS StatusBar.backgroundColorByHexString ================= On iOS 7, when you set StatusBar.statusBarOverlaysWebView to false, you can set the background color of the statusbar by a hex string (#RRGGBB). StatusBar.backgroundColorByHexString("#C0C0C0"); Supported Platforms ------------------- - iOS