2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
[classNameActive]: enabled ,
[classNameDragging]: dragging,
[classNameResizing]: resizing,
[classNameDraggable]: draggable,
[classNameResizable]: resizable,
[classNameRotating]: rotating,
[classNameRotatable]: rotatable,
2021-08-04 16:52:49 +08:00
[classNameMouseOn]: mouseOn || active,
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
2021-08-31 16:15:10 +08:00
<edit-bar v-if="active||linkageSettingStatus" style="transform: translateZ(10px)" :active-model="'edit'" :element="element" @showViewDetails="showViewDetails" />
2021-09-16 12:04:21 +08:00
<div v-if="resizing" style="transform: translateZ(11px);position: absolute; z-index: 3" :style="resizeShadowStyle" />
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
2021-06-24 14:43:52 +08:00
v-for="(handlei, indexi) in actualHandles"
:class="[classNameHandle, classNameHandle + '-' + handlei]"
:style="handleStyle(handlei, indexi)"
@mousedown.stop.prevent="handleDown(handlei, $event)"
@touchstart.stop.prevent="handleTouchDown(handlei, $event)"
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
2021-06-24 14:43:52 +08:00
<slot :name="handlei" />
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
2021-09-17 11:25:15 +08:00
<div :style="mainSlotStyle" :class="{'gap_class':canvasStyleData.panel.gap==='yes'}">
2021-09-16 16:10:16 +08:00
<slot />
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
import { matchesSelectorToParentElements, getComputedSize, addEvent, removeEvent } from '../../utils/dom'
import { computeWidth, computeHeight, restrictToBounds, snapToGrid, rotatedPoint, getAngle } from '../../utils/fns'
import { events, userSelectNone, userSelectAuto } from './option.js'
let eventsFor = events.mouse
// private
import eventBus from '@/components/canvas/utils/eventBus'
import { mapState } from 'vuex'
2021-07-13 18:11:42 +08:00
import SettingMenu from '@/components/canvas/components/Editor/SettingMenu'
2021-08-03 15:49:04 +08:00
import EditBar from '@/components/canvas/components/Editor/EditBar'
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
export default {
replace: true,
2021-09-16 18:42:11 +08:00
name: 'Dedrag',
2021-08-03 15:49:04 +08:00
components: { EditBar },
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
props: {
className: {
type: String,
default: 'vdr'
classNameDraggable: {
type: String,
default: 'draggable'
classNameResizable: {
type: String,
default: 'resizable'
// 新增开启旋转时的自定义类名
classNameRotatable: {
type: String,
default: 'rotatable'
classNameDragging: {
type: String,
default: 'dragging'
classNameResizing: {
type: String,
default: 'resizing'
// 新增组件处于旋转时的自定义类名
classNameRotating: {
type: String,
default: 'rotating'
classNameActive: {
type: String,
default: 'active'
classNameHandle: {
type: String,
default: 'handle'
disableUserSelect: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
enableNativeDrag: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
preventDeactivation: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
active: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
draggable: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
resizable: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
// 新增 旋转 默认为false 不开启
rotatable: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
// 锁定宽高比
lockAspectRatio: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
// 新增 外部传入纵横比 w/h
outsideAspectRatio: {
type: [Number, String],
default: 0
w: {
type: [Number, String],
default: 200,
validator: val => {
if (typeof val === 'number') {
return val > 0
return val === 'auto'
h: {
type: [Number, String],
default: 200,
validator: val => {
if (typeof val === 'number') {
return val > 0
return val === 'auto'
minWidth: {
type: Number,
default: 0,
validator: val => val >= 0
minHeight: {
type: Number,
default: 0,
validator: val => val >= 0
maxWidth: {
type: Number,
default: null,
validator: val => val >= 0
maxHeight: {
type: Number,
default: null,
validator: val => val >= 0
x: {
type: [String, Number],
default: 0
y: {
type: [String, Number],
default: 0
z: {
type: [String, Number],
default: 'auto',
validator: val => (typeof val === 'string' ? val === 'auto' : val >= 0)
// 新增 初始旋转角度
r: {
type: [String, Number],
default: 0
// 新增 旋转手柄 rot
handles: {
type: Array,
default: () => ['tl', 'tm', 'tr', 'mr', 'br', 'bm', 'bl', 'ml', 'rot'],
validator: val => {
const s = new Set(['tl', 'tm', 'tr', 'mr', 'br', 'bm', 'bl', 'ml', 'rot'])
return new Set(val.filter(h => s.has(h))).size === val.length
dragHandle: {
type: String,
default: null
dragCancel: {
type: String,
default: null
axis: {
type: String,
default: 'both',
validator: val => ['x', 'y', 'both'].includes(val)
grid: {
type: Array,
default: () => [1, 1]
parent: {
type: [Boolean, String],
default: false
onDragStart: {
type: Function,
default: () => true
onDrag: {
type: Function,
default: () => true
onResizeStart: {
type: Function,
default: () => true
onResize: {
type: Function,
default: () => true
// 新增 回调事件
onRotateStart: {
type: Function,
default: () => true
onRotate: {
type: Function,
default: () => true
// 冲突检测
isConflictCheck: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
// 元素对齐
snap: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
// 新增 是否对齐容器边界
snapBorder: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
// 当调用对齐时,用来设置组件与组件之间的对齐距离,以像素为单位
snapTolerance: {
type: Number,
default: 5,
validator: function(val) {
return typeof val === 'number'
// 缩放比例
scaleRatio: {
type: Number,
default: 1,
validator: val => typeof val === 'number'
// handle是否缩放
handleInfo: {
type: Object,
default: () => {
return {
size: 8,
offset: -4,
switch: true
// private
classNameMouseOn: {
type: String,
default: 'mouseOn'
2021-06-24 14:43:52 +08:00
// eslint-disable-next-line vue/require-default-prop
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
element: {
require: true,
type: Object
2021-06-24 14:43:52 +08:00
// eslint-disable-next-line vue/require-default-prop
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
defaultStyle: {
require: true,
type: Object
2021-06-24 14:43:52 +08:00
// eslint-disable-next-line vue/require-default-prop
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
index: {
require: true,
type: [Number, String]
// 水平设计(相对于悬浮设计) 开启水平设计后 会自动冲突检查 吸附 组件矩阵等
horizontal: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
2021-06-21 18:43:41 +08:00
2021-06-24 14:43:52 +08:00
// eslint-disable-next-line vue/require-default-prop
2021-06-21 18:43:41 +08:00
changeStyle: {
require: true,
type: Object
2021-08-04 16:52:49 +08:00
// 联动设置
linkageActive: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
data: function() {
return {
left: this.x,
top: this.y,
right: null,
bottom: null,
// 新增旋转角度
rotate: this.r,
width: null,
height: null,
widthTouched: false,
heightTouched: false,
// 纵横比变量
aspectFactor: null,
// 容器的大小
parentWidth: null,
parentHeight: null,
// 设置最小和最大尺寸
minW: this.minWidth,
minH: this.minHeight,
maxW: this.maxWidth,
maxH: this.maxHeight,
// 定义控制手柄
handle: null,
enabled: this.active,
resizing: false,
dragging: false,
// 新增 表明组件是否正处于旋转状态
rotating: false,
zIndex: this.z,
// 新增 保存中心点位置,用于计算旋转的方向矢量
lastCenterX: 0,
lastCenterY: 0,
parentX: 0,
parentY: 0,
// private
// 鼠标移入事件
mouseOn: false,
// 是否移动 (如果没有移动 不需要记录snapshot)
hasMove: false
computed: {
handleStyle() {
return (stick, index) => {
if (!this.handleInfo.switch) return { display: this.enabled ? 'block' : 'none' }
// 新增 当没有开启旋转的时候,旋转手柄不显示
if (stick === 'rot' && !this.rotatable) return { display: 'none' }
const size = (this.handleInfo.size / this.scaleRatio).toFixed(2)
const offset = (this.handleInfo.offset / this.scaleRatio).toFixed(2)
const center = (size / 2).toFixed(2)
const styleMap = {
tl: {
top: `${offset}px`,
left: `${offset}px`
tm: {
top: `${offset}px`,
left: `calc(50% - ${center}px)`
tr: {
top: `${offset}px`,
right: `${offset}px`
mr: {
top: `calc(50% - ${center}px)`,
right: `${offset}px`
br: {
bottom: `${offset}px`,
right: `${offset}px`
bm: {
bottom: `${offset}px`,
right: `calc(50% - ${center}px)`
bl: {
bottom: `${offset}px`,
left: `${offset}px`
ml: {
top: `calc(50% - ${center}px)`,
left: `${offset}px`
rot: {
top: `-${size * 3}px`,
left: `50%`
const stickStyle = {
width: styleMap[stick].width || `${size}px`,
height: styleMap[stick].height || `${size}px`,
top: styleMap[stick].top,
left: styleMap[stick].left,
right: styleMap[stick].right,
bottom: styleMap[stick].bottom
// 新增 让控制手柄的鼠标样式跟随旋转角度变化
if (stick !== 'rot') {
const cursorStyleArray = ['nw-resize', 'n-resize', 'ne-resize', 'e-resize', 'se-resize', 's-resize', 'sw-resize', 'w-resize']
const STEP = 45
const rotate = this.rotate + STEP / 2
const deltaIndex = Math.floor(rotate / STEP)
index = (index + deltaIndex) % 8
stickStyle.cursor = cursorStyleArray[index]
stickStyle.display = this.enabled ? 'block' : 'none'
return stickStyle
style() {
2021-10-09 00:02:06 +08:00
// console.log('style-top:' + this.y + '--' + this.top)
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
return {
transform: `translate(${this.left}px, ${this.top}px) rotate(${this.rotate}deg)`,
width: this.computedWidth,
height: this.computedHeight,
zIndex: this.zIndex,
fontSize: this.handleInfo.size * 2 + 'px',
...(this.dragging && this.disableUserSelect ? userSelectNone : userSelectAuto)
2021-09-16 12:04:21 +08:00
resizeShadowStyle() {
return {
width: this.computedWidth,
height: this.computedHeight,
2021-09-16 16:10:16 +08:00
opacity: 0.4,
2021-09-16 12:04:21 +08:00
background: 'gray'
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
// 控制柄显示与否
actualHandles() {
if (!this.resizable) return []
return this.handles
// 根据left right 算出元素的宽度
computedWidth() {
if (this.w === 'auto') {
if (!this.widthTouched) {
return 'auto'
return this.width + 'px'
// 根据top bottom 算出元素的宽度
computedHeight() {
if (this.h === 'auto') {
if (!this.heightTouched) {
return 'auto'
return this.height + 'px'
2021-09-16 16:10:16 +08:00
// 根据left right 算出元素的宽度
computedMainSlotWidth() {
if (this.w === 'auto') {
if (!this.widthTouched) {
return 'auto'
2021-10-09 00:02:06 +08:00
if (this.element.auxiliaryMatrix) {
2021-09-16 16:10:16 +08:00
const width = Math.round(this.width / this.curCanvasScale.matrixStyleWidth) * this.curCanvasScale.matrixStyleWidth
return width + 'px'
} else {
return this.width + 'px'
// 根据top bottom 算出元素的宽度
computedMainSlotHeight() {
if (this.h === 'auto') {
if (!this.heightTouched) {
return 'auto'
2021-10-09 00:02:06 +08:00
if (this.element.auxiliaryMatrix) {
2021-09-16 16:10:16 +08:00
const height = Math.round(this.height / this.curCanvasScale.matrixStyleHeight) * this.curCanvasScale.matrixStyleHeight
return height + 'px'
} else {
return this.height + 'px'
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
// private
2021-09-16 16:10:16 +08:00
mainSlotStyle() {
const style = {
width: this.computedMainSlotWidth,
height: this.computedMainSlotHeight
2021-09-17 10:51:22 +08:00
// console.log('style=>' + JSON.stringify(style))
2021-09-16 16:10:16 +08:00
return style
2021-09-17 10:51:22 +08:00
curComponent() {
return this.$store.state.curComponent
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
2021-08-03 18:37:24 +08:00
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
watch: {
active(val) {
this.enabled = val
if (val) {
} else {
z(val) {
if (val >= 0 || val === 'auto') {
this.zIndex = val
x(val) {
if (this.resizing || this.dragging) {
if (this.parent) {
this.bounds = this.calcDragLimits()
y(val) {
if (this.resizing || this.dragging) {
if (this.parent) {
this.bounds = this.calcDragLimits()
// 新增 监听外部传入参数 旋转角度
r(val) {
if (val >= 0) {
this.rotate = val % 360
lockAspectRatio(val) {
if (val) {
if (this.outsideAspectRatio) {
this.aspectFactor = this.outsideAspectRatio
} else {
this.aspectFactor = this.width / this.height
} else {
this.aspectFactor = undefined
outsideAspectRatio(val) {
if (val) {
this.aspectFactor = val
minWidth(val) {
if (val > 0 && val <= this.width) {
this.minW = val
minHeight(val) {
if (val > 0 && val <= this.height) {
this.minH = val
maxWidth(val) {
this.maxW = val
maxHeight(val) {
this.maxH = val
w(val) {
2021-10-09 00:02:06 +08:00
console.log('changeWidthCK:' + this.resizing)
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
if (this.resizing || this.dragging) {
if (this.parent) {
this.bounds = this.calcResizeLimits()
2021-10-09 00:02:06 +08:00
console.log('changeWidth:' + val)
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
h(val) {
if (this.resizing || this.dragging) {
if (this.parent) {
this.bounds = this.calcResizeLimits()
2021-06-21 18:43:41 +08:00
changeStyle(val) {
2021-09-17 10:51:22 +08:00
// private 监控dragging resizing
dragging(val) {
if (this.enabled) {
this.curComponent.optStatus.dragging = val
// private 监控dragging resizing
resizing(val) {
if (this.enabled) {
this.curComponent.optStatus.resizing = val
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
created: function() {
2021-06-21 18:43:41 +08:00
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
mounted: function() {
2021-06-21 18:43:41 +08:00
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
beforeDestroy: function() {
2021-06-21 18:43:41 +08:00
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
methods: {
// 重置边界和鼠标状态
resetBoundsAndMouseState() {
this.mouseClickPosition = { mouseX: 0, mouseY: 0, x: 0, y: 0, w: 0, h: 0 }
this.bounds = {
minLeft: null,
maxLeft: null,
minRight: null,
maxRight: null,
minTop: null,
maxTop: null,
minBottom: null,
maxBottom: null
// 检查父元素大小
checkParentSize() {
if (this.parent) {
const [newParentWidth, newParentHeight] = this.getParentSize()
// 修复父元素改变大小后,组件resizing时活动异常
this.right = newParentWidth - this.width - this.left
this.bottom = newParentHeight - this.height - this.top
this.parentWidth = newParentWidth
this.parentHeight = newParentHeight
// 获取父元素大小
getParentSize() {
if (this.parent === true) {
const style = window.getComputedStyle(this.$el.parentNode, null)
const rect = this.$el.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect()
this.parentX = rect.x
this.parentY = rect.y
2021-09-15 18:11:05 +08:00
return [Math.round(parseFloat(style.getPropertyValue('width'), 10)), 100000]
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
if (typeof this.parent === 'string') {
const parentNode = document.querySelector(this.parent)
if (!(parentNode instanceof HTMLElement)) {
throw new Error(`The selector ${this.parent} does not match any element`)
return [parentNode.offsetWidth, parentNode.offsetHeight]
return [null, null]
// 元素触摸按下
elementTouchDown(e) {
eventsFor = events.touch
elementMouseDown(e) {
// private 设置当前组件数据及状态
this.$store.commit('setClickComponentStatus', true)
2021-08-31 16:15:10 +08:00
if (this.element.component !== 'v-text' && this.element.component !== 'rect-shape' && this.element.component !== 'de-input-search' && this.element.component !== 'de-select-grid' && this.element.component !== 'de-number-range' && this.element.component !== 'de-date') {
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
// 阻止冒泡事件
2021-10-09 00:02:06 +08:00
// 此处阻止冒泡 但是外层需要获取pageX pageY
this.element.auxiliaryMatrix && this.$emit('elementMouseDown', e)
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
this.$store.commit('setCurComponent', { component: this.element, index: this.index })
eventsFor = events.mouse
// 元素按下
elementDown(e) {
if (e instanceof MouseEvent && e.which !== 1) {
const target = e.target || e.srcElement
if (this.$el.contains(target)) {
2021-10-09 00:02:06 +08:00
// 挤压式画布设计 drag start 通知
this.element.auxiliaryMatrix && this.$emit('onDragStart', e, this.element, this.index)
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
if (this.onDragStart(e) === false) {
if (
(this.dragHandle && !matchesSelectorToParentElements(target, this.dragHandle, this.$el)) ||
(this.dragCancel && matchesSelectorToParentElements(target, this.dragCancel, this.$el))
) {
this.dragging = false
if (!this.enabled) {
this.enabled = true
this.$emit('update:active', true)
if (this.draggable) {
this.dragging = true
// 按下鼠标表示保存当前状态
this.mouseClickPosition.mouseX = e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageX : e.pageX
this.mouseClickPosition.mouseY = e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageY : e.pageY
this.mouseClickPosition.left = this.left
this.mouseClickPosition.right = this.right
this.mouseClickPosition.top = this.top
this.mouseClickPosition.bottom = this.bottom
this.mouseClickPosition.width = this.width
this.mouseClickPosition.height = this.height
if (this.parent) {
this.bounds = this.calcDragLimits()
addEvent(document.documentElement, eventsFor.move, this.move)
addEvent(document.documentElement, eventsFor.stop, this.handleUp)
// 计算移动范围
calcDragLimits() {
// 开启旋转时,不在进行边界限制
if (this.rotatable) {
return {
// minLeft: -9999,
// maxLeft: 9999,
// minRight: -9999,
// maxRight: 9999,
// minTop: -9999,
// maxTop: 9999,
// minBottom: -9999,
// maxBottom: 9999,
minLeft: -this.width / 2,
maxLeft: this.parentWidth - this.width / 2,
minRight: this.width / 2,
maxRight: this.parentWidth + this.width / 2,
minTop: -this.height / 2,
maxTop: this.parentHeight - this.height / 2,
minBottom: this.height / 2,
maxBottom: this.parentHeight + this.height / 2
} else {
return {
minLeft: this.left % this.grid[0],
maxLeft: Math.floor((this.parentWidth - this.width - this.left) / this.grid[0]) * this.grid[0] + this.left,
minRight: this.right % this.grid[0],
maxRight: Math.floor((this.parentWidth - this.width - this.right) / this.grid[0]) * this.grid[0] + this.right,
minTop: this.top % this.grid[1],
maxTop: Math.floor((this.parentHeight - this.height - this.top) / this.grid[1]) * this.grid[1] + this.top,
minBottom: this.bottom % this.grid[1],
maxBottom: Math.floor((this.parentHeight - this.height - this.bottom) / this.grid[1]) * this.grid[1] + this.bottom
// 取消
deselect(e) {
const target = e.target || e.srcElement
const regex = new RegExp(this.className + '-([trmbl]{2})', '')
if (!this.$el.contains(target) && !regex.test(target.className)) {
if (this.enabled && !this.preventDeactivation) {
this.enabled = false
this.$emit('update:active', false)
removeEvent(document.documentElement, eventsFor.move, this.move)
// 控制柄触摸按下
handleTouchDown(handle, e) {
eventsFor = events.touch
this.handleDown(handle, e)
// 控制柄按下
handleDown(handle, e) {
if (e instanceof MouseEvent && e.which !== 1) {
return false
2021-10-09 00:02:06 +08:00
this.element.auxiliaryMatrix && this.$emit('onResizeStart', e, this.element, this.index)
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
if (this.onResizeStart(handle, e) === false) {
return false
if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation()
// 锁定纵横比时,将顶点转换为中点 - 不在需要因而将其注释
// if (this.lockAspectRatio && !handle.includes('m')) {
// this.handle = 'm' + handle.substring(1)
// } else {
// this.handle = handle;
// }
this.handle = handle
// 新增
if (this.handle === 'rot') {
this.rotating = true
} else {
this.resizing = true
// 新增保存矩形信息
// 获取父元素的位置大小信息
const { top, left, width, height } = this.$el.getBoundingClientRect()
// 保存旋转中心的绝对坐标
this.lastCenterX = window.pageXOffset + left + width / 2
this.lastCenterY = window.pageYOffset + top + height / 2
// 保存四个顶点的坐标
const oleft = this.left
const otop = this.top
const owidth = this.width
const oheight = this.height
const centerX = oleft + owidth / 2
const centerY = otop + oheight / 2
const rotate = this.rotate
this.TL = rotatedPoint(centerX, centerY, oleft, otop, rotate)
this.TR = rotatedPoint(centerX, centerY, oleft + owidth, otop, rotate)
this.BL = rotatedPoint(centerX, centerY, oleft, otop + oheight, rotate)
this.BR = rotatedPoint(centerX, centerY, oleft + owidth, otop + oheight, rotate)
// 保存鼠标按下时的当前状态
this.mouseClickPosition.mouseX = e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageX : e.pageX
this.mouseClickPosition.mouseY = e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageY : e.pageY
this.mouseClickPosition.left = this.left
this.mouseClickPosition.right = this.right
this.mouseClickPosition.top = this.top
this.mouseClickPosition.bottom = this.bottom
this.mouseClickPosition.width = this.width
this.mouseClickPosition.height = this.height
// 计算边界
this.bounds = this.calcResizeLimits()
// 添加事件
addEvent(document.documentElement, eventsFor.move, this.move)
addEvent(document.documentElement, eventsFor.stop, this.handleUp)
// 计算调整大小范围
calcResizeLimits() {
const minW = this.minW
const minH = this.minH
let maxW = this.maxW
let maxH = this.maxH
const [gridX, gridY] = this.grid
// 获取矩形信息
const width = this.width
const height = this.height
const left = this.left
const top = this.top
const right = this.right
const bottom = this.bottom
// 对齐网格
maxW = maxW - (maxW % gridX)
maxH = maxH - (maxH % gridY)
const limits = {
minLeft: null,
maxLeft: null,
minTop: null,
maxTop: null,
minRight: null,
maxRight: null,
minBottom: null,
maxBottom: null
// 边界限制
if (this.parent) {
limits.minLeft = left
limits.maxLeft = left + Math.floor((width - minW) / gridX)
limits.minTop = top
limits.maxTop = top + Math.floor((height - minH) / gridY)
limits.minRight = right
limits.maxRight = right + Math.floor((width - minW) / gridX)
limits.minBottom = bottom
limits.maxBottom = bottom + Math.floor((height - minH) / gridY)
if (maxW) {
limits.minLeft = Math.max(limits.minLeft, this.parentWidth - right - maxW)
limits.minRight = Math.max(limits.minRight, this.parentWidth - left - maxW)
if (maxH) {
limits.minTop = Math.max(limits.minTop, this.parentHeight - bottom - maxH)
limits.minBottom = Math.max(limits.minBottom, this.parentHeight - top - maxH)
} else {
limits.minLeft = null
limits.maxLeft = left + Math.floor(width - minW)
limits.minTop = null
limits.maxTop = top + Math.floor(height - minH)
limits.minRight = null
limits.maxRight = right + Math.floor(width - minW)
limits.minBottom = null
limits.maxBottom = bottom + Math.floor(height - minH)
if (maxW) {
limits.minLeft = -(right + maxW)
limits.minRight = -(left + maxW)
if (maxH) {
limits.minTop = -(bottom + maxH)
limits.minBottom = -(top + maxH)
if (this.lockAspectRatio && (maxW && maxH)) {
limits.minLeft = Math.min(limits.minLeft, -(right + maxW))
limits.minTop = Math.min(limits.minTop, -(maxH + bottom))
limits.minRight = Math.min(limits.minRight, -left - maxW)
limits.minBottom = Math.min(limits.minBottom, -top - maxH)
return limits
// 移动
move(e) {
if (this.resizing) {
} else if (this.dragging) {
} else if (this.rotating) {
// 获取鼠标或者触摸点的坐标
getMouseCoordinate(e) {
if (e.type.indexOf('touch') !== -1) {
return {
x: e.changedTouches[0].clientX,
y: e.changedTouches[0].clientY
} else {
return {
x: e.pageX || e.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft,
y: e.pageY || e.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop
handleRotate(e) {
// 获取方向向量,得到旋转角度
const { x: mouseX, y: mouseY } = this.getMouseCoordinate(e)
const x = mouseX - this.lastCenterX
const y = mouseY - this.lastCenterY
this.rotate = (getAngle(x, y) + 90) % 360
this.$emit('rotating', this.rotate)
// 元素移动
// private 记录当前样式
// 元素移动
async handleDrag(e) {
const axis = this.axis
const grid = this.grid
const bounds = this.bounds
const mouseClickPosition = this.mouseClickPosition
// 水平移动
const tmpDeltaX = axis && axis !== 'y' ? mouseClickPosition.mouseX - (e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageX : e.pageX) : 0
// 垂直移动
const tmpDeltaY = axis && axis !== 'x' ? mouseClickPosition.mouseY - (e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageY : e.pageY) : 0
const [deltaX, deltaY] = snapToGrid(grid, tmpDeltaX, tmpDeltaY, this.scaleRatio)
const left = restrictToBounds(mouseClickPosition.left - deltaX, bounds.minLeft, bounds.maxLeft)
const top = restrictToBounds(mouseClickPosition.top - deltaY, bounds.minTop, bounds.maxTop)
if (this.onDrag(left, top) === false) {
const right = restrictToBounds(mouseClickPosition.right + deltaX, bounds.minRight, bounds.maxRight)
const bottom = restrictToBounds(mouseClickPosition.bottom + deltaY, bounds.minBottom, bounds.maxBottom)
this.left = left
this.top = top
this.right = right
this.bottom = bottom
await this.snapCheck()
this.$emit('dragging', this.left, this.top)
2021-10-09 00:02:06 +08:00
// 如果当前视图遵循矩阵设计则 进行位置挤压检查
if (this.element.auxiliaryMatrix) {
this.$emit('onDragging', e, this.element)
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
// private 记录当前样式
// 外部传参改动x
moveHorizontally(val) {
2021-06-24 14:31:01 +08:00
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
const [deltaX, _] = snapToGrid(this.grid, val, this.top, this.scale)
const left = restrictToBounds(deltaX, this.bounds.minLeft, this.bounds.maxLeft)
this.left = left
this.right = this.parentWidth - this.width - left
// 外部传参改动y
moveVertically(val) {
2021-06-24 14:31:01 +08:00
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
const [_, deltaY] = snapToGrid(this.grid, this.left, val, this.scale)
const top = restrictToBounds(deltaY, this.bounds.minTop, this.bounds.maxTop)
this.top = top
this.bottom = this.parentHeight - this.height - top
// 控制柄移动
handleResize(e) {
const handle = this.handle
2021-06-24 14:31:01 +08:00
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
const scaleRatio = this.scaleRatio
const { TL, TR, BL, BR } = this
let { x: mouseX, y: mouseY } = this.getMouseCoordinate(e)
// 在非旋转且有父容器限制的时候,直接限制mouse参与计算的坐标值
if (!this.rotatable && this.parent) {
mouseX = restrictToBounds(mouseX, this.parentX, this.parentX + this.parentWidth)
mouseY = restrictToBounds(mouseY, this.parentY, this.parentY + this.parentHeight)
// 获取鼠标移动的坐标差
let deltaX = mouseX - this.mouseClickPosition.mouseX
let deltaY = mouseY - this.mouseClickPosition.mouseY
// 考虑放缩
deltaX = deltaX / this.scaleRatio
deltaY = deltaY / this.scaleRatio
let diffX, diffY, scale, scaleB, scaleC, newX, newY, newW, newH
let Fixed = {} // 固定点
let BX = {} // 高度边选点
let CX = {} // 宽度边选点
let Va = {} // 固定点到鼠标 向量
let Vb = {} // 固定点到投影边 向量
let Vc = {} // 另一边投影
let Vw = {} // 宽度向量
let Vh = {} // 高度向量
// 拖动中点
if (handle.includes('m')) {
switch (handle) {
case 'tm':
diffX = deltaX + (TL.x + TR.x) / 2
diffY = deltaY + (TL.y + TR.y) / 2
Fixed = BL
Va = { x: diffX - Fixed.x, y: diffY - Fixed.y }
Vb = { x: BX.x - Fixed.x, y: BX.y - Fixed.y }
scale = (Va.x * Vb.x + Va.y * Vb.y) / (Math.pow(Vb.x, 2) + Math.pow(Vb.y, 2))
Vw = { x: CX.x - Fixed.x, y: CX.y - Fixed.y }
Vh = { x: Vb.x * scale, y: Vb.y * scale }
case 'bm':
diffX = deltaX + (BL.x + BR.x) / 2
diffY = deltaY + (BL.y + BR.y) / 2
Fixed = TL
Va = { x: diffX - Fixed.x, y: diffY - Fixed.y }
Vb = { x: BX.x - Fixed.x, y: BX.y - Fixed.y }
scale = (Va.x * Vb.x + Va.y * Vb.y) / (Math.pow(Vb.x, 2) + Math.pow(Vb.y, 2))
Vw = { x: CX.x - Fixed.x, y: CX.y - Fixed.y }
Vh = { x: Vb.x * scale, y: Vb.y * scale }
case 'ml':
diffX = deltaX + (TL.x + BL.x) / 2
diffY = deltaY + (TL.y + BL.y) / 2
Fixed = BR
Va = { x: diffX - Fixed.x, y: diffY - Fixed.y }
Vb = { x: BX.x - Fixed.x, y: BX.y - Fixed.y }
scale = (Va.x * Vb.x + Va.y * Vb.y) / (Math.pow(Vb.x, 2) + Math.pow(Vb.y, 2))
Vh = { x: CX.x - Fixed.x, y: CX.y - Fixed.y }
Vw = { x: Vb.x * scale, y: Vb.y * scale }
case 'mr':
diffX = deltaX + (TR.x + TR.x) / 2
diffY = deltaY + (TR.y + TR.y) / 2
Fixed = BL
Va = { x: diffX - Fixed.x, y: diffY - Fixed.y }
Vb = { x: BX.x - Fixed.x, y: BX.y - Fixed.y }
scale = (Va.x * Vb.x + Va.y * Vb.y) / (Math.pow(Vb.x, 2) + Math.pow(Vb.y, 2))
Vh = { x: CX.x - Fixed.x, y: CX.y - Fixed.y }
Vw = { x: Vb.x * scale, y: Vb.y * scale }
newX = Fixed.x + (Vw.x + Vh.x) / 2
newY = Fixed.y + (Vw.y + Vh.y) / 2
newW = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Vw.x, 2) + Math.pow(Vw.y, 2))
newH = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Vh.x, 2) + Math.pow(Vh.y, 2))
} else {
// 拖动顶点
switch (handle) {
case 'tl':
diffX = deltaX + TL.x
diffY = deltaY + TL.y
Fixed = BR
BX = BL // 高度 TL BL
CX = TR // 宽度 TL TR
case 'tr':
diffX = deltaX + TR.x
diffY = deltaY + TR.y
Fixed = BL
case 'bl':
diffX = deltaX + BL.x
diffY = deltaY + BL.y
Fixed = TR
case 'br':
diffX = deltaX + BR.x
diffY = deltaY + BR.y
Fixed = TL
Va = { x: diffX - Fixed.x, y: diffY - Fixed.y }
Vb = { x: BX.x - Fixed.x, y: BX.y - Fixed.y }
Vc = { x: CX.x - Fixed.x, y: CX.y - Fixed.y }
scaleB = (Va.x * Vb.x + Va.y * Vb.y) / (Math.pow(Vb.x, 2) + Math.pow(Vb.y, 2))
scaleC = (Va.x * Vc.x + Va.y * Vc.y) / (Math.pow(Vc.x, 2) + Math.pow(Vc.y, 2))
Vw = { x: Vb.x * scaleB, y: Vb.y * scaleB }
Vh = { x: Vc.x * scaleC, y: Vc.y * scaleC }
newX = Fixed.x + (Vw.x + Vh.x) / 2
newY = Fixed.y + (Vw.y + Vh.y) / 2
newW = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Vw.x, 2) + Math.pow(Vw.y, 2))
newH = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Vh.x, 2) + Math.pow(Vh.y, 2))
this.left = newX - newW / 2
this.top = newY - newH / 2
// 存在父容器,内部元素大小不允许超过父容器
if (this.parent) {
newW = restrictToBounds(newW, 0, this.parentWidth)
newH = restrictToBounds(newH, 0, this.parentHeight)
// 外部传参限制大小
newW = restrictToBounds(newW, this.minW || 0, this.maxW)
newH = restrictToBounds(newH, this.minH || 0, this.maxH)
// 纵横比
if (this.lockAspectRatio) {
2021-06-10 17:46:16 +08:00
// console.log(this.lockAspectRatio, this.aspectFactor)
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
if (newW / newH > this.aspectFactor) {
newW = newH * this.aspectFactor
} else {
newH = newW / this.aspectFactor
this.width = newW
2021-06-10 17:46:16 +08:00
// console.log('width2:' + this.width)
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
this.height = newH
2021-10-09 00:02:06 +08:00
// this.$emit('resizing', this.left, this.top, this.width, this.height)
this.element.auxiliaryMatrix && this.$emit('onResizing', e, this.element)
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
// private 记录当前组件样式
this.element.propValue && this.element.propValue.viewId && eventBus.$emit('resizing', this.element.propValue.viewId)
changeWidth(val) {
2021-06-10 17:46:16 +08:00
// console.log('parentWidth', this.parentWidth)
// console.log('parentHeight', this.parentHeight)
2021-06-24 14:31:01 +08:00
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
const [newWidth, _] = snapToGrid(this.grid, val, 0, this.scale)
// const right = restrictToBounds(this.parentWidth - newWidth - this.left, this.bounds.minRight, this.bounds.maxRight)
// private 将 this.bounds.minRight 设置为0
const right = restrictToBounds(this.parentWidth - newWidth - this.left, 0, this.bounds.maxRight)
let bottom = this.bottom
if (this.lockAspectRatio) {
bottom = this.bottom - (this.right - right) / this.aspectFactor
const width = computeWidth(this.parentWidth, this.left, right)
const height = computeHeight(this.parentHeight, this.top, bottom)
this.right = right
this.bottom = bottom
this.width = width
2021-10-09 00:02:06 +08:00
console.log('width3:' + this.width)
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
this.height = height
changeHeight(val) {
2021-06-24 14:31:01 +08:00
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
const [_, newHeight] = snapToGrid(this.grid, 0, val, this.scale)
// const bottom = restrictToBounds(this.parentHeight - newHeight - this.top, this.bounds.minBottom, this.bounds.maxBottom)
// private 将 this.bounds.minBottom 设置为0
const bottom = restrictToBounds(this.parentHeight - newHeight - this.top, 0, this.bounds.maxBottom)
let right = this.right
if (this.lockAspectRatio) {
right = this.right - (this.bottom - bottom) * this.aspectFactor
const width = computeWidth(this.parentWidth, this.left, right)
const height = computeHeight(this.parentHeight, this.top, bottom)
this.right = right
this.bottom = bottom
this.width = width
2021-06-10 17:46:16 +08:00
// console.log('width4:' + this.width)
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
this.height = height
// 从控制柄松开
2021-10-09 00:02:06 +08:00
handleUp(e) {
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
this.handle = null
// 初始化辅助线数据
const temArr = new Array(3).fill({ display: false, position: '', origin: '', lineLength: '' })
const refLine = { vLine: [], hLine: [] }
for (const i in refLine) {
refLine[i] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(temArr))
// 保存 鼠标松开的坐标
const { x: mouseX, y: mouseY } = this.getMouseCoordinate(e)
this.lastMouseX = mouseX
this.lastMouseY = mouseY
if (this.resizing) {
this.resizing = false
2021-10-09 00:02:06 +08:00
console.log('resizing2:' + this.resizing)
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
this.$emit('refLineParams', refLine)
2021-08-13 13:58:27 +08:00
// this.$emit('resizestop', this.left, this.top, this.width, this.height)
// private
// this.$emit('resizestop')
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
if (this.dragging) {
this.dragging = false
2021-10-09 00:02:06 +08:00
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
this.$emit('refLineParams', refLine)
this.$emit('dragstop', this.left, this.top)
if (this.rotating) {
this.rotating = false
this.$emit('rotatestop', this.rotate)
// private 记录snapshot
// 如果辅助设计 需要最后调整矩阵
2021-10-09 00:02:06 +08:00
if (this.element.auxiliaryMatrix) {
// this.recordMatrixCurStyle()
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
2021-09-01 14:03:55 +08:00
this.hasMove && this.$store.commit('recordSnapshot', 'handleUp')
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
// 记录snapshot后 移动已记录设置为false
this.hasMove = false
removeEvent(document.documentElement, eventsFor.move, this.move)
// private 删除handle Up事件 防止重复recordSnapshot
removeEvent(document.documentElement, eventsFor.stop, this.handleUp)
2021-10-09 00:02:06 +08:00
// 挤占式画布设计 handleUp
this.element.auxiliaryMatrix && this.$emit('onHandleUp', e)
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
// 新增方法 ↓↓↓
// 设置属性
settingAttribute() {
// 设置冲突检测
this.$el.setAttribute('data-is-check', `${this.isConflictCheck}`)
// 设置对齐元素
this.$el.setAttribute('data-is-snap', `${this.snap}`)
// 冲突检测
conflictCheck() {
const top = this.top
const left = this.left
const width = this.width
const height = this.height
if (this.isConflictCheck) {
const nodes = this.$el.parentNode.childNodes // 获取当前父节点下所有子节点
for (const item of nodes) {
if (
item.className !== undefined &&
!item.className.split(' ').includes(this.classNameActive) &&
item.getAttribute('data-is-check') !== null &&
item.getAttribute('data-is-check') !== 'false'
) {
const tw = item.offsetWidth
const th = item.offsetHeight
// 正则获取left与right
const [tl, tt] = this.formatTransformVal(item.style.transform)
// 左上角与右下角重叠
const tfAndBr = (top >= tt && left >= tl && tt + th > top && tl + tw > left) || (top <= tt && left < tl && top + height > tt && left + width > tl)
// 右上角与左下角重叠
const brAndTf = (left <= tl && top >= tt && left + width > tl && top < tt + th) || (top < tt && left > tl && top + height > tt && left < tl + tw)
// 下边与上边重叠
const bAndT = (top <= tt && left >= tl && top + height > tt && left < tl + tw) || (top >= tt && left <= tl && top < tt + th && left > tl + tw)
// 上边与下边重叠(宽度不一样)
const tAndB = (top <= tt && left >= tl && top + height > tt && left < tl + tw) || (top >= tt && left <= tl && top < tt + th && left > tl + tw)
// 左边与右边重叠
const lAndR = (left >= tl && top >= tt && left < tl + tw && top < tt + th) || (top > tt && left <= tl && left + width > tl && top < tt + th)
// 左边与右边重叠(高度不一样)
const rAndL = (top <= tt && left >= tl && top + height > tt && left < tl + tw) || (top >= tt && left <= tl && top < tt + th && left + width > tl)
// 如果冲突,就将回退到移动前的位置
if (tfAndBr || brAndTf || bAndT || tAndB || lAndR || rAndL) {
this.top = this.mouseClickPosition.top
this.left = this.mouseClickPosition.left
this.width = this.mouseClickPosition.width
2021-06-21 15:33:10 +08:00
// console.log('width5:' + this.width)
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
this.height = this.mouseClickPosition.height
// 检测对齐元素
async snapCheck() {
if (this.snap) {
// 保存当前元素的四个属性
let width = this.width
let height = this.height
let activeLeft = this.left
let activeRight = this.left + width
let activeTop = this.top
let activeBottom = this.top + height
// 初始化辅助线数据
const temArr = new Array(3).fill({ display: false, position: '', origin: '', lineLength: '' })
const refLine = { vLine: [], hLine: [] }
for (const i in refLine) {
refLine[i] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(temArr))
const tem = {
value: { x: [[], [], []], y: [[], [], []] },
display: [],
position: []
// 获取当前父节点下所有子节点
const nodes = this.$el.parentNode.childNodes
// 当允许多个同时激活时,获取总体的属性
const { groupWidth, groupHeight, groupLeft, groupTop, bln } = await this.getActiveAll(nodes)
if (!bln) {
width = groupWidth
height = groupHeight
activeLeft = groupLeft
activeRight = groupLeft + groupWidth
activeTop = groupTop
activeBottom = groupTop + groupHeight
// 遍历获取其他元素的属性
for (const item of nodes) {
if (
// private
item.tagName !== 'svg' &&
item.className !== undefined &&
!item.className.split(' ').includes(this.classNameActive) &&
item.getAttribute('data-is-snap') !== null &&
item.getAttribute('data-is-snap') !== 'false'
) {
// 获取位置,角度
const [l, t, rotate] = this.formatTransformVal(item.style.transform)
if ((rotate - this.rotate) % 90 === 0) {
// 获取宽高
const w = item.offsetWidth
const h = item.offsetHeight
// 计算得到right和bottom
const r = l + w // 对齐目标right
const b = t + h // 对齐目标的bottom
const hc = Math.abs(activeTop + height / 2 - (t + h / 2)) <= this.snapTolerance // 水平中线
const vc = Math.abs(activeLeft + width / 2 - (l + w / 2)) <= this.snapTolerance // 垂直中线
const ts = Math.abs(t - activeBottom) <= this.snapTolerance // 从上到下
const TS = Math.abs(b - activeBottom) <= this.snapTolerance // 从上到下
const bs = Math.abs(t - activeTop) <= this.snapTolerance // 从下到上 上边共线
const BS = Math.abs(b - activeTop) <= this.snapTolerance // 从下到上
const ls = Math.abs(l - activeRight) <= this.snapTolerance // 外左
const LS = Math.abs(r - activeRight) <= this.snapTolerance // 外左
const rs = Math.abs(l - activeLeft) <= this.snapTolerance // 外右
const RS = Math.abs(r - activeLeft) <= this.snapTolerance // 外右
tem.display = [ts, TS, bs, BS, hc, hc, ls, LS, rs, RS, vc, vc]
tem.position = [t, b, t, b, t + h / 2, t + h / 2, l, r, l, r, l + w / 2, l + w / 2]
// 单个可激活元素与其他元素对齐
if (bln) {
if (ts) {
this.top = t - height
this.bottom = this.parentHeight - this.top - height
tem.value.y[0].push(l, r, activeLeft, activeRight)
if (bs) {
this.top = t
this.bottom = this.parentHeight - this.top - height
tem.value.y[0].push(l, r, activeLeft, activeRight)
if (TS) {
this.top = b - height
this.bottom = this.parentHeight - this.top - height
tem.value.y[1].push(l, r, activeLeft, activeRight)
if (BS) {
this.top = b
this.bottom = this.parentHeight - this.top - height
tem.value.y[1].push(l, r, activeLeft, activeRight)
if (ls) {
this.left = l - width
this.right = this.parentWidth - this.left - width
tem.value.x[0].push(t, b, activeTop, activeBottom)
if (rs) {
this.left = l
this.right = this.parentWidth - this.left - width
tem.value.x[0].push(t, b, activeTop, activeBottom)
if (LS) {
this.left = r - width
this.right = this.parentWidth - this.left - width
tem.value.x[1].push(t, b, activeTop, activeBottom)
if (RS) {
this.left = r
this.right = this.parentWidth - this.left - width
tem.value.x[1].push(t, b, activeTop, activeBottom)
if (hc) {
this.top = t + h / 2 - height / 2
this.bottom = this.parentHeight - this.top - height
tem.value.y[2].push(l, r, activeLeft, activeRight)
if (vc) {
this.left = l + w / 2 - width / 2
this.right = this.parentWidth - this.left - width
tem.value.x[2].push(t, b, activeTop, activeBottom)
// 和容器贴边
if (this.snapBorder) {
if (Math.abs(this.left - 0) <= this.snapTolerance) {
this.left = 0
this.right = this.parentWidth - this.left - width
if (Math.abs(this.right - 0) <= this.snapTolerance) {
this.right = 0
this.left = this.parentWidth - this.width - this.right
if (Math.abs(this.top - 0) <= this.snapTolerance) {
this.top = 0
this.bottom = this.parentHeight - this.top - height
if (Math.abs(this.bottom - 0) <= this.snapTolerance) {
this.bottom = 0
this.top = this.parentHeight - this.bottom - height
// 再次进行边界处理
const bounds = this.bounds
this.left = restrictToBounds(this.left, bounds.minLeft, bounds.maxLeft)
this.top = restrictToBounds(this.top, bounds.minTop, bounds.maxTop)
this.right = restrictToBounds(this.right, bounds.minRight, bounds.maxRight)
this.bottom = restrictToBounds(this.bottom, bounds.minBottom, bounds.maxBottom)
// 辅助线坐标与是否显示(display)对应的数组,易于循环遍历
const arrTem = [0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 2]
for (let i = 0; i <= arrTem.length; i++) {
// 前6为Y辅助线,后6为X辅助线
const xory = i < 6 ? 'y' : 'x'
const horv = i < 6 ? 'hLine' : 'vLine'
if (tem.display[i]) {
const { origin, length } = this.calcLineValues(tem.value[xory][arrTem[i]])
refLine[horv][arrTem[i]].display = tem.display[i]
refLine[horv][arrTem[i]].position = tem.position[i] + 'px'
refLine[horv][arrTem[i]].origin = origin
refLine[horv][arrTem[i]].lineLength = length
this.$emit('refLineParams', refLine)
// 计算参考线
calcLineValues(arr) {
const length = Math.max(...arr) - Math.min(...arr) + 'px'
const origin = Math.min(...arr) + 'px'
return { length, origin }
async getActiveAll(nodes) {
const activeAll = []
const XArray = []
const YArray = []
let groupWidth = 0
let groupHeight = 0
let groupLeft = 0
let groupTop = 0
for (const item of nodes) {
2021-06-21 15:33:10 +08:00
// console.log('===' + typeof item.tagName)
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
// 修复判断条件
// if (item.className !== undefined && item.className.split(' ').includes(this.classNameActive)) {
if (item.tagName !== 'svg' && item.className !== undefined && item.className.split(' ').includes(this.classNameActive)) {
const AllLength = activeAll.length
if (AllLength > 1) {
for (const i of activeAll) {
const l = i.offsetLeft
const r = l + i.offsetWidth
const t = i.offsetTop
const b = t + i.offsetHeight
XArray.push(l, r)
YArray.push(t, b)
groupWidth = Math.max(...XArray) - Math.min(...XArray)
groupHeight = Math.max(...YArray) - Math.min(...YArray)
groupLeft = Math.min(...XArray)
groupTop = Math.min(...YArray)
const bln = AllLength === 1
return { groupWidth, groupHeight, groupLeft, groupTop, bln }
// 修复 正则获取left与top
formatTransformVal(string) {
2021-06-24 14:31:01 +08:00
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
let [left, top, rotate = 0] = string.match(/[\d|\.]+/g)
if (top === undefined) top = 0
return [Number(left), Number(top), rotate]
// private
// 鼠标移入事件
enter() {
this.mouseOn = true
// 鼠标移出事件
leave() {
this.mouseOn = false
// 记录当前样式
recordCurStyle() {
2021-07-26 15:05:26 +08:00
// debugger
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
const style = {
style.left = this.left
style.top = this.top
style.width = this.width
style.height = this.height
style.rotate = this.rotate
this.hasMove = true
this.$store.commit('setShapeStyle', style)
// 记录当前样式 矩阵处理
recordMatrixCurStyle() {
2021-07-29 11:09:36 +08:00
// debugger
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
const left = Math.round(this.left / this.curCanvasScale.matrixStyleWidth) * this.curCanvasScale.matrixStyleWidth
const top = Math.round(this.top / this.curCanvasScale.matrixStyleHeight) * this.curCanvasScale.matrixStyleHeight
const width = Math.round(this.width / this.curCanvasScale.matrixStyleWidth) * this.curCanvasScale.matrixStyleWidth
const height = Math.round(this.height / this.curCanvasScale.matrixStyleHeight) * this.curCanvasScale.matrixStyleHeight
const style = {
style.left = left
style.top = top
style.width = width
style.height = height
style.rotate = this.rotate
2021-07-23 11:12:54 +08:00
// this.hasMove = true
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
this.$store.commit('setShapeStyle', style)
2021-08-13 13:58:27 +08:00
2021-10-09 00:02:06 +08:00
// resize
// const self = this
// setTimeout(function() {
// self.$emit('resizeView')
// }, 200)
// 记录当前样式 跟随阴影位置 矩阵处理
recordMatrixCurShadowStyle() {
2021-10-09 11:44:01 +08:00
// console.log('recordMatrixCurShadowStyle')
2021-10-09 00:02:06 +08:00
// debugger
const left = (this.element.x - 1) * this.curCanvasScale.matrixStyleWidth
const top = (this.element.y - 1) * this.curCanvasScale.matrixStyleHeight
const width = this.element.sizex * this.curCanvasScale.matrixStyleWidth
const height = this.element.sizey * this.curCanvasScale.matrixStyleHeight
const style = {
style.left = left
style.top = top
style.width = width
style.height = height
style.rotate = this.rotate
// this.hasMove = true
this.$store.commit('setShapeStyle', style)
2021-08-13 13:58:27 +08:00
// resize
const self = this
2021-10-09 00:02:06 +08:00
// setTimeout(function() {
// self.$emit('resizeView')
// }, 200)
2021-06-21 18:43:41 +08:00
mountedFunction() {
// private 冲突检测 和水平设计值保持一致
// this.isConflictCheck = this.horizontal
// this.snap = this.horizontal
// this.snapTolerance = 5
// this.grid = [10, 10]
if (!this.enableNativeDrag) {
this.$el.ondragstart = () => false
const [parentWidth, parentHeight] = this.getParentSize()
this.parentWidth = parentWidth
this.parentHeight = parentHeight
const [width, height] = getComputedSize(this.$el)
this.aspectFactor = (this.w !== 'auto' ? this.w : width) / (this.h !== 'auto' ? this.h : height)
if (this.outsideAspectRatio) {
this.aspectFactor = this.outsideAspectRatio
this.width = this.w !== 'auto' ? this.w : width
// console.log('width1:' + this.width)
this.height = this.h !== 'auto' ? this.h : height
this.right = this.parentWidth - this.width - this.left
this.bottom = this.parentHeight - this.height - this.top
// 绑定data-*属性
// 监听取消操作
addEvent(document.documentElement, 'mousedown', this.deselect)
addEvent(document.documentElement, 'touchend touchcancel', this.deselect)
// 窗口变化时,检查容器大小
addEvent(window, 'resize', this.checkParentSize)
createdFunction() {
2021-06-24 13:44:26 +08:00
// minWidth不能大于maxWidth
2021-06-21 18:43:41 +08:00
if (this.maxWidth && this.minWidth > this.maxWidth) console.warn('[Vdr warn]: Invalid prop: minWidth cannot be greater than maxWidth')
2021-06-24 13:44:26 +08:00
// minHeight不能大于maxHeight
2021-06-21 18:43:41 +08:00
if (this.maxWidth && this.minHeight > this.maxHeight) console.warn('[Vdr warn]: Invalid prop: minHeight cannot be greater than maxHeight')
this.elmX = 0
this.elmY = 0
this.elmW = 0
this.elmH = 0
this.lastCenterX = 0
this.lastCenterY = 0
this.fixedXName = ''
this.fixedYName = ''
this.fixedX = 0
this.fixedY = 0
this.TL = {}
this.TR = {}
this.BL = {}
this.BR = {}
beforeDestroyFunction() {
removeEvent(document.documentElement, 'mousedown', this.deselect)
removeEvent(document.documentElement, 'touchstart', this.handleUp)
removeEvent(document.documentElement, 'mousemove', this.move)
removeEvent(document.documentElement, 'touchmove', this.move)
removeEvent(document.documentElement, 'mouseup', this.handleUp)
removeEvent(document.documentElement, 'touchend touchcancel', this.deselect)
removeEvent(window, 'resize', this.checkParentSize)
2021-08-03 15:49:04 +08:00
showViewDetails() {
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
<style scoped>
.vdr {
touch-action: none;
position: absolute;
2021-08-23 14:46:46 +08:00
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00
border: 1px
.handle {
box-sizing: border-box;
position: absolute;
background: #ffffff;
border: 1px solid #70c0ff;
border-radius: 50%;
z-index: 2;
.handle-tl {
cursor: nw-resize;
.handle-tm {
cursor: n-resize;
.handle-tr {
cursor: ne-resize;
.handle-ml {
cursor: w-resize;
.handle-mr {
cursor: e-resize;
.handle-bl {
cursor: sw-resize;
.handle-bm {
cursor: s-resize;
.handle-br {
cursor: se-resize;
/* 新增 旋转控制柄 */
.handle-rot {
position: relative;
transform: translateX(-50%);
cursor: grab;
display: inline-block;
box-sizing: border-box;
border: none;
text-indent: -9999px;
vertical-align: middle;
.handle-rot:after {
content: "";
box-sizing: inherit;
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
top: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
.handle-rot:before {
/* display: block; */
width: 1em;
height: 1em;
border: 2px solid #333;
border-right-color: transparent;
border-radius: 50%;
.handle-rot:after {
width: 0px;
height: 0px;
border: 0.25em solid #333;
border-left-color: transparent;
border-top-color: transparent;
left: 100%;
top: 10%;
.mouseOn {
outline: 1px dashed #70c0ff;
user-select: none;
2021-07-13 18:11:42 +08:00
2021-08-04 16:52:49 +08:00
opacity: 0.5;
2021-09-17 11:25:15 +08:00
2021-08-03 18:50:42 +08:00
/*.mouseOn >>> .icon-shezhi{*/
/* z-index: 2;*/
/* display:block!important;*/
/*.vdr > i{*/
/* right: 5px;*/
/* color: gray;*/
/* position: absolute;*/
2021-07-13 18:11:42 +08:00
2021-08-03 18:50:42 +08:00
/*.vdr >>> i:hover {*/
/* color: red;*/
2021-07-13 18:11:42 +08:00
2021-08-03 18:50:42 +08:00
/*.vdr:hover >>> i {*/
/* z-index: 2;*/
/* display:block;*/
2021-07-13 18:11:42 +08:00
2021-08-03 18:50:42 +08:00
/*.vdr>>>.icon-shezhi {*/
/* display:none*/
2021-06-10 17:12:31 +08:00