mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 00:32:53 +08:00
@ -2945,22 +2945,6 @@ SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1;
ALTER TABLE `dataset_table_field` MODIFY COLUMN `origin_name` LONGTEXT;
Navicat Premium Data Transfer
Source Server : local
Source Server Type : MySQL
Source Server Version : 50730
Source Host :
Source Schema : dataease
Target Server Type : MySQL
Target Server Version : 50730
File Encoding : 65001
Date: 29/07/2021 11:55:10
SET NAMES utf8mb4;
@ -2984,17 +2968,113 @@ CREATE TABLE `dataset_table_function` (
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (1, 'ABS', 'ABS(x)', 'mysql', 2, '返回x的绝对值');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (2, 'PI', 'PI()', 'mysql', 2, '返回圆周率π,默认显示6位小数');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (3, 'CHAR_LENGTH', 'CHAR_LENGTH(str)', 'mysql', 4, '计算字符串字符个数');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (4, 'TRIM', 'TRIM(s)', 'mysql', 4, '返回字符串s删除了两边空格之后的字符串');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (5, 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE(s,s1,s2)', 'mysql', 4, '返回一个字符串,用字符串s2替代字符串s中所有的字符串s1');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (6, 'SUBSTRING', 'SUBSTRING(s,n,len)', 'mysql', 4, '获取从字符串s中的第n个位置开始长度为len的字符串');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (7, 'IF', 'IF(expr,v1,v2)', 'mysql', 5, '如果expr是TRUE则返回v1,否则返回v2');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (8, 'IFNULL', 'IFNULL(v1,v2)', 'mysql', 5, '如果v1不为NULL,则返回v1,否则返回v2');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (9, 'FLOOR', 'FLOOR(x)', 'mysql', 2, '返回不大于x的最大整数');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (10, 'ROUND', 'ROUND(x)', 'mysql', 2, '返回离x最近的整数');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (11, 'ROUND', 'ROUND(x,y)', 'mysql', 2, '保留x小数点后y位的值,但截断时要进行四舍五入');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (12, 'ABS', 'ABS(x)', 'doris', 2, '返回x的绝对值');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (13, 'SUBSTR', 'SUBSTR(char, position, substring_length)', 'oracle', 4, '获取从字符串char中的第position个位置开始长度为substring_lenght的字符串');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (3, 'SQRT', 'SQRT(x)', 'mysql', 2, '返回非负数的x的二次方根');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (4, 'MOD', 'MOD(x,y)', 'mysql', 2, '返回x被y除后的余数');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (5, 'CEIL', 'CEIL(x)', 'mysql', 2, '返回不小于x的最小整数');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (6, 'FLOOR', 'FLOOR(x)', 'mysql', 2, '返回不大于x的最大整数');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (7, 'ROUND', 'ROUND(x)', 'mysql', 2, '返回离x最近的整数');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (8, 'ROUND', 'ROUND(x,y)', 'mysql', 2, '保留x小数点后y位的值,但截断时要进行四舍五入');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (9, 'SIGN', 'SIGN(x)', 'mysql', 2, '返回参数x的符号,-1表示负数,0表示0,1表示正数');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (10, 'POW', 'POW(x,y)', 'mysql', 2, '返回x的y次乘方的值');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (11, 'EXP', 'EXP(x)', 'mysql', 2, '返回e的x乘方后的值');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (12, 'LOG', 'LOG(x)', 'mysql', 2, '返回x的自然对数,x相对于基数e的对数');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (13, 'LOG10', 'LOG10(x)', 'mysql', 2, '返回x的基数为10的对数');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (14, 'RADIANS', 'RADIANS(x)', 'mysql', 2, '返回x由角度转化为弧度的值');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (15, 'DEGREES', 'DEGREES(x)', 'mysql', 2, '返回x由弧度转化为角度的值');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (16, 'SIN', 'SIN(x)', 'mysql', 2, '返回x的正弦,其中x为给定的弧度值');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (17, 'ASIN', 'ASIN(x)', 'mysql', 2, '返回x的反正弦值');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (18, 'COS', 'COS(x)', 'mysql', 2, '返回x的余弦,其中x为给定的弧度值');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (19, 'ACOS', 'ACOS(x)', 'mysql', 2, '返回x的反余弦值');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (20, 'TAN', 'TAN(x)', 'mysql', 2, '返回x的正切,其中x为给定的弧度值');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (21, 'ATAN', 'ATAN(x)', 'mysql', 2, '返回x的反正切值');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (22, 'COT', 'COT(x)', 'mysql', 2, '返回给定弧度值x的余切');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (23, 'CHAR_LENGTH', 'CHAR_LENGTH(str)', 'mysql', 4, '计算字符串字符个数');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (24, 'TRIM', 'TRIM(s)', 'mysql', 4, '返回字符串s删除了两边空格之后的字符串');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (25, 'LTRIM', 'LTRIM(s)', 'mysql', 4, '返回字符串s,其左边所有空格被删除');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (26, 'RTRIM', 'RTRIM(s)', 'mysql', 4, '返回字符串s,其右边所有空格被删除');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (27, 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE(s,s1,s2)', 'mysql', 4, '返回一个字符串,用字符串s2替代字符串s中所有的字符串s1');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (28, 'SUBSTRING', 'SUBSTRING(s,n,len)', 'mysql', 4, '获取从字符串s中的第n个位置开始长度为len的字符串');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (29, 'CONCAT', 'CONCAT(s1,s2,...)', 'mysql', 4, '返回连接参数产生的字符串,一个或多个待拼接的内容,任意一个为NULL则返回值为NULL');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (30, 'INSERT', 'INSERT(s1,x,len,s2)', 'mysql', 4, '返回字符串s1,其子字符串起始于位置x,被字符串s2取代len个字符');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (31, 'LOWER', 'LOWER(str)', 'mysql', 4, '将str中的字母全部转换成小写');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (32, 'UPPER', 'UPPER(str)', 'mysql', 4, '将字符串中的字母全部转换成大写');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (33, 'LEFT', 'LEFT(s,n)', 'mysql', 4, '返回字符串s从最左边开始的n个字符');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (34, 'RIGHT', 'RIGHT(s,n)', 'mysql', 4, '返回字符串s从最右边开始的n个字符');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (35, 'REPEAT', 'REPEAT(s,n)', 'mysql', 4, '返回一个由重复字符串s组成的字符串,字符串s的数目等于n');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (36, 'SPACE', 'SPACE(n)', 'mysql', 4, '返回一个由n个空格组成的字符串');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (37, 'REVERSE', 'REVERSE(s)', 'mysql', 4, '将字符串s反转');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (38, 'CURDATE', 'CURDATE()', 'mysql', 3, '将当前日期按照\"YYYY-MM-DD\"或者\"YYYYMMDD\"格式的值返回,具体格式根据函数用在字符串或是数字语境中而定');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (39, 'CURRENT_DATE', 'CURRENT_DATE()', 'mysql', 3, '将当前日期按照\"YYYY-MM-DD\"或者\"YYYYMMDD\"格式的值返回,具体格式根据函数用在字符串或是数字语境中而定');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (40, 'NOW', 'NOW()', 'mysql', 3, '返回当前日期和时间值,格式为\"YYYY_MM-DD HH:MM:SS\"或\"YYYYMMDDHHMMSS\",具体格式根据函数用在字符串或数字语境中而定');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (41, 'SYSDATE', 'SYSDATE()', 'mysql', 3, '返回当前日期和时间值,格式为\"YYYY_MM-DD HH:MM:SS\"或\"YYYYMMDDHHMMSS\",具体格式根据函数用在字符串或数字语境中而定');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (42, 'LOCALTIME', 'LOCALTIME()', 'mysql', 3, '返回当前日期和时间值,格式为\"YYYY_MM-DD HH:MM:SS\"或\"YYYYMMDDHHMMSS\",具体格式根据函数用在字符串或数字语境中而定');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (43, 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()', 'mysql', 3, '返回当前日期和时间值,格式为\"YYYY_MM-DD HH:MM:SS\"或\"YYYYMMDDHHMMSS\",具体格式根据函数用在字符串或数字语境中而定');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (44, 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP', 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP()', 'mysql', 3, '返回一个格林尼治标准时间1970-01-01 00:00:00到现在的秒数');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (45, 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP', 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date)', 'mysql', 3, '返回一个格林尼治标准时间1970-01-01 00:00:00到指定时间的秒数');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (46, 'FROM_UNIXTIME', 'FROM_UNIXTIME(date)', 'mysql', 3, '把UNIX时间戳转换为普通格式的时间');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (47, 'CASE', 'CASE expr WHEN v1 THEN r1 [WHEN v2 THEN v2] [ELSE rn] END', 'mysql', 3, '如果expr等于某个vn,则返回对应位置THEN后面的结果,如果与所有值都不想等,则返回ELSE后面的rn');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (48, 'IF', 'IF(expr,v1,v2)', 'mysql', 5, '如果expr是TRUE则返回v1,否则返回v2');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (49, 'IFNULL', 'IFNULL(v1,v2)', 'mysql', 5, '如果v1不为NULL,则返回v1,否则返回v2');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (50, 'ABS', 'ABS(x)', 'doris', 2, '返回x的绝对值');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (51, 'PI', 'PI()', 'doris', 2, '返回圆周率π,默认显示6位小数');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (52, 'SQRT', 'SQRT(x)', 'doris', 2, '返回非负数的x的二次方根');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (53, 'MOD', 'MOD(x,y)', 'doris', 2, '返回x被y除后的余数');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (54, 'CEIL', 'CEIL(x)', 'doris', 2, '返回不小于x的最小整数');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (55, 'FLOOR', 'FLOOR(x)', 'doris', 2, '返回不大于x的最大整数');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (56, 'ROUND', 'ROUND(x)', 'doris', 2, '返回离x最近的整数');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (57, 'ROUND', 'ROUND(x,y)', 'doris', 2, '保留x小数点后y位的值,但截断时要进行四舍五入');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (58, 'SIGN', 'SIGN(x)', 'doris', 2, '返回参数x的符号,-1表示负数,0表示0,1表示正数');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (59, 'POW', 'POW(x,y)', 'doris', 2, '返回x的y次乘方的值');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (60, 'EXP', 'EXP(x)', 'doris', 2, '返回e的x乘方后的值');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (61, 'LOG', 'LOG(x)', 'doris', 2, '返回x的自然对数,x相对于基数e的对数');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (62, 'LOG10', 'LOG10(x)', 'doris', 2, '返回x的基数为10的对数');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (63, 'RADIANS', 'RADIANS(x)', 'doris', 2, '返回x由角度转化为弧度的值');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (64, 'DEGREES', 'DEGREES(x)', 'doris', 2, '返回x由弧度转化为角度的值');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (65, 'SIN', 'SIN(x)', 'doris', 2, '返回x的正弦,其中x为给定的弧度值');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (66, 'ASIN', 'ASIN(x)', 'doris', 2, '返回x的反正弦值');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (67, 'COS', 'COS(x)', 'doris', 2, '返回x的余弦,其中x为给定的弧度值');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (68, 'ACOS', 'ACOS(x)', 'doris', 2, '返回x的反余弦值');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (69, 'TAN', 'TAN(x)', 'doris', 2, '返回x的正切,其中x为给定的弧度值');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (70, 'ATAN', 'ATAN(x)', 'doris', 2, '返回x的反正切值');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (71, 'COT', 'COT(x)', 'doris', 2, '返回给定弧度值x的余切');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (72, 'CHAR_LENGTH', 'CHAR_LENGTH(str)', 'doris', 4, '计算字符串字符个数');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (73, 'TRIM', 'TRIM(s)', 'doris', 4, '返回字符串s删除了两边空格之后的字符串');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (74, 'LTRIM', 'LTRIM(s)', 'doris', 4, '返回字符串s,其左边所有空格被删除');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (75, 'RTRIM', 'RTRIM(s)', 'doris', 4, '返回字符串s,其右边所有空格被删除');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (76, 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE(s,s1,s2)', 'doris', 4, '返回一个字符串,用字符串s2替代字符串s中所有的字符串s1');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (77, 'SUBSTRING', 'SUBSTRING(s,n,len)', 'doris', 4, '获取从字符串s中的第n个位置开始长度为len的字符串');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (78, 'CONCAT', 'CONCAT(s1,s2,...)', 'doris', 4, '返回连接参数产生的字符串,一个或多个待拼接的内容,任意一个为NULL则返回值为NULL');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (79, 'INSERT', 'INSERT(s1,x,len,s2)', 'doris', 4, '返回字符串s1,其子字符串起始于位置x,被字符串s2取代len个字符');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (80, 'LOWER', 'LOWER(str)', 'doris', 4, '将str中的字母全部转换成小写');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (81, 'UPPER', 'UPPER(str)', 'doris', 4, '将字符串中的字母全部转换成大写');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (82, 'LEFT', 'LEFT(s,n)', 'doris', 4, '返回字符串s从最左边开始的n个字符');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (83, 'RIGHT', 'RIGHT(s,n)', 'doris', 4, '返回字符串s从最右边开始的n个字符');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (84, 'REPEAT', 'REPEAT(s,n)', 'doris', 4, '返回一个由重复字符串s组成的字符串,字符串s的数目等于n');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (85, 'SPACE', 'SPACE(n)', 'doris', 4, '返回一个由n个空格组成的字符串');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (86, 'REVERSE', 'REVERSE(s)', 'doris', 4, '将字符串s反转');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (87, 'CURDATE', 'CURDATE()', 'doris', 3, '将当前日期按照\"YYYY-MM-DD\"或者\"YYYYMMDD\"格式的值返回,具体格式根据函数用在字符串或是数字语境中而定');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (88, 'CURRENT_DATE', 'CURRENT_DATE()', 'doris', 3, '将当前日期按照\"YYYY-MM-DD\"或者\"YYYYMMDD\"格式的值返回,具体格式根据函数用在字符串或是数字语境中而定');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (89, 'NOW', 'NOW()', 'doris', 3, '返回当前日期和时间值,格式为\"YYYY_MM-DD HH:MM:SS\"或\"YYYYMMDDHHMMSS\",具体格式根据函数用在字符串或数字语境中而定');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (90, 'SYSDATE', 'SYSDATE()', 'doris', 3, '返回当前日期和时间值,格式为\"YYYY_MM-DD HH:MM:SS\"或\"YYYYMMDDHHMMSS\",具体格式根据函数用在字符串或数字语境中而定');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (91, 'LOCALTIME', 'LOCALTIME()', 'doris', 3, '返回当前日期和时间值,格式为\"YYYY_MM-DD HH:MM:SS\"或\"YYYYMMDDHHMMSS\",具体格式根据函数用在字符串或数字语境中而定');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (92, 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()', 'doris', 3, '返回当前日期和时间值,格式为\"YYYY_MM-DD HH:MM:SS\"或\"YYYYMMDDHHMMSS\",具体格式根据函数用在字符串或数字语境中而定');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (93, 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP', 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP()', 'doris', 3, '返回一个格林尼治标准时间1970-01-01 00:00:00到现在的秒数');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (94, 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP', 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date)', 'doris', 3, '返回一个格林尼治标准时间1970-01-01 00:00:00到指定时间的秒数');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (95, 'FROM_UNIXTIME', 'FROM_UNIXTIME(date)', 'doris', 3, '把UNIX时间戳转换为普通格式的时间');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (96, 'CASE', 'CASE expr WHEN v1 THEN r1 [WHEN v2 THEN v2] [ELSE rn] END', 'doris', 3, '如果expr等于某个vn,则返回对应位置THEN后面的结果,如果与所有值都不想等,则返回ELSE后面的rn');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (97, 'IF', 'IF(expr,v1,v2)', 'doris', 5, '如果expr是TRUE则返回v1,否则返回v2');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (98, 'IFNULL', 'IFNULL(v1,v2)', 'doris', 5, '如果v1不为NULL,则返回v1,否则返回v2');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (99, 'SUBSTR', 'SUBSTR(char, position, substring_length)', 'oracle', 4, '获取从字符串char中的第position个位置开始长度为substring_lenght的字符串');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (100, 'REPLACE', 'REPLACE(X,old,new)', 'oracle', 4, '在X中查找old,并替换成new');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (101, 'TRIM', 'TRIM([TRIM_STR FROM]X)', 'oracle', 4, '把X的两边截去trim_str字符串,缺省截去空格');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (102, 'LOWER', 'LOWER(X)', 'oracle', 4, 'X转换成小写');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (103, 'UPPER', 'UPPER(X)', 'oracle', 4, 'X转换成大写');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (104, 'LENGTH', 'LENGTH(X)', 'oracle', 4, '返回X的长度');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (105, 'ABS', 'ABS(value)', 'oracle', 2, '返回value的绝对值');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (106, 'CEIL', 'CEIL(value)', 'oracle', 2, '返回大于等于value的最小整数');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (107, 'FLOOR', 'FLOOR(value)', 'oracle', 2, '返回小于等于value的最大整数');
INSERT INTO `dataset_table_function` VALUES (108, 'ROUND', 'ROUND(value,n)', 'oracle', 2, '对value进行四舍五入,保存小数点右侧的n位。如果n省略的话,相当于n=0的情况');
@ -4,7 +4,9 @@
<edit-bar v-if="config === curComponent" @showViewDetails="showViewDetails" />
:id="'component' + config.id"
@ -16,6 +18,7 @@
@ -33,8 +36,10 @@ import runAnimation from '@/components/canvas/utils/runAnimation'
import { mixins } from '@/components/canvas/utils/events'
import { mapState } from 'vuex'
import DeOutWidget from '@/components/dataease/DeOutWidget'
import EditBar from '@/components/canvas/components/Editor/EditBar'
export default {
components: { DeOutWidget },
components: { DeOutWidget, EditBar },
mixins: [mixins],
props: {
config: {
@ -60,7 +65,8 @@ export default {
computed: {
mounted() {
@ -94,6 +100,20 @@ export default {
Object.keys(events).forEach(event => {
elementMouseDown(e) {
// private 设置当前组件数据及状态
this.$store.commit('setClickComponentStatus', true)
if (this.config.component !== 'v-text' && this.config.component !== 'rect-shape' && this.config.component !== 'de-input-search' && this.config.component !== 'de-number-range') {
// 阻止冒泡事件
this.$store.commit('setCurComponent', { component: this.config, index: this.index })
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
<div class="bar-main">
<i v-if="curComponent.type==='view'" class="icon iconfont icon-fangda" @click.stop="showViewDetails" />
<i v-if="activeModel==='edit'" class="icon iconfont icon-shezhi" @click.stop="showViewDetails" />
import { mapState } from 'vuex'
import eventBus from '@/components/canvas/utils/eventBus'
export default {
props: {
active: {
type: Boolean,
required: false,
default: false
// 当前模式 preview 预览 edit 编辑,
activeModel: {
type: String,
required: false,
default: 'preview'
data() {
return {
componentType: null,
editFilter: [
computed: mapState([
methods: {
showViewDetails() {
<style lang="scss" scoped>
position: absolute;
right: 0px;
z-index: 2;
padding-left: 5px;
padding-right: 2px;
background-color: #0a7be0;
.bar-main i{
color: white;
float: right;
margin-right: 3px;
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<div id="canvasInfoTemp" :style="customStyle" class="bg">
<div id="canvasInfoTemp" :style="customStyle" class="bg" @mouseup="deselectCurComponent" @mousedown="handleMouseDown">
<el-row v-if="componentDataShow.length===0" style="height: 100%;" class="custom-position">
{{ $t('panel.panelNull') }}
@ -121,6 +121,8 @@ export default {
return this.componentDataShow
@ -204,6 +206,17 @@ export default {
exportExcel() {
deselectCurComponent(e) {
if (!this.isClickComponent) {
this.$store.commit('setCurComponent', { component: null, index: null })
handleMouseDown() {
// console.log('handleMouseDown123')
this.$store.commit('setClickComponentStatus', false)
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@ export default {
// 第一次变化 不需要 重置边界 待改进
if (this.changeIndex++ > 0) {
// this.changeScale()
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
<i v-if="requestStatus==='success'" style="right:25px;position: absolute;z-index: 2" class="icon iconfont icon-fangda" @click.stop="openChartDetailsDialog" />
<!-- <i v-if="requestStatus==='success'" style="right:25px;position: absolute;z-index: 2" class="icon iconfont icon-fangda" @click.stop="openChartDetailsDialog" />-->
<div v-if="requestStatus==='error'" class="chart-error-class">
<div style="font-size: 12px; color: #9ea6b2;height: 100%;display: flex;align-items: center;justify-content: center;">
{{ message }},{{ $t('chart.chart_show_error') }}
@ -66,6 +66,10 @@ export default {
type: Boolean,
required: false,
default: false
componentIndex: {
type: Number,
required: false
data() {
@ -128,7 +132,6 @@ export default {
mounted() {
methods: {
mergeStyle() {
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ export default {
tokenError: 'Token error, please login again',
username_error: 'Please enter the correct ID',
password_error: 'The password can not be less than 8 digits',
re_login: 'Login again'
login_again: 'Login again'
commons: {
no_target_permission: 'No permission',
@ -334,7 +334,9 @@ export default {
input_pwd: 'Please input password',
message_box: {
alert: 'Alert',
confirm: 'Confirm'
confirm: 'Confirm',
ok: 'Confirm',
cancel: 'Cancel'
documentation: {
@ -752,7 +754,6 @@ export default {
chart_funnel: 'Funnel',
chart_radar: 'Radar',
chart_gauge: 'Gauge',
chart_map: 'Map',
dateStyle: 'Date Style',
datePattern: 'Date Format',
y: 'Year',
@ -821,11 +822,6 @@ export default {
drag_block_funnel_split: 'Funnel Split',
drag_block_radar_length: 'Branch Length',
drag_block_radar_label: 'Branch Label',
stack_item: 'Stack Item',
map_range: 'Map range',
select_map_range: 'Please select map range',
area: 'Area',
placeholder_field: 'Drag Field To Here',
axis_label_rotate: 'Label Rotate'
dataset: {
@ -980,19 +976,7 @@ export default {
right_join: 'RIGHT JOIN',
inner_join: 'INNER JOIN',
full_join: 'FULL JOIN',
can_not_union_diff_datasource: 'Union dataset must have same data source',
operator: 'Operator',
d_q_trans: 'Dimension/Quota Transform',
add_calc_field: 'Create calc field',
input_name: 'Please input name',
field_exp: 'Field Expression',
data_type: 'Data Type',
click_ref_field: 'Click Quote Field',
click_ref_function: 'Click Quote Function',
field_manage: 'Field Manage',
edit_calc_field: 'Edit calc field',
calc_field: 'Calc Field',
show_sql: 'Show SQL'
can_not_union_diff_datasource: 'Union dataset must have same data source'
datasource: {
datasource: 'Data Source',
@ -1306,54 +1290,5 @@ export default {
i18n_msg_type_dataset_sync_faild: 'Dataset synchronization failed',
i18n_msg_type_all: 'All type',
channel_inner_msg: 'On site news'
denumberrange: {
label: 'Number range',
split_placeholder: 'To',
please_key_min: 'Please key min value',
please_key_max: 'Please key max value',
out_of_min: 'The min value cannot be less than the min integer -2³²',
out_of_max: 'The max value cannot be more than the max integer 2³²-1',
must_int: 'Please key interger',
min_out_max: 'The min value must be less than the max value',
max_out_min: 'The max value must be more than the min value'
denumberselect: {
label: 'Number selector',
placeholder: 'Please select'
deinputsearch: {
label: 'Text search',
placeholder: 'Please key keyword'
detextselect: {
label: 'Text selector',
placeholder: 'Please select'
detextgridselect: {
label: 'Text list',
placeholder: 'Please select'
denumbergridselect: {
label: 'Number list',
placeholder: 'Please select'
dedaterange: {
label: 'Date range',
to_placeholder: 'End date',
from_placeholder: 'Start date',
split_placeholder: 'To'
dedate: {
label: 'Date',
placeholder: 'Please select date'
deyearmonth: {
label: 'Month',
placeholder: 'Please select month'
deyear: {
label: 'Year',
placeholder: 'Please select year'
@ -109,25 +109,25 @@ export default {
navbar: {
dashboard: '首頁',
github: '項目地址',
logOut: '退出登陸',
logOut: '退出登錄',
profile: '個人中心',
theme: '換膚',
size: '佈局大小'
login: {
title: '系統登陸',
title: '系統登錄',
welcome: '歡迎使用',
logIn: '登陸',
logIn: '登錄',
username: '帳號',
password: '密碼',
any: '任意字符',
thirdparty: '第三方登陸',
thirdparty: '第三方登錄',
thirdpartyTips: '本地不能模擬,請結合自己業務進行模擬!!!',
expires: '登陸信息過期,請重新登陸',
tokenError: '信息錯誤,請重新登陸',
expires: '登錄信息過期,請重新登錄',
tokenError: '信息錯誤,請重新登錄',
username_error: '請輸入正確的 ID',
password_error: '密碼不小於 8 位',
re_login: '重新登陸'
login_again: '重新登錄'
commons: {
no_target_permission: '沒有權限',
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ export default {
prompt: '提示',
operating: '操作',
input_limit: '長度在 {0} 到 {1} 個字符',
login: '登陸',
login: '登錄',
welcome: '一站式開源數據分析平臺',
username: '姓名',
password: '密碼',
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ export default {
remove: '移除',
remove_cancel: '移除取消',
remove_success: '移除成功',
tips: '認證信息已過期,請重新登陸',
tips: '認證信息已過期,請重新登錄',
not_performed_yet: '尚未執行',
incorrect_input: '輸入內容不正確',
delete_confirm: '請輸入以下內容,確認刪除:',
@ -334,7 +334,9 @@ export default {
input_pwd: '請輸入密碼',
message_box: {
alert: '警告',
confirm: '確認'
confirm: '確認',
ok: '確認',
cancel: '取消'
documentation: {
@ -752,7 +754,6 @@ export default {
chart_funnel: '漏鬥圖',
chart_radar: '雷達圖',
chart_gauge: '儀表盤',
chart_map: '地圖',
dateStyle: '日期顯示',
datePattern: '日期格式',
y: '年',
@ -821,11 +822,6 @@ export default {
drag_block_funnel_split: '漏鬥分層',
drag_block_radar_length: '分支長度',
drag_block_radar_label: '分支標簽',
map_range: '地圖範圍',
select_map_range: '請選擇地圖範圍',
area: '地區',
stack_item: '堆疊項',
placeholder_field: '拖動字段至此處',
axis_label_rotate: '標簽角度'
dataset: {
@ -980,19 +976,7 @@ export default {
right_join: '右連接',
inner_join: '內連接',
full_join: '全連接',
can_not_union_diff_datasource: '被關聯數據集必須與當前數據集的數據源一致',
operator: '操作',
d_q_trans: '維度/指標轉換',
add_calc_field: '新建计算字段',
input_name: '請輸入名稱',
field_exp: '字段表達式',
data_type: '數據類型',
click_ref_field: '點擊引用字段',
click_ref_function: '點擊引用函數',
field_manage: '字段管理',
edit_calc_field: '編輯計算字段',
calc_field: '計算字段',
show_sql: '顯示SQL'
can_not_union_diff_datasource: '被關聯數據集必須與當前數據集的數據源一致'
datasource: {
datasource: '數據源',
@ -1145,7 +1129,7 @@ export default {
lineHeight: '行高',
letterSpacing: '字間距',
textAlign: '左右對齊',
opacity: '不透明度',
opacity: '透明度',
verticalAlign: '上下對齊',
text_align_left: '左對齊',
text_align_center: '左右居中',
@ -1184,9 +1168,9 @@ export default {
display: {
logo: '頭部系統 Logo',
loginLogo: '登陸頁面頭部 Logo',
loginImage: '登陸頁面右側圖片',
loginTitle: '登陸頁面標題',
loginLogo: '登錄頁面頭部 Logo',
loginImage: '登錄頁面右側圖片',
loginTitle: '登錄頁面標題',
title: '系統名稱',
advice_size: '建議圖片大小'
@ -1306,54 +1290,5 @@ export default {
i18n_msg_type_dataset_sync_faild: '數據集同步失敗',
i18n_msg_type_all: '全部類型',
channel_inner_msg: '站內消息'
denumberrange: {
label: '數值區間',
split_placeholder: '至',
please_key_min: '請輸入最小值',
please_key_max: '請輸入最大值',
out_of_min: '最小值不能小于最小整數-2³²',
out_of_max: '最大值不能大于最大整數2³²-1',
must_int: '請輸入整數',
min_out_max: '最小值必須小于最大值',
max_out_min: '最大值必須大于最小值'
denumberselect: {
label: '數字下拉',
placeholder: '請選擇'
deinputsearch: {
label: '文本搜索',
placeholder: '請輸入關鍵字'
detextselect: {
label: '文本下拉',
placeholder: '請選擇'
detextgridselect: {
label: '文本列表',
placeholder: '請選擇'
denumbergridselect: {
label: '數字列表',
placeholder: '請選擇'
dedaterange: {
label: '日期範圍',
to_placeholder: '結束日期',
from_placeholder: '開始日期',
split_placeholder: '至'
dedate: {
label: '日期',
placeholder: '請選擇日期'
deyearmonth: {
label: '年月',
placeholder: '請選擇年月'
deyear: {
label: '年份',
placeholder: '請選擇年份'
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ export default {
tokenError: '登陆信息错误,请重新登录',
username_error: '请输入正确的 ID',
password_error: '密码不小于 8 位',
re_login: '重新登录'
login_again: '重新登录'
commons: {
no_target_permission: '没有权限',
@ -334,7 +334,9 @@ export default {
input_pwd: '请输入密码',
message_box: {
alert: '警告',
confirm: '确认'
confirm: '确认',
ok: '确认',
cancel: '取消'
documentation: {
@ -752,7 +754,6 @@ export default {
chart_funnel: '漏斗图',
chart_radar: '雷达图',
chart_gauge: '仪表盘',
chart_map: '地图',
dateStyle: '日期显示',
datePattern: '日期格式',
y: '年',
@ -821,11 +822,6 @@ export default {
drag_block_funnel_split: '漏斗分层',
drag_block_radar_length: '分支长度',
drag_block_radar_label: '分支标签',
map_range: '地图范围',
select_map_range: '请选择地图范围',
area: '地区',
stack_item: '堆叠项',
placeholder_field: '拖动字段至此处',
axis_label_rotate: '标签角度'
dataset: {
@ -980,19 +976,7 @@ export default {
right_join: '右连接',
inner_join: '内连接',
full_join: '全连接',
can_not_union_diff_datasource: '被关联数据集必须与当前数据集的数据源一致',
operator: '操作',
d_q_trans: '维度/指标转换',
add_calc_field: '新建计算字段',
input_name: '请输入名称',
field_exp: '字段表达式',
data_type: '数据类型',
click_ref_field: '点击引用字段',
click_ref_function: '点击引用函数',
field_manage: '字段管理',
edit_calc_field: '编辑计算字段',
calc_field: '计算字段',
show_sql: '显示SQL'
can_not_union_diff_datasource: '被关联数据集必须与当前数据集的数据源一致'
datasource: {
datasource: '数据源',
@ -1025,7 +1009,8 @@ export default {
oracle_service_name: '服务名',
get_schema: '获取 Schema',
schema: '数据库 Schema',
please_choose_schema: '请选择数据库 Schema'
please_choose_schema: '请选择数据库 Schema',
edit_datasource_msg: '修改数据源信息,可能会导致改数据源下的数据集不可用,确认修改?'
pblink: {
key_pwd: '请输入密码打开链接',
@ -1146,7 +1131,7 @@ export default {
lineHeight: '行高',
letterSpacing: '字间距',
textAlign: '左右对齐',
opacity: '不透明度',
opacity: '透明度',
verticalAlign: '上下对齐',
text_align_left: '左对齐',
text_align_center: '左右居中',
@ -1308,54 +1293,5 @@ export default {
i18n_msg_type_dataset_sync_faild: '数据集同步失败',
i18n_msg_type_all: '全部类型',
channel_inner_msg: '站内消息'
denumberrange: {
label: '数值区间',
split_placeholder: '至',
please_key_min: '请输入最小值',
please_key_max: '请输入最大值',
out_of_min: '最小值不能小于最小整数-2³²',
out_of_max: '最大值不能大于最大整数2³²-1',
must_int: '请输入整数',
min_out_max: '最小值必须小于最大值',
max_out_min: '最大值必须大于最小值'
denumberselect: {
label: '数字下拉',
placeholder: '请选择'
deinputsearch: {
label: '文本搜索',
placeholder: '请输入关键字'
detextselect: {
label: '文本下拉',
placeholder: '请选择'
detextgridselect: {
label: '文本列表',
placeholder: '请选择'
denumbergridselect: {
label: '数字列表',
placeholder: '请选择'
dedaterange: {
label: '日期范围',
to_placeholder: '结束日期',
from_placeholder: '开始日期',
split_placeholder: '至'
dedate: {
label: '日期',
placeholder: '请选择日期'
deyearmonth: {
label: '年月',
placeholder: '请选择年月'
deyear: {
label: '年份',
placeholder: '请选择年份'
@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ export const $alert = (message, callback, options) => {
export const $confirm = (message, callback, options = {}) => {
const defaultOptions = {
confirmButtonText: i18n.t('common.button.ok'),
cancelButtonText: i18n.t('common.button.cancel'),
confirmButtonText: i18n.t('commons.message_box.ok'),
cancelButtonText: i18n.t('commons.message_box.cancel'),
type: 'warning',
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ const LinkTokenKey = Config.LinkTokenKey
const service = axios.create({
baseURL: process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_API, // url = base url + request url
// withCredentials: true, // send cookies when cross-domain requests
timeout: 10000 // request timeout
timeout: 20000 // request timeout
// request interceptor
@ -52,10 +52,6 @@ service.interceptors.request.use(
const defaultOptions = {
confirmButtonText: i18n.t('login.re_login')
const checkAuth = response => {
// 请根据实际需求修改
@ -66,7 +62,10 @@ const checkAuth = response => {
store.dispatch('user/logout').then(() => {
}, defaultOptions)
}, {
confirmButtonText: i18n.t('login.login_again'),
showClose: false
if (response.headers['authentication-status'] === 'invalid') {
@ -75,6 +74,9 @@ const checkAuth = response => {
store.dispatch('user/logout').then(() => {
}, {
confirmButtonText: i18n.t('login.login_again'),
showClose: false
// token到期后自动续命 刷新token
@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ export function baseRadarOption(chart_option, chart) {
data: [
value: y.data,
name: y.name
name: y.name,
label: y.label
@ -26,10 +26,10 @@
<el-form-item v-if="form.configuration.dataSourceType=='jdbc'" :label="$t('datasource.host')" prop="configuration.host">
<el-input v-model="form.configuration.host" autocomplete="off" :disabled="formType=='modify'" />
<el-input v-model="form.configuration.host" autocomplete="off" />
<el-form-item v-if="form.configuration.dataSourceType=='jdbc'" :label="$t('datasource.data_base')" prop="configuration.dataBase">
<el-input v-model="form.configuration.dataBase" autocomplete="off" :disabled="formType=='modify'" />
<el-input v-model="form.configuration.dataBase" autocomplete="off" />
<el-form-item v-if="form.type=='oracle'" :label="$t('datasource.oracle_connection_type')" prop="configuration.connectionType">
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
<el-form-item v-if="form.configuration.dataSourceType=='jdbc'" :label="$t('datasource.user_name')" prop="configuration.username">
<el-input v-model="form.configuration.username" autocomplete="off" :disabled="formType=='modify'" />
<el-input v-model="form.configuration.username" autocomplete="off" />
<el-form-item v-if="form.configuration.dataSourceType=='jdbc'" :label="$t('datasource.password')" prop="configuration.password">
<el-input v-model="form.configuration.password" autocomplete="off" show-password />
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
<el-form-item v-if="form.type=='oracle'" :label="$t('datasource.schema')">
<el-select filterable v-model="form.configuration.schema" :placeholder="$t('datasource.please_choose_schema')" class="select-width" :disabled="formType=='modify'">
<el-select filterable v-model="form.configuration.schema" :placeholder="$t('datasource.please_choose_schema')" class="select-width">
v-for="item in schemas"
@ -79,6 +79,8 @@
import LayoutContent from '@/components/business/LayoutContent'
import { addDs, editDs, getSchema, validateDs } from '@/api/system/datasource'
import { $confirm } from '@/utils/message'
export default {
name: 'DsForm',
components: { LayoutContent },
@ -105,7 +107,8 @@ export default {
allTypes: [{ name: 'mysql', label: 'MySQL', type: 'jdbc' }, { name: 'oracle', label: 'Oracle', type: 'jdbc' }],
schemas: [],
canEdit: false
canEdit: false,
originConfiguration: {}
@ -140,6 +143,7 @@ export default {
edit(row) {
this.formType = 'modify'
this.form = Object.assign({}, row)
this.originConfiguration = this.form.configuration
this.form.configuration = JSON.parse(this.form.configuration)
@ -156,11 +160,21 @@ export default {
const method = this.formType === 'add' ? addDs : editDs
const form = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.form))
form.configuration = JSON.stringify(form.configuration)
method(form).then(res => {
if(this.formType !== 'add' && this.originConfiguration !== form.configuration) {
$confirm(this.$t('datasource.edit_datasource_msg'), () => {
method(form).then(res => {
}else {
method(form).then(res => {
} else {
return false
Reference in New Issue
Block a user