Merge branch 'dev' of into dev

This commit is contained in:
taojinlong 2022-08-23 12:46:34 +08:00
commit 77c5321207
6 changed files with 17 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -35,3 +35,9 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `sys_param_assist` (
ALTER TABLE `sys_task_email`
MODIFY COLUMN `view_ids` longtext CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL COMMENT '关联视图' AFTER `task_id`;
update `sys_menu` set icon = 'plugins-new' where `menu_id` = 101;
update `sys_menu` set icon = 'sys-setting' where `menu_id` = 700;
update `sys_menu` set icon = 'sys-param' where `menu_id` = 6;
update `sys_menu` set icon = 'display-setting' where `menu_id` = 710;

View File

@ -157,6 +157,13 @@ export default {
alignItems: 'center'
if (vertical !== 'top' && this.element.component === 'de-number-range') {
if (!this.titleStyle) {
this.titleStyle = {}
this.titleStyle.marginTop = '-20px'
getCondition() {
if (this.$refs && this.$refs['deOutWidget'] && this.$refs['deOutWidget'].getCondition) {

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long


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View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?><!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" ""><svg class="icon" width="200px" height="200.00px" viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" version="1.1" xmlns=""><path d="M903.5 98.2H119.3c-30.9 0-56 25.1-56 56v606.1c0 30.9 25.1 56 56 56h224v56c0 30.9 25.1 56 56 56h224c30.9 0 56-25.1 56-56v-56h224c30.9 0 56-25.1 56-56V154.2c0.2-31-24.9-56-55.8-56z m-1.8 648.4H126.6V168.5h769.1l6 578.1zM567.3 326.7h-308c-15.4 0-28-12.6-28-28s12.6-28 28-28h308c15.4 0 28 12.6 28 28s-12.6 28-28 28z m56 148.9h-364c-15.4 0-28-12.6-28-28s12.6-28 28-28h364c15.4 0 28 12.6 28 28s-12.6 28-28 28z m140 149h-504c-15.4 0-28-12.6-28-28s12.6-28 28-28h504c15.4 0 28 12.6 28 28s-12.6 28-28 28z" /></svg>


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View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
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