export default { common: { inputText: 'Please input', account: 'Account', email: 'Email', phone: 'Phone', pwd: 'Password', require: 'Require', personal_info: 'Personal info', about: 'About', exit_system: 'Exit system', letter_start: 'Must start with a letter', required: 'Required', operate: 'Operate', create_time: 'Create time', edit: 'Edit', delete: 'Delete', please_input: 'Please key', please_select: 'Please select', cancel: 'Cancel', sure: 'Sure', input_limit: 'The length is between {0} and {1} characters', save_success: 'Save success', roger_that: 'Roger that', delete_success: 'Delete success', no_auth_tips: 'Missing menu permissions, please contact the administrator' }, login: { welcome: 'Welcome', btn: 'Login', username_format: "1-25 alphanumeric or ._-{'@'} and start with a letter or number", pwd_format: 'Length should be 5 to 15' }, user: { change_password: 'Change password' }, org: { org_title: 'Organization', org_move: 'Migration', add: 'Add', name: 'Name', sub_count: 'Subset count', search_placeholder: 'Please enter a name to search', edit: 'Edit', parent: 'Superior', default_cannot_move: 'The default organization cannot be deleted', default_parent_tips: '(default current organization)', admin_parent_tips: '(default root organization)' }, auth: { row_column: 'Row and column permission settings', row_permission: 'Row permission rules', enable_row: 'Enable row permissions', white_list: 'White list', white_user_not: 'The above permission rules do not take effect for white list users', organization_or_role: 'Please select an organization or role', column_permission: 'Column permission rule', enable_column: 'Enable column permissions', search_by_field: 'Search by field name', add_condition: 'Add condition', add_relationship: 'Add relationship', filter_fields: 'Filter fields', select_filter_fields: 'Please select a filter field', enter_keywords: 'Please enter keywords', screen_method: 'Screening method', select: 'Please select', fixed_value: 'Fixed value', default_method: 'Default condition', select_all: 'Select all', added: 'Added', manual_input: 'Manual input', please_fill: 'Please fill in one line and add 500 at most. Duplicate options and added options will be automatically filtered when identifying and entering', close: 'close', add: 'add to', sure: 'determine' }, cron: { second: 'Second', minute: 'Minute', hour: 'Hour', day: 'Day', minute_default: 'Minutes (execution time: 0 seconds)', hour_default: 'Hours (execution time: 0 minutes 0 seconds)', day_default: 'Day (execution time: 0:00:00)', month: 'Month', week: 'Week', year: 'Year', d_w_cant_not_set: 'Day and Week can not same as "Not set"', d_w_must_one_set: 'Day and Week at least on as "Not set"', every_day: 'Every day', cycle: 'Cycle', not_set: 'Not set', from: 'From', to: 'To', repeat: 'Repeat', day_begin: 'begin,every', day_exec: 'execute once', work_day: 'weekday', this_month: 'This month', day_near_work_day: 'nearly weekday', this_week_last_day: 'this month last day', set: 'Set', every_hour: 'Every hour', hour_begin: 'begin,every', hour_exec: 'execute once', every_month: 'Every month', month_begin: 'begin,every', month_exec: 'execute once', every: 'Every', every_begin: 'begin,every', every_exec: 'execute once', every_week: 'Every week', week_start: 'From week', week_end: 'to week', every_year: 'Every year', week_tips: 'Tips:1-7 mapping SUN-SAT', minute_limit: 'Minutes cannot be less than 1 and greater than 59', hour_limit: 'Hours cannot be less than 1 and greater than 23', day_limit: 'Days cannot be less than 1 and greater than 31' } }