export default { route: { dashboard: 'Dashboard', documentation: 'Documentation', guide: 'Guide', permission: 'Permission', pagePermission: 'Page Permission', rolePermission: 'Role Permission', directivePermission: 'Directive Permission', icons: 'Icons', components: 'Components', tinymce: 'Tinymce', markdown: 'Markdown', jsonEditor: 'JSON Editor', dndList: 'Dnd List', splitPane: 'SplitPane', avatarUpload: 'Avatar Upload', dropzone: 'Dropzone', sticky: 'Sticky', countTo: 'Count To', componentMixin: 'Mixin', backToTop: 'Back To Top', dragDialog: 'Drag Dialog', dragSelect: 'Drag Select', dragKanban: 'Drag Kanban', charts: 'Charts', keyboardChart: 'Keyboard Chart', lineChart: 'Line Chart', mixChart: 'Mix Chart', example: 'Example', nested: 'Nested Routes', menu1: 'Menu 1', 'menu1-1': 'Menu 1-1', 'menu1-2': 'Menu 1-2', 'menu1-2-1': 'Menu 1-2-1', 'menu1-2-2': 'Menu 1-2-2', 'menu1-3': 'Menu 1-3', menu2: 'Menu 2', Table: 'Table', dynamicTable: 'Dynamic Table', dragTable: 'Drag Table', inlineEditTable: 'Inline Edit', complexTable: 'Complex Table', tab: 'Tab', form: 'Form', createArticle: 'Create Article', editArticle: 'Edit Article', articleList: 'Article List', errorPages: 'Error Pages', page401: '401', page404: '404', errorLog: 'Error Log', excel: 'Excel', exportExcel: 'Export Excel', selectExcel: 'Export Selected', mergeHeader: 'Merge Header', uploadExcel: 'Upload Excel', zip: 'Zip', pdf: 'PDF', exportZip: 'Export Zip', theme: 'Theme', clipboardDemo: 'Clipboard', i18n: 'I18n', externalLink: 'External Link', profile: 'Profile' }, navbar: { dashboard: 'Dashboard', github: 'Github', logOut: 'Log Out', profile: 'Profile', theme: 'Theme', size: 'Global Size' }, login: { title: 'Login', welcome: 'Welcome To ', logIn: 'Login', username: 'Username', password: 'Password', any: 'any', thirdparty: 'Or connect with', thirdpartyTips: 'Can not be simulated on local, so please combine you own business simulation! ! !', expires: 'Login token expired, please login again', tokenError: 'Token error, please login again', username_error: 'Please enter the correct ID', password_error: 'The password can not be less than 8 digits' }, commons: { close: 'Close', icon: 'Icon', all: 'All', enable: 'Enable', disable: 'Disable', yes: 'Yes', no: 'No', reset: 'Reset', gender: 'Gender', catalogue: 'Catalogue', button: 'Button', man: 'Man', woman: 'Woman', nick_name: 'Name', confirmPassword: 'Confirm Password', upload: 'Upload', cover: 'Cover', not_cover: 'Not Cover', import_mode: 'Import Mode', import_module: 'Import module', please_fill_in_the_template: 'Please fill in the template', cut_back_old_version: 'Switch back to the old version', cut_back_new_version: 'Switch back to the new version', comment: 'Comments', examples: 'Examples', help_documentation: 'Help document', api_help_documentation: 'API document', delete_cancelled: 'Deletion canceled', workspace: 'Workspace', organization: 'Organization', menu: 'Menu', setting: 'Setting', project: 'Project', about_us: 'About Us', current_project: 'Current Project', name: 'Name', description: 'Description', annotation: 'Annotation', clear: 'Clean', save: 'Save', update: 'Update', save_success: 'Saved successfully', delete_success: 'deleted successfully', copy_success: 'Copy succeeded', modify_success: 'Modified successfully', delete_cancel: 'Deletion canceled', confirm: 'Confirm', cancel: 'Cancel', prompt: 'Tips', operating: 'Operation', input_limit: 'The length is between {0} and {1} characters', login: 'Login', welcome: 'One stop open source data analysis platform', username: 'User Name', password: 'Pass word', input_username: 'Please enter the user name', input_password: 'Please input a password', test: 'Test', create_time: 'Create Time', update_time: 'Update Time', add: 'Add', member: 'Member', email: 'Email', phone: 'Phone', role: 'Role', personal_info: 'Personal Info', api_keys: 'API Keys', quota: 'Quota', status: 'Status', show_all: 'Show All', show: 'Show', report: 'Report', user: 'User', system: 'System', personal_setting: 'Personal Setting', test_resource_pool: 'Test Resource Pool', system_setting: 'System Setting', input_content: 'Please input the content', create: 'Create', edit: 'Edit', copy: 'Copy', refresh: 'Refresh', remark: 'Remark', delete: 'Delete', reduction: 'Recovery', not_filled: 'Not Filled', please_select: 'Please Select', search_by_name: 'Search by name', personal_information: 'Personal Information', exit_system: 'Exit System', verification: 'Verification', title: 'Title', custom: 'Custom', select_date: 'Select Date', months_1: 'January', months_2: 'February', months_3: 'March', months_4: 'April', months_5: 'May', months_6: 'June', months_7: 'July', months_8: 'August', months_9: 'September', months_10: 'October', months_11: 'November', months_12: 'December', weeks_0: 'Sunday', weeks_1: 'Monday', weeks_2: 'Tuesday', weeks_3: 'Wednesday', weeks_4: 'Thursday', weeks_5: 'Friday', weeks_6: 'Saturday', system_parameter_setting: 'System Parameter Setting', connection_successful: 'Connection Successful', connection_failed: 'Connection Failed', save_failed: 'Save Failed', host_cannot_be_empty: 'Host cannot be empty', port_cannot_be_empty: 'Port cannot be empty', account_cannot_be_empty: 'Account cannot be empty', remove: 'Remove', remove_cancel: 'Remove Cancel', remove_success: 'Remove Success', tips: 'The authentication information has expired. Please login again.', not_performed_yet: 'Not yet implemented', incorrect_input: 'Incorrect Input', delete_confirm: 'Please enter the following to confirm the deletion:', login_username: 'ID or Email', input_login_username: 'Please enter user ID or email', input_name: 'Please enter user name', please_upload: 'Please upload the file', please_fill_path: 'Please fill in the URL path', formatErr: 'Format Error', please_save: 'Please Save', reference_documentation: 'Reference documents', id: 'ID', millisecond: 'Millisecond', cannot_be_null: 'Cannot be null', required: '{0} is required', already_exists: 'Already Exists', modifier: 'Modifier', validate: 'Validate', batch_add: 'Batch Add', tag_tip: 'Enter add label', table: { select_tip: '{0} data selected' }, date: { select_date: 'Select Date', start_date: 'Start Date', end_date: 'End Date', select_date_time: 'Select date time', start_date_time: 'Start date time', end_date_time: 'End date time', range_separator: 'to', data_time_error: 'The start date cannot be greater than the end date.' }, adv_search: { title: 'Advanced search', combine: 'Combined query', test: 'Test', project: 'Project', search: 'Search', reset: 'Reset', and: 'All', or: 'Any one', operators: { is_empty: 'Empty', is_not_empty: 'Not empty', like: 'Contain', not_like: 'Not Contain', in: 'In', not_in: 'Not in', gt: 'Greater Than', ge: 'Greater than or equal to', lt: 'Less Than', le: 'Less than or equal to', equals: 'equals', not_equals: 'Not equals', between: 'between', current_user: 'Current User' } }, monitor: 'Monitor', image: 'Image', tag: 'Tag', module: { select_module: 'Select Module', default_module: 'Default Module' }, datasource: 'Datasource', char_can_not_more_50: 'Can not more 50 char', share_success: 'Share Success' }, documentation: { documentation: 'Documentation', github: 'Github Repository' }, permission: { addRole: 'New Role', editPermission: 'Edit', roles: 'Your roles', switchRoles: 'Switch roles', tips: 'In some cases, using v-permission will have no effect. For example: Element-UI el-tab or el-table-column and other scenes that dynamically render dom. You can only do this with v-if.', delete: 'Delete', confirm: 'Confirm', cancel: 'Cancel' }, guide: { description: 'The guide page is useful for some people who entered the project for the first time. You can briefly introduce the features of the project. Demo is based on ', button: 'Show Guide' }, components: { documentation: 'Documentation', tinymceTips: 'Rich text is a core feature of the management backend, but at the same time it is a place with lots of pits. In the process of selecting rich texts, I also took a lot of detours. The common rich texts on the market have been basically used, and I finally chose Tinymce. See the more detailed rich text comparison and introduction.', dropzoneTips: 'Because my business has special needs, and has to upload images to qiniu, so instead of a third party, I chose encapsulate it by myself. It is very simple, you can see the detail code in @/components/Dropzone.', stickyTips: 'when the page is scrolled to the preset position will be sticky on the top.', backToTopTips1: 'When the page is scrolled to the specified position, the Back to Top button appears in the lower right corner', backToTopTips2: 'You can customize the style of the button, show / hide, height of appearance, height of the return. If you need a text prompt, you can use element-ui el-tooltip elements externally', imageUploadTips: 'Since I was using only the vue@1 version, and it is not compatible with mockjs at the moment, I modified it myself, and if you are going to use it, it is better to use official version.' }, table: { dynamicTips1: 'Fixed header, sorted by header order', dynamicTips2: 'Not fixed header, sorted by click order', dragTips1: 'The default order', dragTips2: 'The after dragging order', title: 'Title', importance: 'Imp', type: 'Type', remark: 'Remark', search: 'Search', add: 'Add', export: 'Export', reviewer: 'reviewer', id: 'ID', date: 'Date', author: 'Author', readings: 'Readings', status: 'Status', actions: 'Actions', edit: 'Edit', publish: 'Publish', draft: 'Draft', delete: 'Delete', cancel: 'Cancel', confirm: 'Confirm' }, example: { warning: 'Creating and editing pages cannot be cached by keep-alive because keep-alive include does not currently support caching based on routes, so it is currently cached based on component name. If you want to achieve a similar caching effect, you can use a browser caching scheme such as localStorage. Or do not use keep-alive include to cache all pages directly. See details' }, errorLog: { tips: 'Please click the bug icon in the upper right corner', description: 'Now the management system are basically the form of the spa, it enhances the user experience, but it also increases the possibility of page problems, a small negligence may lead to the entire page deadlock. Fortunately Vue provides a way to catch handling exceptions, where you can handle errors or report exceptions.', documentation: 'Document introduction' }, excel: { export: 'Export', selectedExport: 'Export Selected Items', placeholder: 'Please enter the file name (default excel-list)' }, zip: { export: 'Export', placeholder: 'Please enter the file name (default file)' }, pdf: { tips: 'Here we use window.print() to implement the feature of downloading PDF.' }, theme: { change: 'Change Theme', documentation: 'Theme documentation', tips: 'Tips: It is different from the theme-pick on the navbar is two different skinning methods, each with different application scenarios. Refer to the documentation for details.' }, tagsView: { refresh: 'Refresh', close: 'Close', closeOthers: 'Close Others', closeAll: 'Close All' }, settings: { title: 'Page style setting', theme: 'Theme Color', tagsView: 'Open Tags-View', fixedHeader: 'Fixed Header', sidebarLogo: 'Sidebar Logo' }, license: { i18n_no_license_record: 'No License Record', i18n_license_is_empty: 'License is empty.', title: 'Authorization Management', corporation: 'Customer Name', time: 'Authorization Time', product: 'Product', edition: 'Edition', licenseVersion: 'Authorized Version', count: 'Authorized Count', valid_license: 'Valid License', show_license: 'Show License', valid_license_error: 'Verification failed', status: 'Authorization status', valid: 'Valid', invalid: 'Invalid', expired: 'Expired' }, member: { create: 'Add members', modify: 'Modify members', delete_confirm: 'Comfirm to delete this user?', please_choose_member: 'Please choose member', search_by_name: 'Search by name', modify_personal_info: 'Modify personal info', edit_password: 'Edit Password', edit_information: 'Edit Information', input_name: 'Input Name', input_email: 'Input Email', special_characters_are_not_supported: 'Special characters are not supported', mobile_number_format_is_incorrect: 'Incorrect format of mobile phone number', email_format_is_incorrect: 'The mailbox format is incorrect', password_format_is_incorrect: 'Valid password: 8-30 digits, English upper and lower case letters + numbers + special characters (optional)', old_password: 'Old Password', new_password: 'New Password', repeat_password: 'Confirm Password', inconsistent_passwords: 'The two passwords are inconsistent', remove_member: 'Confirm to remove the member', org_remove_member: 'Removing the user from the organization will remove the permissions of all workspaces in the organization. Confirm to remove the member?', input_id_or_email: 'Please enter user ID or user email', no_such_user: 'No such user information, please enter the correct user ID or user email.' }, user: { create: 'Create User', modify: 'Modify User', input_name: 'Please enter user name', input_id: 'Please enter user ID', input_email: 'Please input email', input_password: 'Please input a password', input_phone: 'Please enter the phone number', input_roles: 'Please select role', special_characters_are_not_supported: 'Special characters are not supported', mobile_number_format_is_incorrect: 'Incorrect format of mobile phone number', email_format_is_incorrect: 'The mailbox format is incorrect', delete_confirm: 'Confirm to delete this user?', apikey_delete_confirm: 'Confirm to delete this API key?', input_id_placeholder: 'Please enter ID (Chinese is not supported)', source: 'User Source', choose_org: 'Choose Organization', reset_password: 'Reset Password', current_user: 'Current User', origin_passwd: 'Origin Password', new_passwd: 'New Password', confirm_passwd: 'Confirm Password', change_password: 'Change Password' }, role: { menu_authorization: 'Menu Authorization', data_authorization: 'Data Authorization', please_choose_role: 'Please select role', admin: 'Administrator', org_admin: 'Organization Administrator', org_member: 'Organization Member', add: 'Add Role', delete: 'Delete Role', modify: 'Modify Role', tips: 'Tips', confirm_delete: 'Confirm delete role ', role_name: 'Role Name ', search_by_name: 'Search by name', pls_input_name: 'please input name' }, menu: { parent_category: 'Parent Category', module_name: 'Module Name', module_path: 'Module Path', route_addr: 'Route Address', menu_sort: 'Menu Sort', authority_identification: 'Authority Identification', button_name: 'Button Name', select_icon: 'Click the select icon', create_time: 'Create Time', tile: 'Menu Title', create: 'Create Menu', modify: 'Modify Menu', delete: 'Delete Menu', delete_confirm: 'Confirm to delete Menu?', menu_type: 'Menu Type' }, organization: { parent_org: 'Parent Organization', select_parent_org: 'Select parent organization', top_org: 'Top Organization', name: 'Name', sort: 'Sort', sub_organizations: 'Sub Organizations', create_time: 'Create Time', create: 'Create', modify: 'Modify', delete: 'Delete', delete_confirm: '删除该组织会关联删除该组织下的所有资源(如:相关工作空间,项目,测试用例等),确定要删除吗?', input_name: 'Please enter name', select_organization: 'Please select organization', search_by_name: 'Search by name', special_characters_are_not_supported: 'Format error (special characters are not supported and cannot start and end with \'-\')', select: 'Select organization', delete_warning: '删除该组织将同步删除该组织下所有相关工作空间和相关工作空间下的所有项目,以及项目中的所有用例、接口测试、性能测试等,确定要删除吗?' }, system_parameter_setting: { mailbox_service_settings: 'Mail Settings', test_connection: 'Test connection', SMTP_host: 'SMTP Host', SMTP_port: 'SMTP Port', SMTP_account: 'SMTP Account', SMTP_password: 'SMTP Password', SSL: 'Turn on SSL (if the SMTP port is 465, you usually need to enable SSL)', TLS: 'Turn on TLS (if the SMTP port is 587, you usually need to enable TLS)', SMTP: 'Secret free SMTP', host: 'Host number cannot be empty', port: 'Port number cannot be empty', account: 'Account cannot be empty', test_recipients: 'Test recipients', tip: 'Tip: use as test mail recipient only' }, chart: { save_snapshot: 'Save Snapshot', datalist: 'Chart', add_group: 'Add Group', add_scene: 'Add Scene', group: 'Group', scene: 'Scene', delete: 'Delete', move_to: 'Move', rename: 'Rename', tips: 'Tips', confirm_delete: 'Confirm Delete', delete_success: 'Delete Success', confirm: 'Confirm', cancel: 'Cancel', search: 'Search', back: 'Back', add_table: 'Add Table', process: 'Speed of progress', add_chart: 'Add Chart', db_data: 'Database Table', sql_data: 'SQL data set', excel_data: 'Excel data set', custom_data: 'Custom data set', pls_slc_tbl_left: 'Please select the chart from the left', add_db_table: 'Add database table', pls_slc_data_source: 'Please select data source', table: 'Table', edit: 'Edit', create_view: 'Create Chart', data_preview: 'Data preview', dimension: 'Dimension', quota: 'Index', title: 'Title', show: 'Show', chart_type: 'Chart Type', shape_attr: 'Attribute', module_style: 'Style', result_filter: 'Results Filter', x_axis: 'Horizontal axis', y_axis: 'Longitudinal axis', chart: 'Chart', close: 'Close', summary: 'Summary Method', fast_calc: 'Fast Calculation', sum: 'Sum', count: 'Count', avg: 'Avg', max: 'Max', min: 'Min', stddev_pop: 'Standard Deviation', var_pop: 'Variance', quick_calc: 'Fast calculation', show_name_set: 'Display name setting', color: 'Color', color_case: 'Color Scheme', pls_slc_color_case: 'Please choose a color scheme', color_default: 'Default', color_retro: 'Retro', color_future: 'Future', color_gradual: 'Gradual', color_business: 'Business', color_gentle: 'Gentle', color_elegant: 'Elegant', color_technology: 'Technology', color_simple: 'Simple', not_alpha: 'Opacity', size: 'Size', bar_width: 'Column Width', bar_gap: 'Column septum', adapt: 'Self-adaption', line_width: 'line_width', line_type: 'line_type', line_symbol: 'Break point', line_symbol_size: 'Break point size', line_type_solid: 'Solid line', line_type_dashed: 'Dotted line', line_symbol_circle: 'circular', line_symbol_emptyCircle: 'Hollow circle', line_symbol_rect: 'rectangle', line_symbol_roundRect: 'Rounded rectangle', line_symbol_triangle: 'triangle', line_symbol_diamond: 'diamond', line_symbol_pin: 'nail', line_symbol_arrow: 'arrow', line_symbol_none: 'None', line_area: 'area', pie_inner_radius: 'inner_radius', pie_outer_radius: 'outer_radius', funnel_width: 'width', line_smooth: 'Smooth polyline', title_style: 'Title Style', text_fontsize: 'font size', text_color: 'Font color', text_h_position: 'Horizontal position', text_v_position: 'Vertical position', text_pos_left: 'Left', text_pos_center: 'Center', text_pos_right: 'Right', text_pos_top: 'Top', text_pos_bottom: 'Bottom', text_italic: 'italic', italic: 'italic', orient: 'direction', horizontal: 'horizontal', vertical: 'vertical', legend: 'legend', shape: 'shape', polygon: 'polygon', circle: 'circular', label: 'label', label_position: 'Label location', content_formatter: 'Content Format', inside: 'Inside', tooltip: 'Tips', tooltip_item: 'Data Item', tooltip_axis: 'Coordinate Axis', formatter_plc: 'When the content format is empty, the default format is displayed', xAxis: 'Horizontal axis', yAxis: 'Longitudinal axis', position: 'Position', rotate: 'Angle', name: 'Name', icon: 'Icon', trigger_position: 'Trigger Position', asc: 'Ascending Order', desc: 'Descending Order', sort: 'Sort', filter: 'Filter', none: 'None', background: 'Background', alpha: 'Transparency', add_filter: 'Add Filter', no_limit: 'No limit', filter_eq: 'Equal', filter_not_eq: 'Not Equal', filter_lt: 'Less Than', filter_le: 'Less than or equal to', filter_gt: 'Greater than', filter_ge: 'Greater than or equal to', filter_null: 'Empty', filter_not_null: 'Not Empty', filter_include: 'Contain', filter_not_include: 'Not Contain', rose_type: 'Rose pattern', radius_mode: 'Radius', area_mode: 'Area', rose_radius: 'Fillet', view_name: 'Chart Name', name_can_not_empty: 'Name cannot be empty', custom_count: 'Number of records', table_title_fontsize: 'Font size of header', table_item_fontsize: 'Table font size', table_header_bg: 'Header Background', table_item_bg: 'Table Background', table_item_font_color: 'Font Color', stripe: 'Zebra pattern', start_angle: 'Start Angle', end_angle: 'End Angle', style_priority: 'Style Priority', dashboard: 'Dashboard', dimension_color: 'Dimension Color', quota_color: 'Quota Color', dimension_font_size: 'Dimension FontSize', quota_font_size: 'Quota FontSize', space_split: 'Dimension/Quota Space', only_one_quota: 'Only support 1 quota', only_one_result: 'Only show first result', dimension_show: 'Dimension Show', quota_show: 'Quota Show', title_limit: 'Title cannot be greater than 50 characters', filter_condition: 'Filter Condition', filter_field_can_null: 'Filter field must choose', preview_100_data: 'Preview 100 rows', chart_table_normal: 'Detail Table', chart_card: 'KPI Card', chart_bar: 'Base Bar', chart_bar_stack: 'Stack Bar', chart_bar_horizontal: 'Horizontal Bar', chart_bar_stack_horizontal: 'Stack Horizontal Bar', chart_line: 'Base Line', chart_line_stack: 'Stack Line', chart_pie: 'Pie', chart_pie_rose: 'Rose Pie', chart_funnel: 'Funnel', chart_radar: 'Radar', chart_gauge: 'Gauge' }, dataset: { sheet_warn: 'There are multiple sheet pages, and the first one is extracted by default', datalist: 'Data Set', add_group: 'Add Group', add_scene: 'Add Scene', group: 'Group', scene: 'Scene', delete: 'Delete', move_to: 'Move', rename: 'Rename', tips: 'Tips', confirm_delete: 'confirm_delete', delete_success: 'delete_success', confirm: 'confirm', cancel: 'cancel', search: 'search', back: 'back', add_table: 'Add Table', process: 'Speed of progress', update: 'update', db_data: 'Database Table', sql_data: 'SQL data set', excel_data: 'Excel data set', custom_data: 'Custom data set', pls_slc_tbl_left: 'Please select the chart from the left', add_db_table: 'Add database table', pls_slc_data_source: 'Please select data source', table: 'Table', edit: 'Edit', create_view: 'Create Chart', data_preview: 'Data preview', field_type: 'Field Type', field_name: 'Field Name', field_origin_name: 'Field Origin Name', field_check: 'Selected', update_info: 'Update Info', join_view: 'Associated view', text: 'Text', time: 'Time', value: 'Value', mode: 'Mode', direct_connect: 'Direct Link', sync_data: 'Timing synchronization', update_setting: 'Update Setting', sync_now: 'Update Now', add_task: 'Add Task', task_name: 'Task Name', start_time: 'Start Time', end_time: 'End Time', status: 'State', error: 'Error', completed: 'Completed', underway: 'underway', task_update: 'Update Setting', update_type: 'Update Type', all_scope: 'Full update', add_scope: 'Incremental update', select_data_time: 'Select date time', execute_rate: 'Execution frequency', execute_once: 'Execution Now', cron_config: 'Expression setting', no_limit: 'No limit', set_end_time: 'Set the end time', operate: 'operation', save_success: 'Saved Successfully', close: 'Close', required: 'Required', input_content: 'Please input the content', add_sql_table: 'Add SQL', preview: 'Preview', pls_input_name: 'Please enter a name', connect_mode: 'Connection Mode', incremental_update_type: 'Incremental update mode', incremental_add: 'Incremental Addition', incremental_delete: 'Incremental Deletion', last_update_time: 'Last update time', current_update_time: 'Current update time', param: 'Parameter', edit_sql: 'Edit SQL', showRow: 'Display line', add_excel_table: 'Add excel dataset', add_custom_table: 'Add self help dataset', upload_file: 'Upload File', detail: 'Details', type: 'Type', create_by: 'Creator', create_time: 'Create_time', preview_show: 'Display', preview_item: 'items data', preview_total: 'Total', pls_input_less_9: 'Please input integer less 9', field_edit: 'Edit Field', table_already_add_to: 'This table is already add to', uploading: 'Uploading...', add_union: 'Add Associations', union_setting: 'Association Settings', pls_slc_union_field: 'Please select associated field', pls_slc_union_table: 'Please select association table', source_table: 'Association table', source_field: 'Associated fields', target_table: 'Associated table', target_field: 'Associated field', union_relation: 'Relationship', pls_setting_union_success: 'Please set the relationship correctly', invalid_dataset: 'Kettle is not running, invalid dataset', check_all: 'Select all', can_not_union_self: 'The associated table cannot be the same as the associated table', float: 'Decimal', edit_custom_table: 'Edit self help dataset', edit_field: 'Edit Field', preview_100_data: 'Show 100 lines data', invalid_table_check: 'Please sync data first.', parse_error: 'Parse Error' }, datasource: { datasource: 'Data Source', create: 'Create Data Source', type: 'Type', please_choose_type: 'Please select data source type', data_base: 'Database name', user_name: 'User Name', password: 'Password', host: 'Host', port: 'Port', please_input_data_base: 'Please enter the database name', please_input_user_name: 'Please enter user name', please_input_password: 'Please enter Password', please_input_host: 'Please enter host', please_input_port: 'Please enter port', modify: 'Edit data Source', validate_success: 'Verification successful', validate: 'Validate', search_by_name: 'Search by name', delete_warning: 'Confirm to delete?', input_name: 'Please input name', input_limit_2_25: '2-25 chars', input_limit_0_50: '0-50 chars' }, panel: { no_auth_role: 'Unshared roles', auth_role: 'Shared roles', picture_limit: 'Only pictures can be inserted', drag_here: 'Please drag the left field here', copy_link_passwd: 'Copy link and password', copy_link: 'Copy link', passwd_protect: 'Password Protect', link: 'Link', link_share: 'Share Link', link_share_desc: 'After opening the link, anyone can access the dashboard through this link.', share: 'Share', datalist: 'Chart List', group: 'Catalogue', panel: 'Dashboard', groupAdd: 'Create Catalogue', panelAdd: 'Create Dashboard', delete: 'Delete', move_to: 'Move', rename: 'Rename', import: 'Import', tips: 'Tips', confirm_delete: 'Confirm Delete', delete_success: 'Delete Success', confirm: 'Confirm', cancel: 'Cancle', search: 'Search', back: 'Back', view: 'Chart', edit: 'Edit', panel_list: 'Dashboard', module: 'Component', filter_module: 'Filter Component', select_by_module: 'Select by Component', sys_template: 'System Template', user_template: 'User Template', add_category: 'Add Category', filter_keywords: 'Enter keywords to filter', dashboard_theme: 'Dashboard Theme', table: 'Table', gap: 'Gap', no_gap: 'No Gap', component_gap: 'Component Gap', photo: 'Photo', default_panel: 'Default Dashboard', create_public_links: 'Create public links', to_default: 'Save To Default', to_default_panel: 'Save To Default Dashboard', store: 'Store', save_to_panel: 'Save to template', export_to_panel: 'Export to template', preview: 'Preview', select_panel_from_left: 'Please select Dashboard from left', template_nale: 'Template name', template: 'Template', category: 'Category', all_org: 'All Organization', custom: 'Custom', import_template: 'Import Template', copy_template: 'Copy Template', upload_template: 'Upload Template', belong_to_category: 'Category', pls_select_belong_to_category: 'Please select category', template_name_cannot_be_empty: 'Template name cannot be empty', select_by_table: 'Select by table', data_list: 'Data list', component_list: 'Component list', custom_scope: 'Custom control range', multiple_choice: 'Multiple choice', single_choice: 'Single choice', field: 'Field', unshared_people: 'Unshared people', shared_people: 'Shared people', error_data: 'Error getting data, please contact administrator', canvas_size: 'Canvas Size', canvas_scale: 'Canvas Scale', style: 'Style', clean_canvas: 'Clean Canvas', insert_picture: 'Insert Picture', redo: 'Redo', undo: 'Undo', panelNull: 'This is a Empty Dashboard,You Can Edit and Enrich It', copy: 'Copy', paste: 'Paste', cut: 'Cut', lock: 'Lock', topComponent: 'Top Component', bottomComponent: 'Bottom Component', upComponent: 'Up One Level', downComponent: 'Down One Level', open_aided_design: 'Open Component Aided Design', close_aided_design: 'Close Component Aided Design', open_style_design: 'Open Style Design', close_style_design: 'Close Style Design', left: 'X-Axis', top: 'Y-Axis', height: 'Height', width: 'Width', color: 'Color', backgroundColor: 'BackgroundColor', borderWidth: 'BorderWidth', borderColor: 'BorderColor', borderRadius: 'BorderRadius', fontSize: 'FontSize', fontWeight: 'FontWeight', lineHeight: 'LineHeight', letterSpacing: 'LetterSpacing', textAlign: 'TextAlign', opacity: 'Opacity', aline_left: 'Aline Left', aline_center: 'Aline Center', aline_right: 'Aline Right', select_component: 'Check Component' }, plugin: { local_install: 'Local installation', remote_install: 'Remote installation', name: 'Plugin name', free: 'Free', cost: 'Cost', descript: 'Descript', version: 'Version', creator: 'Creator', install_time: 'Install Time', release_time: 'Time', un_install: 'Uninstall', uninstall_confirm: 'Comfirm to uninstall the plugin?', uninstall_cancel: 'Cancel uninstall plugin' }, display: { logo: 'Head system logo', loginLogo: 'Login page header logo', loginImage: 'Picture on the right side of the login page', loginTitle: 'Login page title', title: 'System name' }, auth: { authConfig: 'Auth Config', authQuickConfig: 'Auth Quick Config', dept: 'Dept', role: 'Role', user: 'User', linkAuth: 'Datasource Permissions', datasetAuth: 'Dataset Permissions', chartAuth: 'Chart Permissions', panelAuth: 'Dashboard Permissions', deptHead: 'All Dept', roleHead: 'All Role', userHead: 'All User', linkAuthHead: 'All Datasource', datasetAuthHead: 'All Data', chartAuthHead: 'All Chart', panelAuthHead: 'All Chart', view: 'View', use: 'Use', export: 'Export', manage: 'Manage' }, about: { auth_to: 'Authorized to', invalid_license: 'Invalid License', update_license: 'Update License', expiration_time: 'Expiration Time', expirationed: '(Expired)', auth_num: 'Authorized quantity', version: 'Version', version_num: 'Version number', standard: 'Standard', enterprise: 'Enterprise', suport: 'Get technical support', update_success: 'Update Success' }, template: { exit_same_template_check: 'The Same Name Exists In Now Class. Do You Want To Override It?', override: 'Override', cancel: 'Cancel', confirm_upload: 'Upload Confirm' }, cron: { second: 'Second', minute: 'Minute', hour: 'Hour', day: 'Day', month: 'Month', week: 'Week', year: 'Year', d_w_cant_not_set: 'Day and Week can not same as "Not set"', d_w_must_one_set: 'Day and Week at least on as "Not set"', every_day: 'Every day', cycle: 'Cycle', not_set: 'Not set', from: 'From', to: 'To', repeat: 'Repeat', day_begin: 'begin,every', day_exec: 'execute once', work_day: 'weekday', this_month: 'This month', day_near_work_day: 'nearly weekday', this_week_last_day: 'this month last day', set: 'Set', every_hour: 'Every hour', hour_begin: 'begin,every', hour_exec: 'execute once', every_month: 'Every month', month_begin: 'begin,every', month_exec: 'execute once', every: 'Every', every_begin: 'begin,every', every_exec: 'execute once', every_week: 'Every week', week_start: 'From week', week_end: 'to week', every_year: 'Every year' } }