2021-07-29 11:09:36 +08:00

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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

[classNameActive]: enabled ,
[classNameDragging]: dragging,
[classNameResizing]: resizing,
[classNameDraggable]: draggable,
[classNameResizable]: resizable,
[classNameRotating]: rotating,
[classNameRotatable]: rotatable,
[classNameMouseOn]: mouseOn || active
<setting-menu style="right:5px;position: absolute;z-index: 2">
<i slot="icon" class="icon iconfont icon-shezhi" />
v-for="(handlei, indexi) in actualHandles"
:class="[classNameHandle, classNameHandle + '-' + handlei]"
:style="handleStyle(handlei, indexi)"
@mousedown.stop.prevent="handleDown(handlei, $event)"
@touchstart.stop.prevent="handleTouchDown(handlei, $event)"
<slot :name="handlei" />
<slot />
import { matchesSelectorToParentElements, getComputedSize, addEvent, removeEvent } from '../../utils/dom'
import { computeWidth, computeHeight, restrictToBounds, snapToGrid, rotatedPoint, getAngle } from '../../utils/fns'
import { events, userSelectNone, userSelectAuto } from './option.js'
let eventsFor = events.mouse
// private
import eventBus from '@/components/canvas/utils/eventBus'
import { mapState } from 'vuex'
import SettingMenu from '@/components/canvas/components/Editor/SettingMenu'
export default {
replace: true,
name: 'VueDragResizeRotate',
components: { SettingMenu },
props: {
className: {
type: String,
default: 'vdr'
classNameDraggable: {
type: String,
default: 'draggable'
classNameResizable: {
type: String,
default: 'resizable'
// 新增开启旋转时的自定义类名
classNameRotatable: {
type: String,
default: 'rotatable'
classNameDragging: {
type: String,
default: 'dragging'
classNameResizing: {
type: String,
default: 'resizing'
// 新增组件处于旋转时的自定义类名
classNameRotating: {
type: String,
default: 'rotating'
classNameActive: {
type: String,
default: 'active'
classNameHandle: {
type: String,
default: 'handle'
disableUserSelect: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
enableNativeDrag: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
preventDeactivation: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
active: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
draggable: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
resizable: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
// 新增 旋转 默认为false 不开启
rotatable: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
// 锁定宽高比
lockAspectRatio: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
// 新增 外部传入纵横比 w/h
outsideAspectRatio: {
type: [Number, String],
default: 0
w: {
type: [Number, String],
default: 200,
validator: val => {
if (typeof val === 'number') {
return val > 0
return val === 'auto'
h: {
type: [Number, String],
default: 200,
validator: val => {
if (typeof val === 'number') {
return val > 0
return val === 'auto'
minWidth: {
type: Number,
default: 0,
validator: val => val >= 0
minHeight: {
type: Number,
default: 0,
validator: val => val >= 0
maxWidth: {
type: Number,
default: null,
validator: val => val >= 0
maxHeight: {
type: Number,
default: null,
validator: val => val >= 0
x: {
type: [String, Number],
default: 0
y: {
type: [String, Number],
default: 0
z: {
type: [String, Number],
default: 'auto',
validator: val => (typeof val === 'string' ? val === 'auto' : val >= 0)
// 新增 初始旋转角度
r: {
type: [String, Number],
default: 0
// 新增 旋转手柄 rot
handles: {
type: Array,
default: () => ['tl', 'tm', 'tr', 'mr', 'br', 'bm', 'bl', 'ml', 'rot'],
validator: val => {
const s = new Set(['tl', 'tm', 'tr', 'mr', 'br', 'bm', 'bl', 'ml', 'rot'])
return new Set(val.filter(h => s.has(h))).size === val.length
dragHandle: {
type: String,
default: null
dragCancel: {
type: String,
default: null
axis: {
type: String,
default: 'both',
validator: val => ['x', 'y', 'both'].includes(val)
grid: {
type: Array,
default: () => [1, 1]
parent: {
type: [Boolean, String],
default: false
onDragStart: {
type: Function,
default: () => true
onDrag: {
type: Function,
default: () => true
onResizeStart: {
type: Function,
default: () => true
onResize: {
type: Function,
default: () => true
// 新增 回调事件
onRotateStart: {
type: Function,
default: () => true
onRotate: {
type: Function,
default: () => true
// 冲突检测
isConflictCheck: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
// 元素对齐
snap: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
// 新增 是否对齐容器边界
snapBorder: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
// 当调用对齐时,用来设置组件与组件之间的对齐距离,以像素为单位
snapTolerance: {
type: Number,
default: 5,
validator: function(val) {
return typeof val === 'number'
// 缩放比例
scaleRatio: {
type: Number,
default: 1,
validator: val => typeof val === 'number'
// handle是否缩放
handleInfo: {
type: Object,
default: () => {
return {
size: 8,
offset: -4,
switch: true
// private
classNameMouseOn: {
type: String,
default: 'mouseOn'
// eslint-disable-next-line vue/require-default-prop
element: {
require: true,
type: Object
// eslint-disable-next-line vue/require-default-prop
defaultStyle: {
require: true,
type: Object
// eslint-disable-next-line vue/require-default-prop
index: {
require: true,
type: [Number, String]
// 水平设计(相对于悬浮设计) 开启水平设计后 会自动冲突检查 吸附 组件矩阵等
horizontal: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
// eslint-disable-next-line vue/require-default-prop
changeStyle: {
require: true,
type: Object
data: function() {
return {
left: this.x,
top: this.y,
right: null,
bottom: null,
// 新增旋转角度
rotate: this.r,
width: null,
height: null,
widthTouched: false,
heightTouched: false,
// 纵横比变量
aspectFactor: null,
// 容器的大小
parentWidth: null,
parentHeight: null,
// 设置最小和最大尺寸
minW: this.minWidth,
minH: this.minHeight,
maxW: this.maxWidth,
maxH: this.maxHeight,
// 定义控制手柄
handle: null,
resizing: false,
dragging: false,
// 新增 表明组件是否正处于旋转状态
rotating: false,
zIndex: this.z,
// 新增 保存中心点位置,用于计算旋转的方向矢量
lastCenterX: 0,
lastCenterY: 0,
parentX: 0,
parentY: 0,
// private
// 鼠标移入事件
mouseOn: false,
// 是否移动 (如果没有移动 不需要记录snapshot
hasMove: false
computed: {
handleStyle() {
return (stick, index) => {
if (!this.handleInfo.switch) return { display: this.enabled ? 'block' : 'none' }
// 新增 当没有开启旋转的时候,旋转手柄不显示
if (stick === 'rot' && !this.rotatable) return { display: 'none' }
const size = (this.handleInfo.size / this.scaleRatio).toFixed(2)
const offset = (this.handleInfo.offset / this.scaleRatio).toFixed(2)
const center = (size / 2).toFixed(2)
const styleMap = {
tl: {
top: `${offset}px`,
left: `${offset}px`
tm: {
top: `${offset}px`,
left: `calc(50% - ${center}px)`
tr: {
top: `${offset}px`,
right: `${offset}px`
mr: {
top: `calc(50% - ${center}px)`,
right: `${offset}px`
br: {
bottom: `${offset}px`,
right: `${offset}px`
bm: {
bottom: `${offset}px`,
right: `calc(50% - ${center}px)`
bl: {
bottom: `${offset}px`,
left: `${offset}px`
ml: {
top: `calc(50% - ${center}px)`,
left: `${offset}px`
rot: {
top: `-${size * 3}px`,
left: `50%`
const stickStyle = {
width: styleMap[stick].width || `${size}px`,
height: styleMap[stick].height || `${size}px`,
top: styleMap[stick].top,
left: styleMap[stick].left,
right: styleMap[stick].right,
bottom: styleMap[stick].bottom
// 新增 让控制手柄的鼠标样式跟随旋转角度变化
if (stick !== 'rot') {
const cursorStyleArray = ['nw-resize', 'n-resize', 'ne-resize', 'e-resize', 'se-resize', 's-resize', 'sw-resize', 'w-resize']
const STEP = 45
const rotate = this.rotate + STEP / 2
const deltaIndex = Math.floor(rotate / STEP)
index = (index + deltaIndex) % 8
stickStyle.cursor = cursorStyleArray[index]
stickStyle.display = this.enabled ? 'block' : 'none'
return stickStyle
style() {
return {
transform: `translate(${this.left}px, ${}px) rotate(${this.rotate}deg)`,
width: this.computedWidth,
height: this.computedHeight,
zIndex: this.zIndex,
fontSize: this.handleInfo.size * 2 + 'px',
...(this.dragging && this.disableUserSelect ? userSelectNone : userSelectAuto)
// 控制柄显示与否
actualHandles() {
if (!this.resizable) return []
return this.handles
// 根据left right 算出元素的宽度
computedWidth() {
if (this.w === 'auto') {
if (!this.widthTouched) {
return 'auto'
return this.width + 'px'
// 根据top bottom 算出元素的宽度
computedHeight() {
if (this.h === 'auto') {
if (!this.heightTouched) {
return 'auto'
return this.height + 'px'
// private
watch: {
active(val) {
this.enabled = val
if (val) {
} else {
z(val) {
if (val >= 0 || val === 'auto') {
this.zIndex = val
x(val) {
if (this.resizing || this.dragging) {
if (this.parent) {
this.bounds = this.calcDragLimits()
y(val) {
if (this.resizing || this.dragging) {
if (this.parent) {
this.bounds = this.calcDragLimits()
// 新增 监听外部传入参数 旋转角度
r(val) {
if (val >= 0) {
this.rotate = val % 360
lockAspectRatio(val) {
if (val) {
if (this.outsideAspectRatio) {
this.aspectFactor = this.outsideAspectRatio
} else {
this.aspectFactor = this.width / this.height
} else {
this.aspectFactor = undefined
outsideAspectRatio(val) {
if (val) {
this.aspectFactor = val
minWidth(val) {
if (val > 0 && val <= this.width) {
this.minW = val
minHeight(val) {
if (val > 0 && val <= this.height) {
this.minH = val
maxWidth(val) {
this.maxW = val
maxHeight(val) {
this.maxH = val
w(val) {
if (this.resizing || this.dragging) {
if (this.parent) {
this.bounds = this.calcResizeLimits()
// console.log('changeWidth' + val)
h(val) {
if (this.resizing || this.dragging) {
if (this.parent) {
this.bounds = this.calcResizeLimits()
changeStyle(val) {
created: function() {
mounted: function() {
beforeDestroy: function() {
methods: {
// 重置边界和鼠标状态
resetBoundsAndMouseState() {
this.mouseClickPosition = { mouseX: 0, mouseY: 0, x: 0, y: 0, w: 0, h: 0 }
this.bounds = {
minLeft: null,
maxLeft: null,
minRight: null,
maxRight: null,
minTop: null,
maxTop: null,
minBottom: null,
maxBottom: null
// 检查父元素大小
checkParentSize() {
if (this.parent) {
const [newParentWidth, newParentHeight] = this.getParentSize()
// 修复父元素改变大小后组件resizing时活动异常
this.right = newParentWidth - this.width - this.left
this.bottom = newParentHeight - this.height -
this.parentWidth = newParentWidth
this.parentHeight = newParentHeight
// 获取父元素大小
getParentSize() {
if (this.parent === true) {
const style = window.getComputedStyle(this.$el.parentNode, null)
const rect = this.$el.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect()
this.parentX = rect.x
this.parentY = rect.y
return [Math.round(parseFloat(style.getPropertyValue('width'), 10)), Math.round(parseFloat(style.getPropertyValue('height'), 10))]
if (typeof this.parent === 'string') {
const parentNode = document.querySelector(this.parent)
if (!(parentNode instanceof HTMLElement)) {
throw new Error(`The selector ${this.parent} does not match any element`)
return [parentNode.offsetWidth, parentNode.offsetHeight]
return [null, null]
// 元素触摸按下
elementTouchDown(e) {
eventsFor = events.touch
elementMouseDown(e) {
// private 设置当前组件数据及状态
this.$store.commit('setClickComponentStatus', true)
if (this.element.component !== 'v-text' && this.element.component !== 'rect-shape' && this.element.component !== 'de-input-search' && this.element.component !== 'de-number-range') {
// 阻止冒泡事件
this.$store.commit('setCurComponent', { component: this.element, index: this.index })
eventsFor = events.mouse
// 元素按下
elementDown(e) {
if (e instanceof MouseEvent && e.which !== 1) {
const target = || e.srcElement
if (this.$el.contains(target)) {
if (this.onDragStart(e) === false) {
if (
(this.dragHandle && !matchesSelectorToParentElements(target, this.dragHandle, this.$el)) ||
(this.dragCancel && matchesSelectorToParentElements(target, this.dragCancel, this.$el))
) {
this.dragging = false
if (!this.enabled) {
this.enabled = true
this.$emit('update:active', true)
if (this.draggable) {
this.dragging = true
// 按下鼠标表示保存当前状态
this.mouseClickPosition.mouseX = e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageX : e.pageX
this.mouseClickPosition.mouseY = e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageY : e.pageY
this.mouseClickPosition.left = this.left
this.mouseClickPosition.right = this.right =
this.mouseClickPosition.bottom = this.bottom
this.mouseClickPosition.width = this.width
this.mouseClickPosition.height = this.height
if (this.parent) {
this.bounds = this.calcDragLimits()
addEvent(document.documentElement, eventsFor.move, this.move)
addEvent(document.documentElement, eventsFor.stop, this.handleUp)
// 计算移动范围
calcDragLimits() {
// 开启旋转时,不在进行边界限制
if (this.rotatable) {
return {
// minLeft: -9999,
// maxLeft: 9999,
// minRight: -9999,
// maxRight: 9999,
// minTop: -9999,
// maxTop: 9999,
// minBottom: -9999,
// maxBottom: 9999,
minLeft: -this.width / 2,
maxLeft: this.parentWidth - this.width / 2,
minRight: this.width / 2,
maxRight: this.parentWidth + this.width / 2,
minTop: -this.height / 2,
maxTop: this.parentHeight - this.height / 2,
minBottom: this.height / 2,
maxBottom: this.parentHeight + this.height / 2
} else {
return {
minLeft: this.left % this.grid[0],
maxLeft: Math.floor((this.parentWidth - this.width - this.left) / this.grid[0]) * this.grid[0] + this.left,
minRight: this.right % this.grid[0],
maxRight: Math.floor((this.parentWidth - this.width - this.right) / this.grid[0]) * this.grid[0] + this.right,
minTop: % this.grid[1],
maxTop: Math.floor((this.parentHeight - this.height - / this.grid[1]) * this.grid[1] +,
minBottom: this.bottom % this.grid[1],
maxBottom: Math.floor((this.parentHeight - this.height - this.bottom) / this.grid[1]) * this.grid[1] + this.bottom
// 取消
deselect(e) {
const target = || e.srcElement
const regex = new RegExp(this.className + '-([trmbl]{2})', '')
if (!this.$el.contains(target) && !regex.test(target.className)) {
if (this.enabled && !this.preventDeactivation) {
this.enabled = false
this.$emit('update:active', false)
removeEvent(document.documentElement, eventsFor.move, this.move)
// 控制柄触摸按下
handleTouchDown(handle, e) {
eventsFor = events.touch
this.handleDown(handle, e)
// 控制柄按下
handleDown(handle, e) {
if (e instanceof MouseEvent && e.which !== 1) {
return false
if (this.onResizeStart(handle, e) === false) {
return false
if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation()
// 锁定纵横比时,将顶点转换为中点 - 不在需要因而将其注释
// if (this.lockAspectRatio && !handle.includes('m')) {
// this.handle = 'm' + handle.substring(1)
// } else {
// this.handle = handle;
// }
this.handle = handle
// 新增
if (this.handle === 'rot') {
this.rotating = true
} else {
this.resizing = true
// 新增保存矩形信息
// 获取父元素的位置大小信息
const { top, left, width, height } = this.$el.getBoundingClientRect()
// 保存旋转中心的绝对坐标
this.lastCenterX = window.pageXOffset + left + width / 2
this.lastCenterY = window.pageYOffset + top + height / 2
// 保存四个顶点的坐标
const oleft = this.left
const otop =
const owidth = this.width
const oheight = this.height
const centerX = oleft + owidth / 2
const centerY = otop + oheight / 2
const rotate = this.rotate
this.TL = rotatedPoint(centerX, centerY, oleft, otop, rotate)
this.TR = rotatedPoint(centerX, centerY, oleft + owidth, otop, rotate)
this.BL = rotatedPoint(centerX, centerY, oleft, otop + oheight, rotate)
this.BR = rotatedPoint(centerX, centerY, oleft + owidth, otop + oheight, rotate)
// 保存鼠标按下时的当前状态
this.mouseClickPosition.mouseX = e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageX : e.pageX
this.mouseClickPosition.mouseY = e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageY : e.pageY
this.mouseClickPosition.left = this.left
this.mouseClickPosition.right = this.right =
this.mouseClickPosition.bottom = this.bottom
this.mouseClickPosition.width = this.width
this.mouseClickPosition.height = this.height
// 计算边界
this.bounds = this.calcResizeLimits()
// 添加事件
addEvent(document.documentElement, eventsFor.move, this.move)
addEvent(document.documentElement, eventsFor.stop, this.handleUp)
// 计算调整大小范围
calcResizeLimits() {
const minW = this.minW
const minH = this.minH
let maxW = this.maxW
let maxH = this.maxH
const [gridX, gridY] = this.grid
// 获取矩形信息
const width = this.width
const height = this.height
const left = this.left
const top =
const right = this.right
const bottom = this.bottom
// 对齐网格
maxW = maxW - (maxW % gridX)
maxH = maxH - (maxH % gridY)
const limits = {
minLeft: null,
maxLeft: null,
minTop: null,
maxTop: null,
minRight: null,
maxRight: null,
minBottom: null,
maxBottom: null
// 边界限制
if (this.parent) {
limits.minLeft = left
limits.maxLeft = left + Math.floor((width - minW) / gridX)
limits.minTop = top
limits.maxTop = top + Math.floor((height - minH) / gridY)
limits.minRight = right
limits.maxRight = right + Math.floor((width - minW) / gridX)
limits.minBottom = bottom
limits.maxBottom = bottom + Math.floor((height - minH) / gridY)
if (maxW) {
limits.minLeft = Math.max(limits.minLeft, this.parentWidth - right - maxW)
limits.minRight = Math.max(limits.minRight, this.parentWidth - left - maxW)
if (maxH) {
limits.minTop = Math.max(limits.minTop, this.parentHeight - bottom - maxH)
limits.minBottom = Math.max(limits.minBottom, this.parentHeight - top - maxH)
} else {
limits.minLeft = null
limits.maxLeft = left + Math.floor(width - minW)
limits.minTop = null
limits.maxTop = top + Math.floor(height - minH)
limits.minRight = null
limits.maxRight = right + Math.floor(width - minW)
limits.minBottom = null
limits.maxBottom = bottom + Math.floor(height - minH)
if (maxW) {
limits.minLeft = -(right + maxW)
limits.minRight = -(left + maxW)
if (maxH) {
limits.minTop = -(bottom + maxH)
limits.minBottom = -(top + maxH)
if (this.lockAspectRatio && (maxW && maxH)) {
limits.minLeft = Math.min(limits.minLeft, -(right + maxW))
limits.minTop = Math.min(limits.minTop, -(maxH + bottom))
limits.minRight = Math.min(limits.minRight, -left - maxW)
limits.minBottom = Math.min(limits.minBottom, -top - maxH)
return limits
// 移动
move(e) {
if (this.resizing) {
} else if (this.dragging) {
} else if (this.rotating) {
// 获取鼠标或者触摸点的坐标
getMouseCoordinate(e) {
if (e.type.indexOf('touch') !== -1) {
return {
x: e.changedTouches[0].clientX,
y: e.changedTouches[0].clientY
} else {
return {
x: e.pageX || e.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft,
y: e.pageY || e.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop
handleRotate(e) {
// 获取方向向量,得到旋转角度
const { x: mouseX, y: mouseY } = this.getMouseCoordinate(e)
const x = mouseX - this.lastCenterX
const y = mouseY - this.lastCenterY
this.rotate = (getAngle(x, y) + 90) % 360
this.$emit('rotating', this.rotate)
// 元素移动
// private 记录当前样式
// 元素移动
async handleDrag(e) {
const axis = this.axis
const grid = this.grid
const bounds = this.bounds
const mouseClickPosition = this.mouseClickPosition
// 水平移动
const tmpDeltaX = axis && axis !== 'y' ? mouseClickPosition.mouseX - (e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageX : e.pageX) : 0
// 垂直移动
const tmpDeltaY = axis && axis !== 'x' ? mouseClickPosition.mouseY - (e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageY : e.pageY) : 0
const [deltaX, deltaY] = snapToGrid(grid, tmpDeltaX, tmpDeltaY, this.scaleRatio)
const left = restrictToBounds(mouseClickPosition.left - deltaX, bounds.minLeft, bounds.maxLeft)
const top = restrictToBounds( - deltaY, bounds.minTop, bounds.maxTop)
if (this.onDrag(left, top) === false) {
const right = restrictToBounds(mouseClickPosition.right + deltaX, bounds.minRight, bounds.maxRight)
const bottom = restrictToBounds(mouseClickPosition.bottom + deltaY, bounds.minBottom, bounds.maxBottom)
this.left = left = top
this.right = right
this.bottom = bottom
await this.snapCheck()
this.$emit('dragging', this.left,
// private 记录当前样式
// 外部传参改动x
moveHorizontally(val) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const [deltaX, _] = snapToGrid(this.grid, val,, this.scale)
const left = restrictToBounds(deltaX, this.bounds.minLeft, this.bounds.maxLeft)
this.left = left
this.right = this.parentWidth - this.width - left
// 外部传参改动y
moveVertically(val) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const [_, deltaY] = snapToGrid(this.grid, this.left, val, this.scale)
const top = restrictToBounds(deltaY, this.bounds.minTop, this.bounds.maxTop) = top
this.bottom = this.parentHeight - this.height - top
// 控制柄移动
handleResize(e) {
const handle = this.handle
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const scaleRatio = this.scaleRatio
const { TL, TR, BL, BR } = this
let { x: mouseX, y: mouseY } = this.getMouseCoordinate(e)
// 在非旋转且有父容器限制的时候直接限制mouse参与计算的坐标值
if (!this.rotatable && this.parent) {
mouseX = restrictToBounds(mouseX, this.parentX, this.parentX + this.parentWidth)
mouseY = restrictToBounds(mouseY, this.parentY, this.parentY + this.parentHeight)
// 获取鼠标移动的坐标差
let deltaX = mouseX - this.mouseClickPosition.mouseX
let deltaY = mouseY - this.mouseClickPosition.mouseY
// 考虑放缩
deltaX = deltaX / this.scaleRatio
deltaY = deltaY / this.scaleRatio
let diffX, diffY, scale, scaleB, scaleC, newX, newY, newW, newH
let Fixed = {} // 固定点
let BX = {} // 高度边选点
let CX = {} // 宽度边选点
let Va = {} // 固定点到鼠标 向量
let Vb = {} // 固定点到投影边 向量
let Vc = {} // 另一边投影
let Vw = {} // 宽度向量
let Vh = {} // 高度向量
// 拖动中点
if (handle.includes('m')) {
switch (handle) {
case 'tm':
diffX = deltaX + (TL.x + TR.x) / 2
diffY = deltaY + (TL.y + TR.y) / 2
Fixed = BL
Va = { x: diffX - Fixed.x, y: diffY - Fixed.y }
Vb = { x: BX.x - Fixed.x, y: BX.y - Fixed.y }
scale = (Va.x * Vb.x + Va.y * Vb.y) / (Math.pow(Vb.x, 2) + Math.pow(Vb.y, 2))
Vw = { x: CX.x - Fixed.x, y: CX.y - Fixed.y }
Vh = { x: Vb.x * scale, y: Vb.y * scale }
case 'bm':
diffX = deltaX + (BL.x + BR.x) / 2
diffY = deltaY + (BL.y + BR.y) / 2
Fixed = TL
Va = { x: diffX - Fixed.x, y: diffY - Fixed.y }
Vb = { x: BX.x - Fixed.x, y: BX.y - Fixed.y }
scale = (Va.x * Vb.x + Va.y * Vb.y) / (Math.pow(Vb.x, 2) + Math.pow(Vb.y, 2))
Vw = { x: CX.x - Fixed.x, y: CX.y - Fixed.y }
Vh = { x: Vb.x * scale, y: Vb.y * scale }
case 'ml':
diffX = deltaX + (TL.x + BL.x) / 2
diffY = deltaY + (TL.y + BL.y) / 2
Fixed = BR
Va = { x: diffX - Fixed.x, y: diffY - Fixed.y }
Vb = { x: BX.x - Fixed.x, y: BX.y - Fixed.y }
scale = (Va.x * Vb.x + Va.y * Vb.y) / (Math.pow(Vb.x, 2) + Math.pow(Vb.y, 2))
Vh = { x: CX.x - Fixed.x, y: CX.y - Fixed.y }
Vw = { x: Vb.x * scale, y: Vb.y * scale }
case 'mr':
diffX = deltaX + (TR.x + TR.x) / 2
diffY = deltaY + (TR.y + TR.y) / 2
Fixed = BL
Va = { x: diffX - Fixed.x, y: diffY - Fixed.y }
Vb = { x: BX.x - Fixed.x, y: BX.y - Fixed.y }
scale = (Va.x * Vb.x + Va.y * Vb.y) / (Math.pow(Vb.x, 2) + Math.pow(Vb.y, 2))
Vh = { x: CX.x - Fixed.x, y: CX.y - Fixed.y }
Vw = { x: Vb.x * scale, y: Vb.y * scale }
newX = Fixed.x + (Vw.x + Vh.x) / 2
newY = Fixed.y + (Vw.y + Vh.y) / 2
newW = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Vw.x, 2) + Math.pow(Vw.y, 2))
newH = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Vh.x, 2) + Math.pow(Vh.y, 2))
} else {
// 拖动顶点
switch (handle) {
case 'tl':
diffX = deltaX + TL.x
diffY = deltaY + TL.y
Fixed = BR
BX = BL // 高度 TL BL
CX = TR // 宽度 TL TR
case 'tr':
diffX = deltaX + TR.x
diffY = deltaY + TR.y
Fixed = BL
case 'bl':
diffX = deltaX + BL.x
diffY = deltaY + BL.y
Fixed = TR
case 'br':
diffX = deltaX + BR.x
diffY = deltaY + BR.y
Fixed = TL
Va = { x: diffX - Fixed.x, y: diffY - Fixed.y }
Vb = { x: BX.x - Fixed.x, y: BX.y - Fixed.y }
Vc = { x: CX.x - Fixed.x, y: CX.y - Fixed.y }
scaleB = (Va.x * Vb.x + Va.y * Vb.y) / (Math.pow(Vb.x, 2) + Math.pow(Vb.y, 2))
scaleC = (Va.x * Vc.x + Va.y * Vc.y) / (Math.pow(Vc.x, 2) + Math.pow(Vc.y, 2))
Vw = { x: Vb.x * scaleB, y: Vb.y * scaleB }
Vh = { x: Vc.x * scaleC, y: Vc.y * scaleC }
newX = Fixed.x + (Vw.x + Vh.x) / 2
newY = Fixed.y + (Vw.y + Vh.y) / 2
newW = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Vw.x, 2) + Math.pow(Vw.y, 2))
newH = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Vh.x, 2) + Math.pow(Vh.y, 2))
this.left = newX - newW / 2 = newY - newH / 2
// 存在父容器,内部元素大小不允许超过父容器
if (this.parent) {
newW = restrictToBounds(newW, 0, this.parentWidth)
newH = restrictToBounds(newH, 0, this.parentHeight)
// 外部传参限制大小
newW = restrictToBounds(newW, this.minW || 0, this.maxW)
newH = restrictToBounds(newH, this.minH || 0, this.maxH)
// 纵横比
if (this.lockAspectRatio) {
// console.log(this.lockAspectRatio, this.aspectFactor)
if (newW / newH > this.aspectFactor) {
newW = newH * this.aspectFactor
} else {
newH = newW / this.aspectFactor
this.width = newW
// console.log('width2:' + this.width)
this.height = newH
this.$emit('resizing', this.left,, this.width, this.height)
// private 记录当前组件样式
this.element.propValue && this.element.propValue.viewId && eventBus.$emit('resizing', this.element.propValue.viewId)
changeWidth(val) {
// console.log('parentWidth', this.parentWidth)
// console.log('parentHeight', this.parentHeight)
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const [newWidth, _] = snapToGrid(this.grid, val, 0, this.scale)
// const right = restrictToBounds(this.parentWidth - newWidth - this.left, this.bounds.minRight, this.bounds.maxRight)
// private 将 this.bounds.minRight 设置为0
const right = restrictToBounds(this.parentWidth - newWidth - this.left, 0, this.bounds.maxRight)
let bottom = this.bottom
if (this.lockAspectRatio) {
bottom = this.bottom - (this.right - right) / this.aspectFactor
const width = computeWidth(this.parentWidth, this.left, right)
const height = computeHeight(this.parentHeight,, bottom)
this.right = right
this.bottom = bottom
this.width = width
// console.log('width3:' + this.width)
this.height = height
changeHeight(val) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const [_, newHeight] = snapToGrid(this.grid, 0, val, this.scale)
// const bottom = restrictToBounds(this.parentHeight - newHeight -, this.bounds.minBottom, this.bounds.maxBottom)
// private 将 this.bounds.minBottom 设置为0
const bottom = restrictToBounds(this.parentHeight - newHeight -, 0, this.bounds.maxBottom)
let right = this.right
if (this.lockAspectRatio) {
right = this.right - (this.bottom - bottom) * this.aspectFactor
const width = computeWidth(this.parentWidth, this.left, right)
const height = computeHeight(this.parentHeight,, bottom)
this.right = right
this.bottom = bottom
this.width = width
// console.log('width4:' + this.width)
this.height = height
// 从控制柄松开
async handleUp(e) {
this.handle = null
// 初始化辅助线数据
const temArr = new Array(3).fill({ display: false, position: '', origin: '', lineLength: '' })
const refLine = { vLine: [], hLine: [] }
for (const i in refLine) {
refLine[i] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(temArr))
// 保存 鼠标松开的坐标
const { x: mouseX, y: mouseY } = this.getMouseCoordinate(e)
this.lastMouseX = mouseX
this.lastMouseY = mouseY
if (this.resizing) {
this.resizing = false
await this.conflictCheck()
this.$emit('refLineParams', refLine)
this.$emit('resizestop', this.left,, this.width, this.height)
if (this.dragging) {
this.dragging = false
await this.conflictCheck()
this.$emit('refLineParams', refLine)
this.$emit('dragstop', this.left,
if (this.rotating) {
this.rotating = false
this.$emit('rotatestop', this.rotate)
// private 记录snapshot
// 如果辅助设计 需要最后调整矩阵
if (this.canvasStyleData.auxiliaryMatrix) {
this.hasMove && this.$store.commit('recordSnapshot')
// 记录snapshot后 移动已记录设置为false
this.hasMove = false
removeEvent(document.documentElement, eventsFor.move, this.move)
// private 删除handle Up事件 防止重复recordSnapshot
removeEvent(document.documentElement, eventsFor.stop, this.handleUp)
// 新增方法 ↓↓↓
// 设置属性
settingAttribute() {
// 设置冲突检测
this.$el.setAttribute('data-is-check', `${this.isConflictCheck}`)
// 设置对齐元素
this.$el.setAttribute('data-is-snap', `${this.snap}`)
// 冲突检测
conflictCheck() {
const top =
const left = this.left
const width = this.width
const height = this.height
if (this.isConflictCheck) {
const nodes = this.$el.parentNode.childNodes // 获取当前父节点下所有子节点
for (const item of nodes) {
if (
item.className !== undefined &&
!item.className.split(' ').includes(this.classNameActive) &&
item.getAttribute('data-is-check') !== null &&
item.getAttribute('data-is-check') !== 'false'
) {
const tw = item.offsetWidth
const th = item.offsetHeight
// 正则获取left与right
const [tl, tt] = this.formatTransformVal(
// 左上角与右下角重叠
const tfAndBr = (top >= tt && left >= tl && tt + th > top && tl + tw > left) || (top <= tt && left < tl && top + height > tt && left + width > tl)
// 右上角与左下角重叠
const brAndTf = (left <= tl && top >= tt && left + width > tl && top < tt + th) || (top < tt && left > tl && top + height > tt && left < tl + tw)
// 下边与上边重叠
const bAndT = (top <= tt && left >= tl && top + height > tt && left < tl + tw) || (top >= tt && left <= tl && top < tt + th && left > tl + tw)
// 上边与下边重叠(宽度不一样)
const tAndB = (top <= tt && left >= tl && top + height > tt && left < tl + tw) || (top >= tt && left <= tl && top < tt + th && left > tl + tw)
// 左边与右边重叠
const lAndR = (left >= tl && top >= tt && left < tl + tw && top < tt + th) || (top > tt && left <= tl && left + width > tl && top < tt + th)
// 左边与右边重叠(高度不一样)
const rAndL = (top <= tt && left >= tl && top + height > tt && left < tl + tw) || (top >= tt && left <= tl && top < tt + th && left + width > tl)
// 如果冲突,就将回退到移动前的位置
if (tfAndBr || brAndTf || bAndT || tAndB || lAndR || rAndL) { =
this.left = this.mouseClickPosition.left
this.width = this.mouseClickPosition.width
// console.log('width5:' + this.width)
this.height = this.mouseClickPosition.height
// 检测对齐元素
async snapCheck() {
if (this.snap) {
// 保存当前元素的四个属性
let width = this.width
let height = this.height
let activeLeft = this.left
let activeRight = this.left + width
let activeTop =
let activeBottom = + height
// 初始化辅助线数据
const temArr = new Array(3).fill({ display: false, position: '', origin: '', lineLength: '' })
const refLine = { vLine: [], hLine: [] }
for (const i in refLine) {
refLine[i] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(temArr))
const tem = {
value: { x: [[], [], []], y: [[], [], []] },
display: [],
position: []
// 获取当前父节点下所有子节点
const nodes = this.$el.parentNode.childNodes
// 当允许多个同时激活时,获取总体的属性
const { groupWidth, groupHeight, groupLeft, groupTop, bln } = await this.getActiveAll(nodes)
if (!bln) {
width = groupWidth
height = groupHeight
activeLeft = groupLeft
activeRight = groupLeft + groupWidth
activeTop = groupTop
activeBottom = groupTop + groupHeight
// 遍历获取其他元素的属性
for (const item of nodes) {
if (
// private
item.tagName !== 'svg' &&
item.className !== undefined &&
!item.className.split(' ').includes(this.classNameActive) &&
item.getAttribute('data-is-snap') !== null &&
item.getAttribute('data-is-snap') !== 'false'
) {
// 获取位置,角度
const [l, t, rotate] = this.formatTransformVal(
if ((rotate - this.rotate) % 90 === 0) {
// 获取宽高
const w = item.offsetWidth
const h = item.offsetHeight
// 计算得到right和bottom
const r = l + w // 对齐目标right
const b = t + h // 对齐目标的bottom
const hc = Math.abs(activeTop + height / 2 - (t + h / 2)) <= this.snapTolerance // 水平中线
const vc = Math.abs(activeLeft + width / 2 - (l + w / 2)) <= this.snapTolerance // 垂直中线
const ts = Math.abs(t - activeBottom) <= this.snapTolerance // 从上到下
const TS = Math.abs(b - activeBottom) <= this.snapTolerance // 从上到下
const bs = Math.abs(t - activeTop) <= this.snapTolerance // 从下到上 上边共线
const BS = Math.abs(b - activeTop) <= this.snapTolerance // 从下到上
const ls = Math.abs(l - activeRight) <= this.snapTolerance // 外左
const LS = Math.abs(r - activeRight) <= this.snapTolerance // 外左
const rs = Math.abs(l - activeLeft) <= this.snapTolerance // 外右
const RS = Math.abs(r - activeLeft) <= this.snapTolerance // 外右
tem.display = [ts, TS, bs, BS, hc, hc, ls, LS, rs, RS, vc, vc]
tem.position = [t, b, t, b, t + h / 2, t + h / 2, l, r, l, r, l + w / 2, l + w / 2]
// 单个可激活元素与其他元素对齐
if (bln) {
if (ts) { = t - height
this.bottom = this.parentHeight - - height
tem.value.y[0].push(l, r, activeLeft, activeRight)
if (bs) { = t
this.bottom = this.parentHeight - - height
tem.value.y[0].push(l, r, activeLeft, activeRight)
if (TS) { = b - height
this.bottom = this.parentHeight - - height
tem.value.y[1].push(l, r, activeLeft, activeRight)
if (BS) { = b
this.bottom = this.parentHeight - - height
tem.value.y[1].push(l, r, activeLeft, activeRight)
if (ls) {
this.left = l - width
this.right = this.parentWidth - this.left - width
tem.value.x[0].push(t, b, activeTop, activeBottom)
if (rs) {
this.left = l
this.right = this.parentWidth - this.left - width
tem.value.x[0].push(t, b, activeTop, activeBottom)
if (LS) {
this.left = r - width
this.right = this.parentWidth - this.left - width
tem.value.x[1].push(t, b, activeTop, activeBottom)
if (RS) {
this.left = r
this.right = this.parentWidth - this.left - width
tem.value.x[1].push(t, b, activeTop, activeBottom)
if (hc) { = t + h / 2 - height / 2
this.bottom = this.parentHeight - - height
tem.value.y[2].push(l, r, activeLeft, activeRight)
if (vc) {
this.left = l + w / 2 - width / 2
this.right = this.parentWidth - this.left - width
tem.value.x[2].push(t, b, activeTop, activeBottom)
// 和容器贴边
if (this.snapBorder) {
if (Math.abs(this.left - 0) <= this.snapTolerance) {
this.left = 0
this.right = this.parentWidth - this.left - width
if (Math.abs(this.right - 0) <= this.snapTolerance) {
this.right = 0
this.left = this.parentWidth - this.width - this.right
if (Math.abs( - 0) <= this.snapTolerance) { = 0
this.bottom = this.parentHeight - - height
if (Math.abs(this.bottom - 0) <= this.snapTolerance) {
this.bottom = 0 = this.parentHeight - this.bottom - height
// 再次进行边界处理
const bounds = this.bounds
this.left = restrictToBounds(this.left, bounds.minLeft, bounds.maxLeft) = restrictToBounds(, bounds.minTop, bounds.maxTop)
this.right = restrictToBounds(this.right, bounds.minRight, bounds.maxRight)
this.bottom = restrictToBounds(this.bottom, bounds.minBottom, bounds.maxBottom)
// 辅助线坐标与是否显示(display)对应的数组,易于循环遍历
const arrTem = [0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 2]
for (let i = 0; i <= arrTem.length; i++) {
// 前6为Y辅助线,后6为X辅助线
const xory = i < 6 ? 'y' : 'x'
const horv = i < 6 ? 'hLine' : 'vLine'
if (tem.display[i]) {
const { origin, length } = this.calcLineValues(tem.value[xory][arrTem[i]])
refLine[horv][arrTem[i]].display = tem.display[i]
refLine[horv][arrTem[i]].position = tem.position[i] + 'px'
refLine[horv][arrTem[i]].origin = origin
refLine[horv][arrTem[i]].lineLength = length
this.$emit('refLineParams', refLine)
// 计算参考线
calcLineValues(arr) {
const length = Math.max(...arr) - Math.min(...arr) + 'px'
const origin = Math.min(...arr) + 'px'
return { length, origin }
async getActiveAll(nodes) {
const activeAll = []
const XArray = []
const YArray = []
let groupWidth = 0
let groupHeight = 0
let groupLeft = 0
let groupTop = 0
for (const item of nodes) {
// console.log('===' + typeof item.tagName)
// 修复判断条件
// if (item.className !== undefined && item.className.split(' ').includes(this.classNameActive)) {
if (item.tagName !== 'svg' && item.className !== undefined && item.className.split(' ').includes(this.classNameActive)) {
const AllLength = activeAll.length
if (AllLength > 1) {
for (const i of activeAll) {
const l = i.offsetLeft
const r = l + i.offsetWidth
const t = i.offsetTop
const b = t + i.offsetHeight
XArray.push(l, r)
YArray.push(t, b)
groupWidth = Math.max(...XArray) - Math.min(...XArray)
groupHeight = Math.max(...YArray) - Math.min(...YArray)
groupLeft = Math.min(...XArray)
groupTop = Math.min(...YArray)
const bln = AllLength === 1
return { groupWidth, groupHeight, groupLeft, groupTop, bln }
// 修复 正则获取left与top
formatTransformVal(string) {
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
let [left, top, rotate = 0] = string.match(/[\d|\.]+/g)
if (top === undefined) top = 0
return [Number(left), Number(top), rotate]
// private
// 鼠标移入事件
enter() {
this.mouseOn = true
// 鼠标移出事件
leave() {
this.mouseOn = false
// 记录当前样式
recordCurStyle() {
// debugger
const style = {
style.left = this.left =
style.width = this.width
style.height = this.height
style.rotate = this.rotate
this.hasMove = true
this.$store.commit('setShapeStyle', style)
// 记录当前样式 矩阵处理
recordMatrixCurStyle() {
// debugger
const left = Math.round(this.left / this.curCanvasScale.matrixStyleWidth) * this.curCanvasScale.matrixStyleWidth
const top = Math.round( / this.curCanvasScale.matrixStyleHeight) * this.curCanvasScale.matrixStyleHeight
const width = Math.round(this.width / this.curCanvasScale.matrixStyleWidth) * this.curCanvasScale.matrixStyleWidth
const height = Math.round(this.height / this.curCanvasScale.matrixStyleHeight) * this.curCanvasScale.matrixStyleHeight
const style = {
style.left = left = top
style.width = width
style.height = height
style.rotate = this.rotate
// this.hasMove = true
this.$store.commit('setShapeStyle', style)
mountedFunction() {
// private 冲突检测 和水平设计值保持一致
// this.isConflictCheck = this.horizontal
// this.snap = this.horizontal
// this.snapTolerance = 5
// this.grid = [10, 10]
if (!this.enableNativeDrag) {
this.$el.ondragstart = () => false
const [parentWidth, parentHeight] = this.getParentSize()
this.parentWidth = parentWidth
this.parentHeight = parentHeight
const [width, height] = getComputedSize(this.$el)
this.aspectFactor = (this.w !== 'auto' ? this.w : width) / (this.h !== 'auto' ? this.h : height)
if (this.outsideAspectRatio) {
this.aspectFactor = this.outsideAspectRatio
this.width = this.w !== 'auto' ? this.w : width
// console.log('width1:' + this.width)
this.height = this.h !== 'auto' ? this.h : height
this.right = this.parentWidth - this.width - this.left
this.bottom = this.parentHeight - this.height -
// 绑定data-*属性
// 监听取消操作
addEvent(document.documentElement, 'mousedown', this.deselect)
addEvent(document.documentElement, 'touchend touchcancel', this.deselect)
// 窗口变化时,检查容器大小
addEvent(window, 'resize', this.checkParentSize)
createdFunction() {
// minWidth不能大于maxWidth
if (this.maxWidth && this.minWidth > this.maxWidth) console.warn('[Vdr warn]: Invalid prop: minWidth cannot be greater than maxWidth')
// minHeight不能大于maxHeight
if (this.maxWidth && this.minHeight > this.maxHeight) console.warn('[Vdr warn]: Invalid prop: minHeight cannot be greater than maxHeight')
this.elmX = 0
this.elmY = 0
this.elmW = 0
this.elmH = 0
this.lastCenterX = 0
this.lastCenterY = 0
this.fixedXName = ''
this.fixedYName = ''
this.fixedX = 0
this.fixedY = 0
this.TL = {}
this.TR = {}
this.BL = {}
this.BR = {}
beforeDestroyFunction() {
removeEvent(document.documentElement, 'mousedown', this.deselect)
removeEvent(document.documentElement, 'touchstart', this.handleUp)
removeEvent(document.documentElement, 'mousemove', this.move)
removeEvent(document.documentElement, 'touchmove', this.move)
removeEvent(document.documentElement, 'mouseup', this.handleUp)
removeEvent(document.documentElement, 'touchend touchcancel', this.deselect)
removeEvent(window, 'resize', this.checkParentSize)
<style scoped>
.vdr {
touch-action: none;
position: absolute;
border: 1px
.handle {
box-sizing: border-box;
position: absolute;
background: #ffffff;
border: 1px solid #70c0ff;
border-radius: 50%;
z-index: 2;
.handle-tl {
cursor: nw-resize;
.handle-tm {
cursor: n-resize;
.handle-tr {
cursor: ne-resize;
.handle-ml {
cursor: w-resize;
.handle-mr {
cursor: e-resize;
.handle-bl {
cursor: sw-resize;
.handle-bm {
cursor: s-resize;
.handle-br {
cursor: se-resize;
/* 新增 旋转控制柄 */
.handle-rot {
position: relative;
transform: translateX(-50%);
cursor: grab;
display: inline-block;
box-sizing: border-box;
border: none;
text-indent: -9999px;
vertical-align: middle;
.handle-rot:after {
content: "";
box-sizing: inherit;
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
top: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
.handle-rot:before {
/* display: block; */
width: 1em;
height: 1em;
border: 2px solid #333;
border-right-color: transparent;
border-radius: 50%;
.handle-rot:after {
width: 0px;
height: 0px;
border: 0.25em solid #333;
border-left-color: transparent;
border-top-color: transparent;
left: 100%;
top: 10%;
.mouseOn {
outline: 1px dashed #70c0ff;
user-select: none;
.mouseOn >>> .icon-shezhi{
z-index: 2;
.vdr > i{
right: 5px;
color: gray;
position: absolute;
.vdr >>> i:hover {
color: red;
.vdr:hover >>> i {
z-index: 2;
.vdr>>>.icon-shezhi {