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<div class="top-nav" :style="{'background-color': '#f1f3f8'}">
<div v-loading="!axiosFinished" class="log">
<!-- <img v-if="!logoUrl" src="@/assets/DataEase-color.png" width="140" alt="" style="padding-top: 10px;">-->
<svg-icon v-if="!logoUrl && axiosFinished" icon-class="DataEase" custom-class="top-nav-logo-icon" />
<img v-if="logoUrl && axiosFinished" :src="logoUrl" width="140" alt="" style="padding-top: 10px;">
:style="{'background-color': '#f1f3f8', 'margin-left': '260px', 'position': 'absolute'}"
<div v-for="item in permission_routes" :key="item.path" class="nav-item">
<app-link :to="resolvePath(item)">
>{{ item.meta ? item.meta.title : item.children[0].meta.title }}</el-menu-item>
<div class="right-menu">
<!-- <el-tooltip content="项目文档" effect="dark" placement="bottom">-->
<!-- <doc class="right-menu-item hover-effect" />-->
<!-- </el-tooltip>-->
<!-- <el-tooltip content="全屏缩放" effect="dark" placement="bottom">-->
<!-- <screenfull id="screenfull" class="right-menu-item hover-effect" />-->
<!-- </el-tooltip>-->
<!-- <el-tooltip :content="$t('navbar.size')" effect="dark" placement="bottom">
<size-select id="size-select" class="right-menu-item hover-effect" />
</el-tooltip> -->
<notification class="right-menu-item hover-effect" />
<lang-select class="right-menu-item hover-effect" />
<div style="height: 100%;padding: 0 8px;" class="right-menu-item hover-effect">
<a href="" target="_blank" style="display: flex;height: 100%;width: 100%;justify-content: center;align-items: center;">
<svg-icon icon-class="docs" />
<el-dropdown class="top-dropdown" style="display: flex;align-items: center;">
<span class="el-dropdown-link" style="font-size: 14px;">
{{ name }}<i class="el-icon-arrow-down el-icon--right" />
<el-dropdown-menu slot="dropdown">
<router-link to="/person-info/index">
<el-dropdown-item>{{ $t('commons.personal_info') }}</el-dropdown-item>
<router-link to="/person-pwd/index">
<el-dropdown-item>{{ $t('user.change_password') }}</el-dropdown-item>
<!-- <a href="" target="_blank">-->
<!-- <el-dropdown-item>{{ $t('commons.help_documentation') }} </el-dropdown-item>-->
<!-- </a>-->
<router-link to="/about/index">
<el-dropdown-item>{{ $t('commons.about_us') }}</el-dropdown-item>
<el-dropdown-item divided @click.native="logout">
<span style="display:block;">{{ $t('commons.exit_system') }}</span>
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
import AppLink from './Sidebar/Link'
import variables from '@/styles/variables.scss'
import { isExternal } from '@/utils/validate'
import Notification from '@/components/Notification'
// import Screenfull from '@/components/Screenfull'
// import SizeSelect from '@/components/SizeSelect'
import LangSelect from '@/components/LangSelect'
import { getSysUI } from '@/utils/auth'
export default {
name: 'Topbar',
components: {
// Screenfull,
// SizeSelect,
// Doc
data() {
return {
uiInfo: null,
logoUrl: null,
axiosFinished: false
computed: {
theme() {
return this.$store.state.settings.theme
activeMenu() {
const route = this.$route
const { meta, path } = route
// if set path, the sidebar will highlight the path you set
if (meta.activeMenu) {
// return meta.activeMenu
// 如果是首页,首页高亮
if (path === '/panel') {
return '/'
// 如果不是首页,高亮一级菜单
const activeMenu = '/' + path.split('/')[1]
return activeMenu
variables() {
return variables
sidebar() {
return this.$
mounted() {
created() {
this.$store.dispatch('user/getUI').then(() => {
this.uiInfo = getSysUI()
if (this.uiInfo['ui.logo'] && this.uiInfo['ui.logo'].paramValue) {
this.logoUrl = '/system/ui/image/' + this.uiInfo['ui.logo'].paramValue
this.axiosFinished = true
methods: {
// 通过当前路径找到二级菜单对应项存到store用来渲染左侧菜单
initCurrentRoutes() {
const { path } = this.$route
let route = this.permission_routes.find(
item => item.path === '/' + path.split('/')[1]
// 如果找不到这个路由,说明是首页
if (!route) {
route = this.permission_routes.find(item => item.path === '/')
this.$store.commit('permission/SET_CURRENT_ROUTES', route)
// 判断该路由是否只有一个子项或者没有子项,如果是,则在一级菜单添加跳转路由
isOnlyOneChild(item) {
if (item.children && item.children.length === 1) {
return true
return false
resolvePath(item) {
// 如果是个完成的url直接返回
if (isExternal(item.path)) {
return item.path
// 如果是首页,就返回重定向路由
if (item.path === '/') {
const path = item.redirect
return path
// 如果有子项,默认跳转第一个子项路由
let path = ''
* item 路由子项
* parent 路由父项
const getDefaultPath = (item, parent) => {
// 如果path是个外部链接不建议直接返回链接存在个问题如果是外部链接点击跳转后当前页内容还是上一个路由内容
if (isExternal(item.path)) {
path = item.path
// 第一次需要父项路由拼接所以只是第一个传parent
if (parent) {
path += (parent.path + '/' + item.path)
} else {
path += ('/' + item.path)
// 如果还有子项,继续递归
if (item.children) {
if (item.children) {
getDefaultPath(item.children[0], item)
return path
return item.path
handleSelect(key, keyPath) {
// 把选中路由的子路由保存store
const route = this.permission_routes.find(item => item.path === key)
this.$store.commit('permission/SET_CURRENT_ROUTES', route)
// 设置侧边栏的显示和隐藏
setSidebarHide(route) {
// if (!route.children || route.children.length === 1) {
if ( !== 'system' && (!route.children || this.showChildLength(route) === 1)) {
this.$store.dispatch('app/toggleSideBarHide', true)
} else {
this.$store.dispatch('app/toggleSideBarHide', false)
// 获取非隐藏子路由的个数
showChildLength(route) {
if (!route || !route.children) {
return 0
return route.children.filter(kid => !kid.hidden).length
async logout() {
await this.$store.dispatch('user/logout')
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.el-dropdown-link {
cursor: pointer;
color: #1e212a;
.el-icon-arrow-down {
font-size: 12px;
.top-dropdown {
display: inline-block;
padding: 10px 8px;
height: 100%;
font-size: 16px;
color: #1e212a;
vertical-align: text-bottom;
margin-right: 10px;