feat: 新增案例说明

This commit is contained in:
奔跑的面条 2022-10-16 20:46:01 +08:00
parent 4f6757fff2
commit 30351cecb5
3 changed files with 233 additions and 64 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
// 获取实例
const eTemplateString = `
// 获取全局 echarts 实例
const echartsTemplateString = `
// 获取当前组件图表集合
const componentsTemplateString = `
// 获取 nodeModules 实例
const nodeModulesTemplateString = `
// 异步引入
const importTemplateString = `
await import('https://lf3-cdn-tos.bytecdntp.com/cdn/expire-1-M/lodash.js/4.17.21/lodash.js')
// lodash 默认赋值给 "_"
console.log('isEqual', _.isEqual(['1'], ['1']))
// 修改图表 tooltip
const tooltipTemplateString =
// 获取echart实例
const chart = this.refs.vChartRef.chart
// 图表设置tooltip
tooltip: {
trigger: 'axis', //item
enterable: true,
formatter (params) {
return` +
'`' +
<img src="https://portrait.gitee.com/uploads/avatars/user/1654/4964818_MTrun_1653229420.png!avatar30">
<b><a href="https://gitee.com/dromara/go-view">tooltip</a></b>
<div style='border-radius:35px;color:#666'>
` +
'$' +
`{Object.entries(params[0].value).map(kv => ` +
'`' +
`<div>` +
'$' +
`{kv[0]}:` +
'$' +
`{kv[1]}</div>` +
'`' +
` +
'`;' +
// 添加【轮播列表】样式
const addStyleString =
// 组件样式作用域标识
const scoped = this.subTree.scopeId
function loadStyleString(css){
let style = document.createElement('style')
style.type = 'text/css'
let head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]
loadStyleString(` +
'`' +
.dv-scroll-board[` +
'$' +
`{scoped}] {
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
.dv-scroll-board[` +
'$' +
`{scoped}]::before {
content: '';
display: block;
position: absolute;
top: -20%;
left: -100%;
width: 550px;
height: 60px;
transform: rotate(-45deg);
background-image: linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0), rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0));
animation: cross 2s infinite;
@keyframes cross{
top: 80%;
left: 100%;
transform: rotate(-45deg);
` +
'`' +
// 修改地图原点大小
const editMapPointString = `
const chart = this.refs.vChartRef.chart
// 定义地图原点大小 同理可自定义标签等等内容
this.props.chartConfig.option.series[0].symbolSize = (val) => {
return Math.sqrt(val[2]) / 3;
let i = 0; // 当前轮播索引
const len = 3; // 轮播部分提示
(function showTips() {
const action = (type, dataIndex) => {
seriesIndex: 0,
setInterval(() => {
action("downplay", i);
action("hideTip", i);
if (i === len) i = 0;
action("highlight", i);
action("showTip", i);
}, 2000);
export const templateList = [
description: '获取当前组件实例',
code: eTemplateString
description: '获取全局 echarts 实例',
code: echartsTemplateString
description: '获取组件图表集合',
code: componentsTemplateString
description: '获取 nodeModules 实例',
code: nodeModulesTemplateString
description: '获取远程 CDN 库',
code: importTemplateString
description: '修改图表 tooltip',
code: tooltipTemplateString
description: '添加【轮播列表】样式',
code: addStyleString
description: '修改地图圆点大小',
code: editMapPointString

View File

@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
<!-- 函数体 -->
<div v-for="eventName in EventLife" :key="eventName">
<span class="func-keyword">async {{ eventName }}</span> (e, components, echarts, node_modules) {
<p class="go-ml-4"><n-code :code="(targetData.events || {})[eventName]" language="typescript"></n-code></p>
<template #footer>
<n-space justify="end">
<n-button type="primary" tertiary size="small" @click="showModal = true">
<template #icon>
<filter-edit-icon />
<n-collapse-item title="高级事件配置" name="2">
<template #header-extra>
<n-button type="primary" tertiary size="small" @click.stop="showModal = true">
<template #icon>
<pencil-icon />
<!-- 函数体 -->
<div v-for="eventName in EventLife" :key="eventName">
<span class="func-keyword">async {{ eventName }}</span> (e, components, echarts, node_modules) {
<p class="go-ml-4"><n-code :code="(targetData.events || {})[eventName]" language="typescript"></n-code></p>
<!-- 弹窗 -->
<n-modal class="go-chart-data-monaco-editor" v-model:show="showModal" :mask-closable="false">
<n-card :bordered="false" role="dialog" size="small" aria-modal="true" style="width: 1200px; height: 700px">
<template #header>
<template #header-extra> </template>
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
<n-tabs v-model:value="editTab" type="card" tab-style="min-width: 100px;">
<!-- 提示 -->
<template #suffix>
<n-text class="tab-tip" type="warning">{{ EventLifeTip[editTab] }}</n-text>
<n-text class="tab-tip" type="warning">tips: {{ EventLifeTip[editTab] }}</n-text>
v-for="(eventName, index) in EventLife"
@ -67,15 +67,15 @@
<!-- 验证结果 -->
<n-tab-pane tab="验证结果" name="1" size="small">
<n-scrollbar trigger="none" style="max-height: 505px">
<n-collapse class="go-px-3" arrow-placement="right" :default-expanded-names="['1', '2', '3']">
<n-collapse class="go-px-3" arrow-placement="right" :default-expanded-names="[1, 2, 3]">
<template v-for="error in [validEvents()]" :key="error">
<n-collapse-item title="错误函数" name="1">
<n-collapse-item title="错误函数" :name="1">
<n-text depth="3">{{ error.errorFn || '暂无' }}</n-text>
<n-collapse-item title="错误信息" name="2">
<n-collapse-item title="错误信息" :name="2">
<n-text depth="3">{{ error.name || '暂无' }}</n-text>
<n-collapse-item title="堆栈信息" name="3">
<n-collapse-item title="堆栈信息" :name="3">
<n-text depth="3">{{ error.message || '暂无' }}</n-text>
@ -85,24 +85,24 @@
<!-- 辅助说明 -->
<n-tab-pane tab="变量说明" name="2">
<n-scrollbar trigger="none" style="max-height: 505px">
<n-collapse class="go-px-3" arrow-placement="right" :default-expanded-names="['1', '2', '3', '4']">
<n-collapse-item title="e" name="1">
<n-collapse class="go-px-3" arrow-placement="right" :default-expanded-names="[1, 2, 3, 4]">
<n-collapse-item title="e" :name="1">
<n-text depth="3">触发对应生命周期事件时接收的参数</n-text>
<n-collapse-item title="this" name="2">
<n-collapse-item title="this" :name="2">
<n-text depth="3">图表组件实例</n-text>
<br />
<n-tag class="go-m-1" v-for="prop in ['refs', 'setupState', 'ctx', 'props', '...']" :key="prop">{{
<n-collapse-item title="components" name="3">
<n-collapse-item title="components" :name="3">
<n-text depth="3"
>当前大屏内所有组件的集合id 图表组件中的配置id可以获取其他图表组件进行控制</n-text
<n-code :code="`{\n [id]: component\n}`" language="typescript"></n-code>
<n-collapse-item title="node_modules" name="4">
<n-collapse-item title="node_modules" :name="4">
<n-text depth="3">以下是内置在代码环境中可用的包变量</n-text>
<br />
<n-tag class="go-m-1" v-for="pkg in Object.keys(npmPkgs || {})" :key="pkg">{{ pkg }}</n-tag>
@ -110,21 +110,19 @@
<!-- 远程加载 -->
<n-tab-pane tab="远程加载" name="3">
<!-- 介绍案例 -->
<n-tab-pane tab="介绍案例" name="3">
<n-scrollbar trigger="none" style="max-height: 505px">
<div class="go-px-3">
浏览器是否兼容 importmap:
<n-tag :bordered="false" :type="hTMLScriptElement.supports('importmap') ? 'primary' : 'error'">
{{ hTMLScriptElement.supports('importmap') ? '√' : '×' }}
const react = await import('https://cdn.skypack.dev/react@17.0.1')`"
<n-collapse arrow-placement="right">
v-for="(item, index) in templateList"
:title="`案例${index + 1}${item.description}`"
<n-code :code="item.code" language="typescript"></n-code>
@ -157,6 +155,7 @@ const react = await import('https://cdn.skypack.dev/react@17.0.1')`"
import { ref, computed, watch, toRefs, toRaw } from 'vue'
import { MonacoEditor } from '@/components/Pages/MonacoEditor'
import { useTargetData } from '../../../hooks/useTargetData.hook'
import { templateList } from './importTemplate'
import { npmPkgs } from '@/hooks'
import { icon } from '@/plugins'
import { goDialog, toString } from '@/utils'
@ -164,9 +163,7 @@ import { CreateComponentType, EventLife } from '@/packages/index.d'
import { Script } from 'vm'
const { targetData, chartEditStore } = useTargetData()
const { DocumentTextIcon, ChevronDownIcon } = icon.ionicons5
const { FilterEditIcon } = icon.carbon
const hTMLScriptElement = HTMLScriptElement as any
const { DocumentTextIcon, ChevronDownIcon, PencilIcon } = icon.ionicons5
const EventLifeName = {
[EventLife.BEFORE_MOUNT]: '渲染之前',

View File

@ -1,29 +1,24 @@
<!-- 事件配置 -->
<n-collapse class="go-mt-3" arrow-placement="right" default-expanded-names="1" accordion>
<n-collapse class="go-mt-3" arrow-placement="right" :default-expanded-names="['1', '2']">
<n-text depth="3">
组件 id
<n-text>{{ targetData.id }}</n-text>
<n-collapse-item title="事件配置" name="1">
<n-space class="go-event go-mt-3" :size="18" vertical>
<n-collapse-item title="基础事件配置" name="1">
<div class="go-event">
<n-text depth="3"> 单击双击移入移出尽情期待 </n-text>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { ChartEventMonacoEditor } from './components/ChartEventMonacoEditor'
import { useTargetData } from '../hooks/useTargetData.hook'
const { targetData } = useTargetData()
<style lang="scss" scoped>
@include deep() {
.go-event .n-card__content {
max-height: 60vh;
overflow-y: auto;
const { targetData } = useTargetData()
const showModal = ref(false)