{ "properties" : { }, "id" : "a5f80b11b7fb4f3c97252331c80bcf85", "script" : null, "groupId" : "41922e26ef57421f8819fe6c59f14d63", "name" : "组织机构", "createTime" : null, "updateTime" : 1642327198030, "lock" : "0", "path" : "/office", "description" : null, "returnType" : null, "mappingPath" : null, "parameters" : [ ] } ================================ import 'cn.dev33.satoken.stp.StpUtil'; var currentUserId = StpUtil.getLoginId() //查出当前用户有多少角色 var roles = db.select(""" select permission from sys_role where is_del = 0 and id in (select role_id from sys_user_role where user_id = #{currentUserId}) """) var userIds = [] for(role in roles){ if(role.permission == '0'){ return [] }else if(role.permission == '1'){ userIds.addAll(db.select(""" select id from sys_user where is_del = 0 and office_id in ( select office_id from sys_role_office where role_id in ( select role_id from sys_user_role where user_id = #{currentUserId} ) ) """).map(it => it.id)) }else{ var officeId = db.selectValue("select office_id from sys_user where id = #{currentUserId}") var offices = [] offices.push(officeId) var getOfficeId = (list,pid) => { var ids = select t.id from list t where t.pid = pid; for(it in ids){ offices.push(it.id) getOfficeId(list,it.id) } } getOfficeId(db.select('select id, pid from sys_office where is_del = 0 order by sort'),officeId) userIds.addAll(db.select("select id from sys_user where office_id in (#{offices})").map(it => it.id)) } } return userIds