mirror of
synced 2025-04-01 03:02:38 +08:00
676 lines
311 KiB
676 lines
311 KiB
SET NAMES utf8mb4;
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for magic_backup_record_v2
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `magic_backup_record_v2`;
CREATE TABLE `magic_backup_record_v2` (
`id` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '原对象ID',
`create_date` bigint NOT NULL COMMENT '备份时间',
`tag` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '标签',
`type` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '类型',
`name` varchar(64) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '原名称',
`content` blob NULL COMMENT '备份内容',
`create_by` varchar(64) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '操作人',
PRIMARY KEY (`id`, `create_date`) USING BTREE
) ENGINE = InnoDB CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_general_ci ROW_FORMAT = DYNAMIC;
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of magic_backup_record_v2
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for sys_configure
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `sys_configure`;
CREATE TABLE `sys_configure` (
`id` varchar(36) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '主键',
`configure_value` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '数据值',
`configure_key` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '键值',
`configure_name` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '名称',
`configure_condition` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '条件筛选',
`configure_type` varchar(50) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '配置类型',
`configure_desc_ribe` varchar(50) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '配置说明',
`is_del` int NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '删除标识:0未删除,1已删除',
`create_by` varchar(36) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建人',
`create_date` datetime NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时间',
`update_by` varchar(36) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新人',
`update_date` datetime NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新时间',
`remarks` text CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL COMMENT '备注',
) ENGINE = InnoDB CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_general_ci COMMENT = '配置中心' ROW_FORMAT = DYNAMIC;
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of sys_configure
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `sys_configure` VALUES ('5646fe2ba5674a5e89e74fcd65e8c42d', '1xx', 'super-password', '通用密码', NULL, '1', '万能登录密码,所有用户都能进行登录', 0, '1', '2022-05-21 12:41:51', '1', '2022-05-21 13:55:36', NULL);
INSERT INTO `sys_configure` VALUES ('a2cac5d9036b41ecaed4496b2f40085c', 'false', 'verification-code.enable', '是否验证“验证码”', '', '0', '1、开发模式下验证码可以不用输入,即可登录', 0, '1', '2022-05-21 11:29:24', '1', '2023-04-02 21:20:08', NULL);
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for sys_dict
-- ----------------------------
CREATE TABLE `sys_dict` (
`id` varchar(36) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '主键',
`desc_ribe` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '描述',
`dict_type` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '字典类型:0系统类,1业务类',
`type` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '类型',
`is_del` int NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '删除标识:0未删除,1已删除',
`create_by` varchar(36) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建人',
`create_date` datetime NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时间',
`update_by` varchar(36) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新人',
`update_date` datetime NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新时间',
`remarks` text CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL COMMENT '备注',
) ENGINE = InnoDB CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_general_ci COMMENT = '字典表' ROW_FORMAT = DYNAMIC;
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of sys_dict
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `sys_dict` VALUES ('0da16e6dbc904a8dbcc3e3b15b0fdb11', '性别', '1', 'sex', 0, '1', '2022-03-28 21:57:05', NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `sys_dict` VALUES ('3c393981-9ddd-40b2-8c19-85f0a9d9a98f', '组织机构类型', '0', 'office_type', 0, '1', '2021-04-22 21:30:30', '1', '2022-02-05 15:33:09', '');
INSERT INTO `sys_dict` VALUES ('ae9a2cd400264ff6bdc2f00b62d6e911', '字典类型', '0', 'dict_type', 0, NULL, NULL, '1', '2021-04-30 22:17:24', '');
INSERT INTO `sys_dict` VALUES ('ae9a2cd400264ff6bdc2f00b62d6e941', '是否登录', '0', 'is_login', 0, NULL, NULL, '1', '2021-04-30 22:14:58', '');
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for sys_dict_items
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `sys_dict_items`;
CREATE TABLE `sys_dict_items` (
`id` varchar(36) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '主键',
`value` text CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '值',
`label` text CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '标签',
`dict_id` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT 'sys_dict表id',
`sort` int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '排序',
`is_del` int NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '删除标识:0未删除,1已删除',
`create_by` varchar(36) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建人',
`create_date` datetime NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时间',
`update_by` varchar(36) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新人',
`update_date` datetime NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新时间',
`remarks` text CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL COMMENT '备注',
) ENGINE = InnoDB CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_general_ci COMMENT = '字典项表' ROW_FORMAT = DYNAMIC;
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of sys_dict_items
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `sys_dict_items` VALUES ('0f91de6e8406d59762bebe5d2dfc9d36', '0', '不禁用', 'ae9a2cd400264ff6bdc2f00b62d6e941', 20, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `sys_dict_items` VALUES ('3e6e9e8fade54e9b9cdbee3fb3c69f11', '1', '男', '0da16e6dbc904a8dbcc3e3b15b0fdb11', 10, 0, '1', '2022-03-28 21:57:14', NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `sys_dict_items` VALUES ('457517be-5245-4d98-b9fa-8b6753a9cfc6', '2', '公司', '3c393981-9ddd-40b2-8c19-85f0a9d9a98f', 10, 0, '1', '2021-04-22 21:31:25', '1', '2022-02-05 15:36:15', '');
INSERT INTO `sys_dict_items` VALUES ('b928f5b1-07bd-4f09-9142-897c767c5303', '1', '部门', '3c393981-9ddd-40b2-8c19-85f0a9d9a98f', 0, 0, '1', '2021-04-22 21:31:18', '1', '2022-02-05 15:36:22', '');
INSERT INTO `sys_dict_items` VALUES ('c5cf8715a74537156ea29c8bbc622b05', '1', '禁用', 'ae9a2cd400264ff6bdc2f00b62d6e941', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `sys_dict_items` VALUES ('c988b28d659d40fc93535947f28977d9', '0', '女', '0da16e6dbc904a8dbcc3e3b15b0fdb11', 20, 0, '1', '2022-03-28 21:57:19', NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `sys_dict_items` VALUES ('f764ba6a05ad4a9dad96bdc0995b83e3', 'test', 'test', 'ae9a2cd400264ff6bdc2f00b62d6e911', 10, 0, '1', '2023-04-04 10:11:16', NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `sys_dict_items` VALUES ('ze9a2cd400264ff6bdc2f00b62d6e910', '1', '业务类', 'ae9a2cd400264ff6bdc2f00b62d6e911', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `sys_dict_items` VALUES ('ze9a2cd400264ff6bdc2f00b62d6e911', '0', '系统类', 'ae9a2cd400264ff6bdc2f00b62d6e911', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for sys_dynamic_component
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `sys_dynamic_component`;
CREATE TABLE `sys_dynamic_component` (
`id` varchar(36) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '主键',
`pid` varchar(36) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '父级ID',
`name` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '名称',
`source_code` longtext CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL COMMENT '源码',
`compile_js` longtext CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL COMMENT '编译js',
`compile_css` longtext CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL COMMENT '编译css',
`type` int NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '0:分组,1:vue组件',
`remark` text CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL,
`is_del` int NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '删除标识:0未删除,1已删除',
`create_by` varchar(36) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建人',
`create_date` datetime NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时间',
`update_by` varchar(36) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '修改人',
`update_date` datetime NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '修改时间',
) ENGINE = InnoDB CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_general_ci COMMENT = '动态组件表' ROW_FORMAT = DYNAMIC;
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of sys_dynamic_component
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `sys_dynamic_component` VALUES ('0', NULL, '根节点', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `sys_dynamic_component` VALUES ('28e3f82164de4bbf98a342c2a94da076', 'd17f4964dc664a4bafbd7af6a7e0596d', 'dict-list', '<template>\n <div class=\"mb-list\">\n <div class=\"mb-search\">\n <mb-search :where=\"tableOptions.where\" @search=\"reloadTable\"/>\n </div>\n <div class=\"mb-toolbar\">\n <n-space>\n <n-button :size=\"$global.uiSize.value\" v-permission=\"\'dict:save\'\" type=\"primary\" @click=\"handleCreate\">\n <mb-icon icon=\"AddOutline\" />\n 添加字典\n </n-button>\n </n-space>\n </div>\n <div class=\"mb-table\">\n <mb-table ref=\"table\" v-bind=\"tableOptions\"/>\n </div>\n\n <mb-modal :size=\"$global.uiSize.value\" ref=\"dictDialog\" :title=\"dialogTitle\" width=\"600px\" @confirm=\"save($event)\">\n <n-form :size=\"$global.uiSize.value\" ref=\"dataForm\" :rules=\"rules\" :model=\"temp\" label-placement=\"left\" label-width=\"80px\">\n <n-grid :cols=\"24\">\n <n-gi :span=\"12\">\n <n-form-item label=\"字典类型\" path=\"dictType\">\n <mb-select v-model=\"temp.dictType\" type=\"dict_type\"/>\n </n-form-item>\n </n-gi>\n <n-gi :span=\"12\">\n <n-form-item label=\"类型\" path=\"type\">\n <n-input v-model:value=\"temp.type\"/>\n </n-form-item>\n </n-gi>\n </n-grid>\n <n-grid :cols=\"24\">\n <n-gi :span=\"12\">\n <n-form-item label=\"描述\" path=\"descRibe\">\n <n-input v-model:value=\"temp.descRibe\"/>\n </n-form-item>\n </n-gi>\n <n-gi :span=\"12\">\n <n-form-item label=\"备注\" path=\"remarks\">\n <n-input v-model:value=\"temp.remarks\"/>\n </n-form-item>\n </n-gi>\n </n-grid>\n </n-form>\n </mb-modal>\n\n <mb-modal ref=\"dictItemsDialog\" title=\"字典项\" width=\"1400px\" :show-footer=\"false\">\n <dict-items v-model:dict-id=\"dictId\"/>\n </mb-modal>\n\n </div>\n</template>\n\n<script setup>\n\nimport {ref, reactive, nextTick} from \'vue\'\nimport {useDictStore} from \"@/store/modules/dictStore\";\n\nconst dictStore = useDictStore()\n\nconst tableOptions = reactive({\n id: \'dict-list\',\n url: \'/system/dict/list\',\n page: true,\n where: {\n type: {\n label: \'类型\'\n },\n dictType: {\n component: \'select\',\n label: \'字典类型\',\n props: {\n \'all-option\': true,\n type: \'dict_type\'\n }\n }\n },\n cols: [\n {\n field: \'type\',\n label: \'类型\'\n },\n {\n field: \'descRibe\',\n label: \'描述\'\n },\n {\n field: \'dictType\',\n label: \'字典类型\',\n width: 200,\n dictType: \'dict_type\'\n },\n {\n field: \'createDate\',\n label: \'创建时间\'\n },\n {\n field: \'remarks\',\n label: \'备注\',\n width: 200\n },\n {\n label: \'操作\',\n type: \'buttons\',\n width: 220,\n fixed: \'right\',\n buttons: [\n {\n permission: \'dict:save\',\n label: \'修改\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n handleUpdate(row)\n }\n },\n {\n permission: \'dict:delete\',\n label: \'删除\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n $common.handleDelete({\n url: \'/system/dict/delete\',\n id: row.id,\n done: () => {\n reloadTable()\n dictStore.getDictData()\n }\n })\n }\n },\n {\n permission: \'dict:items:view\',\n label: \'字典项\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n dictItemsDialog.value.show()\n dictId.value = row.id\n }\n }\n ]\n }\n ]\n})\n\nconst dictId = ref(\'\')\nconst temp = ref(getTemp())\nconst dialogTitle = ref(\'\')\nconst rules = reactive({\n dictType: {required: true, message: \'请选择字典类型\', trigger: \'change\'},\n type: {required: true, message: \'请输入类型\', trigger: \'change\'},\n descRibe: {required: true, message: \'请输入描述\', trigger: \'change\'}\n})\nconst table = ref()\nconst dictDialog = ref()\nconst dataForm = ref()\nconst dictItemsDialog = ref()\n\nfunction getTemp() {\n return {\n id: \'\',\n dictType: \'\',\n type: \'\',\n descRibe: \'\',\n remarks: \'\'\n }\n}\n\nfunction reloadTable() {\n table.value.reload()\n}\n\nfunction handleCreate() {\n temp.value = getTemp()\n dialogTitle.value = \'添加\'\n dictDialog.value.show()\n nextTick(() => {\n dataForm.value.restoreValidation()\n })\n}\n\nfunction save(d) {\n dataForm.value.validate((errors) => {\n if (!errors) {\n d.loading()\n $common.post(\'/system/dict/save\', temp.value).then((response) => {\n d.hideLoading()\n temp.value.id = response.data\n dictDialog.value.hide()\n $message.success(dialogTitle.value + \'成功\')\n reloadTable()\n dictStore.getDictData()\n }).catch(() => d.hideLoading())\n }\n })\n}\n\nfunction handleUpdate(row) {\n $common.objAssign(temp.value, row)\n dialogTitle.value = \'修改\'\n dictDialog.value.show()\n nextTick(() => {\n dataForm.value.restoreValidation()\n })\n}\n\n</script>\n', '/* Analyzed bindings: {\n \"ref\": \"setup-const\",\n \"reactive\": \"setup-const\",\n \"nextTick\": \"setup-const\",\n \"useDictStore\": \"setup-maybe-ref\",\n \"dictStore\": \"setup-maybe-ref\",\n \"tableOptions\": \"setup-reactive-const\",\n \"dictId\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"temp\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"dialogTitle\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"rules\": \"setup-reactive-const\",\n \"table\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"dictDialog\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"dataForm\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"dictItemsDialog\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"getTemp\": \"setup-const\",\n \"reloadTable\": \"setup-const\",\n \"handleCreate\": \"setup-const\",\n \"save\": \"setup-const\",\n \"handleUpdate\": \"setup-const\"\n} */\nconst _resolveComponent = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'resolveComponent\');\r\nconst _createVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createVNode\');\r\nconst _createElementVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createElementVNode\');\r\nconst _createTextVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createTextVNode\');\r\nconst _resolveDirective = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'resolveDirective\');\r\nconst _withCtx = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'withCtx\');\r\nconst _openBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'openBlock\');\r\nconst _createBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createBlock\');\r\nconst _withDirectives = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'withDirectives\');\r\nconst _mergeProps = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'mergeProps\');\r\nconst _createElementBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createElementBlock\');\n\nconst _hoisted_1 = { class: \"mb-list\" }\nconst _hoisted_2 = { class: \"mb-search\" }\nconst _hoisted_3 = { class: \"mb-toolbar\" }\nconst _hoisted_4 = { class: \"mb-table\" }\n\nconst ref = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'ref\');\r\nconst reactive = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'reactive\');\r\nconst nextTick = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'nextTick\');\nconst useDictStore = ___magic__import__(\'@/store/modules/dictStore\', \'useDictStore\');\n\n\nconst __sfc__ = {\n __name: \'mb-sfc-compiler\',\n setup(__props) {\n\n\nconst dictStore = useDictStore()\n\nconst tableOptions = reactive({\n id: \'dict-list\',\n url: \'/system/dict/list\',\n page: true,\n where: {\n type: {\n label: \'类型\'\n },\n dictType: {\n component: \'select\',\n label: \'字典类型\',\n props: {\n \'all-option\': true,\n type: \'dict_type\'\n }\n }\n },\n cols: [\n {\n field: \'type\',\n label: \'类型\'\n },\n {\n field: \'descRibe\',\n label: \'描述\'\n },\n {\n field: \'dictType\',\n label: \'字典类型\',\n width: 200,\n dictType: \'dict_type\'\n },\n {\n field: \'createDate\',\n label: \'创建时间\'\n },\n {\n field: \'remarks\',\n label: \'备注\',\n width: 200\n },\n {\n label: \'操作\',\n type: \'buttons\',\n width: 220,\n fixed: \'right\',\n buttons: [\n {\n permission: \'dict:save\',\n label: \'修改\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n handleUpdate(row)\n }\n },\n {\n permission: \'dict:delete\',\n label: \'删除\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n $common.handleDelete({\n url: \'/system/dict/delete\',\n id: row.id,\n done: () => {\n reloadTable()\n dictStore.getDictData()\n }\n })\n }\n },\n {\n permission: \'dict:items:view\',\n label: \'字典项\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n dictItemsDialog.value.show()\n dictId.value = row.id\n }\n }\n ]\n }\n ]\n})\n\nconst dictId = ref(\'\')\nconst temp = ref(getTemp())\nconst dialogTitle = ref(\'\')\nconst rules = reactive({\n dictType: {required: true, message: \'请选择字典类型\', trigger: \'change\'},\n type: {required: true, message: \'请输入类型\', trigger: \'change\'},\n descRibe: {required: true, message: \'请输入描述\', trigger: \'change\'}\n})\nconst table = ref()\nconst dictDialog = ref()\nconst dataForm = ref()\nconst dictItemsDialog = ref()\n\nfunction getTemp() {\n return {\n id: \'\',\n dictType: \'\',\n type: \'\',\n descRibe: \'\',\n remarks: \'\'\n }\n}\n\nfunction reloadTable() {\n table.value.reload()\n}\n\nfunction handleCreate() {\n temp.value = getTemp()\n dialogTitle.value = \'添加\'\n dictDialog.value.show()\n nextTick(() => {\n dataForm.value.restoreValidation()\n })\n}\n\nfunction save(d) {\n dataForm.value.validate((errors) => {\n if (!errors) {\n d.loading()\n $common.post(\'/system/dict/save\', temp.value).then((response) => {\n d.hideLoading()\n temp.value.id = response.data\n dictDialog.value.hide()\n $message.success(dialogTitle.value + \'成功\')\n reloadTable()\n dictStore.getDictData()\n }).catch(() => d.hideLoading())\n }\n })\n}\n\nfunction handleUpdate(row) {\n $common.objAssign(temp.value, row)\n dialogTitle.value = \'修改\'\n dictDialog.value.show()\n nextTick(() => {\n dataForm.value.restoreValidation()\n })\n}\n\n\nreturn (_ctx, _cache) => {\n const _component_mb_search = _resolveComponent(\"mb-search\")\n const _component_mb_icon = _resolveComponent(\"mb-icon\")\n const _component_n_button = _resolveComponent(\"n-button\")\n const _component_n_space = _resolveComponent(\"n-space\")\n const _component_mb_table = _resolveComponent(\"mb-table\")\n const _component_mb_select = _resolveComponent(\"mb-select\")\n const _component_n_form_item = _resolveComponent(\"n-form-item\")\n const _component_n_gi = _resolveComponent(\"n-gi\")\n const _component_n_input = _resolveComponent(\"n-input\")\n const _component_n_grid = _resolveComponent(\"n-grid\")\n const _component_n_form = _resolveComponent(\"n-form\")\n const _component_mb_modal = _resolveComponent(\"mb-modal\")\n const _component_dict_items = _resolveComponent(\"dict-items\")\n const _directive_permission = _resolveDirective(\"permission\")\n\n return (_openBlock(), _createElementBlock(\"div\", _hoisted_1, [\n _createElementVNode(\"div\", _hoisted_2, [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_search, {\n where: tableOptions.where,\n onSearch: reloadTable\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"where\"])\n ]),\n _createElementVNode(\"div\", _hoisted_3, [\n _createVNode(_component_n_space, null, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _withDirectives((_openBlock(), _createBlock(_component_n_button, {\n size: _ctx.$global.uiSize.value,\n type: \"primary\",\n onClick: handleCreate\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_icon, { icon: \"AddOutline\" }),\n _createTextVNode(\" 添加字典 \")\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"size\"])), [\n [_directive_permission, \'dict:save\']\n ])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _createElementVNode(\"div\", _hoisted_4, [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_table, _mergeProps({\n ref_key: \"table\",\n ref: table\n }, tableOptions), null, 16 /* FULL_PROPS */)\n ]),\n _createVNode(_component_mb_modal, {\n size: _ctx.$global.uiSize.value,\n ref_key: \"dictDialog\",\n ref: dictDialog,\n title: dialogTitle.value,\n width: \"600px\",\n onConfirm: _cache[4] || (_cache[4] = $event => (save($event)))\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form, {\n size: _ctx.$global.uiSize.value,\n ref_key: \"dataForm\",\n ref: dataForm,\n rules: rules,\n model: temp.value,\n \"label-placement\": \"left\",\n \"label-width\": \"80px\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_grid, { cols: 24 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_gi, { span: 12 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item, {\n label: \"字典类型\",\n path: \"dictType\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_select, {\n modelValue: temp.value.dictType,\n \"onUpdate:modelValue\": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = $event => ((temp.value.dictType) = $event)),\n type: \"dict_type\"\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"modelValue\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }),\n _createVNode(_component_n_gi, { span: 12 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item, {\n label: \"类型\",\n path: \"type\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_input, {\n value: temp.value.type,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = $event => ((temp.value.type) = $event))\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"value\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }),\n _createVNode(_component_n_grid, { cols: 24 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_gi, { span: 12 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item, {\n label: \"描述\",\n path: \"descRibe\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_input, {\n value: temp.value.descRibe,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = $event => ((temp.value.descRibe) = $event))\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"value\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }),\n _createVNode(_component_n_gi, { span: 12 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item, {\n label: \"备注\",\n path: \"remarks\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_input, {\n value: temp.value.remarks,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = $event => ((temp.value.remarks) = $event))\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"value\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"size\", \"rules\", \"model\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"size\", \"title\"]),\n _createVNode(_component_mb_modal, {\n ref_key: \"dictItemsDialog\",\n ref: dictItemsDialog,\n title: \"字典项\",\n width: \"1400px\",\n \"show-footer\": false\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_dict_items, {\n \"dict-id\": dictId.value,\n \"onUpdate:dictId\": _cache[5] || (_cache[5] = $event => ((dictId).value = $event))\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"dict-id\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 512 /* NEED_PATCH */)\n ]))\n}\n}\n\n}\n__sfc__.__file = \"mb-sfc-compiler.vue\"\nreturn __sfc__', '/* No <style> tags present */', NULL, NULL, 0, '1', '2024-03-07 10:57:10', NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `sys_dynamic_component` VALUES ('29d82244-d928-11ee-9675-c2b02ed3977b', '0', 'system', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `sys_dynamic_component` VALUES ('63227c407c5d40f98df2486390a6f841', 'fc19e04fa384462d9948c18092f30287', 'menu-list', '<template>\n <div class=\"mb-list\">\n <div class=\"mb-search\">\n <n-space>\n <n-input v-model:value=\"searchValue\" :size=\"$global.uiSize.value\" @keyup.enter=\"searchMenu\" placeholder=\"菜单名称、链接、权限标识、关联组件\"\n style=\"width: 270px\"></n-input>\n <n-button type=\"primary\" :size=\"$global.uiSize.value\" @click=\"searchMenu\">\n <mb-icon icon=\"Search\" />\n 搜索\n </n-button>\n <n-button :size=\"$global.uiSize.value\" @click=\"() => { searchValue = \'\'; searchMenu() }\">\n <mb-icon icon=\"TrashOutline\" />\n 清空\n </n-button>\n </n-space>\n </div>\n <div class=\"mb-toolbar\">\n <n-space>\n <n-button :size=\"$global.uiSize.value\" type=\"primary\" @click=\"addSubMenu(\'0\')\" v-permission=\"\'menu:save\'\">\n <mb-icon icon=\"AddOutline\" />\n 添加菜单\n </n-button>\n <n-button :size=\"$global.uiSize.value\" type=\"primary\" @click=\"() => table.toggleExpand()\">\n <mb-icon icon=\"ArrowDownOutline\" />\n 展开/折叠\n </n-button>\n </n-space>\n </div>\n <div class=\"mb-table\">\n <mb-table ref=\"table\" v-bind=\"tableOptions\"/>\n </div>\n <mb-modal ref=\"menuFormDialog\" width=\"650px\" :title=\"dialogTitle\" @confirm=\"menuFormRef.save($event)\">\n <menu-form ref=\"menuFormRef\" :menu-tree=\"menuTree\" :menu-data=\"menuData\" @reload-table=\"reloadTable\"/>\n </mb-modal>\n </div>\n</template>\n\n<script setup>\n\nimport {ref, reactive, onMounted, nextTick, watch, h} from \'vue\'\nimport MbIcon from \'@/components/magic/basic/mb-icon.vue\';\nimport { isEmpty } from \'lodash-es\'\n\n\nlet menuTree = ref([])\nconst menuData = ref([])\nlet searchValue = ref(\'\')\nconst table = ref()\nconst tableOptions = reactive({\n id: \'menu-list\',\n virtualScroll: true,\n loading: false,\n showNo: false,\n page: false,\n cols: [\n {\n field: \'name\',\n label: \'菜单名称\',\n type: \'html\'\n },\n {\n field: \'url\',\n label: \'路径\',\n type: \'html\'\n },\n {\n field: \'permission\',\n label: \'权限标识\',\n width: 150,\n type: \'html\'\n },\n {\n field: \'componentName\',\n label: \'关联组件\',\n width: 150,\n type: \'html\'\n },\n {\n field: \'icon\',\n label: \'图标\',\n render(row) {\n if (row.icon) {\n return h(MbIcon, { icon: row.icon })\n }\n }\n },\n {\n field: \'sort\',\n label: \'序号\',\n },\n {\n label: \'排序\',\n type: \'buttons\',\n width: 180,\n buttons: [\n {\n label: \'上移\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n $common.get(\'/system/menu/sort/up\', {\n id: row.id,\n pid: row.pid,\n sort: row.sort\n }).then(() => {\n reloadTable()\n })\n }\n },\n {\n label: \'下移\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n $common.get(\'/system/menu/sort/down\', {\n id: row.id,\n pid: row.pid,\n sort: row.sort\n }).then(() => {\n reloadTable()\n })\n }\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n field: \'isShow\',\n label: \'是否显示\',\n type: \'switch\',\n width: 100,\n change: (row) => {\n $common.get(\'/system/menu/change\', {\n id: row.id,\n isShow: row.isShow\n })\n }\n },\n {\n field: \'keepAlive\',\n label: \'是否缓存\',\n type: \'switch\',\n width: 100,\n if: (row) => {\n if (row.isShow == 0) {\n return false\n }\n if (!isEmpty(row.children) && row.children.some(it => it.isShow == 1)) {\n return false\n }\n return row.url ? true : false\n },\n change: (row) => {\n $common.get(\'/system/menu/change\', {\n id: row.id,\n keepAlive: row.keepAlive\n })\n }\n },\n {\n label: \'操作\',\n type: \'buttons\',\n width: 280,\n fixed: \'right\',\n align: \'left\',\n buttons: [\n {\n label: \'添加下级菜单\',\n link: true,\n permission: \'menu:save\',\n click: (row) => {\n addSubMenu(row.id)\n }\n },\n {\n label: \'修改\',\n link: true,\n permission: \'menu:save\',\n click: (row) => {\n handleUpdate(row)\n }\n },\n {\n label: \'删除\',\n link: true,\n permission: \'menu:delete\',\n click: (row) => {\n $common.handleDelete({\n url: \'/system/menu/delete\',\n id: row.id,\n done: () => reloadTable()\n })\n }\n }\n ]\n }\n ]\n})\nconst dialogTitle = ref(\'\')\nconst menuFormDialog = ref()\nconst menuFormRef = ref()\n\nfunction reloadTable() {\n tableOptions.loading = true\n $common.get(\'/system/menu/tree\').then(res => {\n menuData.value = res.data.list\n tableOptions.data = menuData.value\n tableOptions.loading = false\n })\n}\n\nfunction searchMenu() {\n table.value.expand()\n if (searchValue.value) {\n tableOptions.data = $treeTable.recursionSearch([\'name\', \'url\', \'permission\', \'componentName\'], $common.copyNew(menuData.value), searchValue.value)\n } else {\n tableOptions.data = menuData.value\n }\n}\n\nfunction addSubMenu(id) {\n dialogTitle.value = \'添加\'\n menuFormDialog.value.show()\n nextTick(() => {\n menuFormRef.value.addSubMenu(id)\n })\n}\n\nfunction handleUpdate(row) {\n dialogTitle.value = \'修改\'\n menuFormDialog.value.show()\n nextTick(() => {\n menuFormRef.value.getInfo(row);\n })\n}\n\nonMounted(() => reloadTable())\n\nwatch(menuData, () => {\n menuTree.value = [{\n label: \'根节点\',\n key: \'0\',\n children: $treeTable.genTree(menuData.value)\n }]\n})\n\n</script>\n', '/* Analyzed bindings: {\n \"ref\": \"setup-const\",\n \"reactive\": \"setup-const\",\n \"onMounted\": \"setup-const\",\n \"nextTick\": \"setup-const\",\n \"watch\": \"setup-const\",\n \"h\": \"setup-const\",\n \"MbIcon\": \"setup-const\",\n \"isEmpty\": \"setup-maybe-ref\",\n \"menuTree\": \"setup-let\",\n \"menuData\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"searchValue\": \"setup-let\",\n \"table\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"tableOptions\": \"setup-reactive-const\",\n \"dialogTitle\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"menuFormDialog\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"menuFormRef\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"reloadTable\": \"setup-const\",\n \"searchMenu\": \"setup-const\",\n \"addSubMenu\": \"setup-const\",\n \"handleUpdate\": \"setup-const\"\n} */\nconst _unref = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'unref\');\r\nconst _resolveComponent = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'resolveComponent\');\r\nconst _isRef = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'isRef\');\r\nconst _withKeys = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'withKeys\');\r\nconst _createVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createVNode\');\r\nconst _createTextVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createTextVNode\');\r\nconst _withCtx = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'withCtx\');\r\nconst _createElementVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createElementVNode\');\r\nconst _resolveDirective = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'resolveDirective\');\r\nconst _openBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'openBlock\');\r\nconst _createBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createBlock\');\r\nconst _withDirectives = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'withDirectives\');\r\nconst _mergeProps = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'mergeProps\');\r\nconst _createElementBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createElementBlock\');\n\nconst _hoisted_1 = { class: \"mb-list\" }\nconst _hoisted_2 = { class: \"mb-search\" }\nconst _hoisted_3 = { class: \"mb-toolbar\" }\nconst _hoisted_4 = { class: \"mb-table\" }\n\nconst ref = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'ref\');\r\nconst reactive = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'reactive\');\r\nconst onMounted = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'onMounted\');\r\nconst nextTick = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'nextTick\');\r\nconst watch = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'watch\');\r\nconst h = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'h\');\nconst MbIcon = ___magic__import__(\'@/components/magic/basic/mb-icon.vue\', \'*\');\nconst isEmpty = ___magic__import__(\'lodash-es\', \'isEmpty\');\n\n\n\nconst __sfc__ = {\n __name: \'mb-sfc-compiler\',\n setup(__props) {\n\n\nlet menuTree = ref([])\nconst menuData = ref([])\nlet searchValue = ref(\'\')\nconst table = ref()\nconst tableOptions = reactive({\n id: \'menu-list\',\n virtualScroll: true,\n loading: false,\n showNo: false,\n page: false,\n cols: [\n {\n field: \'name\',\n label: \'菜单名称\',\n type: \'html\'\n },\n {\n field: \'url\',\n label: \'路径\',\n type: \'html\'\n },\n {\n field: \'permission\',\n label: \'权限标识\',\n width: 150,\n type: \'html\'\n },\n {\n field: \'componentName\',\n label: \'关联组件\',\n width: 150,\n type: \'html\'\n },\n {\n field: \'icon\',\n label: \'图标\',\n render(row) {\n if (row.icon) {\n return h(MbIcon, { icon: row.icon })\n }\n }\n },\n {\n field: \'sort\',\n label: \'序号\',\n },\n {\n label: \'排序\',\n type: \'buttons\',\n width: 180,\n buttons: [\n {\n label: \'上移\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n $common.get(\'/system/menu/sort/up\', {\n id: row.id,\n pid: row.pid,\n sort: row.sort\n }).then(() => {\n reloadTable()\n })\n }\n },\n {\n label: \'下移\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n $common.get(\'/system/menu/sort/down\', {\n id: row.id,\n pid: row.pid,\n sort: row.sort\n }).then(() => {\n reloadTable()\n })\n }\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n field: \'isShow\',\n label: \'是否显示\',\n type: \'switch\',\n width: 100,\n change: (row) => {\n $common.get(\'/system/menu/change\', {\n id: row.id,\n isShow: row.isShow\n })\n }\n },\n {\n field: \'keepAlive\',\n label: \'是否缓存\',\n type: \'switch\',\n width: 100,\n if: (row) => {\n if (row.isShow == 0) {\n return false\n }\n if (!isEmpty(row.children) && row.children.some(it => it.isShow == 1)) {\n return false\n }\n return row.url ? true : false\n },\n change: (row) => {\n $common.get(\'/system/menu/change\', {\n id: row.id,\n keepAlive: row.keepAlive\n })\n }\n },\n {\n label: \'操作\',\n type: \'buttons\',\n width: 280,\n fixed: \'right\',\n align: \'left\',\n buttons: [\n {\n label: \'添加下级菜单\',\n link: true,\n permission: \'menu:save\',\n click: (row) => {\n addSubMenu(row.id)\n }\n },\n {\n label: \'修改\',\n link: true,\n permission: \'menu:save\',\n click: (row) => {\n handleUpdate(row)\n }\n },\n {\n label: \'删除\',\n link: true,\n permission: \'menu:delete\',\n click: (row) => {\n $common.handleDelete({\n url: \'/system/menu/delete\',\n id: row.id,\n done: () => reloadTable()\n })\n }\n }\n ]\n }\n ]\n})\nconst dialogTitle = ref(\'\')\nconst menuFormDialog = ref()\nconst menuFormRef = ref()\n\nfunction reloadTable() {\n tableOptions.loading = true\n $common.get(\'/system/menu/tree\').then(res => {\n menuData.value = res.data.list\n tableOptions.data = menuData.value\n tableOptions.loading = false\n })\n}\n\nfunction searchMenu() {\n table.value.expand()\n if (searchValue.value) {\n tableOptions.data = $treeTable.recursionSearch([\'name\', \'url\', \'permission\', \'componentName\'], $common.copyNew(menuData.value), searchValue.value)\n } else {\n tableOptions.data = menuData.value\n }\n}\n\nfunction addSubMenu(id) {\n dialogTitle.value = \'添加\'\n menuFormDialog.value.show()\n nextTick(() => {\n menuFormRef.value.addSubMenu(id)\n })\n}\n\nfunction handleUpdate(row) {\n dialogTitle.value = \'修改\'\n menuFormDialog.value.show()\n nextTick(() => {\n menuFormRef.value.getInfo(row);\n })\n}\n\nonMounted(() => reloadTable())\n\nwatch(menuData, () => {\n menuTree.value = [{\n label: \'根节点\',\n key: \'0\',\n children: $treeTable.genTree(menuData.value)\n }]\n})\n\n\nreturn (_ctx, _cache) => {\n const _component_n_input = _resolveComponent(\"n-input\")\n const _component_n_button = _resolveComponent(\"n-button\")\n const _component_n_space = _resolveComponent(\"n-space\")\n const _component_mb_table = _resolveComponent(\"mb-table\")\n const _component_menu_form = _resolveComponent(\"menu-form\")\n const _component_mb_modal = _resolveComponent(\"mb-modal\")\n const _directive_permission = _resolveDirective(\"permission\")\n\n return (_openBlock(), _createElementBlock(\"div\", _hoisted_1, [\n _createElementVNode(\"div\", _hoisted_2, [\n _createVNode(_component_n_space, null, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_input, {\n value: _unref(searchValue),\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = $event => (_isRef(searchValue) ? (searchValue).value = $event : searchValue = $event)),\n size: _ctx.$global.uiSize.value,\n onKeyup: _withKeys(searchMenu, [\"enter\"]),\n placeholder: \"菜单名称、链接、权限标识、关联组件\",\n style: {\"width\":\"270px\"}\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"value\", \"size\"]),\n _createVNode(_component_n_button, {\n type: \"primary\",\n size: _ctx.$global.uiSize.value,\n onClick: searchMenu\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(MbIcon, { icon: \"Search\" }),\n _createTextVNode(\" 搜索 \")\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"size\"]),\n _createVNode(_component_n_button, {\n size: _ctx.$global.uiSize.value,\n onClick: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = () => { _isRef(searchValue) ? searchValue.value = \'\' : searchValue = \'\'; searchMenu() })\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(MbIcon, { icon: \"TrashOutline\" }),\n _createTextVNode(\" 清空 \")\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"size\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _createElementVNode(\"div\", _hoisted_3, [\n _createVNode(_component_n_space, null, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _withDirectives((_openBlock(), _createBlock(_component_n_button, {\n size: _ctx.$global.uiSize.value,\n type: \"primary\",\n onClick: _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = $event => (addSubMenu(\'0\')))\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(MbIcon, { icon: \"AddOutline\" }),\n _createTextVNode(\" 添加菜单 \")\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"size\"])), [\n [_directive_permission, \'menu:save\']\n ]),\n _createVNode(_component_n_button, {\n size: _ctx.$global.uiSize.value,\n type: \"primary\",\n onClick: _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = () => table.value.toggleExpand())\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(MbIcon, { icon: \"ArrowDownOutline\" }),\n _createTextVNode(\" 展开/折叠 \")\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"size\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _createElementVNode(\"div\", _hoisted_4, [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_table, _mergeProps({\n ref_key: \"table\",\n ref: table\n }, tableOptions), null, 16 /* FULL_PROPS */)\n ]),\n _createVNode(_component_mb_modal, {\n ref_key: \"menuFormDialog\",\n ref: menuFormDialog,\n width: \"650px\",\n title: dialogTitle.value,\n onConfirm: _cache[4] || (_cache[4] = $event => (menuFormRef.value.save($event)))\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_menu_form, {\n ref_key: \"menuFormRef\",\n ref: menuFormRef,\n \"menu-tree\": _unref(menuTree),\n \"menu-data\": menuData.value,\n onReloadTable: reloadTable\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"menu-tree\", \"menu-data\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"title\"])\n ]))\n}\n}\n\n}\n__sfc__.__file = \"mb-sfc-compiler.vue\"\nreturn __sfc__', '/* No <style> tags present */', NULL, NULL, 0, '1', '2024-03-07 13:39:14', NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `sys_dynamic_component` VALUES ('88c17402-d92a-11ee-9675-c2b02ed3977b', '29d82244-d928-11ee-9675-c2b02ed3977b', 'monitor', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `sys_dynamic_component` VALUES ('8c426b7d397b4ffeb4c9f89b4c318fbb', '9c302653077d47dc9374ba48b9fda579', 'role-list', '<style scoped>\n:deep(.n-form-item .n-form-item-blank) {\n display: table;\n}\n</style>\n\n<template>\n <div class=\"mb-list\">\n <div class=\"mb-search\">\n <mb-search :where=\"tableOptions.where\" @search=\"reloadTable\"/>\n </div>\n <div class=\"mb-toolbar\">\n <n-button :size=\"$global.uiSize.value\" v-permission=\"\'role:save\'\" type=\"primary\" @click=\"handleCreate\">\n <mb-icon icon=\"AddOutline\" />\n 添加角色\n </n-button>\n </div>\n <div class=\"mb-table\">\n <mb-table ref=\"table\" v-bind=\"tableOptions\"/>\n </div>\n <mb-modal :size=\"$global.uiSize.value\" ref=\"roleFormDialog\" :title=\"dialogTitle\" width=\"900px\" @confirm=\"save($event)\">\n <n-form :size=\"$global.uiSize.value\" ref=\"dataForm\" :rules=\"rules\" label-placement=\"left\" :model=\"temp\" label-width=\"80px\">\n <n-grid :cols=\"24\" :x-gap=\"24\">\n <n-gi :span=\"12\">\n <n-form-item label=\"角色名称\" path=\"name\">\n <n-input v-model:value=\"temp.name\"/>\n </n-form-item>\n </n-gi>\n <n-gi :span=\"12\">\n <n-form-item label=\"角色编码\" path=\"code\">\n <n-input v-model:value=\"temp.code\"/>\n </n-form-item>\n </n-gi>\n </n-grid>\n <n-grid :cols=\"24\">\n <n-gi :span=\"24\">\n <n-form-item label=\"角色描述\" path=\"descRibe\">\n <n-input\n type=\"textarea\"\n :rows=\"4\"\n placeholder=\"请输入描述\"\n v-model:value=\"temp.descRibe\">\n </n-input>\n </n-form-item>\n </n-gi>\n </n-grid>\n <n-grid :cols=\"24\">\n <n-gi :span=\"12\">\n <n-form-item label=\"菜单权限\" path=\"menus\">\n <mb-tree\n ref=\"tree\"\n v-model=\"temp.menus\"\n style=\"height: 270px; overflow: auto\"\n url=\"/system/menu/tree\"\n checkable\n search\n />\n </n-form-item>\n </n-gi>\n <n-gi :span=\"12\">\n <n-form-item label=\"数据权限\" path=\"permission\">\n <mb-select v-model=\"temp.permission\" :options=\"permissionData\" style=\"margin-bottom: 5px\"/>\n <mb-tree\n v-if=\"temp.permission == 1\"\n style=\"height: 270px; overflow: auto;\"\n ref=\"office\"\n checkable\n url=\"/system/office/tree\"\n v-model=\"temp.offices\"\n />\n </n-form-item>\n </n-gi>\n </n-grid>\n </n-form>\n </mb-modal>\n\n <mb-modal ref=\"assignPermissionsDialog\" title=\"分配权限\" width=\"550px\"\n @confirm=\"assignPermissions.save($event)\">\n <role-assign-permissions ref=\"assignPermissions\" :key=\"temp.id\" :id=\"temp.id\"\n @close=\"() => { assignPermissionsDialog.hide(); temp.id = \'\' }\"/>\n </mb-modal>\n\n </div>\n</template>\n\n<script setup>\n\nimport {ref, reactive, watch, nextTick} from \'vue\'\nimport {push} from \'@/scripts/router\'\n\nconst permissionData = reactive([{\n label: \'全部\',\n value: \'0\'\n}, {\n label: \'自定义\',\n value: \'1\'\n}, {\n label: \'本级及子级\',\n value: \'2\'\n}, {\n label: \'本级\',\n value: \'3\'\n}])\nconst assignPermissions = ref()\nconst assignPermissionsDialog = ref()\nconst table = ref()\nconst roleFormDialog = ref()\nconst dataForm = ref()\nconst tableOptions = reactive({\n id: \'role-list\',\n url: \'/system/role/list\',\n where: {\n name: {\n label: \'角色名称\'\n }\n },\n cols: [\n {\n field: \'name\',\n label: \'角色名称\'\n },\n {\n field: \'code\',\n label: \'角色编码\'\n },\n {\n field: \'descRibe\',\n label: \'角色描述\'\n },\n {\n field: \'permission\',\n label: \'数据权限\',\n render: (row) => {\n return permissionData[row.permission].label\n }\n },\n {\n label: \'操作\',\n type: \'buttons\',\n width: 300,\n fixed: \'right\',\n buttons: [\n {\n permission: \'role:save\',\n label: \'修改\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n handleUpdate(row)\n }\n },\n {\n permission: \'role:delete\',\n label: \'删除\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n $common.handleDelete({\n url: \'/system/role/delete\',\n id: row.id,\n done: () => reloadTable()\n })\n }\n },\n {\n permission: \'role:permission\',\n label: \'权限\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n temp.value.id = row.id\n assignPermissionsDialog.value.show()\n }\n },\n {\n permission: \'role:user:list\',\n label: \'用户列表\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n push({\n path: \'/system/user/user-list\',\n query: {roleId: row.id}\n })\n }\n }\n ]\n }\n ]\n})\nconst dialogTitle = ref(\'\')\nconst temp = ref(getTemp())\nconst rules = reactive({\n name: {required: true, message: \'请输入角色名称\', trigger: \'change\'},\n code: {required: true, message: \'请输入角色编码\', trigger: \'change\'}\n})\n\nwatch(() => temp.value.permission, () => {\n if (temp.value.permission != 1) {\n temp.value.offices = \'\'\n }\n})\n\nfunction reloadTable() {\n table.value.reload()\n}\n\nfunction getTemp() {\n return {\n id: \'\',\n name: \'\',\n menus: \'\',\n offices: \'\',\n permission: \'0\',\n code: \'\',\n descRibe: \'\'\n }\n}\n\nfunction resetTemp() {\n temp.value = getTemp()\n}\n\nfunction handleCreate() {\n resetTemp()\n dialogTitle.value = \'添加\'\n roleFormDialog.value.show()\n nextTick(() => {\n dataForm.value.restoreValidation()\n })\n}\n\nfunction save(d) {\n dataForm.value.validate((errors) => {\n if (!errors) {\n d.loading()\n $common.post(\'/system/role/save\', temp.value).then(() => {\n d.hideLoading()\n reloadTable()\n roleFormDialog.value.hide()\n $message.success(dialogTitle.value + \'成功\')\n }).catch(() => d.hideLoading())\n }\n })\n}\n\nfunction handleUpdate(row) {\n for (let t in temp.value) {\n temp.value[t] = row[t]\n }\n $common.get(\'/system/menu/by/role\', {roleId: row.id}).then(res => {\n temp.value.menus = res.data.join(\',\')\n })\n $common.get(\'/system/office/by/role\', {roleId: row.id}).then(res => {\n temp.value.offices = res.data.join(\',\')\n })\n dialogTitle.value = \'修改\'\n roleFormDialog.value.show()\n nextTick(() => {\n dataForm.value.restoreValidation()\n })\n}\n\n</script>\n', '/* Analyzed bindings: {\n \"ref\": \"setup-const\",\n \"reactive\": \"setup-const\",\n \"watch\": \"setup-const\",\n \"nextTick\": \"setup-const\",\n \"push\": \"setup-maybe-ref\",\n \"permissionData\": \"setup-reactive-const\",\n \"assignPermissions\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"assignPermissionsDialog\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"table\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"roleFormDialog\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"dataForm\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"tableOptions\": \"setup-reactive-const\",\n \"dialogTitle\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"temp\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"rules\": \"setup-reactive-const\",\n \"reloadTable\": \"setup-const\",\n \"getTemp\": \"setup-const\",\n \"resetTemp\": \"setup-const\",\n \"handleCreate\": \"setup-const\",\n \"save\": \"setup-const\",\n \"handleUpdate\": \"setup-const\"\n} */\nconst _resolveComponent = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'resolveComponent\');\r\nconst _createVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createVNode\');\r\nconst _createElementVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createElementVNode\');\r\nconst _createTextVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createTextVNode\');\r\nconst _resolveDirective = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'resolveDirective\');\r\nconst _withCtx = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'withCtx\');\r\nconst _openBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'openBlock\');\r\nconst _createBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createBlock\');\r\nconst _withDirectives = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'withDirectives\');\r\nconst _mergeProps = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'mergeProps\');\r\nconst _createCommentVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createCommentVNode\');\r\nconst _createElementBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createElementBlock\');\r\nconst _pushScopeId = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'pushScopeId\');\r\nconst _popScopeId = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'popScopeId\');\n\nconst _withScopeId = n => (_pushScopeId(\"data-v-bWItc2Zj\"),n=n(),_popScopeId(),n)\nconst _hoisted_1 = { class: \"mb-list\" }\nconst _hoisted_2 = { class: \"mb-search\" }\nconst _hoisted_3 = { class: \"mb-toolbar\" }\nconst _hoisted_4 = { class: \"mb-table\" }\n\nconst ref = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'ref\');\r\nconst reactive = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'reactive\');\r\nconst watch = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'watch\');\r\nconst nextTick = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'nextTick\');\nconst push = ___magic__import__(\'@/scripts/router\', \'push\');\n\n\nconst __sfc__ = {\n __name: \'mb-sfc-compiler\',\n setup(__props) {\n\n\nconst permissionData = reactive([{\n label: \'全部\',\n value: \'0\'\n}, {\n label: \'自定义\',\n value: \'1\'\n}, {\n label: \'本级及子级\',\n value: \'2\'\n}, {\n label: \'本级\',\n value: \'3\'\n}])\nconst assignPermissions = ref()\nconst assignPermissionsDialog = ref()\nconst table = ref()\nconst roleFormDialog = ref()\nconst dataForm = ref()\nconst tableOptions = reactive({\n id: \'role-list\',\n url: \'/system/role/list\',\n where: {\n name: {\n label: \'角色名称\'\n }\n },\n cols: [\n {\n field: \'name\',\n label: \'角色名称\'\n },\n {\n field: \'code\',\n label: \'角色编码\'\n },\n {\n field: \'descRibe\',\n label: \'角色描述\'\n },\n {\n field: \'permission\',\n label: \'数据权限\',\n render: (row) => {\n return permissionData[row.permission].label\n }\n },\n {\n label: \'操作\',\n type: \'buttons\',\n width: 300,\n fixed: \'right\',\n buttons: [\n {\n permission: \'role:save\',\n label: \'修改\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n handleUpdate(row)\n }\n },\n {\n permission: \'role:delete\',\n label: \'删除\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n $common.handleDelete({\n url: \'/system/role/delete\',\n id: row.id,\n done: () => reloadTable()\n })\n }\n },\n {\n permission: \'role:permission\',\n label: \'权限\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n temp.value.id = row.id\n assignPermissionsDialog.value.show()\n }\n },\n {\n permission: \'role:user:list\',\n label: \'用户列表\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n push({\n path: \'/system/user/user-list\',\n query: {roleId: row.id}\n })\n }\n }\n ]\n }\n ]\n})\nconst dialogTitle = ref(\'\')\nconst temp = ref(getTemp())\nconst rules = reactive({\n name: {required: true, message: \'请输入角色名称\', trigger: \'change\'},\n code: {required: true, message: \'请输入角色编码\', trigger: \'change\'}\n})\n\nwatch(() => temp.value.permission, () => {\n if (temp.value.permission != 1) {\n temp.value.offices = \'\'\n }\n})\n\nfunction reloadTable() {\n table.value.reload()\n}\n\nfunction getTemp() {\n return {\n id: \'\',\n name: \'\',\n menus: \'\',\n offices: \'\',\n permission: \'0\',\n code: \'\',\n descRibe: \'\'\n }\n}\n\nfunction resetTemp() {\n temp.value = getTemp()\n}\n\nfunction handleCreate() {\n resetTemp()\n dialogTitle.value = \'添加\'\n roleFormDialog.value.show()\n nextTick(() => {\n dataForm.value.restoreValidation()\n })\n}\n\nfunction save(d) {\n dataForm.value.validate((errors) => {\n if (!errors) {\n d.loading()\n $common.post(\'/system/role/save\', temp.value).then(() => {\n d.hideLoading()\n reloadTable()\n roleFormDialog.value.hide()\n $message.success(dialogTitle.value + \'成功\')\n }).catch(() => d.hideLoading())\n }\n })\n}\n\nfunction handleUpdate(row) {\n for (let t in temp.value) {\n temp.value[t] = row[t]\n }\n $common.get(\'/system/menu/by/role\', {roleId: row.id}).then(res => {\n temp.value.menus = res.data.join(\',\')\n })\n $common.get(\'/system/office/by/role\', {roleId: row.id}).then(res => {\n temp.value.offices = res.data.join(\',\')\n })\n dialogTitle.value = \'修改\'\n roleFormDialog.value.show()\n nextTick(() => {\n dataForm.value.restoreValidation()\n })\n}\n\n\nreturn (_ctx, _cache) => {\n const _component_mb_search = _resolveComponent(\"mb-search\")\n const _component_mb_icon = _resolveComponent(\"mb-icon\")\n const _component_n_button = _resolveComponent(\"n-button\")\n const _component_mb_table = _resolveComponent(\"mb-table\")\n const _component_n_input = _resolveComponent(\"n-input\")\n const _component_n_form_item = _resolveComponent(\"n-form-item\")\n const _component_n_gi = _resolveComponent(\"n-gi\")\n const _component_n_grid = _resolveComponent(\"n-grid\")\n const _component_mb_tree = _resolveComponent(\"mb-tree\")\n const _component_mb_select = _resolveComponent(\"mb-select\")\n const _component_n_form = _resolveComponent(\"n-form\")\n const _component_mb_modal = _resolveComponent(\"mb-modal\")\n const _component_role_assign_permissions = _resolveComponent(\"role-assign-permissions\")\n const _directive_permission = _resolveDirective(\"permission\")\n\n return (_openBlock(), _createElementBlock(\"div\", _hoisted_1, [\n _createElementVNode(\"div\", _hoisted_2, [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_search, {\n where: tableOptions.where,\n onSearch: reloadTable\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"where\"])\n ]),\n _createElementVNode(\"div\", _hoisted_3, [\n _withDirectives((_openBlock(), _createBlock(_component_n_button, {\n size: _ctx.$global.uiSize.value,\n type: \"primary\",\n onClick: handleCreate\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_icon, { icon: \"AddOutline\" }),\n _createTextVNode(\" 添加角色 \")\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"size\"])), [\n [_directive_permission, \'role:save\']\n ])\n ]),\n _createElementVNode(\"div\", _hoisted_4, [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_table, _mergeProps({\n ref_key: \"table\",\n ref: table\n }, tableOptions), null, 16 /* FULL_PROPS */)\n ]),\n _createVNode(_component_mb_modal, {\n size: _ctx.$global.uiSize.value,\n ref_key: \"roleFormDialog\",\n ref: roleFormDialog,\n title: dialogTitle.value,\n width: \"900px\",\n onConfirm: _cache[6] || (_cache[6] = $event => (save($event)))\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form, {\n size: _ctx.$global.uiSize.value,\n ref_key: \"dataForm\",\n ref: dataForm,\n rules: rules,\n \"label-placement\": \"left\",\n model: temp.value,\n \"label-width\": \"80px\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_grid, {\n cols: 24,\n \"x-gap\": 24\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_gi, { span: 12 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item, {\n label: \"角色名称\",\n path: \"name\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_input, {\n value: temp.value.name,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = $event => ((temp.value.name) = $event))\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"value\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }),\n _createVNode(_component_n_gi, { span: 12 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item, {\n label: \"角色编码\",\n path: \"code\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_input, {\n value: temp.value.code,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = $event => ((temp.value.code) = $event))\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"value\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }),\n _createVNode(_component_n_grid, { cols: 24 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_gi, { span: 24 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item, {\n label: \"角色描述\",\n path: \"descRibe\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_input, {\n type: \"textarea\",\n rows: 4,\n placeholder: \"请输入描述\",\n value: temp.value.descRibe,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = $event => ((temp.value.descRibe) = $event))\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"value\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }),\n _createVNode(_component_n_grid, { cols: 24 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_gi, { span: 12 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item, {\n label: \"菜单权限\",\n path: \"menus\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_tree, {\n ref: \"tree\",\n modelValue: temp.value.menus,\n \"onUpdate:modelValue\": _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = $event => ((temp.value.menus) = $event)),\n style: {\"height\":\"270px\",\"overflow\":\"auto\"},\n url: \"/system/menu/tree\",\n checkable: \"\",\n search: \"\"\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"modelValue\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }),\n _createVNode(_component_n_gi, { span: 12 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item, {\n label: \"数据权限\",\n path: \"permission\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_select, {\n modelValue: temp.value.permission,\n \"onUpdate:modelValue\": _cache[4] || (_cache[4] = $event => ((temp.value.permission) = $event)),\n options: permissionData,\n style: {\"margin-bottom\":\"5px\"}\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"modelValue\", \"options\"]),\n (temp.value.permission == 1)\n ? (_openBlock(), _createBlock(_component_mb_tree, {\n key: 0,\n style: {\"height\":\"270px\",\"overflow\":\"auto\"},\n ref: \"office\",\n checkable: \"\",\n url: \"/system/office/tree\",\n modelValue: temp.value.offices,\n \"onUpdate:modelValue\": _cache[5] || (_cache[5] = $event => ((temp.value.offices) = $event))\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"modelValue\"]))\n : _createCommentVNode(\"v-if\", true)\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"size\", \"rules\", \"model\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"size\", \"title\"]),\n _createVNode(_component_mb_modal, {\n ref_key: \"assignPermissionsDialog\",\n ref: assignPermissionsDialog,\n title: \"分配权限\",\n width: \"550px\",\n onConfirm: _cache[8] || (_cache[8] = $event => (assignPermissions.value.save($event)))\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n (_openBlock(), _createBlock(_component_role_assign_permissions, {\n ref_key: \"assignPermissions\",\n ref: assignPermissions,\n key: temp.value.id,\n id: temp.value.id,\n onClose: _cache[7] || (_cache[7] = () => { assignPermissionsDialog.value.hide(); temp.value.id = \'\' })\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"id\"]))\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 512 /* NEED_PATCH */)\n ]))\n}\n}\n\n}\n__sfc__.__scopeId = \"data-v-bWItc2Zj\"\n__sfc__.__file = \"mb-sfc-compiler.vue\"\nreturn __sfc__', '[data-v-bWItc2Zj] .n-form-item .n-form-item-blank {\n display: table;\n}', NULL, NULL, 0, '1', '2024-03-07 13:56:55', NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `sys_dynamic_component` VALUES ('9809888c-d92a-11ee-9675-c2b02ed3977b', '88c17402-d92a-11ee-9675-c2b02ed3977b', 'login-log', '<template>\n <div class=\"mb-list\">\n <div class=\"mb-search\">\n <mb-search :where=\"tableOptions.where\" @search=\"reloadTable\"/>\n </div>\n <div class=\"mb-table\">\n <mb-table ref=\"table\" v-bind=\"tableOptions\"/>\n </div>\n </div>\n</template>\n\n<script setup>\nimport {ref, reactive, h} from \'vue\'\n\nconst table = ref()\nconst tableOptions = reactive({\n id: \'login-log\',\n url: \'/system/log/login/list\',\n where: {\n createDate: {\n component: \'date\',\n label: \'创建时间\',\n props: {\n type: \'datetimerange\'\n }\n }\n },\n cols: [\n {\n field: \'username\',\n label: \'登录名\'\n },\n {\n field: \'failPassword\',\n label: \'失败密码\'\n },\n {\n field: \'type\',\n label: \'登录状态\',\n width: \'100px\',\n render: (row) => {\n return row.type == \'成功\' ? h(\'b\', {style: {color: \'#409EFF\'}}, {default: () => \'成功\'}) : h(\'b\', {style: {color: \'red\'}}, {default: () => \'失败\'})\n }\n },\n {\n field: \'address\',\n label: \'登录地址\'\n },\n {\n field: \'ip\',\n label: \'ip\',\n width: \'150px\'\n },\n {\n field: \'browser\',\n label: \'浏览器\'\n },\n {\n field: \'os\',\n label: \'系统\',\n props: {\n \"show-overflow-tooltip\": true\n }\n },\n {\n field: \'createDate\',\n label: \'操作时间\',\n width: \'180px\'\n }\n ]\n})\n\nfunction reloadTable() {\n table.value.reload()\n}\n</script>\n', '/* Analyzed bindings: {\n \"ref\": \"setup-const\",\n \"reactive\": \"setup-const\",\n \"h\": \"setup-const\",\n \"table\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"tableOptions\": \"setup-reactive-const\",\n \"reloadTable\": \"setup-const\"\n} */\nconst _resolveComponent = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'resolveComponent\');\r\nconst _createVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createVNode\');\r\nconst _createElementVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createElementVNode\');\r\nconst _mergeProps = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'mergeProps\');\r\nconst _openBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'openBlock\');\r\nconst _createElementBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createElementBlock\');\n\nconst _hoisted_1 = { class: \"mb-list\" }\nconst _hoisted_2 = { class: \"mb-search\" }\nconst _hoisted_3 = { class: \"mb-table\" }\n\nconst ref = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'ref\');\r\nconst reactive = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'reactive\');\r\nconst h = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'h\');\n\n\nconst __sfc__ = {\n __name: \'mb-sfc-compiler\',\n setup(__props) {\n\nconst table = ref()\nconst tableOptions = reactive({\n id: \'login-log\',\n url: \'/system/log/login/list\',\n where: {\n createDate: {\n component: \'date\',\n label: \'创建时间\',\n props: {\n type: \'datetimerange\'\n }\n }\n },\n cols: [\n {\n field: \'username\',\n label: \'登录名\'\n },\n {\n field: \'failPassword\',\n label: \'失败密码\'\n },\n {\n field: \'type\',\n label: \'登录状态\',\n width: \'100px\',\n render: (row) => {\n return row.type == \'成功\' ? h(\'b\', {style: {color: \'#409EFF\'}}, {default: () => \'成功\'}) : h(\'b\', {style: {color: \'red\'}}, {default: () => \'失败\'})\n }\n },\n {\n field: \'address\',\n label: \'登录地址\'\n },\n {\n field: \'ip\',\n label: \'ip\',\n width: \'150px\'\n },\n {\n field: \'browser\',\n label: \'浏览器\'\n },\n {\n field: \'os\',\n label: \'系统\',\n props: {\n \"show-overflow-tooltip\": true\n }\n },\n {\n field: \'createDate\',\n label: \'操作时间\',\n width: \'180px\'\n }\n ]\n})\n\nfunction reloadTable() {\n table.value.reload()\n}\n\nreturn (_ctx, _cache) => {\n const _component_mb_search = _resolveComponent(\"mb-search\")\n const _component_mb_table = _resolveComponent(\"mb-table\")\n\n return (_openBlock(), _createElementBlock(\"div\", _hoisted_1, [\n _createElementVNode(\"div\", _hoisted_2, [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_search, {\n where: tableOptions.where,\n onSearch: reloadTable\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"where\"])\n ]),\n _createElementVNode(\"div\", _hoisted_3, [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_table, _mergeProps({\n ref_key: \"table\",\n ref: table\n }, tableOptions), null, 16 /* FULL_PROPS */)\n ])\n ]))\n}\n}\n\n}\n__sfc__.__file = \"mb-sfc-compiler.vue\"\nreturn __sfc__', '/* No <style> tags present */', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `sys_dynamic_component` VALUES ('9c302653077d47dc9374ba48b9fda579', '29d82244-d928-11ee-9675-c2b02ed3977b', 'role', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, '1', '2024-03-07 13:56:50', NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `sys_dynamic_component` VALUES ('a3bdf806e89b4a5a9d9436b012d57ce9', '88c17402-d92a-11ee-9675-c2b02ed3977b', 'oper-log', '<template>\n <div class=\"mb-list\">\n <div class=\"mb-search\">\n <mb-search :where=\"tableOptions.where\" @search=\"reloadTable\">\n <template #buttons>\n <n-button type=\"primary\" @click=\"table.exportExcel({fileName: \'操作日志\'})\">\n <mb-icon icon=\"DownloadOutline\" />\n 导出\n </n-button>\n </template>\n </mb-search>\n </div>\n <div class=\"mb-table\">\n <mb-table ref=\"table\" v-bind=\"tableOptions\"/>\n </div>\n </div>\n</template>\n\n<script setup>\nimport {ref, reactive} from \'vue\'\n\nconst table = ref()\nconst tableOptions = reactive({\n id: \'oper-log\',\n url: \'/system/log/oper/list\',\n where: {\n userIp: {\n label: \'IP\'\n },\n username: {\n label: \'操作人\'\n },\n apiName: {\n label: \'接口名\'\n },\n apiPath: {\n label: \'路径\'\n },\n costTime: {\n component: \'input\',\n props: {\n pair: true,\n separator: \'-\'\n },\n label: \'耗时区间\'\n },\n createDate: {\n component: \'date\',\n label: \'创建时间\',\n props: {\n type: \'datetimerange\'\n }\n }\n },\n cols: [\n {\n field: \'apiName\',\n label: \'接口名\'\n },\n {\n field: \'apiPath\',\n label: \'路径\'\n },\n {\n field: \'apiMethod\',\n label: \'方法\',\n width: \'100px\'\n },\n {\n field: \'userIp\',\n label: \'ip\',\n width: \'150px\'\n },\n {\n field: \'costTime\',\n label: \'耗时\',\n width: \'100px\'\n },\n {\n field: \'userAgent\',\n label: \'用户代理\',\n props: {\n \"show-overflow-tooltip\": true\n }\n },\n {\n field: \'username\',\n label: \'操作人\',\n width: \'150px\'\n },\n {\n field: \'createDate\',\n label: \'操作时间\',\n width: \'180px\'\n }\n ]\n})\n\nfunction reloadTable() {\n table.value.reload()\n}\n</script>\n', '/* Analyzed bindings: {\n \"ref\": \"setup-const\",\n \"reactive\": \"setup-const\",\n \"table\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"tableOptions\": \"setup-reactive-const\",\n \"reloadTable\": \"setup-const\"\n} */\nconst _resolveComponent = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'resolveComponent\');\r\nconst _createVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createVNode\');\r\nconst _createTextVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createTextVNode\');\r\nconst _withCtx = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'withCtx\');\r\nconst _createElementVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createElementVNode\');\r\nconst _mergeProps = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'mergeProps\');\r\nconst _openBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'openBlock\');\r\nconst _createElementBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createElementBlock\');\n\nconst _hoisted_1 = { class: \"mb-list\" }\nconst _hoisted_2 = { class: \"mb-search\" }\nconst _hoisted_3 = { class: \"mb-table\" }\n\nconst ref = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'ref\');\r\nconst reactive = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'reactive\');\n\n\nconst __sfc__ = {\n __name: \'mb-sfc-compiler\',\n setup(__props) {\n\nconst table = ref()\nconst tableOptions = reactive({\n id: \'oper-log\',\n url: \'/system/log/oper/list\',\n where: {\n userIp: {\n label: \'IP\'\n },\n username: {\n label: \'操作人\'\n },\n apiName: {\n label: \'接口名\'\n },\n apiPath: {\n label: \'路径\'\n },\n costTime: {\n component: \'input\',\n props: {\n pair: true,\n separator: \'-\'\n },\n label: \'耗时区间\'\n },\n createDate: {\n component: \'date\',\n label: \'创建时间\',\n props: {\n type: \'datetimerange\'\n }\n }\n },\n cols: [\n {\n field: \'apiName\',\n label: \'接口名\'\n },\n {\n field: \'apiPath\',\n label: \'路径\'\n },\n {\n field: \'apiMethod\',\n label: \'方法\',\n width: \'100px\'\n },\n {\n field: \'userIp\',\n label: \'ip\',\n width: \'150px\'\n },\n {\n field: \'costTime\',\n label: \'耗时\',\n width: \'100px\'\n },\n {\n field: \'userAgent\',\n label: \'用户代理\',\n props: {\n \"show-overflow-tooltip\": true\n }\n },\n {\n field: \'username\',\n label: \'操作人\',\n width: \'150px\'\n },\n {\n field: \'createDate\',\n label: \'操作时间\',\n width: \'180px\'\n }\n ]\n})\n\nfunction reloadTable() {\n table.value.reload()\n}\n\nreturn (_ctx, _cache) => {\n const _component_mb_icon = _resolveComponent(\"mb-icon\")\n const _component_n_button = _resolveComponent(\"n-button\")\n const _component_mb_search = _resolveComponent(\"mb-search\")\n const _component_mb_table = _resolveComponent(\"mb-table\")\n\n return (_openBlock(), _createElementBlock(\"div\", _hoisted_1, [\n _createElementVNode(\"div\", _hoisted_2, [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_search, {\n where: tableOptions.where,\n onSearch: reloadTable\n }, {\n buttons: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_button, {\n type: \"primary\",\n onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = $event => (table.value.exportExcel({fileName: \'操作日志\'})))\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_icon, { icon: \"DownloadOutline\" }),\n _createTextVNode(\" 导出 \")\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"where\"])\n ]),\n _createElementVNode(\"div\", _hoisted_3, [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_table, _mergeProps({\n ref_key: \"table\",\n ref: table\n }, tableOptions), null, 16 /* FULL_PROPS */)\n ])\n ]))\n}\n}\n\n}\n__sfc__.__file = \"mb-sfc-compiler.vue\"\nreturn __sfc__', '/* No <style> tags present */', NULL, NULL, 0, '1', '2024-03-07 13:52:32', NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `sys_dynamic_component` VALUES ('b94688b24b724a50945b55899d6199bc', 'c2e46f717eba4fa69f96358dc1587b77', 'configure-list', '<template>\n <div class=\"mb-list\">\n <div class=\"mb-search\">\n <mb-search :where=\"tableOptions.where\" @search=\"reloadTable\"/>\n </div>\n <div class=\"mb-toolbar\">\n <n-space>\n <n-button :size=\"$global.uiSize.value\" v-permission=\"\'configure:save\'\" type=\"primary\" @click=\"handleCreate\">\n <mb-icon icon=\"AddOutline\" />\n 添加配置\n </n-button>\n </n-space>\n </div>\n <div class=\"mb-table\">\n <mb-table ref=\"table\" v-bind=\"tableOptions\"/>\n </div>\n <mb-modal ref=\"roleFormDialog\" :title=\"dialogTitle\" width=\"900px\" @confirm=\"save($event)\">\n <n-form :size=\"$global.uiSize.value\" ref=\"dataForm\" :rules=\"rules\" :model=\"temp\" label-placement=\"left\" label-width=\"100px\">\n <n-grid :cols=\"24\">\n <n-gi :span=\"12\">\n <n-form-item label=\"键值\" path=\"configureKey\">\n <mb-input :size=\"$global.uiSize.value\" v-model=\"temp.configureKey\"/>\n </n-form-item>\n </n-gi>\n <n-gi :span=\"12\">\n <n-form-item label=\"数据值\" path=\"configureValue\">\n <n-input :size=\"$global.uiSize.value\" v-model:value=\"temp.configureValue\"/>\n </n-form-item>\n </n-gi>\n </n-grid>\n <n-grid :cols=\"24\">\n <n-gi :span=\"12\">\n <n-form-item label=\"名称\" path=\"configureName\">\n <mb-input :size=\"$global.uiSize.value\" v-model:value=\"temp.configureName\"/>\n </n-form-item>\n </n-gi>\n <n-gi :span=\"12\">\n <n-form-item label=\"配置类型\" path=\"configureType\">\n <mb-select :size=\"$global.uiSize.value\" v-model=\"temp.configureType\" type=\"dict_type\"/>\n </n-form-item>\n </n-gi>\n </n-grid>\n <n-grid :cols=\"24\">\n <n-gi :span=\"24\">\n <n-form-item label=\"条件筛选\" path=\"configureCondition\">\n <n-input\n :size=\"$global.uiSize.value\"\n type=\"textarea\"\n :rows=\"4\"\n placeholder=\"请输入条件筛选\"\n v-model:value=\"temp.configureCondition\">\n </n-input>\n </n-form-item>\n </n-gi>\n </n-grid>\n <n-grid :cols=\"24\">\n <n-gi :span=\"24\">\n <n-form-item label=\"配置说明\" path=\"configureDescRibe\">\n <n-input\n :size=\"$global.uiSize.value\"\n type=\"textarea\"\n :rows=\"4\"\n placeholder=\"请输入配置说明\"\n v-model:value=\"temp.configureDescRibe\">\n </n-input>\n </n-form-item>\n </n-gi>\n </n-grid>\n <n-grid :cols=\"24\">\n <n-gi :span=\"24\">\n <n-form-item label=\"备注\" path=\"remarks\">\n <n-input\n :size=\"$global.uiSize.value\"\n type=\"textarea\"\n :rows=\"4\"\n placeholder=\"请输入备注\"\n v-model:value=\"temp.remarks\">\n </n-input>\n </n-form-item>\n </n-gi>\n </n-grid>\n </n-form>\n </mb-modal>\n </div>\n</template>\n\n<script setup>\n\nimport {ref, reactive, nextTick} from \'vue\'\nimport {useDictStore} from \"@/store/modules/dictStore\";\n\nconst dictStore = useDictStore()\n\nconst dialogTitle = ref(\'\')\nconst roleFormDialog = ref()\nconst tableOptions = reactive({\n id: \'configure-list\',\n url: \'/system/configure/list\',\n page: true,\n where: {\n configureCondition: {\n label: \'查询条件\'\n },\n configureKey: {\n label: \'配置键值\'\n },\n configureValue: {\n label: \'配置数据\'\n }\n },\n cols: [\n {\n field: \'configureKey\',\n label: \'配置键值\',\n width: 200\n },\n {\n field: \'configureValue\',\n label: \'配置数据\'\n },\n {\n field: \'configureName\',\n label: \'配置名称\'\n },\n {\n field: \'configureType\',\n label: \'配置类型\',\n dictType: \'dict_type\'\n },\n {\n field: \'configureCondition\',\n label: \'查询条件\'\n },\n {\n field: \'configureDescRibe\',\n label: \'配置说明\',\n width: 200\n },\n {\n field: \'remarks\',\n label: \'备注\',\n width: 200\n },\n {\n field: \'createDate\',\n label: \'创建时间\',\n width: 200\n },\n {\n label: \'操作\',\n type: \'buttons\',\n width: 220,\n fixed: \'right\',\n buttons: [\n {\n permission: \'configure:save\',\n label: \'修改\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n handleUpdate(row)\n }\n },\n {\n permission: \'configure:delete\',\n label: \'删除\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n $common.handleDelete({\n url: \'/system/configure/delete\',\n id: row.id,\n done: () => {\n reloadTable()\n dictStore.getDictData()\n }\n })\n }\n }\n ]\n }\n ]\n})\nconst temp = ref(getTemp())\nconst dialogFormVisible = ref(false)\nconst dialogStatus = ref(\'\')\nconst textMap = reactive({\n update: \'修改\',\n create: \'添加\'\n})\nconst rules = reactive({\n configureName: {required: true, message: \'请输入配置名称\', trigger: \'change\'},\n configureKey: {required: true, message: \'请输入配置键值\', trigger: \'change\'},\n configureValue: {required: true, message: \'请输入配置数据\', trigger: \'change\'},\n configureType: {required: true, message: \'请选择类型\', trigger: \'change\'}\n})\nconst table = ref()\nconst dataForm = ref()\n\nfunction getTemp() {\n return {\n id: \'\',\n configureCondition: \'\',\n configureName: \'\',\n configureKey: \'\',\n configureValue: \'\',\n configureType: \'\',\n configureDescRibe: \'\',\n remarks: \'\'\n }\n}\n\nfunction reloadTable() {\n table.value.reload()\n}\n\nfunction handleCreate() {\n temp.value = getTemp()\n dialogTitle.value = \'添加\'\n roleFormDialog.value.show()\n nextTick(() => {\n dataForm.value.restoreValidation()\n })\n}\n\nfunction save() {\n dataForm.value.validate((errors) => {\n if (!errors) {\n $common.post(\'/system/configure/save\', temp.value).then((response) => {\n roleFormDialog.value.hide()\n $message.success((dialogStatus.value === \'create\' ? \'创建\' : \'修改\') + \'成功\')\n reloadTable()\n })\n }\n })\n}\n\nfunction handleUpdate(row) {\n $common.objAssign(temp.value, row)\n dialogTitle.value = \'添加\'\n roleFormDialog.value.show()\n nextTick(() => {\n dataForm.value.restoreValidation()\n })\n}\n\n</script>\n', '/* Analyzed bindings: {\n \"ref\": \"setup-const\",\n \"reactive\": \"setup-const\",\n \"nextTick\": \"setup-const\",\n \"useDictStore\": \"setup-maybe-ref\",\n \"dictStore\": \"setup-maybe-ref\",\n \"dialogTitle\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"roleFormDialog\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"tableOptions\": \"setup-reactive-const\",\n \"temp\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"dialogFormVisible\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"dialogStatus\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"textMap\": \"setup-reactive-const\",\n \"rules\": \"setup-reactive-const\",\n \"table\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"dataForm\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"getTemp\": \"setup-const\",\n \"reloadTable\": \"setup-const\",\n \"handleCreate\": \"setup-const\",\n \"save\": \"setup-const\",\n \"handleUpdate\": \"setup-const\"\n} */\nconst _resolveComponent = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'resolveComponent\');\r\nconst _createVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createVNode\');\r\nconst _createElementVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createElementVNode\');\r\nconst _createTextVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createTextVNode\');\r\nconst _resolveDirective = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'resolveDirective\');\r\nconst _withCtx = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'withCtx\');\r\nconst _openBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'openBlock\');\r\nconst _createBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createBlock\');\r\nconst _withDirectives = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'withDirectives\');\r\nconst _mergeProps = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'mergeProps\');\r\nconst _createElementBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createElementBlock\');\n\nconst _hoisted_1 = { class: \"mb-list\" }\nconst _hoisted_2 = { class: \"mb-search\" }\nconst _hoisted_3 = { class: \"mb-toolbar\" }\nconst _hoisted_4 = { class: \"mb-table\" }\n\nconst ref = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'ref\');\r\nconst reactive = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'reactive\');\r\nconst nextTick = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'nextTick\');\nconst useDictStore = ___magic__import__(\'@/store/modules/dictStore\', \'useDictStore\');\n\n\nconst __sfc__ = {\n __name: \'mb-sfc-compiler\',\n setup(__props) {\n\n\nconst dictStore = useDictStore()\n\nconst dialogTitle = ref(\'\')\nconst roleFormDialog = ref()\nconst tableOptions = reactive({\n id: \'configure-list\',\n url: \'/system/configure/list\',\n page: true,\n where: {\n configureCondition: {\n label: \'查询条件\'\n },\n configureKey: {\n label: \'配置键值\'\n },\n configureValue: {\n label: \'配置数据\'\n }\n },\n cols: [\n {\n field: \'configureKey\',\n label: \'配置键值\',\n width: 200\n },\n {\n field: \'configureValue\',\n label: \'配置数据\'\n },\n {\n field: \'configureName\',\n label: \'配置名称\'\n },\n {\n field: \'configureType\',\n label: \'配置类型\',\n dictType: \'dict_type\'\n },\n {\n field: \'configureCondition\',\n label: \'查询条件\'\n },\n {\n field: \'configureDescRibe\',\n label: \'配置说明\',\n width: 200\n },\n {\n field: \'remarks\',\n label: \'备注\',\n width: 200\n },\n {\n field: \'createDate\',\n label: \'创建时间\',\n width: 200\n },\n {\n label: \'操作\',\n type: \'buttons\',\n width: 220,\n fixed: \'right\',\n buttons: [\n {\n permission: \'configure:save\',\n label: \'修改\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n handleUpdate(row)\n }\n },\n {\n permission: \'configure:delete\',\n label: \'删除\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n $common.handleDelete({\n url: \'/system/configure/delete\',\n id: row.id,\n done: () => {\n reloadTable()\n dictStore.getDictData()\n }\n })\n }\n }\n ]\n }\n ]\n})\nconst temp = ref(getTemp())\nconst dialogFormVisible = ref(false)\nconst dialogStatus = ref(\'\')\nconst textMap = reactive({\n update: \'修改\',\n create: \'添加\'\n})\nconst rules = reactive({\n configureName: {required: true, message: \'请输入配置名称\', trigger: \'change\'},\n configureKey: {required: true, message: \'请输入配置键值\', trigger: \'change\'},\n configureValue: {required: true, message: \'请输入配置数据\', trigger: \'change\'},\n configureType: {required: true, message: \'请选择类型\', trigger: \'change\'}\n})\nconst table = ref()\nconst dataForm = ref()\n\nfunction getTemp() {\n return {\n id: \'\',\n configureCondition: \'\',\n configureName: \'\',\n configureKey: \'\',\n configureValue: \'\',\n configureType: \'\',\n configureDescRibe: \'\',\n remarks: \'\'\n }\n}\n\nfunction reloadTable() {\n table.value.reload()\n}\n\nfunction handleCreate() {\n temp.value = getTemp()\n dialogTitle.value = \'添加\'\n roleFormDialog.value.show()\n nextTick(() => {\n dataForm.value.restoreValidation()\n })\n}\n\nfunction save() {\n dataForm.value.validate((errors) => {\n if (!errors) {\n $common.post(\'/system/configure/save\', temp.value).then((response) => {\n roleFormDialog.value.hide()\n $message.success((dialogStatus.value === \'create\' ? \'创建\' : \'修改\') + \'成功\')\n reloadTable()\n })\n }\n })\n}\n\nfunction handleUpdate(row) {\n $common.objAssign(temp.value, row)\n dialogTitle.value = \'添加\'\n roleFormDialog.value.show()\n nextTick(() => {\n dataForm.value.restoreValidation()\n })\n}\n\n\nreturn (_ctx, _cache) => {\n const _component_mb_search = _resolveComponent(\"mb-search\")\n const _component_mb_icon = _resolveComponent(\"mb-icon\")\n const _component_n_button = _resolveComponent(\"n-button\")\n const _component_n_space = _resolveComponent(\"n-space\")\n const _component_mb_table = _resolveComponent(\"mb-table\")\n const _component_mb_input = _resolveComponent(\"mb-input\")\n const _component_n_form_item = _resolveComponent(\"n-form-item\")\n const _component_n_gi = _resolveComponent(\"n-gi\")\n const _component_n_input = _resolveComponent(\"n-input\")\n const _component_n_grid = _resolveComponent(\"n-grid\")\n const _component_mb_select = _resolveComponent(\"mb-select\")\n const _component_n_form = _resolveComponent(\"n-form\")\n const _component_mb_modal = _resolveComponent(\"mb-modal\")\n const _directive_permission = _resolveDirective(\"permission\")\n\n return (_openBlock(), _createElementBlock(\"div\", _hoisted_1, [\n _createElementVNode(\"div\", _hoisted_2, [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_search, {\n where: tableOptions.where,\n onSearch: reloadTable\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"where\"])\n ]),\n _createElementVNode(\"div\", _hoisted_3, [\n _createVNode(_component_n_space, null, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _withDirectives((_openBlock(), _createBlock(_component_n_button, {\n size: _ctx.$global.uiSize.value,\n type: \"primary\",\n onClick: handleCreate\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_icon, { icon: \"AddOutline\" }),\n _createTextVNode(\" 添加配置 \")\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"size\"])), [\n [_directive_permission, \'configure:save\']\n ])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _createElementVNode(\"div\", _hoisted_4, [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_table, _mergeProps({\n ref_key: \"table\",\n ref: table\n }, tableOptions), null, 16 /* FULL_PROPS */)\n ]),\n _createVNode(_component_mb_modal, {\n ref_key: \"roleFormDialog\",\n ref: roleFormDialog,\n title: dialogTitle.value,\n width: \"900px\",\n onConfirm: _cache[7] || (_cache[7] = $event => (save($event)))\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form, {\n size: _ctx.$global.uiSize.value,\n ref_key: \"dataForm\",\n ref: dataForm,\n rules: rules,\n model: temp.value,\n \"label-placement\": \"left\",\n \"label-width\": \"100px\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_grid, { cols: 24 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_gi, { span: 12 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item, {\n label: \"键值\",\n path: \"configureKey\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_input, {\n size: _ctx.$global.uiSize.value,\n modelValue: temp.value.configureKey,\n \"onUpdate:modelValue\": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = $event => ((temp.value.configureKey) = $event))\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"size\", \"modelValue\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }),\n _createVNode(_component_n_gi, { span: 12 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item, {\n label: \"数据值\",\n path: \"configureValue\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_input, {\n size: _ctx.$global.uiSize.value,\n value: temp.value.configureValue,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = $event => ((temp.value.configureValue) = $event))\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"size\", \"value\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }),\n _createVNode(_component_n_grid, { cols: 24 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_gi, { span: 12 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item, {\n label: \"名称\",\n path: \"configureName\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_input, {\n size: _ctx.$global.uiSize.value,\n value: temp.value.configureName,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = $event => ((temp.value.configureName) = $event))\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"size\", \"value\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }),\n _createVNode(_component_n_gi, { span: 12 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item, {\n label: \"配置类型\",\n path: \"configureType\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_select, {\n size: _ctx.$global.uiSize.value,\n modelValue: temp.value.configureType,\n \"onUpdate:modelValue\": _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = $event => ((temp.value.configureType) = $event)),\n type: \"dict_type\"\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"size\", \"modelValue\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }),\n _createVNode(_component_n_grid, { cols: 24 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_gi, { span: 24 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item, {\n label: \"条件筛选\",\n path: \"configureCondition\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_input, {\n size: _ctx.$global.uiSize.value,\n type: \"textarea\",\n rows: 4,\n placeholder: \"请输入条件筛选\",\n value: temp.value.configureCondition,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[4] || (_cache[4] = $event => ((temp.value.configureCondition) = $event))\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"size\", \"value\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }),\n _createVNode(_component_n_grid, { cols: 24 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_gi, { span: 24 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item, {\n label: \"配置说明\",\n path: \"configureDescRibe\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_input, {\n size: _ctx.$global.uiSize.value,\n type: \"textarea\",\n rows: 4,\n placeholder: \"请输入配置说明\",\n value: temp.value.configureDescRibe,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[5] || (_cache[5] = $event => ((temp.value.configureDescRibe) = $event))\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"size\", \"value\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }),\n _createVNode(_component_n_grid, { cols: 24 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_gi, { span: 24 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item, {\n label: \"备注\",\n path: \"remarks\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_input, {\n size: _ctx.$global.uiSize.value,\n type: \"textarea\",\n rows: 4,\n placeholder: \"请输入备注\",\n value: temp.value.remarks,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[6] || (_cache[6] = $event => ((temp.value.remarks) = $event))\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"size\", \"value\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"size\", \"rules\", \"model\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"title\"])\n ]))\n}\n}\n\n}\n__sfc__.__file = \"mb-sfc-compiler.vue\"\nreturn __sfc__', '/* No <style> tags present */', NULL, NULL, 0, '1', '2024-03-07 10:52:47', '1', '2024-03-09 11:52:57');
INSERT INTO `sys_dynamic_component` VALUES ('bc38eb5038ce44aab4bd586fb32d79bb', 'fc061efbc39948d59aafc3905591c935', 'user-list', '<style scoped>\n.left {\n width: calc(20% - 20px);\n margin-right: 20px;\n float: left;\n}\n\n.right {\n width: 80%;\n height: 100%;\n float: right;\n}\n\n.app-container {\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n}\n</style>\n\n<template>\n <div class=\"app-container\">\n <div class=\"left\">\n <mb-tree\n url=\"/system/office/tree\"\n v-model=\"tableOptions.where.officeId\"\n :expand=\"false\"\n search\n search-width=\"100%\"\n checkable\n :checked=\"false\"\n @check-change=\"checkChange\"\n />\n </div>\n <div class=\"right\">\n <div class=\"mb-list\">\n <div class=\"mb-search\">\n <mb-search :where=\"tableOptions.where\" @search=\"reloadTable\">\n <template #buttons>\n <n-button type=\"primary\" @click=\"table.exportExcel({ fileName: \'用户数据\' })\">\n <mb-icon icon=\"DownloadOutline\" />\n 导出\n </n-button>\n </template>\n </mb-search>\n </div>\n\n <div class=\"mb-toolbar\">\n <n-button :size=\"$global.uiSize.value\" v-permission=\"\'user:save\'\" type=\"primary\" @click=\"handleCreate\">\n <mb-icon icon=\"AddOutline\" />\n 添加用户\n </n-button>\n <!-- <mb-button v-permission=\"\'user:delete\'\" plain :request-url=\"\'/system/user/delete\'\" :btn-type=\"\'delete\'\" :request-data=\"{ id: ids }\" :after-handler=\"reloadTable\" />-->\n <!-- <mb-upload-file ref=\"importUserRef\" action=\"/system/user/import/preview\" label=\"导入用户\" :show-tip=\"false\" :show-file-list=\"false\" :show-remove-tip=\"false\" :on-success=\"importUserSuccess\" />-->\n </div>\n\n <div class=\"mb-table\">\n <mb-table ref=\"table\" v-bind=\"tableOptions\" v-model:checked-row-keys=\"ids\">\n <template #roles=\"{row,col}\">\n <n-tag :size=\"$global.uiSize.value\" style=\"margin-right:4px;\" v-if=\"row.roles\" :bordered=\"false\"\n v-for=\"(it,idx) in row.roles.split(\',\')\" type=\"info\">\n {{ it }}\n </n-tag>\n </template>\n </mb-table>\n </div>\n\n <mb-modal ref=\"previewUsersDialog\" title=\"预览数据\" @confirm=\"importUsers\">\n <mb-table v-bind=\"importUserTableOptions\"/>\n </mb-modal>\n\n <mb-modal ref=\"userFormDialog\" :title=\"dialogTitle\" @confirm=\"userFormRef.save($event)\" width=\"670px\">\n <user-form ref=\"userFormRef\" :key=\"\'userForm\'\" @reload-table=\"reloadTable\"/>\n </mb-modal>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"clear\"></div>\n </div>\n</template>\n\n<script setup>\n\nimport {ref, reactive, nextTick} from \'vue\'\nimport {useRoute} from \'vue-router\'\n\nconst route = useRoute()\n\nconst importUserRef = ref()\nconst previewUsersDialog = ref()\nconst importUserTableOptions = reactive({})\nconst sourceDatas = ref()\nfunction importUserSuccess(res, file, fileList) {\n const {datas} = res.data\n sourceDatas.value = res.data.sourceDatas\n importUserRef.value.handlerRemove(file)\n if (datas && datas.length) {\n let cols = []\n for (let key in datas[0]) {\n cols.push({\n field: key,\n label: key\n })\n }\n previewUsersDialog.value.show(() => {\n importUserTableOptions.data = datas\n importUserTableOptions.cols = cols\n })\n }\n}\n\nfunction importUsers() {\n $common.postJson(\'/system/user/import\', {\n datas: sourceDatas.value\n }).then(res => {\n if (res.data) {\n $message.success(\'导入成功\')\n previewUsersDialog.value.hide()\n table.value.reload()\n }\n })\n}\n\nconst tableOptions = reactive({\n id: \'user-list\',\n url: \'/system/user/list\',\n page: true,\n selection: true,\n where: {\n username: {\n label: \'登录名称\',\n props: {\n width: \'80px\'\n }\n },\n name: {\n label: \'姓名/昵称\'\n },\n roleId: {\n component: \'select\',\n label: \'角色\',\n props: {\n url: \'/system/role/all\',\n multiple: true,\n width: \'200px\'\n }\n },\n officeId: \'\'\n },\n cols: [\n {\n field: \'username\',\n label: \'登录名称\',\n realSort: true\n },\n {\n field: \'name\',\n label: \'姓名/昵称\'\n },\n {\n field: \'officeName\',\n label: \'所属机构\'\n },\n {\n field: \'roles\',\n label: \'角色\',\n type: \'dynamic\'\n },\n {\n field: \'phone\',\n label: \'手机号\'\n },\n {\n field: \'isLogin\',\n label: \'禁止登录\',\n type: \'switch\',\n exportRender: (row) => {\n return row.isLogin == 1 ? \'已禁用\' : \'未禁用\'\n },\n width: 100,\n if: (row) => {\n return row.id != \'1\'\n },\n change: (row) => {\n $common.get(\'/system/user/change/login/status\', {\n id: row.id,\n isLogin: row.isLogin\n })\n }\n },\n {\n field: \'createDate\',\n label: \'创建时间\',\n width: 180\n },\n {\n label: \'操作\',\n type: \'buttons\',\n width: 140,\n fixed: \'right\',\n buttons: [\n {\n permission: \'user:save\',\n label: \'修改\',\n type: \'primary\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n handleUpdate(row)\n }\n },\n {\n permission: \'user:delete\',\n label: \'删除\',\n type: \'primary\',\n link: true,\n if: (row) => {\n return row.id != \'1\'\n },\n click: (row) => {\n $common.handleDelete({\n url: \'/system/user/delete\',\n id: row.id,\n done: () => reloadTable()\n })\n }\n }\n ]\n }\n ]\n})\nconst dialogTitle = ref(\'\')\nconst ids = ref([])\nconst userFormDialog = ref()\nconst table = ref()\nconst userFormRef = ref()\n\nfunction setWhere() {\n if (route.query.roleId) {\n tableOptions.where.roleId.value = route.query.roleId\n }\n if (route.query.officeId) {\n tableOptions.where.officeId = route.query.officeId\n }\n}\n\nsetWhere()\n\nfunction checkChange(values) {\n tableOptions.where.officeId = values\n nextTick(() => reloadTable())\n}\n\nfunction reloadTable() {\n userFormDialog.value.hide()\n table.value.reload()\n}\n\nfunction handleCreate() {\n dialogTitle.value = \'添加\'\n userFormDialog.value.show()\n nextTick(() => {\n userFormRef.value.resetTemp()\n })\n}\n\nfunction handleUpdate(row) {\n dialogTitle.value = \'修改\'\n userFormDialog.value.show()\n nextTick(() => {\n userFormRef.value.getInfo(row)\n })\n}\n\n</script>\n', '/* Analyzed bindings: {\n \"ref\": \"setup-const\",\n \"reactive\": \"setup-const\",\n \"nextTick\": \"setup-const\",\n \"useRoute\": \"setup-maybe-ref\",\n \"route\": \"setup-maybe-ref\",\n \"importUserRef\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"previewUsersDialog\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"importUserTableOptions\": \"setup-reactive-const\",\n \"sourceDatas\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"importUserSuccess\": \"setup-const\",\n \"importUsers\": \"setup-const\",\n \"tableOptions\": \"setup-reactive-const\",\n \"dialogTitle\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"ids\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"userFormDialog\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"table\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"userFormRef\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"setWhere\": \"setup-const\",\n \"checkChange\": \"setup-const\",\n \"reloadTable\": \"setup-const\",\n \"handleCreate\": \"setup-const\",\n \"handleUpdate\": \"setup-const\"\n} */\nconst _resolveComponent = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'resolveComponent\');\r\nconst _createVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createVNode\');\r\nconst _createElementVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createElementVNode\');\r\nconst _createTextVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createTextVNode\');\r\nconst _withCtx = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'withCtx\');\r\nconst _resolveDirective = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'resolveDirective\');\r\nconst _openBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'openBlock\');\r\nconst _createBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createBlock\');\r\nconst _withDirectives = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'withDirectives\');\r\nconst _createCommentVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createCommentVNode\');\r\nconst _renderList = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'renderList\');\r\nconst _Fragment = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'Fragment\');\r\nconst _createElementBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createElementBlock\');\r\nconst _toDisplayString = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'toDisplayString\');\r\nconst _mergeProps = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'mergeProps\');\r\nconst _normalizeProps = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'normalizeProps\');\r\nconst _guardReactiveProps = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'guardReactiveProps\');\r\nconst _pushScopeId = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'pushScopeId\');\r\nconst _popScopeId = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'popScopeId\');\n\nconst _withScopeId = n => (_pushScopeId(\"data-v-bWItc2Zj\"),n=n(),_popScopeId(),n)\nconst _hoisted_1 = { class: \"app-container\" }\nconst _hoisted_2 = { class: \"left\" }\nconst _hoisted_3 = { class: \"right\" }\nconst _hoisted_4 = { class: \"mb-list\" }\nconst _hoisted_5 = { class: \"mb-search\" }\nconst _hoisted_6 = { class: \"mb-toolbar\" }\nconst _hoisted_7 = { class: \"mb-table\" }\nconst _hoisted_8 = /*#__PURE__*/ _withScopeId(() => /*#__PURE__*/_createElementVNode(\"div\", { class: \"clear\" }, null, -1 /* HOISTED */))\n\nconst ref = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'ref\');\r\nconst reactive = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'reactive\');\r\nconst nextTick = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'nextTick\');\nconst useRoute = ___magic__import__(\'vue-router\', \'useRoute\');\n\n\nconst __sfc__ = {\n __name: \'mb-sfc-compiler\',\n setup(__props) {\n\n\nconst route = useRoute()\n\nconst importUserRef = ref()\nconst previewUsersDialog = ref()\nconst importUserTableOptions = reactive({})\nconst sourceDatas = ref()\nfunction importUserSuccess(res, file, fileList) {\n const {datas} = res.data\n sourceDatas.value = res.data.sourceDatas\n importUserRef.value.handlerRemove(file)\n if (datas && datas.length) {\n let cols = []\n for (let key in datas[0]) {\n cols.push({\n field: key,\n label: key\n })\n }\n previewUsersDialog.value.show(() => {\n importUserTableOptions.data = datas\n importUserTableOptions.cols = cols\n })\n }\n}\n\nfunction importUsers() {\n $common.postJson(\'/system/user/import\', {\n datas: sourceDatas.value\n }).then(res => {\n if (res.data) {\n $message.success(\'导入成功\')\n previewUsersDialog.value.hide()\n table.value.reload()\n }\n })\n}\n\nconst tableOptions = reactive({\n id: \'user-list\',\n url: \'/system/user/list\',\n page: true,\n selection: true,\n where: {\n username: {\n label: \'登录名称\',\n props: {\n width: \'80px\'\n }\n },\n name: {\n label: \'姓名/昵称\'\n },\n roleId: {\n component: \'select\',\n label: \'角色\',\n props: {\n url: \'/system/role/all\',\n multiple: true,\n width: \'200px\'\n }\n },\n officeId: \'\'\n },\n cols: [\n {\n field: \'username\',\n label: \'登录名称\',\n realSort: true\n },\n {\n field: \'name\',\n label: \'姓名/昵称\'\n },\n {\n field: \'officeName\',\n label: \'所属机构\'\n },\n {\n field: \'roles\',\n label: \'角色\',\n type: \'dynamic\'\n },\n {\n field: \'phone\',\n label: \'手机号\'\n },\n {\n field: \'isLogin\',\n label: \'禁止登录\',\n type: \'switch\',\n exportRender: (row) => {\n return row.isLogin == 1 ? \'已禁用\' : \'未禁用\'\n },\n width: 100,\n if: (row) => {\n return row.id != \'1\'\n },\n change: (row) => {\n $common.get(\'/system/user/change/login/status\', {\n id: row.id,\n isLogin: row.isLogin\n })\n }\n },\n {\n field: \'createDate\',\n label: \'创建时间\',\n width: 180\n },\n {\n label: \'操作\',\n type: \'buttons\',\n width: 140,\n fixed: \'right\',\n buttons: [\n {\n permission: \'user:save\',\n label: \'修改\',\n type: \'primary\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n handleUpdate(row)\n }\n },\n {\n permission: \'user:delete\',\n label: \'删除\',\n type: \'primary\',\n link: true,\n if: (row) => {\n return row.id != \'1\'\n },\n click: (row) => {\n $common.handleDelete({\n url: \'/system/user/delete\',\n id: row.id,\n done: () => reloadTable()\n })\n }\n }\n ]\n }\n ]\n})\nconst dialogTitle = ref(\'\')\nconst ids = ref([])\nconst userFormDialog = ref()\nconst table = ref()\nconst userFormRef = ref()\n\nfunction setWhere() {\n if (route.query.roleId) {\n tableOptions.where.roleId.value = route.query.roleId\n }\n if (route.query.officeId) {\n tableOptions.where.officeId = route.query.officeId\n }\n}\n\nsetWhere()\n\nfunction checkChange(values) {\n tableOptions.where.officeId = values\n nextTick(() => reloadTable())\n}\n\nfunction reloadTable() {\n userFormDialog.value.hide()\n table.value.reload()\n}\n\nfunction handleCreate() {\n dialogTitle.value = \'添加\'\n userFormDialog.value.show()\n nextTick(() => {\n userFormRef.value.resetTemp()\n })\n}\n\nfunction handleUpdate(row) {\n dialogTitle.value = \'修改\'\n userFormDialog.value.show()\n nextTick(() => {\n userFormRef.value.getInfo(row)\n })\n}\n\n\nreturn (_ctx, _cache) => {\n const _component_mb_tree = _resolveComponent(\"mb-tree\")\n const _component_mb_icon = _resolveComponent(\"mb-icon\")\n const _component_n_button = _resolveComponent(\"n-button\")\n const _component_mb_search = _resolveComponent(\"mb-search\")\n const _component_n_tag = _resolveComponent(\"n-tag\")\n const _component_mb_table = _resolveComponent(\"mb-table\")\n const _component_mb_modal = _resolveComponent(\"mb-modal\")\n const _component_user_form = _resolveComponent(\"user-form\")\n const _directive_permission = _resolveDirective(\"permission\")\n\n return (_openBlock(), _createElementBlock(\"div\", _hoisted_1, [\n _createElementVNode(\"div\", _hoisted_2, [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_tree, {\n url: \"/system/office/tree\",\n modelValue: tableOptions.where.officeId,\n \"onUpdate:modelValue\": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = $event => ((tableOptions.where.officeId) = $event)),\n expand: false,\n search: \"\",\n \"search-width\": \"100%\",\n checkable: \"\",\n checked: false,\n onCheckChange: checkChange\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"modelValue\"])\n ]),\n _createElementVNode(\"div\", _hoisted_3, [\n _createElementVNode(\"div\", _hoisted_4, [\n _createElementVNode(\"div\", _hoisted_5, [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_search, {\n where: tableOptions.where,\n onSearch: reloadTable\n }, {\n buttons: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_button, {\n type: \"primary\",\n onClick: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = $event => (table.value.exportExcel({ fileName: \'用户数据\' })))\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_icon, { icon: \"DownloadOutline\" }),\n _createTextVNode(\" 导出 \")\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"where\"])\n ]),\n _createElementVNode(\"div\", _hoisted_6, [\n _withDirectives((_openBlock(), _createBlock(_component_n_button, {\n size: _ctx.$global.uiSize.value,\n type: \"primary\",\n onClick: handleCreate\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_icon, { icon: \"AddOutline\" }),\n _createTextVNode(\" 添加用户 \")\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"size\"])), [\n [_directive_permission, \'user:save\']\n ]),\n _createCommentVNode(\" <mb-button v-permission=\\\"\'user:delete\'\\\" plain :request-url=\\\"\'/system/user/delete\'\\\" :btn-type=\\\"\'delete\'\\\" :request-data=\\\"{ id: ids }\\\" :after-handler=\\\"reloadTable\\\" />\"),\n _createCommentVNode(\" <mb-upload-file ref=\\\"importUserRef\\\" action=\\\"/system/user/import/preview\\\" label=\\\"导入用户\\\" :show-tip=\\\"false\\\" :show-file-list=\\\"false\\\" :show-remove-tip=\\\"false\\\" :on-success=\\\"importUserSuccess\\\" />\")\n ]),\n _createElementVNode(\"div\", _hoisted_7, [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_table, _mergeProps({\n ref_key: \"table\",\n ref: table\n }, tableOptions, {\n \"checked-row-keys\": ids.value,\n \"onUpdate:checkedRowKeys\": _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = $event => ((ids).value = $event))\n }), {\n roles: _withCtx(({row,col}) => [\n (row.roles)\n ? (_openBlock(true), _createElementBlock(_Fragment, { key: 0 }, _renderList(row.roles.split(\',\'), (it, idx) => {\n return (_openBlock(), _createBlock(_component_n_tag, {\n size: _ctx.$global.uiSize.value,\n style: {\"margin-right\":\"4px\"},\n bordered: false,\n type: \"info\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createTextVNode(_toDisplayString(it), 1 /* TEXT */)\n ]),\n _: 2 /* DYNAMIC */\n }, 1032 /* PROPS, DYNAMIC_SLOTS */, [\"size\"]))\n }), 256 /* UNKEYED_FRAGMENT */))\n : _createCommentVNode(\"v-if\", true)\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 16 /* FULL_PROPS */, [\"checked-row-keys\"])\n ]),\n _createVNode(_component_mb_modal, {\n ref_key: \"previewUsersDialog\",\n ref: previewUsersDialog,\n title: \"预览数据\",\n onConfirm: importUsers\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_table, _normalizeProps(_guardReactiveProps(importUserTableOptions)), null, 16 /* FULL_PROPS */)\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 512 /* NEED_PATCH */),\n _createVNode(_component_mb_modal, {\n ref_key: \"userFormDialog\",\n ref: userFormDialog,\n title: dialogTitle.value,\n onConfirm: _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = $event => (userFormRef.value.save($event))),\n width: \"670px\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n (_openBlock(), _createBlock(_component_user_form, {\n ref_key: \"userFormRef\",\n ref: userFormRef,\n key: \'userForm\',\n onReloadTable: reloadTable\n }))\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"title\"])\n ])\n ]),\n _hoisted_8\n ]))\n}\n}\n\n}\n__sfc__.__scopeId = \"data-v-bWItc2Zj\"\n__sfc__.__file = \"mb-sfc-compiler.vue\"\nreturn __sfc__', '.left[data-v-bWItc2Zj] {\n width: calc(20% - 20px);\n margin-right: 20px;\n float: left;\n}\n.right[data-v-bWItc2Zj] {\n width: 80%;\n height: 100%;\n float: right;\n}\n.app-container[data-v-bWItc2Zj] {\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n}', NULL, NULL, 0, '1', '2024-03-07 14:03:06', NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `sys_dynamic_component` VALUES ('c0ad38bca2164af08f1c2b2bc90245df', 'fc19e04fa384462d9948c18092f30287', 'menu-form', '<template>\n <div>\n <n-form :size=\"$global.uiSize.value\" ref=\"dataForm\" :rules=\"rules\" :model=\"temp\" label-placement=\"left\" label-width=\"100px\">\n <n-grid :cols=\"24\">\n <n-gi :span=\"12\">\n <n-form-item label=\"菜单类型\" path=\"type\">\n <n-radio-group v-model:value=\"menuType\">\n <n-radio-button key=\"menu\" value=\"menu\" label=\"菜单\"/>\n <n-radio-button key=\"button\" value=\"button\" label=\"按钮\"/>\n </n-radio-group>\n </n-form-item>\n </n-gi>\n <n-gi :span=\"12\">\n <n-form-item label=\"上级菜单\" path=\"pid\">\n <n-tree-select\n v-model:value=\"temp.pid\"\n :options=\"menuTree\"\n />\n </n-form-item>\n </n-gi>\n </n-grid>\n <n-form-item label=\"菜单名称\" path=\"name\">\n <n-input v-model:value=\"temp.name\"/>\n </n-form-item>\n <n-form-item label=\"菜单链接\" path=\"url\" v-if=\"menuType == \'menu\'\">\n <n-input v-model:value=\"temp.url\"/>\n </n-form-item>\n <n-form-item label=\"打开方式\" path=\"openMode\"\n v-if=\"menuType == \'menu\'\">\n <n-radio-group v-model:value=\"openModeRef\">\n <n-radio-button key=\"0\" value=\"0\" label=\"页签\"/>\n <n-radio-button key=\"1\" value=\"1\" label=\"新标签页\"/>\n <n-radio-button key=\"2\" value=\"2\" label=\"iframe\"/>\n </n-radio-group>\n </n-form-item>\n <n-form-item label=\"关联组件\" path=\"componentId\"\n v-if=\"menuType == \'menu\' && !(temp.url.startsWith(\'http\') || (temp.url.startsWith(\'/\') && temp.url.indexOf(\'.htm\') != -1))\">\n <n-tree-select\n v-model:value=\"temp.componentId\"\n :options=\"componentTree\"\n key-field=\"id\"\n label-field=\"name\"\n check-strategy=\"child\"\n default-expand-all\n />\n </n-form-item>\n <n-form-item label=\"权限标识\" path=\"permission\" v-if=\"menuType == \'button\'\">\n <n-input v-model:value=\"temp.permission\"/>\n </n-form-item>\n\n <div class=\"flex flex-wrap\">\n <div style=\"width: 50%\">\n <n-form-item label=\"菜单显示\" path=\"isShow\" v-if=\"menuType == \'menu\'\">\n <n-radio-group v-model:value=\"temp.isShow\">\n <n-radio-button :key=\"1\" :value=\"1\" label=\"显示\"/>\n <n-radio-button :key=\"0\" :value=\"0\" label=\"不显示\"/>\n </n-radio-group>\n </n-form-item>\n </div>\n <div style=\"width: 50%\">\n <n-form-item label=\"路由缓存\" path=\"keepAlive\" v-if=\"menuType == \'menu\'\">\n <n-radio-group v-model:value=\"temp.keepAlive\">\n <n-radio-button :key=\"1\" :value=\"1\" label=\"缓存\"/>\n <n-radio-button :key=\"0\" :value=\"0\" label=\"不缓存\"/>\n </n-radio-group>\n </n-form-item>\n </div>\n <div style=\"width: 50%\">\n <n-form-item label=\"排序\" path=\"sort\">\n <n-input-number v-model:value=\"temp.sort\" button-placement=\"both\"/>\n </n-form-item>\n </div>\n <div style=\"width: 50%\">\n <n-form-item label=\"图标\" path=\"icon\">\n <a @click=\"openIcons\">\n <n-input v-model:value=\"temp.icon\">\n <template #suffix>\n <mb-icon :icon=\"temp.icon\" />\n </template>\n </n-input>\n </a>\n </n-form-item>\n </div>\n </div>\n </n-form>\n <mb-modal ref=\"iconDialog\" width=\"650px\" title=\"选择图标\">\n <menu-icons :select-icon=\"selectIcon\" />\n </mb-modal>\n </div>\n</template>\n\n<script setup>\nimport {ref, reactive, watch, nextTick} from \'vue\'\n\nconst props = defineProps({\n menuTree: {\n type: Array,\n default: () => []\n },\n menuData: {\n type: Array,\n default: () => []\n }\n})\n\nconst emit = defineEmits([\'reload-table\'])\nconst componentTree = ref()\nconst dataForm = ref()\nconst menuType = ref(\'menu\')\nconst iconDialog = ref()\nconst openModeRef = ref(\'0\')\nconst getTemp = () => {\n return {\n id: \'\',\n name: \'\',\n url: \'\',\n permission: \'\',\n sort: 0,\n descRibe: \'\',\n isShow: 1,\n pid: 0,\n icon: \'\',\n keepAlive: 0,\n componentId: \'\',\n openMode: \'0\'\n }\n}\n\n$common.get(\'/system/component/tree\').then(res => {\n $treeTable.deleteEmptyChildren(res.data.list)\n componentTree.value = res.data.list\n})\n\nconst temp = ref(getTemp())\n\nlet validateUrl = (rule, value, callback) => {\n if (menuType.value == \'menu\') {\n if (!value) {\n callback(new Error(\'请输入菜单链接\'))\n } else {\n if(value.startsWith(\'http\') || value.startsWith(\'/\')){\n callback()\n }else{\n callback(new Error(\'菜单链接只能以\"http\"或\"/\"开头\'))\n }\n }\n } else {\n if(value.startsWith(\'http\') || value.startsWith(\'/\')){\n callback()\n }else{\n callback(new Error(\'菜单链接只能以\"http\"或\"/\"开头\'))\n }\n }\n}\n\nlet validatePermission = (rule, value, callback) => {\n if (menuType.value == \'button\') {\n if (!value) {\n callback(new Error(\'请输入权限标识\'))\n } else {\n callback()\n }\n } else {\n callback()\n }\n}\n\nconst rules = reactive({\n pid: {required: true, message: \'请选择上级菜单\', trigger: \'change\'},\n name: {required: true, message: \'请输入菜单名称\', trigger: \'change\'},\n url: {required: true, trigger: \'change\', validator: validateUrl},\n permission: {required: true, trigger: \'change\', validator: validatePermission}\n})\n\nwatch(menuType, (type) => {\n nextTick(() => {\n dataForm.value.restoreValidation()\n })\n if (type == \'menu\') {\n temp.value.isShow = 1\n } else {\n temp.value.isShow = 0\n }\n})\n\nwatch(openModeRef, (value) => {\n temp.value.openMode = value\n})\n\nfunction save(d) {\n dataForm.value.validate((errors) => {\n if (!errors) {\n d.loading()\n if (temp.value.pid == temp.value.id) {\n $message.warning(\'上级菜单不能选当前菜单\')\n d.hideLoading()\n return\n }\n if ($treeTable.isChildren($treeTable.queryChildren(props.menuData, temp.value.id), temp.value.pid)) {\n $message.warning(\'上级菜单不能选当前菜单子级\')\n d.hideLoading()\n return\n }\n if (menuType.value == \'menu\') {\n temp.value.permission = \'\'\n } else {\n temp.value.isShow = 0\n temp.value.keepAlive = 0\n temp.value.icon = \'\'\n temp.value.url = \'\'\n }\n $common.post(\'/system/menu/save\', temp.value).then(() => {\n d.hideLoading()\n $message.success(d.title + \'成功\')\n d.hide()\n emit(\'reload-table\')\n }).catch(() => d.hideLoading())\n }\n })\n}\n\nfunction addSubMenu(id) {\n resetTemp()\n menuType.value = \'menu\'\n temp.value.pid = id\n temp.value.id = $common.uuid()\n getSort()\n nextTick(() => {\n dataForm.value.restoreValidation()\n })\n}\n\nfunction getInfo(row) {\n for (let t in temp.value) {\n temp.value[t] = row[t]\n }\n openModeRef.value = temp.value.openMode || \'0\'\n menuType.value = temp.value.url ? \'menu\' : \'button\'\n $treeTable.clearFont(temp.value, [\'name\', \'url\', \'permission\'])\n nextTick(() => {\n dataForm.value.restoreValidation()\n })\n}\n\nfunction resetTemp() {\n temp.value = getTemp()\n}\n\nfunction selectIcon(symbol) {\n temp.value.icon = symbol\n iconDialog.value.hide()\n}\n\nfunction openIcons() {\n iconDialog.value.show()\n}\n\nfunction getSort() {\n $common.get(\'/system/menu/sort\', {pid: temp.value.pid}).then(res => {\n temp.value.sort = res.data\n })\n}\n\ndefineExpose({addSubMenu, getInfo, save})\n\n</script>\n', '/* Analyzed bindings: {\n \"menuTree\": \"props\",\n \"menuData\": \"props\",\n \"ref\": \"setup-const\",\n \"reactive\": \"setup-const\",\n \"watch\": \"setup-const\",\n \"nextTick\": \"setup-const\",\n \"props\": \"setup-reactive-const\",\n \"emit\": \"setup-const\",\n \"componentTree\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"dataForm\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"menuType\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"iconDialog\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"openModeRef\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"getTemp\": \"setup-const\",\n \"temp\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"validateUrl\": \"setup-let\",\n \"validatePermission\": \"setup-let\",\n \"rules\": \"setup-reactive-const\",\n \"save\": \"setup-const\",\n \"addSubMenu\": \"setup-const\",\n \"getInfo\": \"setup-const\",\n \"resetTemp\": \"setup-const\",\n \"selectIcon\": \"setup-const\",\n \"openIcons\": \"setup-const\",\n \"getSort\": \"setup-const\"\n} */\nconst _resolveComponent = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'resolveComponent\');\r\nconst _createVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createVNode\');\r\nconst _withCtx = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'withCtx\');\r\nconst _openBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'openBlock\');\r\nconst _createBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createBlock\');\r\nconst _createCommentVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createCommentVNode\');\r\nconst _createElementVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createElementVNode\');\r\nconst _createElementBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createElementBlock\');\n\nconst _hoisted_1 = { class: \"flex flex-wrap\" }\nconst _hoisted_2 = { style: {\"width\":\"50%\"} }\nconst _hoisted_3 = { style: {\"width\":\"50%\"} }\nconst _hoisted_4 = { style: {\"width\":\"50%\"} }\nconst _hoisted_5 = { style: {\"width\":\"50%\"} }\n\nconst ref = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'ref\');\r\nconst reactive = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'reactive\');\r\nconst watch = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'watch\');\r\nconst nextTick = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'nextTick\');\n\n\nconst __sfc__ = {\n __name: \'mb-sfc-compiler\',\n props: {\n menuTree: {\n type: Array,\n default: () => []\n },\n menuData: {\n type: Array,\n default: () => []\n }\n},\n emits: [\'reload-table\'],\n setup(__props, { expose: __expose, emit: __emit }) {\n\nconst props = __props\n\nconst emit = __emit\nconst componentTree = ref()\nconst dataForm = ref()\nconst menuType = ref(\'menu\')\nconst iconDialog = ref()\nconst openModeRef = ref(\'0\')\nconst getTemp = () => {\n return {\n id: \'\',\n name: \'\',\n url: \'\',\n permission: \'\',\n sort: 0,\n descRibe: \'\',\n isShow: 1,\n pid: 0,\n icon: \'\',\n keepAlive: 0,\n componentId: \'\',\n openMode: \'0\'\n }\n}\n\n$common.get(\'/system/component/tree\').then(res => {\n $treeTable.deleteEmptyChildren(res.data.list)\n componentTree.value = res.data.list\n})\n\nconst temp = ref(getTemp())\n\nlet validateUrl = (rule, value, callback) => {\n if (menuType.value == \'menu\') {\n if (!value) {\n callback(new Error(\'请输入菜单链接\'))\n } else {\n if(value.startsWith(\'http\') || value.startsWith(\'/\')){\n callback()\n }else{\n callback(new Error(\'菜单链接只能以\"http\"或\"/\"开头\'))\n }\n }\n } else {\n if(value.startsWith(\'http\') || value.startsWith(\'/\')){\n callback()\n }else{\n callback(new Error(\'菜单链接只能以\"http\"或\"/\"开头\'))\n }\n }\n}\n\nlet validatePermission = (rule, value, callback) => {\n if (menuType.value == \'button\') {\n if (!value) {\n callback(new Error(\'请输入权限标识\'))\n } else {\n callback()\n }\n } else {\n callback()\n }\n}\n\nconst rules = reactive({\n pid: {required: true, message: \'请选择上级菜单\', trigger: \'change\'},\n name: {required: true, message: \'请输入菜单名称\', trigger: \'change\'},\n url: {required: true, trigger: \'change\', validator: validateUrl},\n permission: {required: true, trigger: \'change\', validator: validatePermission}\n})\n\nwatch(menuType, (type) => {\n nextTick(() => {\n dataForm.value.restoreValidation()\n })\n if (type == \'menu\') {\n temp.value.isShow = 1\n } else {\n temp.value.isShow = 0\n }\n})\n\nwatch(openModeRef, (value) => {\n temp.value.openMode = value\n})\n\nfunction save(d) {\n dataForm.value.validate((errors) => {\n if (!errors) {\n d.loading()\n if (temp.value.pid == temp.value.id) {\n $message.warning(\'上级菜单不能选当前菜单\')\n d.hideLoading()\n return\n }\n if ($treeTable.isChildren($treeTable.queryChildren(props.menuData, temp.value.id), temp.value.pid)) {\n $message.warning(\'上级菜单不能选当前菜单子级\')\n d.hideLoading()\n return\n }\n if (menuType.value == \'menu\') {\n temp.value.permission = \'\'\n } else {\n temp.value.isShow = 0\n temp.value.keepAlive = 0\n temp.value.icon = \'\'\n temp.value.url = \'\'\n }\n $common.post(\'/system/menu/save\', temp.value).then(() => {\n d.hideLoading()\n $message.success(d.title + \'成功\')\n d.hide()\n emit(\'reload-table\')\n }).catch(() => d.hideLoading())\n }\n })\n}\n\nfunction addSubMenu(id) {\n resetTemp()\n menuType.value = \'menu\'\n temp.value.pid = id\n temp.value.id = $common.uuid()\n getSort()\n nextTick(() => {\n dataForm.value.restoreValidation()\n })\n}\n\nfunction getInfo(row) {\n for (let t in temp.value) {\n temp.value[t] = row[t]\n }\n openModeRef.value = temp.value.openMode || \'0\'\n menuType.value = temp.value.url ? \'menu\' : \'button\'\n $treeTable.clearFont(temp.value, [\'name\', \'url\', \'permission\'])\n nextTick(() => {\n dataForm.value.restoreValidation()\n })\n}\n\nfunction resetTemp() {\n temp.value = getTemp()\n}\n\nfunction selectIcon(symbol) {\n temp.value.icon = symbol\n iconDialog.value.hide()\n}\n\nfunction openIcons() {\n iconDialog.value.show()\n}\n\nfunction getSort() {\n $common.get(\'/system/menu/sort\', {pid: temp.value.pid}).then(res => {\n temp.value.sort = res.data\n })\n}\n\n__expose({addSubMenu, getInfo, save})\n\n\nreturn (_ctx, _cache) => {\n const _component_n_radio_button = _resolveComponent(\"n-radio-button\")\n const _component_n_radio_group = _resolveComponent(\"n-radio-group\")\n const _component_n_form_item = _resolveComponent(\"n-form-item\")\n const _component_n_gi = _resolveComponent(\"n-gi\")\n const _component_n_tree_select = _resolveComponent(\"n-tree-select\")\n const _component_n_grid = _resolveComponent(\"n-grid\")\n const _component_n_input = _resolveComponent(\"n-input\")\n const _component_n_input_number = _resolveComponent(\"n-input-number\")\n const _component_mb_icon = _resolveComponent(\"mb-icon\")\n const _component_n_form = _resolveComponent(\"n-form\")\n const _component_menu_icons = _resolveComponent(\"menu-icons\")\n const _component_mb_modal = _resolveComponent(\"mb-modal\")\n\n return (_openBlock(), _createElementBlock(\"div\", null, [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form, {\n size: _ctx.$global.uiSize.value,\n ref_key: \"dataForm\",\n ref: dataForm,\n rules: rules,\n model: temp.value,\n \"label-placement\": \"left\",\n \"label-width\": \"100px\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_grid, { cols: 24 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_gi, { span: 12 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item, {\n label: \"菜单类型\",\n path: \"type\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_radio_group, {\n value: menuType.value,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = $event => ((menuType).value = $event))\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_radio_button, {\n key: \"menu\",\n value: \"menu\",\n label: \"菜单\"\n }),\n _createVNode(_component_n_radio_button, {\n key: \"button\",\n value: \"button\",\n label: \"按钮\"\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"value\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }),\n _createVNode(_component_n_gi, { span: 12 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item, {\n label: \"上级菜单\",\n path: \"pid\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_tree_select, {\n value: temp.value.pid,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = $event => ((temp.value.pid) = $event)),\n options: __props.menuTree\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"value\", \"options\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }),\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item, {\n label: \"菜单名称\",\n path: \"name\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_input, {\n value: temp.value.name,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = $event => ((temp.value.name) = $event))\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"value\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }),\n (menuType.value == \'menu\')\n ? (_openBlock(), _createBlock(_component_n_form_item, {\n key: 0,\n label: \"菜单链接\",\n path: \"url\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_input, {\n value: temp.value.url,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = $event => ((temp.value.url) = $event))\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"value\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }))\n : _createCommentVNode(\"v-if\", true),\n (menuType.value == \'menu\')\n ? (_openBlock(), _createBlock(_component_n_form_item, {\n key: 1,\n label: \"打开方式\",\n path: \"openMode\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_radio_group, {\n value: openModeRef.value,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[4] || (_cache[4] = $event => ((openModeRef).value = $event))\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_radio_button, {\n key: \"0\",\n value: \"0\",\n label: \"页签\"\n }),\n _createVNode(_component_n_radio_button, {\n key: \"1\",\n value: \"1\",\n label: \"新标签页\"\n }),\n _createVNode(_component_n_radio_button, {\n key: \"2\",\n value: \"2\",\n label: \"iframe\"\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"value\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }))\n : _createCommentVNode(\"v-if\", true),\n (menuType.value == \'menu\' && !(temp.value.url.startsWith(\'http\') || (temp.value.url.startsWith(\'/\') && temp.value.url.indexOf(\'.htm\') != -1)))\n ? (_openBlock(), _createBlock(_component_n_form_item, {\n key: 2,\n label: \"关联组件\",\n path: \"componentId\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_tree_select, {\n value: temp.value.componentId,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[5] || (_cache[5] = $event => ((temp.value.componentId) = $event)),\n options: componentTree.value,\n \"key-field\": \"id\",\n \"label-field\": \"name\",\n \"check-strategy\": \"child\",\n \"default-expand-all\": \"\"\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"value\", \"options\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }))\n : _createCommentVNode(\"v-if\", true),\n (menuType.value == \'button\')\n ? (_openBlock(), _createBlock(_component_n_form_item, {\n key: 3,\n label: \"权限标识\",\n path: \"permission\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_input, {\n value: temp.value.permission,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[6] || (_cache[6] = $event => ((temp.value.permission) = $event))\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"value\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }))\n : _createCommentVNode(\"v-if\", true),\n _createElementVNode(\"div\", _hoisted_1, [\n _createElementVNode(\"div\", _hoisted_2, [\n (menuType.value == \'menu\')\n ? (_openBlock(), _createBlock(_component_n_form_item, {\n key: 0,\n label: \"菜单显示\",\n path: \"isShow\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_radio_group, {\n value: temp.value.isShow,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[7] || (_cache[7] = $event => ((temp.value.isShow) = $event))\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n (_openBlock(), _createBlock(_component_n_radio_button, {\n key: 1,\n value: 1,\n label: \"显示\"\n })),\n (_openBlock(), _createBlock(_component_n_radio_button, {\n key: 0,\n value: 0,\n label: \"不显示\"\n }))\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"value\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }))\n : _createCommentVNode(\"v-if\", true)\n ]),\n _createElementVNode(\"div\", _hoisted_3, [\n (menuType.value == \'menu\')\n ? (_openBlock(), _createBlock(_component_n_form_item, {\n key: 0,\n label: \"路由缓存\",\n path: \"keepAlive\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_radio_group, {\n value: temp.value.keepAlive,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[8] || (_cache[8] = $event => ((temp.value.keepAlive) = $event))\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n (_openBlock(), _createBlock(_component_n_radio_button, {\n key: 1,\n value: 1,\n label: \"缓存\"\n })),\n (_openBlock(), _createBlock(_component_n_radio_button, {\n key: 0,\n value: 0,\n label: \"不缓存\"\n }))\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"value\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }))\n : _createCommentVNode(\"v-if\", true)\n ]),\n _createElementVNode(\"div\", _hoisted_4, [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item, {\n label: \"排序\",\n path: \"sort\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_input_number, {\n value: temp.value.sort,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[9] || (_cache[9] = $event => ((temp.value.sort) = $event)),\n \"button-placement\": \"both\"\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"value\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _createElementVNode(\"div\", _hoisted_5, [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item, {\n label: \"图标\",\n path: \"icon\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createElementVNode(\"a\", { onClick: openIcons }, [\n _createVNode(_component_n_input, {\n value: temp.value.icon,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[10] || (_cache[10] = $event => ((temp.value.icon) = $event))\n }, {\n suffix: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_icon, {\n icon: temp.value.icon\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"icon\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"value\"])\n ])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ])\n ])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"size\", \"rules\", \"model\"]),\n _createVNode(_component_mb_modal, {\n ref_key: \"iconDialog\",\n ref: iconDialog,\n width: \"650px\",\n title: \"选择图标\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_menu_icons, { \"select-icon\": selectIcon })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 512 /* NEED_PATCH */)\n ]))\n}\n}\n\n}\n__sfc__.__file = \"mb-sfc-compiler.vue\"\nreturn __sfc__', '/* No <style> tags present */', NULL, NULL, 0, '1', '2024-03-07 13:40:18', NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `sys_dynamic_component` VALUES ('c20b952d5b2747a3bc393bdaa7e86ef1', 'd17f4964dc664a4bafbd7af6a7e0596d', 'dict-items', '<template>\n <div class=\"mb-list\" style=\"height: 600px\">\n <div class=\"mb-search\">\n <mb-search :where=\"tableOptions.where\" @search=\"reloadTable\" not-reset=\"dictId\"/>\n </div>\n <div class=\"mb-toolbar\">\n <n-space>\n <n-button :size=\"$global.uiSize.value\" v-permission=\"\'dict:items:save\'\" type=\"primary\" @click=\"handleCreate\">\n <mb-icon icon=\"AddOutline\" />\n 添加字典项\n </n-button>\n </n-space>\n </div>\n <div class=\"mb-table\">\n <mb-table ref=\"table\" v-bind=\"tableOptions\"/>\n </div>\n\n <mb-modal :size=\"$global.uiSize.value\" ref=\"formDialog\" :title=\"dialogTitle\" width=\"520px\" @confirm=\"save($event)\">\n <n-form ref=\"dataForm\" :size=\"$global.uiSize.value\" :rules=\"rules\" :model=\"temp\" label-placement=\"left\" label-width=\"80px\">\n <n-grid :cols=\"24\">\n <n-gi :span=\"12\">\n <n-form-item label=\"标签名\" path=\"label\">\n <n-input v-model:value=\"temp.label\"/>\n </n-form-item>\n </n-gi>\n <n-gi :span=\"12\">\n <n-form-item label=\"值\" path=\"value\">\n <n-input v-model:value=\"temp.value\"/>\n </n-form-item>\n </n-gi>\n </n-grid>\n <n-grid :cols=\"24\">\n <n-gi :span=\"12\">\n <n-form-item label=\"排序\" path=\"sort\">\n <n-input-number v-model:value=\"temp.sort\" button-placement=\"both\"/>\n </n-form-item>\n </n-gi>\n <n-gi :span=\"12\">\n <n-form-item label=\"备注\" path=\"remarks\">\n <n-input v-model:value=\"temp.remarks\"/>\n </n-form-item>\n </n-gi>\n </n-grid>\n </n-form>\n </mb-modal>\n\n </div>\n</template>\n\n<script setup>\n\nimport {ref, reactive, nextTick} from \'vue\'\nimport {useDictStore} from \"@/store/modules/dictStore\";\n\nconst dictStore = useDictStore()\n\nconst props = defineProps({\n dictId: {\n type: String,\n default: \'\'\n }\n})\n\nconst tableOptions = reactive({\n id: \'dict-items\',\n url: \'/system/dict/items/list\',\n page: true,\n where: {\n label: {\n label: \'标签\'\n },\n value: {\n label: \'值\'\n },\n dictId: props.dictId\n },\n cols: [\n {\n field: \'label\',\n label: \'标签\'\n },\n {\n field: \'value\',\n label: \'值\'\n },\n {\n field: \'sort\',\n label: \'排序\'\n },\n {\n label: \'排序\',\n type: \'buttons\',\n width: 150,\n buttons: [\n {\n label: \'上移\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n $common.get(\'/system/dict/items/sort/up\', {\n id: row.id,\n sort: row.sort,\n dictId: props.dictId\n }).then(() => {\n reloadTable()\n })\n }\n },\n {\n label: \'下移\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n $common.get(\'/system/dict/items/sort/down\', {\n id: row.id,\n sort: row.sort,\n dictId: props.dictId\n }).then(() => {\n reloadTable()\n })\n }\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n field: \'remarks\',\n label: \'备注\'\n },\n {\n label: \'操作\',\n type: \'buttons\',\n width: 160,\n fixed: \'right\',\n buttons: [\n {\n permission: \'dict:items:save\',\n label: \'修改\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n handleUpdate(row)\n }\n },\n {\n permission: \'dict:items:delete\',\n label: \'删除\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n $common.handleDelete({\n url: \'/system/dict/items/delete\',\n id: row.id,\n done: () => {\n reloadTable()\n $common.getDictData()\n }\n })\n }\n }\n ]\n }\n ]\n})\nconst dialogTitle = ref(\'\')\nconst rules = reactive({\n value: {required: true, message: \'请输入值\', trigger: \'change\'},\n label: {required: true, message: \'请输入标签名\', trigger: \'change\'},\n sort: {type: \'number\', required: true, message: \'请输入排序\', trigger: \'change\'}\n})\nconst temp = ref(getTemp())\nconst table = ref()\nconst formDialog = ref()\nconst dataForm = ref()\n\nfunction reloadTable() {\n table.value.reload()\n}\n\nfunction getTemp() {\n return {\n id: \'\',\n value: \'\',\n label: \'\',\n dictId: props.dictId,\n sort: 0,\n remarks: \'\'\n }\n}\n\nfunction getSort() {\n $common.get(\'/system/dict/items/sort\', {dictId: props.dictId}).then(res => {\n temp.value.sort = res.data\n })\n}\n\nfunction handleCreate() {\n temp.value = getTemp()\n getSort()\n dialogTitle.value = \'添加\'\n formDialog.value.show()\n nextTick(() => {\n dataForm.value.restoreValidation()\n })\n}\n\nfunction save(d) {\n dataForm.value.validate((errors) => {\n if (!errors) {\n d.loading()\n $common.post(\'/system/dict/items/save\', temp.value).then(() => {\n d.hideLoading()\n formDialog.value.hide()\n $message.success(dialogTitle.value + \'成功\')\n reloadTable()\n dictStore.getDictData()\n }).catch(() => d.hideLoading())\n }\n })\n}\n\nfunction handleUpdate(row) {\n $common.objAssign(temp.value, row)\n dialogTitle.value = \'修改\'\n formDialog.value.show()\n nextTick(() => {\n dataForm.value.restoreValidation()\n })\n}\n\n</script>\n', '/* Analyzed bindings: {\n \"dictId\": \"props\",\n \"ref\": \"setup-const\",\n \"reactive\": \"setup-const\",\n \"nextTick\": \"setup-const\",\n \"useDictStore\": \"setup-maybe-ref\",\n \"dictStore\": \"setup-maybe-ref\",\n \"props\": \"setup-reactive-const\",\n \"tableOptions\": \"setup-reactive-const\",\n \"dialogTitle\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"rules\": \"setup-reactive-const\",\n \"temp\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"table\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"formDialog\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"dataForm\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"reloadTable\": \"setup-const\",\n \"getTemp\": \"setup-const\",\n \"getSort\": \"setup-const\",\n \"handleCreate\": \"setup-const\",\n \"save\": \"setup-const\",\n \"handleUpdate\": \"setup-const\"\n} */\nconst _resolveComponent = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'resolveComponent\');\r\nconst _createVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createVNode\');\r\nconst _createElementVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createElementVNode\');\r\nconst _createTextVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createTextVNode\');\r\nconst _resolveDirective = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'resolveDirective\');\r\nconst _withCtx = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'withCtx\');\r\nconst _openBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'openBlock\');\r\nconst _createBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createBlock\');\r\nconst _withDirectives = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'withDirectives\');\r\nconst _mergeProps = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'mergeProps\');\r\nconst _createElementBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createElementBlock\');\n\nconst _hoisted_1 = {\n class: \"mb-list\",\n style: {\"height\":\"600px\"}\n}\nconst _hoisted_2 = { class: \"mb-search\" }\nconst _hoisted_3 = { class: \"mb-toolbar\" }\nconst _hoisted_4 = { class: \"mb-table\" }\n\nconst ref = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'ref\');\r\nconst reactive = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'reactive\');\r\nconst nextTick = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'nextTick\');\nconst useDictStore = ___magic__import__(\'@/store/modules/dictStore\', \'useDictStore\');\n\n\nconst __sfc__ = {\n __name: \'mb-sfc-compiler\',\n props: {\n dictId: {\n type: String,\n default: \'\'\n }\n},\n setup(__props) {\n\n\nconst dictStore = useDictStore()\n\nconst props = __props\n\nconst tableOptions = reactive({\n id: \'dict-items\',\n url: \'/system/dict/items/list\',\n page: true,\n where: {\n label: {\n label: \'标签\'\n },\n value: {\n label: \'值\'\n },\n dictId: props.dictId\n },\n cols: [\n {\n field: \'label\',\n label: \'标签\'\n },\n {\n field: \'value\',\n label: \'值\'\n },\n {\n field: \'sort\',\n label: \'排序\'\n },\n {\n label: \'排序\',\n type: \'buttons\',\n width: 150,\n buttons: [\n {\n label: \'上移\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n $common.get(\'/system/dict/items/sort/up\', {\n id: row.id,\n sort: row.sort,\n dictId: props.dictId\n }).then(() => {\n reloadTable()\n })\n }\n },\n {\n label: \'下移\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n $common.get(\'/system/dict/items/sort/down\', {\n id: row.id,\n sort: row.sort,\n dictId: props.dictId\n }).then(() => {\n reloadTable()\n })\n }\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n field: \'remarks\',\n label: \'备注\'\n },\n {\n label: \'操作\',\n type: \'buttons\',\n width: 160,\n fixed: \'right\',\n buttons: [\n {\n permission: \'dict:items:save\',\n label: \'修改\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n handleUpdate(row)\n }\n },\n {\n permission: \'dict:items:delete\',\n label: \'删除\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n $common.handleDelete({\n url: \'/system/dict/items/delete\',\n id: row.id,\n done: () => {\n reloadTable()\n $common.getDictData()\n }\n })\n }\n }\n ]\n }\n ]\n})\nconst dialogTitle = ref(\'\')\nconst rules = reactive({\n value: {required: true, message: \'请输入值\', trigger: \'change\'},\n label: {required: true, message: \'请输入标签名\', trigger: \'change\'},\n sort: {type: \'number\', required: true, message: \'请输入排序\', trigger: \'change\'}\n})\nconst temp = ref(getTemp())\nconst table = ref()\nconst formDialog = ref()\nconst dataForm = ref()\n\nfunction reloadTable() {\n table.value.reload()\n}\n\nfunction getTemp() {\n return {\n id: \'\',\n value: \'\',\n label: \'\',\n dictId: props.dictId,\n sort: 0,\n remarks: \'\'\n }\n}\n\nfunction getSort() {\n $common.get(\'/system/dict/items/sort\', {dictId: props.dictId}).then(res => {\n temp.value.sort = res.data\n })\n}\n\nfunction handleCreate() {\n temp.value = getTemp()\n getSort()\n dialogTitle.value = \'添加\'\n formDialog.value.show()\n nextTick(() => {\n dataForm.value.restoreValidation()\n })\n}\n\nfunction save(d) {\n dataForm.value.validate((errors) => {\n if (!errors) {\n d.loading()\n $common.post(\'/system/dict/items/save\', temp.value).then(() => {\n d.hideLoading()\n formDialog.value.hide()\n $message.success(dialogTitle.value + \'成功\')\n reloadTable()\n dictStore.getDictData()\n }).catch(() => d.hideLoading())\n }\n })\n}\n\nfunction handleUpdate(row) {\n $common.objAssign(temp.value, row)\n dialogTitle.value = \'修改\'\n formDialog.value.show()\n nextTick(() => {\n dataForm.value.restoreValidation()\n })\n}\n\n\nreturn (_ctx, _cache) => {\n const _component_mb_search = _resolveComponent(\"mb-search\")\n const _component_mb_icon = _resolveComponent(\"mb-icon\")\n const _component_n_button = _resolveComponent(\"n-button\")\n const _component_n_space = _resolveComponent(\"n-space\")\n const _component_mb_table = _resolveComponent(\"mb-table\")\n const _component_n_input = _resolveComponent(\"n-input\")\n const _component_n_form_item = _resolveComponent(\"n-form-item\")\n const _component_n_gi = _resolveComponent(\"n-gi\")\n const _component_n_grid = _resolveComponent(\"n-grid\")\n const _component_n_input_number = _resolveComponent(\"n-input-number\")\n const _component_n_form = _resolveComponent(\"n-form\")\n const _component_mb_modal = _resolveComponent(\"mb-modal\")\n const _directive_permission = _resolveDirective(\"permission\")\n\n return (_openBlock(), _createElementBlock(\"div\", _hoisted_1, [\n _createElementVNode(\"div\", _hoisted_2, [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_search, {\n where: tableOptions.where,\n onSearch: reloadTable,\n \"not-reset\": \"dictId\"\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"where\"])\n ]),\n _createElementVNode(\"div\", _hoisted_3, [\n _createVNode(_component_n_space, null, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _withDirectives((_openBlock(), _createBlock(_component_n_button, {\n size: _ctx.$global.uiSize.value,\n type: \"primary\",\n onClick: handleCreate\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_icon, { icon: \"AddOutline\" }),\n _createTextVNode(\" 添加字典项 \")\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"size\"])), [\n [_directive_permission, \'dict:items:save\']\n ])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _createElementVNode(\"div\", _hoisted_4, [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_table, _mergeProps({\n ref_key: \"table\",\n ref: table\n }, tableOptions), null, 16 /* FULL_PROPS */)\n ]),\n _createVNode(_component_mb_modal, {\n size: _ctx.$global.uiSize.value,\n ref_key: \"formDialog\",\n ref: formDialog,\n title: dialogTitle.value,\n width: \"520px\",\n onConfirm: _cache[4] || (_cache[4] = $event => (save($event)))\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form, {\n ref_key: \"dataForm\",\n ref: dataForm,\n size: _ctx.$global.uiSize.value,\n rules: rules,\n model: temp.value,\n \"label-placement\": \"left\",\n \"label-width\": \"80px\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_grid, { cols: 24 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_gi, { span: 12 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item, {\n label: \"标签名\",\n path: \"label\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_input, {\n value: temp.value.label,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = $event => ((temp.value.label) = $event))\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"value\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }),\n _createVNode(_component_n_gi, { span: 12 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item, {\n label: \"值\",\n path: \"value\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_input, {\n value: temp.value.value,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = $event => ((temp.value.value) = $event))\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"value\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }),\n _createVNode(_component_n_grid, { cols: 24 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_gi, { span: 12 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item, {\n label: \"排序\",\n path: \"sort\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_input_number, {\n value: temp.value.sort,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = $event => ((temp.value.sort) = $event)),\n \"button-placement\": \"both\"\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"value\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }),\n _createVNode(_component_n_gi, { span: 12 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item, {\n label: \"备注\",\n path: \"remarks\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_input, {\n value: temp.value.remarks,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = $event => ((temp.value.remarks) = $event))\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"value\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"size\", \"rules\", \"model\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"size\", \"title\"])\n ]))\n}\n}\n\n}\n__sfc__.__file = \"mb-sfc-compiler.vue\"\nreturn __sfc__', '/* No <style> tags present */', NULL, NULL, 0, '1', '2024-03-07 10:57:18', NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `sys_dynamic_component` VALUES ('c2e46f717eba4fa69f96358dc1587b77', '29d82244-d928-11ee-9675-c2b02ed3977b', 'configure', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, '1', '2024-03-07 10:52:41', NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `sys_dynamic_component` VALUES ('c64a8b964c6e40dfbe4c3908fdea9553', '88c17402-d92a-11ee-9675-c2b02ed3977b', 'druid', '<template>\n <iframe :src=\"$global.baseApi + \'druid/index.html\'\" width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" frameborder=\"0\"></iframe>\n</template>\n', 'const __sfc__ = {}\nconst _openBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'openBlock\');\r\nconst _createElementBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createElementBlock\');\n\nconst _hoisted_1 = [\"src\"]\nfunction render(_ctx, _cache) {\n return (_openBlock(), _createElementBlock(\"iframe\", {\n src: _ctx.$global.baseApi + \'druid/index.html\',\n width: \"100%\",\n height: \"100%\",\n frameborder: \"0\"\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_1))\n}\n__sfc__.render = render\n__sfc__.__file = \"mb-sfc-compiler.vue\"\nreturn __sfc__', '/* No <style> tags present */', NULL, NULL, 0, '1', '2024-03-07 13:52:03', NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `sys_dynamic_component` VALUES ('c99bf0b5780e4f1996211c70e56f49f7', 'fc061efbc39948d59aafc3905591c935', 'user-form', '<template>\n <n-form :size=\"$global.uiSize.value\" ref=\"dataForm\" :rules=\"rules\" :model=\"temp\" label-placement=\"left\" label-width=\"90px\">\n <n-grid :cols=\"24\" :x-gap=\"24\">\n <n-form-item-gi :span=\"12\" label=\"登录名称\" path=\"username\">\n <n-input v-model:value=\"temp.username\" autocomplete=\"new-password\"/>\n </n-form-item-gi>\n <n-form-item-gi :span=\"12\" label=\"密码\" path=\"password\">\n <n-input v-model:value=\"temp.password\" type=\"password\" autocomplete=\"new-password\"/>\n </n-form-item-gi>\n </n-grid>\n <n-grid :cols=\"24\" :x-gap=\"24\">\n <n-form-item-gi :span=\"12\" label=\"姓名/昵称\" path=\"name\">\n <n-input v-model:value=\"temp.name\" autocomplete=\"new-password\"/>\n </n-form-item-gi>\n <n-form-item-gi :span=\"12\" label=\"手机号\" path=\"phone\">\n <n-input v-model:value=\"temp.phone\"/>\n </n-form-item-gi>\n </n-grid>\n <n-grid :cols=\"24\" :x-gap=\"24\">\n <n-form-item-gi :span=\"12\" label=\"组织机构\" path=\"officeId\">\n <mb-tree-select url=\"/system/user/offices\" v-model=\"temp.officeId\" :key=\"temp.officeId\"\n placeholder=\"请选择组织机构\"/>\n </n-form-item-gi>\n <n-form-item-gi :span=\"12\" label=\"选择角色\" path=\"roles\">\n <mb-select v-model=\"temp.roles\" url=\"/system/role/all\" placeholder=\"请选择角色\" multiple />\n </n-form-item-gi>\n </n-grid>\n <n-form-item label=\"登录状态\" path=\"isLogin\" v-if=\"temp.id != \'1\'\">\n <n-radio-group v-model:value=\"temp.isLogin\">\n <n-radio-button label=\"有效\" :value=\"0\" :key=\"0\"/>\n <n-radio-button label=\"锁定\" :value=\"1\" :key=\"1\"/>\n </n-radio-group>\n </n-form-item>\n </n-form>\n</template>\n\n<script setup>\n\nimport {ref, reactive, nextTick} from \'vue\'\n\nconst emit = defineEmits([\'reload-table\'])\n\nconst rules = reactive({\n name: {required: true, message: \'请输入姓名/昵称\', trigger: \'change\'},\n username: {required: true, message: \'请输入登录名称\', trigger: \'change\'},\n roles: {required: true, message: \'请选择角色\', trigger: \'blur\'},\n officeId: {required: true, message: \'请选择组织机构\', trigger: \'blur\'}\n})\nconst temp = ref(getTemp())\nconst dataForm = ref()\n\nfunction getTemp() {\n return {\n id: \'\',\n name: \'\',\n username: \'\',\n password: \'\',\n phone: \'\',\n isLogin: 0,\n roles: null,\n officeId: null\n }\n}\n\nfunction resetTemp() {\n rules.password = [{required: true, message: \'请输入密码\', trigger: \'change\'}]\n temp.value = getTemp()\n nextTick(() => {\n nextTick(() => {\n dataForm.value.restoreValidation()\n })\n })\n}\n\nfunction save(d) {\n dataForm.value.validate((errors) => {\n if (!errors) {\n d.loading()\n $common.post(\'/system/user/save\', temp.value).then(() => {\n d.hideLoading()\n $message.success(d.title + \'成功\')\n emit(\'reload-table\')\n }).catch(() => d.hideLoading())\n }\n })\n}\n\nfunction getInfo(row) {\n delete rules.password\n for (let t in temp.value) {\n if (t !== \'roles\') {\n temp.value[t] = row[t]\n }\n }\n $common.get(\'/system/user/roles\', {userId: temp.value.id}).then((res) => {\n temp.value.roles = res.data.join(\',\')\n })\n}\n\ndefineExpose({save, getInfo, resetTemp})\n\n</script>\n', '/* Analyzed bindings: {\n \"ref\": \"setup-const\",\n \"reactive\": \"setup-const\",\n \"nextTick\": \"setup-const\",\n \"emit\": \"setup-const\",\n \"rules\": \"setup-reactive-const\",\n \"temp\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"dataForm\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"getTemp\": \"setup-const\",\n \"resetTemp\": \"setup-const\",\n \"save\": \"setup-const\",\n \"getInfo\": \"setup-const\"\n} */\nconst _resolveComponent = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'resolveComponent\');\r\nconst _createVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createVNode\');\r\nconst _withCtx = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'withCtx\');\r\nconst _openBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'openBlock\');\r\nconst _createBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createBlock\');\r\nconst _createCommentVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createCommentVNode\');\n\nconst ref = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'ref\');\r\nconst reactive = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'reactive\');\r\nconst nextTick = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'nextTick\');\n\n\nconst __sfc__ = {\n __name: \'mb-sfc-compiler\',\n emits: [\'reload-table\'],\n setup(__props, { expose: __expose, emit: __emit }) {\n\n\nconst emit = __emit\n\nconst rules = reactive({\n name: {required: true, message: \'请输入姓名/昵称\', trigger: \'change\'},\n username: {required: true, message: \'请输入登录名称\', trigger: \'change\'},\n roles: {required: true, message: \'请选择角色\', trigger: \'blur\'},\n officeId: {required: true, message: \'请选择组织机构\', trigger: \'blur\'}\n})\nconst temp = ref(getTemp())\nconst dataForm = ref()\n\nfunction getTemp() {\n return {\n id: \'\',\n name: \'\',\n username: \'\',\n password: \'\',\n phone: \'\',\n isLogin: 0,\n roles: null,\n officeId: null\n }\n}\n\nfunction resetTemp() {\n rules.password = [{required: true, message: \'请输入密码\', trigger: \'change\'}]\n temp.value = getTemp()\n nextTick(() => {\n nextTick(() => {\n dataForm.value.restoreValidation()\n })\n })\n}\n\nfunction save(d) {\n dataForm.value.validate((errors) => {\n if (!errors) {\n d.loading()\n $common.post(\'/system/user/save\', temp.value).then(() => {\n d.hideLoading()\n $message.success(d.title + \'成功\')\n emit(\'reload-table\')\n }).catch(() => d.hideLoading())\n }\n })\n}\n\nfunction getInfo(row) {\n delete rules.password\n for (let t in temp.value) {\n if (t !== \'roles\') {\n temp.value[t] = row[t]\n }\n }\n $common.get(\'/system/user/roles\', {userId: temp.value.id}).then((res) => {\n temp.value.roles = res.data.join(\',\')\n })\n}\n\n__expose({save, getInfo, resetTemp})\n\n\nreturn (_ctx, _cache) => {\n const _component_n_input = _resolveComponent(\"n-input\")\n const _component_n_form_item_gi = _resolveComponent(\"n-form-item-gi\")\n const _component_n_grid = _resolveComponent(\"n-grid\")\n const _component_mb_tree_select = _resolveComponent(\"mb-tree-select\")\n const _component_mb_select = _resolveComponent(\"mb-select\")\n const _component_n_radio_button = _resolveComponent(\"n-radio-button\")\n const _component_n_radio_group = _resolveComponent(\"n-radio-group\")\n const _component_n_form_item = _resolveComponent(\"n-form-item\")\n const _component_n_form = _resolveComponent(\"n-form\")\n\n return (_openBlock(), _createBlock(_component_n_form, {\n size: _ctx.$global.uiSize.value,\n ref_key: \"dataForm\",\n ref: dataForm,\n rules: rules,\n model: temp.value,\n \"label-placement\": \"left\",\n \"label-width\": \"90px\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_grid, {\n cols: 24,\n \"x-gap\": 24\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item_gi, {\n span: 12,\n label: \"登录名称\",\n path: \"username\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_input, {\n value: temp.value.username,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = $event => ((temp.value.username) = $event)),\n autocomplete: \"new-password\"\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"value\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }),\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item_gi, {\n span: 12,\n label: \"密码\",\n path: \"password\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_input, {\n value: temp.value.password,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = $event => ((temp.value.password) = $event)),\n type: \"password\",\n autocomplete: \"new-password\"\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"value\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }),\n _createVNode(_component_n_grid, {\n cols: 24,\n \"x-gap\": 24\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item_gi, {\n span: 12,\n label: \"姓名/昵称\",\n path: \"name\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_input, {\n value: temp.value.name,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = $event => ((temp.value.name) = $event)),\n autocomplete: \"new-password\"\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"value\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }),\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item_gi, {\n span: 12,\n label: \"手机号\",\n path: \"phone\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_input, {\n value: temp.value.phone,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = $event => ((temp.value.phone) = $event))\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"value\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }),\n _createVNode(_component_n_grid, {\n cols: 24,\n \"x-gap\": 24\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item_gi, {\n span: 12,\n label: \"组织机构\",\n path: \"officeId\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n (_openBlock(), _createBlock(_component_mb_tree_select, {\n url: \"/system/user/offices\",\n modelValue: temp.value.officeId,\n \"onUpdate:modelValue\": _cache[4] || (_cache[4] = $event => ((temp.value.officeId) = $event)),\n key: temp.value.officeId,\n placeholder: \"请选择组织机构\"\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"modelValue\"]))\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }),\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item_gi, {\n span: 12,\n label: \"选择角色\",\n path: \"roles\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_select, {\n modelValue: temp.value.roles,\n \"onUpdate:modelValue\": _cache[5] || (_cache[5] = $event => ((temp.value.roles) = $event)),\n url: \"/system/role/all\",\n placeholder: \"请选择角色\",\n multiple: \"\"\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"modelValue\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }),\n (temp.value.id != \'1\')\n ? (_openBlock(), _createBlock(_component_n_form_item, {\n key: 0,\n label: \"登录状态\",\n path: \"isLogin\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_radio_group, {\n value: temp.value.isLogin,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[6] || (_cache[6] = $event => ((temp.value.isLogin) = $event))\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n (_openBlock(), _createBlock(_component_n_radio_button, {\n label: \"有效\",\n value: 0,\n key: 0\n })),\n (_openBlock(), _createBlock(_component_n_radio_button, {\n label: \"锁定\",\n value: 1,\n key: 1\n }))\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"value\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }))\n : _createCommentVNode(\"v-if\", true)\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"size\", \"rules\", \"model\"]))\n}\n}\n\n}\n__sfc__.__file = \"mb-sfc-compiler.vue\"\nreturn __sfc__', '/* No <style> tags present */', NULL, NULL, 0, '1', '2024-03-07 14:03:32', NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `sys_dynamic_component` VALUES ('d17f4964dc664a4bafbd7af6a7e0596d', '29d82244-d928-11ee-9675-c2b02ed3977b', 'dict', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, '1', '2024-03-07 10:57:01', NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `sys_dynamic_component` VALUES ('d31791c8a14f4e648f3d01d5171c817c', 'fc061efbc39948d59aafc3905591c935', 'user-center', '<template>\n <div class=\"user-center\">\n <div style=\"widthL:35%\">\n <mb-upload-image v-model=\"temp.headPortrait\"/>\n </div>\n <div style=\"width: 65%\">\n <n-form ref=\"dataForm\" :rules=\"rules\" :model=\"temp\" label-placement=\"left\" label-width=\"80px\">\n <n-form-item label=\"姓名/昵称\" path=\"name\">\n <n-input v-model:value=\"temp.name\" disabled/>\n </n-form-item>\n <n-form-item label=\"手机号码\" path=\"phone\">\n <n-input v-model:value=\"temp.phone\" maxlength=\"11\" autocomplete=\"new-password\"/>\n </n-form-item>\n <n-form-item label=\"当前密码\" path=\"password\">\n <n-input v-model:value=\"temp.password\" type=\"password\" autocomplete=\"new-password\"/>\n </n-form-item>\n <n-form-item label=\"新设密码\" path=\"newPassword\">\n <n-input v-model:value=\"temp.newPassword\" type=\"password\" autocomplete=\"new-password\"/>\n </n-form-item>\n <n-form-item label=\"确认密码\" path=\"confirmPassword\">\n <n-input v-model:value=\"temp.confirmPassword\" type=\"password\" autocomplete=\"new-password\"/>\n </n-form-item>\n <n-button type=\"primary\" size=\"large\" block round @click=\"save\">\n <m-icon style=\"margin-right: 4px\" icon=\"SaveSharp\" />\n 保存信息\n </n-button>\n </n-form>\n </div>\n </div>\n</template>\n\n<script setup>\nimport {ref, reactive, nextTick} from \'vue\'\nimport {useUserStore} from \"@/store/modules/userStore\";\n\nconst userStore = useUserStore()\n\nconst temp = ref(getTemp())\n\nlet validatePass2 = (rule, value, callback) => {\n if (temp.value.newPassword) {\n if (value === \'\') {\n callback(new Error(\'请再次输入密码\'));\n } else if (value !== temp.value.newPassword) {\n callback(new Error(\'两次输入密码不一致!\'));\n } else {\n callback();\n }\n } else {\n callback();\n }\n}\nconst rules = reactive({\n password: [{required: true, message: \'请输入原密码\', trigger: \'change\'}, {min: 6, message: \'密码不少于6位\'}],\n phone: [{min: 11, message: \'请输入11位手机号\', trigger: \'change\'}],\n newPassword: [{min: 6, message: \'密码不少于6位\'}],\n confirmPassword: [{min: 6, message: \'密码不少于6位\'}, {validator: validatePass2}],\n})\nconst dataForm = ref()\n\nfunction getTemp() {\n return {\n id: \'\',\n name: \'\',\n password: \'\',\n phone: \'\',\n headPortrait: \'\',\n newPassword: \'\',\n confirmPassword: \'\'\n }\n}\n\nfunction resetTemp() {\n temp.value = getTemp()\n nextTick(() => {\n dataForm.value.restoreValidation()\n })\n}\n\nfunction save() {\n dataForm.value.validate((errors) => {\n if (!errors) {\n $common.post(\'/system/user/center/update\', temp.value).then(() => {\n $message.success(\'修改成功\')\n })\n }\n })\n}\n\n$common.objAssign(temp.value, userStore.getInfo, [\'password\'])\n</script>\n\n<style scoped>\n.user-center {\n width: 1000px;\n margin: 60px auto;\n display: flex;\n}\n</style>\n', '/* Analyzed bindings: {\n \"ref\": \"setup-const\",\n \"reactive\": \"setup-const\",\n \"nextTick\": \"setup-const\",\n \"useUserStore\": \"setup-maybe-ref\",\n \"userStore\": \"setup-maybe-ref\",\n \"temp\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"validatePass2\": \"setup-let\",\n \"rules\": \"setup-reactive-const\",\n \"dataForm\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"getTemp\": \"setup-const\",\n \"resetTemp\": \"setup-const\",\n \"save\": \"setup-const\"\n} */\nconst _resolveComponent = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'resolveComponent\');\r\nconst _createVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createVNode\');\r\nconst _createElementVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createElementVNode\');\r\nconst _withCtx = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'withCtx\');\r\nconst _createTextVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createTextVNode\');\r\nconst _openBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'openBlock\');\r\nconst _createElementBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createElementBlock\');\r\nconst _pushScopeId = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'pushScopeId\');\r\nconst _popScopeId = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'popScopeId\');\n\nconst _withScopeId = n => (_pushScopeId(\"data-v-bWItc2Zj\"),n=n(),_popScopeId(),n)\nconst _hoisted_1 = { class: \"user-center\" }\nconst _hoisted_2 = { style: {\"widthL\":\"35%\"} }\nconst _hoisted_3 = { style: {\"width\":\"65%\"} }\n\nconst ref = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'ref\');\r\nconst reactive = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'reactive\');\r\nconst nextTick = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'nextTick\');\nconst useUserStore = ___magic__import__(\'@/store/modules/userStore\', \'useUserStore\');\n\n\nconst __sfc__ = {\n __name: \'mb-sfc-compiler\',\n setup(__props) {\n\nconst userStore = useUserStore()\n\nconst temp = ref(getTemp())\n\nlet validatePass2 = (rule, value, callback) => {\n if (temp.value.newPassword) {\n if (value === \'\') {\n callback(new Error(\'请再次输入密码\'));\n } else if (value !== temp.value.newPassword) {\n callback(new Error(\'两次输入密码不一致!\'));\n } else {\n callback();\n }\n } else {\n callback();\n }\n}\nconst rules = reactive({\n password: [{required: true, message: \'请输入原密码\', trigger: \'change\'}, {min: 6, message: \'密码不少于6位\'}],\n phone: [{min: 11, message: \'请输入11位手机号\', trigger: \'change\'}],\n newPassword: [{min: 6, message: \'密码不少于6位\'}],\n confirmPassword: [{min: 6, message: \'密码不少于6位\'}, {validator: validatePass2}],\n})\nconst dataForm = ref()\n\nfunction getTemp() {\n return {\n id: \'\',\n name: \'\',\n password: \'\',\n phone: \'\',\n headPortrait: \'\',\n newPassword: \'\',\n confirmPassword: \'\'\n }\n}\n\nfunction resetTemp() {\n temp.value = getTemp()\n nextTick(() => {\n dataForm.value.restoreValidation()\n })\n}\n\nfunction save() {\n dataForm.value.validate((errors) => {\n if (!errors) {\n $common.post(\'/system/user/center/update\', temp.value).then(() => {\n $message.success(\'修改成功\')\n })\n }\n })\n}\n\n$common.objAssign(temp.value, userStore.getInfo, [\'password\'])\n\nreturn (_ctx, _cache) => {\n const _component_mb_upload_image = _resolveComponent(\"mb-upload-image\")\n const _component_n_input = _resolveComponent(\"n-input\")\n const _component_n_form_item = _resolveComponent(\"n-form-item\")\n const _component_m_icon = _resolveComponent(\"m-icon\")\n const _component_n_button = _resolveComponent(\"n-button\")\n const _component_n_form = _resolveComponent(\"n-form\")\n\n return (_openBlock(), _createElementBlock(\"div\", _hoisted_1, [\n _createElementVNode(\"div\", _hoisted_2, [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_upload_image, {\n modelValue: temp.value.headPortrait,\n \"onUpdate:modelValue\": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = $event => ((temp.value.headPortrait) = $event))\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"modelValue\"])\n ]),\n _createElementVNode(\"div\", _hoisted_3, [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form, {\n ref_key: \"dataForm\",\n ref: dataForm,\n rules: rules,\n model: temp.value,\n \"label-placement\": \"left\",\n \"label-width\": \"80px\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item, {\n label: \"姓名/昵称\",\n path: \"name\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_input, {\n value: temp.value.name,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = $event => ((temp.value.name) = $event)),\n disabled: \"\"\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"value\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }),\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item, {\n label: \"手机号码\",\n path: \"phone\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_input, {\n value: temp.value.phone,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = $event => ((temp.value.phone) = $event)),\n maxlength: \"11\",\n autocomplete: \"new-password\"\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"value\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }),\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item, {\n label: \"当前密码\",\n path: \"password\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_input, {\n value: temp.value.password,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = $event => ((temp.value.password) = $event)),\n type: \"password\",\n autocomplete: \"new-password\"\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"value\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }),\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item, {\n label: \"新设密码\",\n path: \"newPassword\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_input, {\n value: temp.value.newPassword,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[4] || (_cache[4] = $event => ((temp.value.newPassword) = $event)),\n type: \"password\",\n autocomplete: \"new-password\"\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"value\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }),\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item, {\n label: \"确认密码\",\n path: \"confirmPassword\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_input, {\n value: temp.value.confirmPassword,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[5] || (_cache[5] = $event => ((temp.value.confirmPassword) = $event)),\n type: \"password\",\n autocomplete: \"new-password\"\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"value\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }),\n _createVNode(_component_n_button, {\n type: \"primary\",\n size: \"large\",\n block: \"\",\n round: \"\",\n onClick: save\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_m_icon, {\n style: {\"margin-right\":\"4px\"},\n icon: \"SaveSharp\"\n }),\n _createTextVNode(\" 保存信息 \")\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"rules\", \"model\"])\n ])\n ]))\n}\n}\n\n}\n__sfc__.__scopeId = \"data-v-bWItc2Zj\"\n__sfc__.__file = \"mb-sfc-compiler.vue\"\nreturn __sfc__', '.user-center[data-v-bWItc2Zj] {\n width: 1000px;\n margin: 60px auto;\n display: flex;\n}', NULL, NULL, 0, '1', '2024-03-07 14:04:51', NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `sys_dynamic_component` VALUES ('e50d9d844de247fc825c8f4d4509da79', '9c302653077d47dc9374ba48b9fda579', 'role-assign-permissions', '<template>\n <mb-tree\n ref=\"tree\"\n v-model=\"menus\"\n style=\"height: 320px\"\n url=\"/system/menu/tree\"\n search\n checkable\n search-width=\"230px\"\n />\n</template>\n\n<script setup>\nimport {ref} from \'vue\'\n\nconst emit = defineEmits([\'close\'])\nconst props = defineProps({\n id: {\n type: String,\n default: \'\'\n }\n})\n\nconst menus = ref(\'\')\n\n$common.get(\'/system/menu/by/role\', {roleId: props.id}).then(res => {\n menus.value = res.data.join(\',\')\n})\n\nfunction save(d) {\n d.loading()\n $common.post(\'/system/role/save\', {\n id: props.id,\n menus: menus.value\n }).then((response) => {\n d.hideLoading()\n $message.success(\'分配成功\')\n emit(\'close\')\n }).catch(() => d.hideLoading())\n}\n\ndefineExpose({save})\n\n</script>\n', '/* Analyzed bindings: {\n \"id\": \"props\",\n \"ref\": \"setup-const\",\n \"emit\": \"setup-const\",\n \"props\": \"setup-reactive-const\",\n \"menus\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"save\": \"setup-const\"\n} */\nconst _resolveComponent = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'resolveComponent\');\r\nconst _openBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'openBlock\');\r\nconst _createBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createBlock\');\n\nconst ref = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'ref\');\n\n\nconst __sfc__ = {\n __name: \'mb-sfc-compiler\',\n props: {\n id: {\n type: String,\n default: \'\'\n }\n},\n emits: [\'close\'],\n setup(__props, { expose: __expose, emit: __emit }) {\n\nconst emit = __emit\nconst props = __props\n\nconst menus = ref(\'\')\n\n$common.get(\'/system/menu/by/role\', {roleId: props.id}).then(res => {\n menus.value = res.data.join(\',\')\n})\n\nfunction save(d) {\n d.loading()\n $common.post(\'/system/role/save\', {\n id: props.id,\n menus: menus.value\n }).then((response) => {\n d.hideLoading()\n $message.success(\'分配成功\')\n emit(\'close\')\n }).catch(() => d.hideLoading())\n}\n\n__expose({save})\n\n\nreturn (_ctx, _cache) => {\n const _component_mb_tree = _resolveComponent(\"mb-tree\")\n\n return (_openBlock(), _createBlock(_component_mb_tree, {\n ref: \"tree\",\n modelValue: menus.value,\n \"onUpdate:modelValue\": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = $event => ((menus).value = $event)),\n style: {\"height\":\"320px\"},\n url: \"/system/menu/tree\",\n search: \"\",\n checkable: \"\",\n \"search-width\": \"230px\"\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"modelValue\"]))\n}\n}\n\n}\n__sfc__.__file = \"mb-sfc-compiler.vue\"\nreturn __sfc__', '/* No <style> tags present */', NULL, NULL, 0, '1', '2024-03-07 13:57:14', NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `sys_dynamic_component` VALUES ('e9cf6dae-d929-11ee-9675-c2b02ed3977b', '29d82244-d928-11ee-9675-c2b02ed3977b', 'office', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, '1', '2024-03-04 13:58:44');
INSERT INTO `sys_dynamic_component` VALUES ('ef58200e5ca649f8a3c6f1d3ad66f250', 'fc19e04fa384462d9948c18092f30287', 'menu-icons', '<template>\n <div class=\"icons-container\">\n <n-tabs type=\"line\" animated>\n <n-tab-pane v-for=\"tab in tabs\" :name=\"tab.name\" :tab=\"tab.tab\">\n <div class=\"grid\">\n <div v-for=\"icon of tab.icons\" :key=\"icon\" @click=\"selectIcon(icon)\">\n <n-tooltip placement=\"top\" trigger=\"hover\">\n <template #trigger>\n <mb-icon :icon=\"icon\" size=\"2em\" />\n </template>\n <div class=\"icon-item\">\n <span>{{ icon }}</span>\n </div>\n </n-tooltip>\n </div>\n </div>\n </n-tab-pane>\n </n-tabs>\n </div>\n</template>\n\n<script setup>\nimport svgIcons from \'@/scripts/svg-icons\'\nimport xicons from \'@/scripts/xicons\'\nimport { ref } from \'vue\'\nconst props = defineProps({\n selectIcon: Function\n})\nconst tabs = ref([{\n name: \'dynamic\',\n tab: \'自定义\',\n icons: svgIcons\n}, {\n name: \'xicons\',\n tab: \'xicons\',\n icons: Object.keys(xicons)\n}])\n</script>\n\n<style scoped>\n.icons-container {\n margin: 10px 20px 0;\n overflow: hidden;\n}\n\n.icons-container .grid {\n position: relative;\n display: grid;\n grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(120px, 1fr));\n}\n\n.icons-container .icon-item {\n margin: 20px;\n height: 85px;\n text-align: center;\n width: 100px;\n float: left;\n font-size: 30px;\n color: #24292e;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n\n.icons-container span {\n display: block;\n font-size: 16px;\n margin-top: 10px;\n}\n\n.icons-container .disabled {\n pointer-events: none;\n}\n</style>\n', '/* Analyzed bindings: {\n \"selectIcon\": \"props\",\n \"svgIcons\": \"setup-maybe-ref\",\n \"xicons\": \"setup-maybe-ref\",\n \"ref\": \"setup-const\",\n \"props\": \"setup-reactive-const\",\n \"tabs\": \"setup-ref\"\n} */\nconst _renderList = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'renderList\');\r\nconst _Fragment = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'Fragment\');\r\nconst _openBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'openBlock\');\r\nconst _createElementBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createElementBlock\');\r\nconst _resolveComponent = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'resolveComponent\');\r\nconst _createVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createVNode\');\r\nconst _toDisplayString = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'toDisplayString\');\r\nconst _createElementVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createElementVNode\');\r\nconst _withCtx = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'withCtx\');\r\nconst _createBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createBlock\');\r\nconst _pushScopeId = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'pushScopeId\');\r\nconst _popScopeId = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'popScopeId\');\n\nconst _withScopeId = n => (_pushScopeId(\"data-v-bWItc2Zj\"),n=n(),_popScopeId(),n)\nconst _hoisted_1 = { class: \"icons-container\" }\nconst _hoisted_2 = { class: \"grid\" }\nconst _hoisted_3 = [\"onClick\"]\nconst _hoisted_4 = { class: \"icon-item\" }\n\nconst svgIcons = ___magic__import__(\'@/scripts/svg-icons\', \'*\');\nconst xicons = ___magic__import__(\'@/scripts/xicons\', \'*\');\nconst ref = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'ref\');\n\nconst __sfc__ = {\n __name: \'mb-sfc-compiler\',\n props: {\n selectIcon: Function\n},\n setup(__props) {\n\nconst props = __props\nconst tabs = ref([{\n name: \'dynamic\',\n tab: \'自定义\',\n icons: svgIcons\n}, {\n name: \'xicons\',\n tab: \'xicons\',\n icons: Object.keys(xicons)\n}])\n\nreturn (_ctx, _cache) => {\n const _component_mb_icon = _resolveComponent(\"mb-icon\")\n const _component_n_tooltip = _resolveComponent(\"n-tooltip\")\n const _component_n_tab_pane = _resolveComponent(\"n-tab-pane\")\n const _component_n_tabs = _resolveComponent(\"n-tabs\")\n\n return (_openBlock(), _createElementBlock(\"div\", _hoisted_1, [\n _createVNode(_component_n_tabs, {\n type: \"line\",\n animated: \"\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n (_openBlock(true), _createElementBlock(_Fragment, null, _renderList(tabs.value, (tab) => {\n return (_openBlock(), _createBlock(_component_n_tab_pane, {\n name: tab.name,\n tab: tab.tab\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createElementVNode(\"div\", _hoisted_2, [\n (_openBlock(true), _createElementBlock(_Fragment, null, _renderList(tab.icons, (icon) => {\n return (_openBlock(), _createElementBlock(\"div\", {\n key: icon,\n onClick: $event => (__props.selectIcon(icon))\n }, [\n _createVNode(_component_n_tooltip, {\n placement: \"top\",\n trigger: \"hover\"\n }, {\n trigger: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_icon, {\n icon: icon,\n size: \"2em\"\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"icon\"])\n ]),\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createElementVNode(\"div\", _hoisted_4, [\n _createElementVNode(\"span\", null, _toDisplayString(icon), 1 /* TEXT */)\n ])\n ]),\n _: 2 /* DYNAMIC */\n }, 1024 /* DYNAMIC_SLOTS */)\n ], 8 /* PROPS */, _hoisted_3))\n }), 128 /* KEYED_FRAGMENT */))\n ])\n ]),\n _: 2 /* DYNAMIC */\n }, 1032 /* PROPS, DYNAMIC_SLOTS */, [\"name\", \"tab\"]))\n }), 256 /* UNKEYED_FRAGMENT */))\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]))\n}\n}\n\n}\n__sfc__.__scopeId = \"data-v-bWItc2Zj\"\n__sfc__.__file = \"mb-sfc-compiler.vue\"\nreturn __sfc__', '.icons-container[data-v-bWItc2Zj] {\n margin: 10px 20px 0;\n overflow: hidden;\n}\n.icons-container .grid[data-v-bWItc2Zj] {\n position: relative;\n display: grid;\n grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(120px, 1fr));\n}\n.icons-container .icon-item[data-v-bWItc2Zj] {\n margin: 20px;\n height: 85px;\n text-align: center;\n width: 100px;\n float: left;\n font-size: 30px;\n color: #24292e;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n.icons-container span[data-v-bWItc2Zj] {\n display: block;\n font-size: 16px;\n margin-top: 10px;\n}\n.icons-container .disabled[data-v-bWItc2Zj] {\n pointer-events: none;\n}', NULL, NULL, 0, '1', '2024-03-07 13:41:23', NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `sys_dynamic_component` VALUES ('fc061efbc39948d59aafc3905591c935', '29d82244-d928-11ee-9675-c2b02ed3977b', 'user', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, '1', '2024-03-07 14:03:01', NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `sys_dynamic_component` VALUES ('fc19e04fa384462d9948c18092f30287', '29d82244-d928-11ee-9675-c2b02ed3977b', 'menu', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, '1', '2024-03-07 13:39:07', NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `sys_dynamic_component` VALUES ('fd89dd1d66ae429689bdd978162b4caf', '88c17402-d92a-11ee-9675-c2b02ed3977b', 'online-user', '<template>\n <div style=\"height: 100%\">\n <mb-list ref=\"magicList\" v-bind=\"listOptions\"/>\n <mb-modal ref=\"magicDialog\" title=\"提示\" width=\"600px\" @confirm=\"disable\">\n <n-grid :cols=\"24\">\n <n-gi :span=\"24\">\n 确定要踢“{{ currRow.username }}”下线并临时封禁吗?\n </n-gi>\n <n-gi :span=\"24\">\n <n-radio-group v-model:value=\"time\">\n <n-space>\n <n-radio v-for=\"option in options\" :key=\"option.value\" :value=\"option.value\">\n {{ option.label }}\n </n-radio>\n </n-space>\n </n-radio-group>\n </n-gi>\n </n-grid>\n </mb-modal>\n </div>\n</template>\n\n<script setup>\nimport {reactive, ref} from \"vue\";\n\nconst magicList = ref()\nconst magicDialog = ref()\nconst currRow = ref()\nconst time = ref(0)\nconst options = reactive([{\n label: \'不封禁\',\n value: 0\n}, {\n label: \'1分钟\',\n value: 60\n}, {\n label: \'10分钟\',\n value: 10 * 60\n}, {\n label: \'1小时\',\n value: 1 * 60 * 60\n}, {\n label: \'5小时\',\n value: 5 * 60 * 60\n}, {\n label: \'永久\',\n value: -1\n}])\nconst listOptions = reactive({\n table: {\n url: \'/system/online/list\',\n where: {\n username: {\n label: \'登录名称\',\n },\n ip: {\n label: \'IP\',\n }\n },\n cols: [\n {\n field: \'username\',\n label: \'登录名称\'\n }, {\n field: \'officeName\',\n label: \'所属机构\'\n }, {\n field: \'address\',\n label: \'登录地址\'\n }, {\n field: \'ip\',\n label: \'IP\'\n }, {\n field: \'browser\',\n label: \'浏览器\'\n }, {\n field: \'os\',\n label: \'操作系统\',\n props: {\n \"show-overflow-tooltip\": true\n }\n }, {\n field: \'createDate\',\n label: \'登录时间\'\n }, {\n label: \'操作\',\n type: \'buttons\',\n width: 140,\n fixed: \'right\',\n buttons: [\n {\n permission: \'online:logout\',\n label: \'踢人\',\n type: \'primary\',\n link: true,\n icon: \'ElIconBicycle\',\n click: (row) => {\n console.log(row)\n currRow.value = row\n magicDialog.value.show()\n // $dialog.warning({\n // title: \'提示\',\n // content: `确定要踢“${row.username}”下线吗?`,\n // positiveText: \'确定\',\n // negativeText: \'取消\',\n // onPositiveClick: () => {\n // $common.get(\'/system/online/logout\',{ token: row.token }).then(() => {\n // magicList.value.reload()\n // })\n // }\n // })\n }\n }\n ]\n }\n ]\n }\n})\n\nfunction disable() {\n $common.get(\'/system/online/logout\', {id: currRow.value.id, time: time.value}).then(() => {\n magicDialog.value.hide()\n magicList.value.reload()\n })\n}\n</script>\n', '/* Analyzed bindings: {\n \"reactive\": \"setup-const\",\n \"ref\": \"setup-const\",\n \"magicList\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"magicDialog\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"currRow\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"time\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"options\": \"setup-reactive-const\",\n \"listOptions\": \"setup-reactive-const\",\n \"disable\": \"setup-const\"\n} */\nconst _resolveComponent = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'resolveComponent\');\r\nconst _mergeProps = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'mergeProps\');\r\nconst _createVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createVNode\');\r\nconst _toDisplayString = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'toDisplayString\');\r\nconst _createTextVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createTextVNode\');\r\nconst _withCtx = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'withCtx\');\r\nconst _renderList = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'renderList\');\r\nconst _Fragment = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'Fragment\');\r\nconst _openBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'openBlock\');\r\nconst _createElementBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createElementBlock\');\r\nconst _createBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createBlock\');\n\nconst _hoisted_1 = { style: {\"height\":\"100%\"} }\n\nconst reactive = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'reactive\');\r\nconst ref = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'ref\');\n\n\nconst __sfc__ = {\n __name: \'mb-sfc-compiler\',\n setup(__props) {\n\nconst magicList = ref()\nconst magicDialog = ref()\nconst currRow = ref()\nconst time = ref(0)\nconst options = reactive([{\n label: \'不封禁\',\n value: 0\n}, {\n label: \'1分钟\',\n value: 60\n}, {\n label: \'10分钟\',\n value: 10 * 60\n}, {\n label: \'1小时\',\n value: 1 * 60 * 60\n}, {\n label: \'5小时\',\n value: 5 * 60 * 60\n}, {\n label: \'永久\',\n value: -1\n}])\nconst listOptions = reactive({\n table: {\n url: \'/system/online/list\',\n where: {\n username: {\n label: \'登录名称\',\n },\n ip: {\n label: \'IP\',\n }\n },\n cols: [\n {\n field: \'username\',\n label: \'登录名称\'\n }, {\n field: \'officeName\',\n label: \'所属机构\'\n }, {\n field: \'address\',\n label: \'登录地址\'\n }, {\n field: \'ip\',\n label: \'IP\'\n }, {\n field: \'browser\',\n label: \'浏览器\'\n }, {\n field: \'os\',\n label: \'操作系统\',\n props: {\n \"show-overflow-tooltip\": true\n }\n }, {\n field: \'createDate\',\n label: \'登录时间\'\n }, {\n label: \'操作\',\n type: \'buttons\',\n width: 140,\n fixed: \'right\',\n buttons: [\n {\n permission: \'online:logout\',\n label: \'踢人\',\n type: \'primary\',\n link: true,\n icon: \'ElIconBicycle\',\n click: (row) => {\n console.log(row)\n currRow.value = row\n magicDialog.value.show()\n // $dialog.warning({\n // title: \'提示\',\n // content: `确定要踢“${row.username}”下线吗?`,\n // positiveText: \'确定\',\n // negativeText: \'取消\',\n // onPositiveClick: () => {\n // $common.get(\'/system/online/logout\',{ token: row.token }).then(() => {\n // magicList.value.reload()\n // })\n // }\n // })\n }\n }\n ]\n }\n ]\n }\n})\n\nfunction disable() {\n $common.get(\'/system/online/logout\', {id: currRow.value.id, time: time.value}).then(() => {\n magicDialog.value.hide()\n magicList.value.reload()\n })\n}\n\nreturn (_ctx, _cache) => {\n const _component_mb_list = _resolveComponent(\"mb-list\")\n const _component_n_gi = _resolveComponent(\"n-gi\")\n const _component_n_radio = _resolveComponent(\"n-radio\")\n const _component_n_space = _resolveComponent(\"n-space\")\n const _component_n_radio_group = _resolveComponent(\"n-radio-group\")\n const _component_n_grid = _resolveComponent(\"n-grid\")\n const _component_mb_modal = _resolveComponent(\"mb-modal\")\n\n return (_openBlock(), _createElementBlock(\"div\", _hoisted_1, [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_list, _mergeProps({\n ref_key: \"magicList\",\n ref: magicList\n }, listOptions), null, 16 /* FULL_PROPS */),\n _createVNode(_component_mb_modal, {\n ref_key: \"magicDialog\",\n ref: magicDialog,\n title: \"提示\",\n width: \"600px\",\n onConfirm: disable\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_grid, { cols: 24 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_gi, { span: 24 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createTextVNode(\" 确定要踢“\" + _toDisplayString(currRow.value.username) + \"”下线并临时封禁吗? \", 1 /* TEXT */)\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }),\n _createVNode(_component_n_gi, { span: 24 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_radio_group, {\n value: time.value,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = $event => ((time).value = $event))\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_space, null, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n (_openBlock(true), _createElementBlock(_Fragment, null, _renderList(options, (option) => {\n return (_openBlock(), _createBlock(_component_n_radio, {\n key: option.value,\n value: option.value\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createTextVNode(_toDisplayString(option.label), 1 /* TEXT */)\n ]),\n _: 2 /* DYNAMIC */\n }, 1032 /* PROPS, DYNAMIC_SLOTS */, [\"value\"]))\n }), 128 /* KEYED_FRAGMENT */))\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"value\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 512 /* NEED_PATCH */)\n ]))\n}\n}\n\n}\n__sfc__.__file = \"mb-sfc-compiler.vue\"\nreturn __sfc__', '/* No <style> tags present */', NULL, NULL, 0, '1', '2024-03-07 13:52:19', NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `sys_dynamic_component` VALUES ('fe533026-d929-11ee-9675-c2b02ed3977b', 'e9cf6dae-d929-11ee-9675-c2b02ed3977b', 'office-list', '<template>\n <div class=\"mb-list\">\n <div class=\"mb-search\">\n <n-space>\n <n-input :size=\"$global.uiSize.value\" v-model:value=\"searchValue\" @keyup.enter=\"searchOffice\" placeholder=\"菜单名称、链接、权限标识\"\n style=\"width: 200px\"></n-input>\n <n-button :size=\"$global.uiSize.value\" type=\"primary\" @click=\"searchOffice\">\n <mb-icon icon=\"Search\" />\n 搜索\n </n-button>\n <n-button :size=\"$global.uiSize.value\" @click=\"() => { searchValue = \'\'; searchOffice() }\">\n <mb-icon icon=\"TrashOutline\" />\n 清空\n </n-button>\n </n-space>\n </div>\n <div class=\"mb-toolbar\">\n <n-space>\n <n-button :size=\"$global.uiSize.value\" type=\"primary\" @click=\"addSubOffice(\'0\')\" v-permission=\"\'office:save\'\">\n <mb-icon icon=\"AddOutline\" />\n 添加机构\n </n-button>\n <n-button :size=\"$global.uiSize.value\" type=\"primary\" @click=\"() => table.toggleExpand()\">\n <mb-icon icon=\"ArrowDownOutline\" />\n 展开/折叠\n </n-button>\n </n-space>\n </div>\n <div class=\"mb-table\">\n <mb-table ref=\"table\" v-bind=\"tableOptions\"/>\n </div>\n <mb-modal :size=\"$global.uiSize.value\" ref=\"officeFormDialog\" width=\"700px\" :title=\"dialogTitle\" @confirm=\"save($event)\">\n <n-form :size=\"$global.uiSize.value\" ref=\"dataForm\" :rules=\"rules\" :model=\"temp\" label-placement=\"left\" label-width=\"80px\">\n <n-grid :cols=\"24\" :x-gap=\"24\">\n <n-gi :span=\"12\">\n <n-form-item label=\"机构类型\" path=\"type\">\n <mb-select v-model=\"temp.type\" type=\"office_type\" width=\"100%\" :key=\"temp.type\"/>\n </n-form-item>\n </n-gi>\n <n-gi :span=\"12\">\n <n-form-item label=\"上级机构\" path=\"pid\">\n <n-tree-select\n v-model:value=\"temp.pid\"\n :options=\"officeTree\"\n />\n </n-form-item>\n </n-gi>\n </n-grid>\n <n-grid :cols=\"24\" :x-gap=\"24\">\n <n-gi :span=\"12\">\n <n-form-item label=\"机构名称\" path=\"name\">\n <n-input v-model:value=\"temp.name\"/>\n </n-form-item>\n </n-gi>\n <n-gi :span=\"12\">\n <n-form-item label=\"机构编码\" path=\"code\">\n <n-input v-model:value=\"temp.code\"/>\n </n-form-item>\n </n-gi>\n </n-grid>\n <n-grid :gutter=\"24\" :x-gap=\"24\">\n <n-gi :span=\"12\">\n <n-form-item label=\"排序\" prop=\"sort\">\n <n-input-number v-model:value=\"temp.sort\" button-placement=\"both\"/>\n </n-form-item>\n </n-gi>\n </n-grid>\n </n-form>\n </mb-modal>\n </div>\n</template>\n\n<script setup>\n\nimport {ref, reactive, onMounted, watch, nextTick} from \'vue\'\nimport {push} from \'@/scripts/router\'\n\nconst officeData = ref([])\nconst officeTree = ref([])\nconst searchValue = ref(\'\')\nconst table = ref()\nconst tableOptions = reactive({\n id: \'office-list\',\n loading: false,\n showNo: false,\n page: false,\n cols: [\n {\n field: \'name\',\n label: \'机构名称\',\n align: \'left\',\n type: \'html\',\n width: 280\n },\n {\n field: \'code\',\n label: \'机构编码\',\n width: 120,\n align: \'center\',\n type: \'html\'\n },\n {\n field: \'type\',\n dictType: \'office_type\',\n label: \'机构类型\',\n width: 300,\n align: \'center\'\n },\n {\n field: \'sort\',\n label: \'序号\',\n width: 60,\n align: \"center\"\n },\n {\n label: \'排序\',\n type: \'buttons\',\n width: 160,\n buttons: [\n {\n label: \'上移\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n $common.get(\'/system/office/sort/up\', {\n id: row.id,\n pid: row.pid,\n sort: row.sort\n }).then(() => {\n reloadTable()\n })\n }\n },\n {\n label: \'下移\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n $common.get(\'/system/office/sort/down\', {\n id: row.id,\n pid: row.pid,\n sort: row.sort\n }).then(() => {\n reloadTable()\n })\n }\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n label: \'操作\',\n type: \'buttons\',\n width: 360,\n fixed: \'right\',\n align: \'center\',\n buttons: [\n {\n label: \'添加下级机构\',\n link: true,\n permission: \'office:save\',\n click: (row) => {\n addSubOffice(row.id)\n }\n },\n {\n label: \'修改\',\n link: true,\n permission: \'office:save\',\n click: (row) => {\n handleUpdate(row)\n }\n },\n {\n label: \'删除\',\n link: true,\n permission: \'office:delete\',\n click: (row) => {\n $common.handleDelete({\n url: \'/system/office/delete\',\n id: row.id,\n done: () => reloadTable()\n })\n }\n },\n {\n permission: \'office:user:list\',\n label: \'用户列表\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n push({\n path: \'/system/user/user-list\',\n query: {officeId: row.id}\n })\n }\n }\n ]\n }\n ]\n})\n\nconst dialogTitle = ref(\'\')\nconst temp = ref(getTemp())\nconst rules = reactive({\n type: {required: true, message: \'请选择机构类型\', trigger: \'change\'},\n pid: {required: true, message: \'请选择上级机构\', trigger: \'change\'},\n name: {required: true, message: \'请输入机构名称\', trigger: \'change\'},\n code: {required: true, message: \'请输入机构编码\', trigger: \'change\'}\n})\nconst officeFormDialog = ref()\nconst dataForm = ref()\n\nonMounted(() => reloadTable())\n\nwatch(officeData, () => {\n officeTree.value = [{\n label: \'根节点\',\n key: \'0\',\n children: $treeTable.genTree(officeData.value)\n }]\n})\n\nfunction searchOffice() {\n if (searchValue.value) {\n tableOptions.data = $treeTable.recursionSearch([\'name\', \'code\'], $common.copyNew(officeData.value), searchValue.value)\n } else {\n tableOptions.data = officeData.value\n }\n}\n\nfunction getTemp() {\n return {\n id: \'\',\n name: \'\',\n sort: 0,\n pid: \'\',\n type: \'\',\n code: \'\'\n }\n}\n\nfunction resetTemp() {\n temp.value = getTemp()\n}\n\nfunction getSort() {\n $common.get(\'/system/office/sort\', {pid: temp.value.pid}).then(res => {\n temp.value.sort = res.data\n })\n}\n\nfunction addSubOffice(id) {\n resetTemp()\n temp.value.pid = id\n temp.value.id = $common.uuid()\n getSort()\n dialogTitle.value = \'添加\'\n officeFormDialog.value.show()\n nextTick(() => {\n dataForm.value.restoreValidation()\n })\n}\n\nfunction save(d) {\n dataForm.value.validate((errors) => {\n if (!errors) {\n d.loading()\n if (temp.value.pid == temp.value.id) {\n $message.warning(\'上级机构不能选当前机构\')\n return\n }\n if ($treeTable.isChildren($treeTable.queryChildren(officeData.value, temp.value.id), temp.value.pid)) {\n $message.warning(\'上级机构不能选当前机构子级\')\n return\n }\n $common.post(\'/system/office/save\', temp.value).then(() => {\n d.hideLoading()\n $message.success(dialogTitle.value + \'成功\')\n reloadTable()\n officeFormDialog.value.hide()\n }).catch(() => d.hideLoading())\n }\n })\n}\n\nfunction reloadTable() {\n tableOptions.loading = true\n $common.get(\'/system/office/tree\').then(res => {\n officeData.value = res.data.list\n tableOptions.data = officeData.value\n tableOptions.loading = false\n })\n}\n\nfunction handleUpdate(row) {\n for (let t in temp.value) {\n temp.value[t] = row[t]\n }\n $treeTable.clearFont(temp.value, [\'name\', \'code\'])\n dialogTitle.value = \'修改\'\n officeFormDialog.value.show()\n nextTick(() => {\n dataForm.value.restoreValidation()\n })\n}\n\n</script>\n', '/* Analyzed bindings: {\n \"ref\": \"setup-const\",\n \"reactive\": \"setup-const\",\n \"onMounted\": \"setup-const\",\n \"watch\": \"setup-const\",\n \"nextTick\": \"setup-const\",\n \"push\": \"setup-maybe-ref\",\n \"officeData\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"officeTree\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"searchValue\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"table\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"tableOptions\": \"setup-reactive-const\",\n \"dialogTitle\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"temp\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"rules\": \"setup-reactive-const\",\n \"officeFormDialog\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"dataForm\": \"setup-ref\",\n \"searchOffice\": \"setup-const\",\n \"getTemp\": \"setup-const\",\n \"resetTemp\": \"setup-const\",\n \"getSort\": \"setup-const\",\n \"addSubOffice\": \"setup-const\",\n \"save\": \"setup-const\",\n \"reloadTable\": \"setup-const\",\n \"handleUpdate\": \"setup-const\"\n} */\nconst _resolveComponent = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'resolveComponent\');\r\nconst _withKeys = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'withKeys\');\r\nconst _createVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createVNode\');\r\nconst _createTextVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createTextVNode\');\r\nconst _withCtx = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'withCtx\');\r\nconst _createElementVNode = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createElementVNode\');\r\nconst _resolveDirective = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'resolveDirective\');\r\nconst _openBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'openBlock\');\r\nconst _createBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createBlock\');\r\nconst _withDirectives = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'withDirectives\');\r\nconst _mergeProps = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'mergeProps\');\r\nconst _createElementBlock = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'createElementBlock\');\n\nconst _hoisted_1 = { class: \"mb-list\" }\nconst _hoisted_2 = { class: \"mb-search\" }\nconst _hoisted_3 = { class: \"mb-toolbar\" }\nconst _hoisted_4 = { class: \"mb-table\" }\n\nconst ref = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'ref\');\r\nconst reactive = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'reactive\');\r\nconst onMounted = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'onMounted\');\r\nconst watch = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'watch\');\r\nconst nextTick = ___magic__import__(\'vue\', \'nextTick\');\nconst push = ___magic__import__(\'@/scripts/router\', \'push\');\n\n\nconst __sfc__ = {\n __name: \'mb-sfc-compiler\',\n setup(__props) {\n\n\nconst officeData = ref([])\nconst officeTree = ref([])\nconst searchValue = ref(\'\')\nconst table = ref()\nconst tableOptions = reactive({\n id: \'office-list\',\n loading: false,\n showNo: false,\n page: false,\n cols: [\n {\n field: \'name\',\n label: \'机构名称\',\n align: \'left\',\n type: \'html\',\n width: 280\n },\n {\n field: \'code\',\n label: \'机构编码\',\n width: 120,\n align: \'center\',\n type: \'html\'\n },\n {\n field: \'type\',\n dictType: \'office_type\',\n label: \'机构类型\',\n width: 300,\n align: \'center\'\n },\n {\n field: \'sort\',\n label: \'序号\',\n width: 60,\n align: \"center\"\n },\n {\n label: \'排序\',\n type: \'buttons\',\n width: 160,\n buttons: [\n {\n label: \'上移\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n $common.get(\'/system/office/sort/up\', {\n id: row.id,\n pid: row.pid,\n sort: row.sort\n }).then(() => {\n reloadTable()\n })\n }\n },\n {\n label: \'下移\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n $common.get(\'/system/office/sort/down\', {\n id: row.id,\n pid: row.pid,\n sort: row.sort\n }).then(() => {\n reloadTable()\n })\n }\n }\n ]\n },\n {\n label: \'操作\',\n type: \'buttons\',\n width: 360,\n fixed: \'right\',\n align: \'center\',\n buttons: [\n {\n label: \'添加下级机构\',\n link: true,\n permission: \'office:save\',\n click: (row) => {\n addSubOffice(row.id)\n }\n },\n {\n label: \'修改\',\n link: true,\n permission: \'office:save\',\n click: (row) => {\n handleUpdate(row)\n }\n },\n {\n label: \'删除\',\n link: true,\n permission: \'office:delete\',\n click: (row) => {\n $common.handleDelete({\n url: \'/system/office/delete\',\n id: row.id,\n done: () => reloadTable()\n })\n }\n },\n {\n permission: \'office:user:list\',\n label: \'用户列表\',\n link: true,\n click: (row) => {\n push({\n path: \'/system/user/user-list\',\n query: {officeId: row.id}\n })\n }\n }\n ]\n }\n ]\n})\n\nconst dialogTitle = ref(\'\')\nconst temp = ref(getTemp())\nconst rules = reactive({\n type: {required: true, message: \'请选择机构类型\', trigger: \'change\'},\n pid: {required: true, message: \'请选择上级机构\', trigger: \'change\'},\n name: {required: true, message: \'请输入机构名称\', trigger: \'change\'},\n code: {required: true, message: \'请输入机构编码\', trigger: \'change\'}\n})\nconst officeFormDialog = ref()\nconst dataForm = ref()\n\nonMounted(() => reloadTable())\n\nwatch(officeData, () => {\n officeTree.value = [{\n label: \'根节点\',\n key: \'0\',\n children: $treeTable.genTree(officeData.value)\n }]\n})\n\nfunction searchOffice() {\n if (searchValue.value) {\n tableOptions.data = $treeTable.recursionSearch([\'name\', \'code\'], $common.copyNew(officeData.value), searchValue.value)\n } else {\n tableOptions.data = officeData.value\n }\n}\n\nfunction getTemp() {\n return {\n id: \'\',\n name: \'\',\n sort: 0,\n pid: \'\',\n type: \'\',\n code: \'\'\n }\n}\n\nfunction resetTemp() {\n temp.value = getTemp()\n}\n\nfunction getSort() {\n $common.get(\'/system/office/sort\', {pid: temp.value.pid}).then(res => {\n temp.value.sort = res.data\n })\n}\n\nfunction addSubOffice(id) {\n resetTemp()\n temp.value.pid = id\n temp.value.id = $common.uuid()\n getSort()\n dialogTitle.value = \'添加\'\n officeFormDialog.value.show()\n nextTick(() => {\n dataForm.value.restoreValidation()\n })\n}\n\nfunction save(d) {\n dataForm.value.validate((errors) => {\n if (!errors) {\n d.loading()\n if (temp.value.pid == temp.value.id) {\n $message.warning(\'上级机构不能选当前机构\')\n return\n }\n if ($treeTable.isChildren($treeTable.queryChildren(officeData.value, temp.value.id), temp.value.pid)) {\n $message.warning(\'上级机构不能选当前机构子级\')\n return\n }\n $common.post(\'/system/office/save\', temp.value).then(() => {\n d.hideLoading()\n $message.success(dialogTitle.value + \'成功\')\n reloadTable()\n officeFormDialog.value.hide()\n }).catch(() => d.hideLoading())\n }\n })\n}\n\nfunction reloadTable() {\n tableOptions.loading = true\n $common.get(\'/system/office/tree\').then(res => {\n officeData.value = res.data.list\n tableOptions.data = officeData.value\n tableOptions.loading = false\n })\n}\n\nfunction handleUpdate(row) {\n for (let t in temp.value) {\n temp.value[t] = row[t]\n }\n $treeTable.clearFont(temp.value, [\'name\', \'code\'])\n dialogTitle.value = \'修改\'\n officeFormDialog.value.show()\n nextTick(() => {\n dataForm.value.restoreValidation()\n })\n}\n\n\nreturn (_ctx, _cache) => {\n const _component_n_input = _resolveComponent(\"n-input\")\n const _component_mb_icon = _resolveComponent(\"mb-icon\")\n const _component_n_button = _resolveComponent(\"n-button\")\n const _component_n_space = _resolveComponent(\"n-space\")\n const _component_mb_table = _resolveComponent(\"mb-table\")\n const _component_mb_select = _resolveComponent(\"mb-select\")\n const _component_n_form_item = _resolveComponent(\"n-form-item\")\n const _component_n_gi = _resolveComponent(\"n-gi\")\n const _component_n_tree_select = _resolveComponent(\"n-tree-select\")\n const _component_n_grid = _resolveComponent(\"n-grid\")\n const _component_n_input_number = _resolveComponent(\"n-input-number\")\n const _component_n_form = _resolveComponent(\"n-form\")\n const _component_mb_modal = _resolveComponent(\"mb-modal\")\n const _directive_permission = _resolveDirective(\"permission\")\n\n return (_openBlock(), _createElementBlock(\"div\", _hoisted_1, [\n _createElementVNode(\"div\", _hoisted_2, [\n _createVNode(_component_n_space, null, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_input, {\n size: _ctx.$global.uiSize.value,\n value: searchValue.value,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = $event => ((searchValue).value = $event)),\n onKeyup: _withKeys(searchOffice, [\"enter\"]),\n placeholder: \"菜单名称、链接、权限标识\",\n style: {\"width\":\"200px\"}\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"size\", \"value\"]),\n _createVNode(_component_n_button, {\n size: _ctx.$global.uiSize.value,\n type: \"primary\",\n onClick: searchOffice\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_icon, { icon: \"Search\" }),\n _createTextVNode(\" 搜索 \")\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"size\"]),\n _createVNode(_component_n_button, {\n size: _ctx.$global.uiSize.value,\n onClick: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = () => { searchValue.value = \'\'; searchOffice() })\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_icon, { icon: \"TrashOutline\" }),\n _createTextVNode(\" 清空 \")\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"size\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _createElementVNode(\"div\", _hoisted_3, [\n _createVNode(_component_n_space, null, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _withDirectives((_openBlock(), _createBlock(_component_n_button, {\n size: _ctx.$global.uiSize.value,\n type: \"primary\",\n onClick: _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = $event => (addSubOffice(\'0\')))\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_icon, { icon: \"AddOutline\" }),\n _createTextVNode(\" 添加机构 \")\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"size\"])), [\n [_directive_permission, \'office:save\']\n ]),\n _createVNode(_component_n_button, {\n size: _ctx.$global.uiSize.value,\n type: \"primary\",\n onClick: _cache[3] || (_cache[3] = () => table.value.toggleExpand())\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_icon, { icon: \"ArrowDownOutline\" }),\n _createTextVNode(\" 展开/折叠 \")\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"size\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _createElementVNode(\"div\", _hoisted_4, [\n _createVNode(_component_mb_table, _mergeProps({\n ref_key: \"table\",\n ref: table\n }, tableOptions), null, 16 /* FULL_PROPS */)\n ]),\n _createVNode(_component_mb_modal, {\n size: _ctx.$global.uiSize.value,\n ref_key: \"officeFormDialog\",\n ref: officeFormDialog,\n width: \"700px\",\n title: dialogTitle.value,\n onConfirm: _cache[9] || (_cache[9] = $event => (save($event)))\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form, {\n size: _ctx.$global.uiSize.value,\n ref_key: \"dataForm\",\n ref: dataForm,\n rules: rules,\n model: temp.value,\n \"label-placement\": \"left\",\n \"label-width\": \"80px\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_grid, {\n cols: 24,\n \"x-gap\": 24\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_gi, { span: 12 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item, {\n label: \"机构类型\",\n path: \"type\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n (_openBlock(), _createBlock(_component_mb_select, {\n modelValue: temp.value.type,\n \"onUpdate:modelValue\": _cache[4] || (_cache[4] = $event => ((temp.value.type) = $event)),\n type: \"office_type\",\n width: \"100%\",\n key: temp.value.type\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"modelValue\"]))\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }),\n _createVNode(_component_n_gi, { span: 12 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item, {\n label: \"上级机构\",\n path: \"pid\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_tree_select, {\n value: temp.value.pid,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[5] || (_cache[5] = $event => ((temp.value.pid) = $event)),\n options: officeTree.value\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"value\", \"options\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }),\n _createVNode(_component_n_grid, {\n cols: 24,\n \"x-gap\": 24\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_gi, { span: 12 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item, {\n label: \"机构名称\",\n path: \"name\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_input, {\n value: temp.value.name,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[6] || (_cache[6] = $event => ((temp.value.name) = $event))\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"value\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }),\n _createVNode(_component_n_gi, { span: 12 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item, {\n label: \"机构编码\",\n path: \"code\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_input, {\n value: temp.value.code,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[7] || (_cache[7] = $event => ((temp.value.code) = $event))\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"value\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }),\n _createVNode(_component_n_grid, {\n gutter: 24,\n \"x-gap\": 24\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_gi, { span: 12 }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_form_item, {\n label: \"排序\",\n prop: \"sort\"\n }, {\n default: _withCtx(() => [\n _createVNode(_component_n_input_number, {\n value: temp.value.sort,\n \"onUpdate:value\": _cache[8] || (_cache[8] = $event => ((temp.value.sort) = $event)),\n \"button-placement\": \"both\"\n }, null, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"value\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n })\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"size\", \"rules\", \"model\"])\n ]),\n _: 1 /* STABLE */\n }, 8 /* PROPS */, [\"size\", \"title\"])\n ]))\n}\n}\n\n}\n__sfc__.__file = \"mb-sfc-compiler.vue\"\nreturn __sfc__', '/* No <style> tags present */', NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for sys_dynamic_component_history
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `sys_dynamic_component_history`;
CREATE TABLE `sys_dynamic_component_history` (
`id` varchar(36) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '主键',
`component_id` varchar(36) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '动态组件id',
`source_code` longtext CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL COMMENT '源码',
`create_by` varchar(36) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建人',
`create_date` datetime NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp COMMENT '创建时间',
`is_del` int NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '是否删除0未删除 1已删除',
) ENGINE = InnoDB CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_general_ci COMMENT = '动态组件历史表' ROW_FORMAT = Dynamic;
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of sys_dynamic_component_history
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for sys_file
-- ----------------------------
CREATE TABLE `sys_file` (
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`url` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '文件相对路径',
`external_id` varchar(36) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '外部id,其他表数据id',
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`is_del` int NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '删除标识',
`create_by` varchar(36) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建人',
`create_date` datetime NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时间',
`update_by` varchar(36) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新人',
`update_date` datetime NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新时间',
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-- ----------------------------
-- Records of sys_file
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for sys_gen_info
-- ----------------------------
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CREATE TABLE `sys_gen_info` (
`datasource` varchar(20) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT '数据源',
`table_name` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '表名',
`table_comment` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '表注释',
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`info` varchar(2000) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '生成信息json',
`create_date` datetime NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp COMMENT '创建时间',
`update_date` datetime NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新时间',
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-- ----------------------------
-- Records of sys_gen_info
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `sys_gen_info` VALUES (5, '', 't_data_test', '测试生成', '[{\"columnName\":\"name\",\"columnComment\":\"名字\",\"columnType\":\"varchar(255)\",\"component\":\"component: \'input\'\",\"where\":\"like\",\"save\":true,\"query\":true,\"list\":true,\"required\":true},{\"columnName\":\"sex\",\"columnComment\":\"性别\",\"columnType\":\"varchar(255)\",\"component\":\"component: \'select\'\",\"where\":\"=\",\"save\":true,\"query\":true,\"list\":true,\"required\":false,\"dictType\":\"sex\"},{\"columnName\":\"headPortrait\",\"columnComment\":\"头像\",\"columnType\":\"varchar(255)\",\"component\":\"component: \'upload-image\'\",\"where\":\"in\",\"save\":true,\"query\":true,\"list\":true,\"required\":true},{\"columnName\":\"remarks\",\"columnComment\":\"备注\",\"columnType\":\"text\",\"component\":\"component: \'input\',\\n props: {\\n type: \'textarea\'\\n }\\n \",\"where\":\"<=\",\"save\":true,\"query\":true,\"list\":true,\"required\":false}]', '{\"moduleName\":\"数据管理\",\"modulePath\":\"/data\",\"businessName\":\"测试生成\",\"businessPath\":\"/test\",\"template\":\"singleTable\",\"pid\":\"d7f8d052d4864bd285c575c3cf2dce69\"}', '2022-03-28 21:56:09', '2022-05-27 13:36:55');
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for sys_login_log
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `sys_login_log`;
CREATE TABLE `sys_login_log` (
`username` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '登录账号',
`fail_password` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '失败密码',
`type` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '登录类型(成功、失败)',
`browser` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '浏览器',
`os` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '操作系统',
`address` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '地理位置',
`ip` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'ip地址',
`token` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'token',
`create_date` datetime NULL DEFAULT current_timestamp COMMENT '创建时间',
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of sys_login_log
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for sys_menu
-- ----------------------------
CREATE TABLE `sys_menu` (
`id` varchar(36) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '主键',
`pid` varchar(36) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '父id',
`icon` text CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL COMMENT '图标',
`desc_ribe` text CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL COMMENT '描述',
`name` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '菜单名称',
`url` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '菜单链接',
`permission` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '权限',
`component_id` varchar(36) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '组件名称',
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`create_date` datetime NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时间',
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`update_date` datetime NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新时间',
`keep_alive` int NULL DEFAULT 1 COMMENT '是否缓存:1缓存,0不缓存',
`is_show` int NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '是否显示:1显示,0不显示',
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-- ----------------------------
-- Records of sys_menu
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('0', '', '', NULL, '功能菜单', '', '', 1, NULL, '0', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1);
INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('067343d790fd4d73b3e2ea5bb3d043f1', '99c6e9aeb6694c349f5db66e2516f069', '', '', '删除', '', 'code:gen:delete', 30, '', '0', 0, '1', '2022-03-27 22:25:27', NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('06b8a427e4cd4c1ba11752070f565f20', 'b1851d1b13594e71840103c11a37a669', 'People', '', '用户管理', '/system/user/user-list', '', 50, 'bc38eb5038ce44aab4bd586fb32d79bb', '0', 0, NULL, NULL, '1', '2024-03-07 14:05:43', 1, 1);
INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('06d8c9243e5e43bcbd1c24d10d02fbad', 'b198ae9fec6f4de8a44b7f6e097a44b3', NULL, NULL, '查看', NULL, 'data:test:view', 10, NULL, '0', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 0);
INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('1009eed4f46141e3aca939490d68786a', '8009eed4f46141e3aca939490d68786a', NULL, NULL, '按钮', '', '', 30, '', '0', 0, '1', '2019-11-15 10:23:07', '1', '2023-05-31 15:28:31', 0, 0);
INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('11ac1fc1d2864f079a48d29f82dbb820', '99c6e9aeb6694c349f5db66e2516f069', '', '', '执行生成', '', 'code:gen:execute', 40, '', '0', 0, '1', '2022-05-10 16:22:38', NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
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INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('25162c30ae0d4297ade09539bcf81d86', '81b6845a20da4028a01a42f3eb0b4f4b', NULL, NULL, '查看', NULL, 'dict:items:view', 30, NULL, '0', 0, '1', '2022-02-05 22:07:33', NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
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INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('28c3342a6f0645fa968939a8fc66d537', 'f23e1fefbc534100915d430b5f956355', '', '', '删除', '', 'component:delete', 20, '', '0', 0, '1', '2024-03-10 23:02:30', NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
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INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('35e56d173b5f4e6790883572d3104137', '99c6e9aeb6694c349f5db66e2516f069', '', '', '生成', '', 'code:gen', 20, '', '0', 0, '1', '2022-03-18 08:07:03', NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
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INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('39be13ef6f0745568c80bf35202ddb2b', 'b1851d1b13594e71840103c11a37a669', 'Menu', '', '菜单管理', '/system/menu/menu-list', '', 10, '63227c407c5d40f98df2486390a6f841', '0', 0, NULL, NULL, '1', '2024-03-07 13:49:52', 1, 1);
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INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('3da5882528b640478b6d64bcbc4d1795', '99c6e9aeb6694c349f5db66e2516f069', '', '', '保存', '', 'code:gen:save', 10, '', '0', 0, '1', '2022-03-18 08:03:08', NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('3e14f782d4e14998bce4f9d35c032a95', '06b8a427e4cd4c1ba11752070f565f20', '', '', '禁止登录', '', 'user:change:login:status', 40, '', '0', 0, '1', '2022-05-09 21:43:06', NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('414e5d31-fe05-4e69-9983-217c10b9740a', '39be13ef6f0745568c80bf35202ddb2b', '', '', '查看', '', 'menu:view', 30, NULL, '0', 0, '1', '2021-03-25 20:40:12', '1', '2022-02-05 22:02:57', 0, 0);
INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('43aeca5c3ac54ddeb038d2feecd32dd3', 'f23e1fefbc534100915d430b5f956355', '', '', '保存tree', '', 'component:save:tree', 30, '', '0', 0, '1', '2024-03-10 23:04:56', '1', '2024-03-10 23:05:51', 0, 0);
INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('4526eb9c-4b7a-4945-bfa9-cddc01f36c22', '6f3594d0-5445-41e1-a13c-890a57485036', '', '', '保存', '', 'office:save', 10, NULL, '0', 0, '1', '2021-04-22 20:43:09', '1', '2022-02-05 22:04:03', 0, 0);
INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('4807e74954c1443c811c701bacb878df', '116182d1349a464fa89e24ddb349fea9', NULL, NULL, '查看', NULL, 'data:test:view', 10, NULL, '0', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 0);
INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('4a57f57fc7324c94b6390f1a2dd1f49a', '0', 'Camera', '', '系统监控', '/system/monitor', '', 40, '', '0', 0, '1', '2022-03-05 17:24:21', '1', '2023-06-25 20:33:18', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('4a9047e1c44a4e69907ca8bfe077e38a', '81b6845a20da4028a01a42f3eb0b4f4b', '', '', '上移', '', 'dict:items:sort:up', 40, '', '0', 0, '1', '2022-05-10 16:21:21', NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('4d52144f827742c2aac57dd3b361d868', 'af431ab748e64914a0398f00d7aa0def', '', '', '详情', '', 'component:history:detail', 20, '', '0', 0, '1', '2024-03-10 23:08:21', NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('4e0f340982ea477f9b66beca5f5d7218', '39be13ef6f0745568c80bf35202ddb2b', '', '', '上移', '', 'menu:sort:up', 40, '', '0', 0, '1', '2022-05-09 21:41:01', NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('4fc65edbe0544c369b58fdfed1523537', '4a57f57fc7324c94b6390f1a2dd1f49a', 'oper-log', '', '操作日志', '/system/monitor/oper', '', 10, 'a3bdf806e89b4a5a9d9436b012d57ce9', '0', 0, '1', '2022-03-05 17:24:45', '1', '2024-03-07 14:06:04', 1, 1);
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INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('546c874267514672844cd3a019e468f7', 'c5f407478c4e4c9cbcdbee6389d2c909', '', '', '删除', '', 'dict:delete', 20, NULL, '0', 0, '1', '2020-11-11 14:11:38', '1', '2021-04-30 21:37:22', 0, 0);
INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('5d9c050c87ad450e886290c4e93fa16f', 'f23e1fefbc534100915d430b5f956355', '', '', '获取组件最新源码', '', 'component:get:last:code', 60, '', '0', 0, '1', '2024-03-10 23:02:57', '1', '2024-03-10 23:09:32', 0, 0);
INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('641253af-8ea1-4b5d-8bc3-a7165ef60ff2', '0', 'ClipboardCode24Filled', '', '一些例子', '/examples', '', 20, '', '0', 0, '1', '2021-03-28 22:59:56', '1', '2023-06-25 20:31:26', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('641592c74d5d43dfbecedc1a388edc8c', 'f23e1fefbc534100915d430b5f956355', '', '', '选择组件获取源码', '', 'component:get:code', 50, '', '0', 0, '1', '2024-03-10 23:09:16', NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('6762231e-4f30-4a6b-a94e-b185e99ed608', '6f3594d0-5445-41e1-a13c-890a57485036', '', '', '删除', '', 'office:delete', 20, NULL, '0', 0, '1', '2021-04-22 20:42:56', '1', '2022-02-05 22:04:07', 0, 0);
INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('684723f4226948aba1661292961c8f71', '8e9455740091486c914495cfb0c7faa5', '', '', '删除', '', 'role:delete', 20, NULL, '0', 0, '1', '2020-11-11 13:59:45', '1', '2021-04-30 21:36:56', 0, 0);
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INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('710c0a9195934e73b11123b62283fdc5', 'c5f407478c4e4c9cbcdbee6389d2c909', NULL, NULL, '查看', NULL, 'dict:view', 30, NULL, '0', 0, '1', '2022-02-05 22:05:51', NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
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INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('7324ad98fb51462795750bcfc1b11be2', '06b8a427e4cd4c1ba11752070f565f20', NULL, NULL, '查看', NULL, 'user:view', 30, NULL, '0', 0, '1', '2022-02-05 22:05:18', NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
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INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('7e9203fdb630434abf7542ff111bc369', '06b8a427e4cd4c1ba11752070f565f20', '', '', '导入预览', '', 'user:import:preview', 60, '', '0', 0, '1', '2022-05-09 21:43:28', NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('7f20cb25f62e48c5ac5e986e3277956f', '06b8a427e4cd4c1ba11752070f565f20', '', '', '导入', '', 'user:import', 50, '', '0', 0, '1', '2022-05-09 21:43:18', NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('81b6845a20da4028a01a42f3eb0b4f4b', 'c5f407478c4e4c9cbcdbee6389d2c909', '', '', '字典项', '', '', 40, NULL, '0', 0, '1', '2020-12-10 09:35:02', '1', '2021-04-30 21:37:28', 0, 0);
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INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('8e9455740091486c914495cfb0c7faa5', 'b1851d1b13594e71840103c11a37a669', 'Accessibility', '', '角色管理', '/system/role/role-list', '', 40, '8c426b7d397b4ffeb4c9f89b4c318fbb', '0', 0, NULL, NULL, '1', '2024-03-07 14:05:38', 1, 1);
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INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('9385945c7f5f476ab38885976907db2a', '641253af-8ea1-4b5d-8bc3-a7165ef60ff2', '', '', '测试外链', 'http://baidu.com', '', 90, '', '1', 0, '1', '2022-06-28 10:53:20', '1', '2023-04-27 18:52:30', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('94071254597d4da286bb8112ad93f4ff', '8e9455740091486c914495cfb0c7faa5', '', '', '保存', '', 'role:save', 10, NULL, '0', 0, '1', '2020-11-11 13:59:27', '1', '2021-04-30 21:36:51', 0, 0);
INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('98a47d57680f4759816028a035ccc7d3', '39be13ef6f0745568c80bf35202ddb2b', '', '', '是否显示/缓存', '', 'menu:change', 60, '', '0', 0, '1', '2022-05-09 21:41:37', NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('99c6e9aeb6694c349f5db66e2516f069', 'd7f8d052d4864bd285c575c3cf2dce69', 'examples', '', '代码生成', '/lowcode/code-gen-list', '', 30, '', '0', 0, '1', '2022-03-18 08:01:25', '1', '2022-04-04 00:48:32', 1, 1);
INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('9fe1eaae168e4b719dc880f039ccd7b7', 'fdbdcf8b8d674ae38154bc1e57498a91', '', '', '查看', '', 'online:view', 20, '', '0', 0, '1', '2022-05-10 16:16:11', NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('a1564eaf9fb249a788d15bb4bce609a8', '641253af-8ea1-4b5d-8bc3-a7165ef60ff2', '', '', '穿梭表格', '/examples/shuttle-table', '', 100, '', '0', 0, '1', '2023-12-05 13:51:50', NULL, NULL, 0, 1);
INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('a224c0274f8e4ae6931e7deab75cd90b', '7ad229f12c8f4b57bbb9349e2ffd8932', '', '', '删除', '', 'configure:delete', 30, '', '0', 0, '1', '2022-05-21 18:34:48', NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
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INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('a9b57951790b423a91e8232aca514305', '7ad229f12c8f4b57bbb9349e2ffd8932', '', '', '保存', '', 'configure:save', 20, '', '0', 0, '1', '2022-05-21 18:34:38', NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('af431ab748e64914a0398f00d7aa0def', 'f23e1fefbc534100915d430b5f956355', '', '', '历史记录', '/component/history', '', 70, '', '0', 0, '1', '2024-03-10 23:03:54', NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
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INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('c5f407478c4e4c9cbcdbee6389d2c909', 'b1851d1b13594e71840103c11a37a669', 'BookLetter24Filled', '', '数据字典', '/system/dict/dict-list', '', 60, '28e3f82164de4bbf98a342c2a94da076', '0', 0, '1', '2019-11-15 10:22:28', '1', '2024-03-07 10:59:23', 1, 1);
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INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('e46a01397a01459bb478a5f31a6220ee', '81b6845a20da4028a01a42f3eb0b4f4b', '', '', '保存', '', 'dict:items:save', 10, NULL, '0', 0, '1', '2020-12-10 10:38:27', '1', '2021-04-30 21:37:35', 0, 0);
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INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('f09410d5-5043-4164-9f68-8d135de71b29', '641253af-8ea1-4b5d-8bc3-a7165ef60ff2', '', '', '上传文件', '/examples/upload-file', '', 20, NULL, '0', 0, '1', '2021-04-23 22:52:04', '1', '2021-05-23 10:34:47', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO `sys_menu` VALUES ('f23e1fefbc534100915d430b5f956355', 'd7f8d052d4864bd285c575c3cf2dce69', 'component', '', '动态组件', '/lowcode/sfc-component', '', 120, '', '1', 0, '1', '2024-02-26 09:23:56', '1', '2024-03-11 09:28:58', 0, 1);
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-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for sys_office
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `sys_office`;
CREATE TABLE `sys_office` (
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`name` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '名称',
`type` varchar(10) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '类型',
`code` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '组织机构编码',
`pid` varchar(36) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '父id',
`is_del` int NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '删除标识',
`create_by` varchar(36) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建人',
`create_date` datetime NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建日期',
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`update_date` datetime NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新日期',
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-- ----------------------------
-- Records of sys_office
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `sys_office` VALUES ('31b365008f994e93850186126fce87cb', '东北分公司', '2', 'db', '4c37a80226134bce8bc91c8fc04a7d2f', 20, 0, '1', '2022-01-09 22:12:11', '1', '2022-03-05 17:17:29');
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INSERT INTO `sys_office` VALUES ('81b5493cdb31477f9ceea85b2cd08f15', '内蒙分公司', '2', 'nm', '4c37a80226134bce8bc91c8fc04a7d2f', 10, 0, '1', '2022-01-09 21:59:47', '1', '2022-03-05 17:17:34');
INSERT INTO `sys_office` VALUES ('a8b62a271c2a4492bd5c0653cac8f33d', '扎兰屯办事处', '2', 'zlt', '81b5493cdb31477f9ceea85b2cd08f15', 10, 0, '1', '2022-01-16 13:15:46', '1', '2022-03-05 17:17:26');
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for sys_oper_log
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `sys_oper_log`;
CREATE TABLE `sys_oper_log` (
`api_name` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '接口名',
`api_path` varchar(4096) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '路径',
`api_method` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '方法',
`cost_time` int NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '耗时',
`create_by` varchar(36) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '操作人',
`create_date` datetime NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '操作时间',
`user_agent` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '用户代理',
`user_ip` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '用户IP',
) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 98269 CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_general_ci COMMENT = '操作日志' ROW_FORMAT = COMPACT;
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of sys_oper_log
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for sys_permission_code
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `sys_permission_code`;
CREATE TABLE `sys_permission_code` (
`id` varchar(36) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '主键',
`code` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '权限代码',
`pid` varchar(36) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '父id',
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-- ----------------------------
-- Records of sys_permission_code
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for sys_role
-- ----------------------------
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`type` varchar(1) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '类型',
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-- ----------------------------
-- Records of sys_role
-- ----------------------------
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-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for sys_role_menu
-- ----------------------------
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-- ----------------------------
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-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for sys_role_office
-- ----------------------------
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`office_id` varchar(36) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '组织机构id',
`role_id` varchar(36) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '角色id'
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-- ----------------------------
-- Records of sys_role_office
-- ----------------------------
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-- ----------------------------
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-- ----------------------------
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-- ----------------------------
-- Records of sys_test_data
-- ----------------------------
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-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for sys_user
-- ----------------------------
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-- ----------------------------
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INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES ('7217ee3f9d6e49f1a7e327183013226b', 'db', NULL, '6b86b273ff34fce19d6b804eff5a3f5747ada4eaa22f1d49c01e52ddb7875b4b', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '31b365008f994e93850186126fce87cb', 0, '1', '2022-01-16 17:24:56', NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES ('7e7f4b1017fc4564ad31a05033eb29d1', 'nm', NULL, '6b86b273ff34fce19d6b804eff5a3f5747ada4eaa22f1d49c01e52ddb7875b4b', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '81b5493cdb31477f9ceea85b2cd08f15', 0, '1', '2022-01-16 17:24:29', '1', '2022-01-16 17:24:38');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES ('895757b441fe45b1afb0ed1cb535f35c', 'mxd', 'mxd', '8d969eef6ecad3c29a3a629280e686cf0c3f5d5a86aff3ca12020c923adc6c92', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '4c37a80226134bce8bc91c8fc04a7d2f', 0, '1', '2022-01-16 17:23:16', '1', '2023-04-19 17:01:24');
INSERT INTO `sys_user` VALUES ('cbafb7813bd9458eae26e4dc3d05bf5e', 'mxd2', NULL, '6b86b273ff34fce19d6b804eff5a3f5747ada4eaa22f1d49c01e52ddb7875b4b', NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, '4c37a80226134bce8bc91c8fc04a7d2f', 0, '1', '2022-01-16 17:23:50', '1', '2022-01-16 17:24:42');
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for sys_user_code
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `sys_user_code`;
CREATE TABLE `sys_user_code` (
`user_id` varchar(36) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '用户id',
`code_id` varchar(36) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '权限代码id',
) ENGINE = InnoDB CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_general_ci COMMENT = '用户权限code关联表' ROW_FORMAT = DYNAMIC;
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of sys_user_code
-- ----------------------------
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for sys_user_role
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `sys_user_role`;
CREATE TABLE `sys_user_role` (
`user_id` varchar(36) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '用户id',
`role_id` varchar(36) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '角色id'
) ENGINE = InnoDB CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_general_ci COMMENT = '用户与角色关联表' ROW_FORMAT = DYNAMIC;
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of sys_user_role
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `sys_user_role` VALUES ('7e7f4b1017fc4564ad31a05033eb29d1', 'e3448fc792ca463a95a34baf6f089dcd');
INSERT INTO `sys_user_role` VALUES ('cbafb7813bd9458eae26e4dc3d05bf5e', '1d183eaec667423fa9adb20e24356a86');
INSERT INTO `sys_user_role` VALUES ('7217ee3f9d6e49f1a7e327183013226b', 'e619e4b665de42acbca1665fec150634');
INSERT INTO `sys_user_role` VALUES ('1b47d4758336487890147fc5cd64ebb9', 'e619e4b665de42acbca1665fec150634');
INSERT INTO `sys_user_role` VALUES ('895757b441fe45b1afb0ed1cb535f35c', '3a408f5157c841ea8884ade4fa56d0f4');
INSERT INTO `sys_user_role` VALUES ('6fa07e9364534ffeb56f9e38bda9de33', '1');
INSERT INTO `sys_user_role` VALUES ('1', '1');
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for t_data_test
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `t_data_test`;
CREATE TABLE `t_data_test` (
`id` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '主键',
`name` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '名字',
`sex` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '性别',
`head_portrait` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '头像',
`is_del` int NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '删除标识:0未删除,1已删除',
`create_by` varchar(36) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建人',
`create_date` datetime NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '创建时间',
`update_by` varchar(36) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新人',
`update_date` datetime NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '更新时间',
`remarks` text CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_general_ci NULL COMMENT '备注',
) ENGINE = InnoDB CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_general_ci COMMENT = '测试生成' ROW_FORMAT = DYNAMIC;
-- ----------------------------
-- Records of t_data_test
-- ----------------------------
INSERT INTO `t_data_test` VALUES ('ecacf5c78bd043b1aaf06a839f7195b1', '马小东', '1', 'userfiles/2022-05-05/c6aeb598deef48c385b0da831b7c2b85/QQ图片20220505165410.jpg', 0, '1', '2022-03-30 22:43:45', '1', '2022-05-05 16:54:21', '没有');