2017-10-19 02:32:12 -07:00
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package validation
import (
2018-09-25 05:02:43 -07:00
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const qnameCharFmt string = "[A-Za-z0-9]"
const qnameExtCharFmt string = "[-A-Za-z0-9_.]"
const qualifiedNameFmt string = "(" + qnameCharFmt + qnameExtCharFmt + "*)?" + qnameCharFmt
const qualifiedNameErrMsg string = "must consist of alphanumeric characters, '-', '_' or '.', and must start and end with an alphanumeric character"
const qualifiedNameMaxLength int = 63
var qualifiedNameRegexp = regexp . MustCompile ( "^" + qualifiedNameFmt + "$" )
// IsQualifiedName tests whether the value passed is what Kubernetes calls a
// "qualified name". This is a format used in various places throughout the
// system. If the value is not valid, a list of error strings is returned.
// Otherwise an empty list (or nil) is returned.
func IsQualifiedName ( value string ) [ ] string {
var errs [ ] string
parts := strings . Split ( value , "/" )
var name string
switch len ( parts ) {
case 1 :
name = parts [ 0 ]
case 2 :
var prefix string
prefix , name = parts [ 0 ] , parts [ 1 ]
if len ( prefix ) == 0 {
errs = append ( errs , "prefix part " + EmptyError ( ) )
} else if msgs := IsDNS1123Subdomain ( prefix ) ; len ( msgs ) != 0 {
errs = append ( errs , prefixEach ( msgs , "prefix part " ) ... )
default :
return append ( errs , "a qualified name " + RegexError ( qualifiedNameErrMsg , qualifiedNameFmt , "MyName" , "my.name" , "123-abc" ) +
" with an optional DNS subdomain prefix and '/' (e.g. 'example.com/MyName')" )
if len ( name ) == 0 {
errs = append ( errs , "name part " + EmptyError ( ) )
} else if len ( name ) > qualifiedNameMaxLength {
errs = append ( errs , "name part " + MaxLenError ( qualifiedNameMaxLength ) )
if ! qualifiedNameRegexp . MatchString ( name ) {
errs = append ( errs , "name part " + RegexError ( qualifiedNameErrMsg , qualifiedNameFmt , "MyName" , "my.name" , "123-abc" ) )
return errs
// IsFullyQualifiedName checks if the name is fully qualified.
func IsFullyQualifiedName ( fldPath * field . Path , name string ) field . ErrorList {
var allErrors field . ErrorList
if len ( name ) == 0 {
return append ( allErrors , field . Required ( fldPath , "" ) )
if errs := IsDNS1123Subdomain ( name ) ; len ( errs ) > 0 {
return append ( allErrors , field . Invalid ( fldPath , name , strings . Join ( errs , "," ) ) )
if len ( strings . Split ( name , "." ) ) < 3 {
return append ( allErrors , field . Invalid ( fldPath , name , "should be a domain with at least three segments separated by dots" ) )
return allErrors
const labelValueFmt string = "(" + qualifiedNameFmt + ")?"
const labelValueErrMsg string = "a valid label must be an empty string or consist of alphanumeric characters, '-', '_' or '.', and must start and end with an alphanumeric character"
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// LabelValueMaxLength is a label's max length
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const LabelValueMaxLength int = 63
var labelValueRegexp = regexp . MustCompile ( "^" + labelValueFmt + "$" )
// IsValidLabelValue tests whether the value passed is a valid label value. If
// the value is not valid, a list of error strings is returned. Otherwise an
// empty list (or nil) is returned.
func IsValidLabelValue ( value string ) [ ] string {
var errs [ ] string
if len ( value ) > LabelValueMaxLength {
errs = append ( errs , MaxLenError ( LabelValueMaxLength ) )
if ! labelValueRegexp . MatchString ( value ) {
errs = append ( errs , RegexError ( labelValueErrMsg , labelValueFmt , "MyValue" , "my_value" , "12345" ) )
return errs
const dns1123LabelFmt string = "[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?"
const dns1123LabelErrMsg string = "a DNS-1123 label must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters or '-', and must start and end with an alphanumeric character"
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// DNS1123LabelMaxLength is a label's max length in DNS (RFC 1123)
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const DNS1123LabelMaxLength int = 63
var dns1123LabelRegexp = regexp . MustCompile ( "^" + dns1123LabelFmt + "$" )
// IsDNS1123Label tests for a string that conforms to the definition of a label in
// DNS (RFC 1123).
func IsDNS1123Label ( value string ) [ ] string {
var errs [ ] string
if len ( value ) > DNS1123LabelMaxLength {
errs = append ( errs , MaxLenError ( DNS1123LabelMaxLength ) )
if ! dns1123LabelRegexp . MatchString ( value ) {
errs = append ( errs , RegexError ( dns1123LabelErrMsg , dns1123LabelFmt , "my-name" , "123-abc" ) )
return errs
const dns1123SubdomainFmt string = dns1123LabelFmt + "(\\." + dns1123LabelFmt + ")*"
const dns1123SubdomainErrorMsg string = "a DNS-1123 subdomain must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters, '-' or '.', and must start and end with an alphanumeric character"
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// DNS1123SubdomainMaxLength is a subdomain's max length in DNS (RFC 1123)
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const DNS1123SubdomainMaxLength int = 253
var dns1123SubdomainRegexp = regexp . MustCompile ( "^" + dns1123SubdomainFmt + "$" )
// IsDNS1123Subdomain tests for a string that conforms to the definition of a
// subdomain in DNS (RFC 1123).
func IsDNS1123Subdomain ( value string ) [ ] string {
var errs [ ] string
if len ( value ) > DNS1123SubdomainMaxLength {
errs = append ( errs , MaxLenError ( DNS1123SubdomainMaxLength ) )
if ! dns1123SubdomainRegexp . MatchString ( value ) {
errs = append ( errs , RegexError ( dns1123SubdomainErrorMsg , dns1123SubdomainFmt , "example.com" ) )
return errs
const dns1035LabelFmt string = "[a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?"
const dns1035LabelErrMsg string = "a DNS-1035 label must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters or '-', start with an alphabetic character, and end with an alphanumeric character"
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// DNS1035LabelMaxLength is a label's max length in DNS (RFC 1035)
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const DNS1035LabelMaxLength int = 63
var dns1035LabelRegexp = regexp . MustCompile ( "^" + dns1035LabelFmt + "$" )
// IsDNS1035Label tests for a string that conforms to the definition of a label in
// DNS (RFC 1035).
func IsDNS1035Label ( value string ) [ ] string {
var errs [ ] string
if len ( value ) > DNS1035LabelMaxLength {
errs = append ( errs , MaxLenError ( DNS1035LabelMaxLength ) )
if ! dns1035LabelRegexp . MatchString ( value ) {
errs = append ( errs , RegexError ( dns1035LabelErrMsg , dns1035LabelFmt , "my-name" , "abc-123" ) )
return errs
// wildcard definition - RFC 1034 section 4.3.3.
// examples:
// - valid: *.bar.com, *.foo.bar.com
// - invalid: *.*.bar.com, *.foo.*.com, *bar.com, f*.bar.com, *
const wildcardDNS1123SubdomainFmt = "\\*\\." + dns1123SubdomainFmt
const wildcardDNS1123SubdomainErrMsg = "a wildcard DNS-1123 subdomain must start with '*.', followed by a valid DNS subdomain, which must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters, '-' or '.' and end with an alphanumeric character"
// IsWildcardDNS1123Subdomain tests for a string that conforms to the definition of a
// wildcard subdomain in DNS (RFC 1034 section 4.3.3).
func IsWildcardDNS1123Subdomain ( value string ) [ ] string {
wildcardDNS1123SubdomainRegexp := regexp . MustCompile ( "^" + wildcardDNS1123SubdomainFmt + "$" )
var errs [ ] string
if len ( value ) > DNS1123SubdomainMaxLength {
errs = append ( errs , MaxLenError ( DNS1123SubdomainMaxLength ) )
if ! wildcardDNS1123SubdomainRegexp . MatchString ( value ) {
errs = append ( errs , RegexError ( wildcardDNS1123SubdomainErrMsg , wildcardDNS1123SubdomainFmt , "*.example.com" ) )
return errs
const cIdentifierFmt string = "[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*"
const identifierErrMsg string = "a valid C identifier must start with alphabetic character or '_', followed by a string of alphanumeric characters or '_'"
var cIdentifierRegexp = regexp . MustCompile ( "^" + cIdentifierFmt + "$" )
// IsCIdentifier tests for a string that conforms the definition of an identifier
// in C. This checks the format, but not the length.
func IsCIdentifier ( value string ) [ ] string {
if ! cIdentifierRegexp . MatchString ( value ) {
return [ ] string { RegexError ( identifierErrMsg , cIdentifierFmt , "my_name" , "MY_NAME" , "MyName" ) }
return nil
// IsValidPortNum tests that the argument is a valid, non-zero port number.
func IsValidPortNum ( port int ) [ ] string {
if 1 <= port && port <= 65535 {
return nil
return [ ] string { InclusiveRangeError ( 1 , 65535 ) }
// IsInRange tests that the argument is in an inclusive range.
func IsInRange ( value int , min int , max int ) [ ] string {
if value >= min && value <= max {
return nil
return [ ] string { InclusiveRangeError ( min , max ) }
// Now in libcontainer UID/GID limits is 0 ~ 1<<31 - 1
// TODO: once we have a type for UID/GID we should make these that type.
const (
minUserID = 0
maxUserID = math . MaxInt32
minGroupID = 0
maxGroupID = math . MaxInt32
// IsValidGroupID tests that the argument is a valid Unix GID.
func IsValidGroupID ( gid int64 ) [ ] string {
if minGroupID <= gid && gid <= maxGroupID {
return nil
return [ ] string { InclusiveRangeError ( minGroupID , maxGroupID ) }
// IsValidUserID tests that the argument is a valid Unix UID.
func IsValidUserID ( uid int64 ) [ ] string {
if minUserID <= uid && uid <= maxUserID {
return nil
return [ ] string { InclusiveRangeError ( minUserID , maxUserID ) }
var portNameCharsetRegex = regexp . MustCompile ( "^[-a-z0-9]+$" )
var portNameOneLetterRegexp = regexp . MustCompile ( "[a-z]" )
// IsValidPortName check that the argument is valid syntax. It must be
// non-empty and no more than 15 characters long. It may contain only [-a-z0-9]
// and must contain at least one letter [a-z]. It must not start or end with a
// hyphen, nor contain adjacent hyphens.
// Note: We only allow lower-case characters, even though RFC 6335 is case
// insensitive.
func IsValidPortName ( port string ) [ ] string {
var errs [ ] string
if len ( port ) > 15 {
errs = append ( errs , MaxLenError ( 15 ) )
if ! portNameCharsetRegex . MatchString ( port ) {
errs = append ( errs , "must contain only alpha-numeric characters (a-z, 0-9), and hyphens (-)" )
if ! portNameOneLetterRegexp . MatchString ( port ) {
errs = append ( errs , "must contain at least one letter or number (a-z, 0-9)" )
if strings . Contains ( port , "--" ) {
errs = append ( errs , "must not contain consecutive hyphens" )
if len ( port ) > 0 && ( port [ 0 ] == '-' || port [ len ( port ) - 1 ] == '-' ) {
errs = append ( errs , "must not begin or end with a hyphen" )
return errs
// IsValidIP tests that the argument is a valid IP address.
func IsValidIP ( value string ) [ ] string {
if net . ParseIP ( value ) == nil {
return [ ] string { "must be a valid IP address, (e.g." }
return nil
const percentFmt string = "[0-9]+%"
const percentErrMsg string = "a valid percent string must be a numeric string followed by an ending '%'"
var percentRegexp = regexp . MustCompile ( "^" + percentFmt + "$" )
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// IsValidPercent checks that string is in the form of a percentage
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func IsValidPercent ( percent string ) [ ] string {
if ! percentRegexp . MatchString ( percent ) {
return [ ] string { RegexError ( percentErrMsg , percentFmt , "1%" , "93%" ) }
return nil
const httpHeaderNameFmt string = "[-A-Za-z0-9]+"
const httpHeaderNameErrMsg string = "a valid HTTP header must consist of alphanumeric characters or '-'"
var httpHeaderNameRegexp = regexp . MustCompile ( "^" + httpHeaderNameFmt + "$" )
// IsHTTPHeaderName checks that a string conforms to the Go HTTP library's
// definition of a valid header field name (a stricter subset than RFC7230).
func IsHTTPHeaderName ( value string ) [ ] string {
if ! httpHeaderNameRegexp . MatchString ( value ) {
return [ ] string { RegexError ( httpHeaderNameErrMsg , httpHeaderNameFmt , "X-Header-Name" ) }
return nil
const envVarNameFmt = "[-._a-zA-Z][-._a-zA-Z0-9]*"
const envVarNameFmtErrMsg string = "a valid environment variable name must consist of alphabetic characters, digits, '_', '-', or '.', and must not start with a digit"
var envVarNameRegexp = regexp . MustCompile ( "^" + envVarNameFmt + "$" )
// IsEnvVarName tests if a string is a valid environment variable name.
func IsEnvVarName ( value string ) [ ] string {
var errs [ ] string
if ! envVarNameRegexp . MatchString ( value ) {
errs = append ( errs , RegexError ( envVarNameFmtErrMsg , envVarNameFmt , "my.env-name" , "MY_ENV.NAME" , "MyEnvName1" ) )
errs = append ( errs , hasChDirPrefix ( value ) ... )
return errs
const configMapKeyFmt = ` [-._a-zA-Z0-9]+ `
const configMapKeyErrMsg string = "a valid config key must consist of alphanumeric characters, '-', '_' or '.'"
var configMapKeyRegexp = regexp . MustCompile ( "^" + configMapKeyFmt + "$" )
// IsConfigMapKey tests for a string that is a valid key for a ConfigMap or Secret
func IsConfigMapKey ( value string ) [ ] string {
var errs [ ] string
if len ( value ) > DNS1123SubdomainMaxLength {
errs = append ( errs , MaxLenError ( DNS1123SubdomainMaxLength ) )
if ! configMapKeyRegexp . MatchString ( value ) {
errs = append ( errs , RegexError ( configMapKeyErrMsg , configMapKeyFmt , "key.name" , "KEY_NAME" , "key-name" ) )
errs = append ( errs , hasChDirPrefix ( value ) ... )
return errs
// MaxLenError returns a string explanation of a "string too long" validation
// failure.
func MaxLenError ( length int ) string {
return fmt . Sprintf ( "must be no more than %d characters" , length )
// RegexError returns a string explanation of a regex validation failure.
func RegexError ( msg string , fmt string , examples ... string ) string {
if len ( examples ) == 0 {
return msg + " (regex used for validation is '" + fmt + "')"
msg += " (e.g. "
for i := range examples {
if i > 0 {
msg += " or "
msg += "'" + examples [ i ] + "', "
msg += "regex used for validation is '" + fmt + "')"
return msg
// EmptyError returns a string explanation of a "must not be empty" validation
// failure.
func EmptyError ( ) string {
return "must be non-empty"
func prefixEach ( msgs [ ] string , prefix string ) [ ] string {
for i := range msgs {
msgs [ i ] = prefix + msgs [ i ]
return msgs
// InclusiveRangeError returns a string explanation of a numeric "must be
// between" validation failure.
func InclusiveRangeError ( lo , hi int ) string {
return fmt . Sprintf ( ` must be between %d and %d, inclusive ` , lo , hi )
func hasChDirPrefix ( value string ) [ ] string {
var errs [ ] string
switch {
case value == "." :
errs = append ( errs , ` must not be '.' ` )
case value == ".." :
errs = append ( errs , ` must not be '..' ` )
case strings . HasPrefix ( value , ".." ) :
errs = append ( errs , ` must not start with '..' ` )
return errs
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// IsValidSocketAddr checks that string represents a valid socket address
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// as defined in RFC 789. (e.g or [::]:10254))
func IsValidSocketAddr ( value string ) [ ] string {
var errs [ ] string
ip , port , err := net . SplitHostPort ( value )
if err != nil {
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errs = append ( errs , "must be a valid socket address format, (e.g. or [::]:10254)" )
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return errs
portInt , _ := strconv . Atoi ( port )
errs = append ( errs , IsValidPortNum ( portInt ) ... )
errs = append ( errs , IsValidIP ( ip ) ... )
return errs