1083 lines
32 KiB
Raw Normal View History

"ImportPath": "k8s.io/sample-controller",
"GoVersion": "go1.9",
2018-04-17 15:26:37 +00:00
"GodepVersion": "v80",
"Packages": [
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"ImportPath": "github.com/gogo/protobuf/sortkeys",
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"ImportPath": "github.com/golang/groupcache/lru",
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"ImportPath": "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto",
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"Rev": "b4deda0973fb4c70b50d226b1af49f3da59f5265"
"ImportPath": "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/any",
"Rev": "b4deda0973fb4c70b50d226b1af49f3da59f5265"
"ImportPath": "github.com/golang/protobuf/ptypes/duration",
"Rev": "b4deda0973fb4c70b50d226b1af49f3da59f5265"
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"ImportPath": "github.com/gregjones/httpcache",
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"ImportPath": "github.com/gregjones/httpcache/diskcache",
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"ImportPath": "github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru",
"Rev": "a0d98a5f288019575c6d1f4bb1573fef2d1fcdc4"
"ImportPath": "github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/simplelru",
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"ImportPath": "github.com/modern-go/concurrent",
"Rev": "bacd9c7ef1dd9b15be4a9909b8ac7a4e313eec94"
"ImportPath": "github.com/modern-go/reflect2",
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"ImportPath": "github.com/peterbourgon/diskv",
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"ImportPath": "golang.org/x/net/context",
"Rev": "1c05540f6879653db88113bc4a2b70aec4bd491f"
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"Rev": "1c05540f6879653db88113bc4a2b70aec4bd491f"
"ImportPath": "golang.org/x/net/http2/hpack",
"Rev": "1c05540f6879653db88113bc4a2b70aec4bd491f"
"ImportPath": "golang.org/x/net/idna",
"Rev": "1c05540f6879653db88113bc4a2b70aec4bd491f"
"ImportPath": "golang.org/x/net/lex/httplex",
"Rev": "1c05540f6879653db88113bc4a2b70aec4bd491f"
"ImportPath": "golang.org/x/sys/unix",
"Rev": "95c6576299259db960f6c5b9b69ea52422860fce"
"ImportPath": "golang.org/x/sys/windows",
"Rev": "95c6576299259db960f6c5b9b69ea52422860fce"
"ImportPath": "golang.org/x/text/secure/bidirule",
"Rev": "b19bf474d317b857955b12035d2c5acb57ce8b01"
"ImportPath": "golang.org/x/text/transform",
"Rev": "b19bf474d317b857955b12035d2c5acb57ce8b01"
"ImportPath": "golang.org/x/text/unicode/bidi",
"Rev": "b19bf474d317b857955b12035d2c5acb57ce8b01"
"ImportPath": "golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm",
"Rev": "b19bf474d317b857955b12035d2c5acb57ce8b01"
"ImportPath": "golang.org/x/time/rate",
"Rev": "f51c12702a4d776e4c1fa9b0fabab841babae631"
"ImportPath": "gopkg.in/inf.v0",
"Rev": "3887ee99ecf07df5b447e9b00d9c0b2adaa9f3e4"
"ImportPath": "gopkg.in/yaml.v2",
"Rev": "670d4cfef0544295bc27a114dbac37980d83185a"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/api/admissionregistration/v1alpha1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "00c78f6603af046dfcada47ba511ddc94e7a64ce"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/api/admissionregistration/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "00c78f6603af046dfcada47ba511ddc94e7a64ce"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/api/apps/v1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "00c78f6603af046dfcada47ba511ddc94e7a64ce"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/api/apps/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "00c78f6603af046dfcada47ba511ddc94e7a64ce"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/api/apps/v1beta2",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "00c78f6603af046dfcada47ba511ddc94e7a64ce"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/api/authentication/v1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "00c78f6603af046dfcada47ba511ddc94e7a64ce"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/api/authentication/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "00c78f6603af046dfcada47ba511ddc94e7a64ce"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/api/authorization/v1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "00c78f6603af046dfcada47ba511ddc94e7a64ce"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/api/authorization/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "00c78f6603af046dfcada47ba511ddc94e7a64ce"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/api/autoscaling/v1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "00c78f6603af046dfcada47ba511ddc94e7a64ce"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/api/autoscaling/v2beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "00c78f6603af046dfcada47ba511ddc94e7a64ce"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/api/batch/v1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "00c78f6603af046dfcada47ba511ddc94e7a64ce"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/api/batch/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "00c78f6603af046dfcada47ba511ddc94e7a64ce"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/api/batch/v2alpha1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "00c78f6603af046dfcada47ba511ddc94e7a64ce"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/api/certificates/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "00c78f6603af046dfcada47ba511ddc94e7a64ce"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/api/core/v1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "00c78f6603af046dfcada47ba511ddc94e7a64ce"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/api/events/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "00c78f6603af046dfcada47ba511ddc94e7a64ce"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/api/extensions/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "00c78f6603af046dfcada47ba511ddc94e7a64ce"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/api/networking/v1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "00c78f6603af046dfcada47ba511ddc94e7a64ce"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/api/policy/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "00c78f6603af046dfcada47ba511ddc94e7a64ce"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/api/rbac/v1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "00c78f6603af046dfcada47ba511ddc94e7a64ce"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/api/rbac/v1alpha1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "00c78f6603af046dfcada47ba511ddc94e7a64ce"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/api/rbac/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "00c78f6603af046dfcada47ba511ddc94e7a64ce"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/api/scheduling/v1alpha1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "00c78f6603af046dfcada47ba511ddc94e7a64ce"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/api/scheduling/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "00c78f6603af046dfcada47ba511ddc94e7a64ce"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/api/settings/v1alpha1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "00c78f6603af046dfcada47ba511ddc94e7a64ce"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/api/storage/v1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "00c78f6603af046dfcada47ba511ddc94e7a64ce"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/api/storage/v1alpha1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "00c78f6603af046dfcada47ba511ddc94e7a64ce"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/api/storage/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "00c78f6603af046dfcada47ba511ddc94e7a64ce"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/meta",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/resource",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/internalversion",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1/unstructured",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/conversion",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/conversion/queryparams",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/fields",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/labels",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/schema",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/serializer",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/serializer/json",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/serializer/protobuf",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/serializer/recognizer",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/serializer/streaming",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/serializer/versioning",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/selection",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/types",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/cache",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/clock",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/diff",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/errors",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/framer",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/intstr",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/json",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/mergepatch",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/net",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/runtime",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/sets",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/strategicpatch",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/validation",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/validation/field",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/wait",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/yaml",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/version",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/watch",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/third_party/forked/golang/json",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/apimachinery/third_party/forked/golang/reflect",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "1c56055d3f2ff0ae5ff61d86dc8c88d2928b7ab3"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/discovery",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/discovery/fake",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/admissionregistration",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/admissionregistration/v1alpha1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/admissionregistration/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/apps",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/apps/v1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/apps/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/apps/v1beta2",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/autoscaling",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/autoscaling/v1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/autoscaling/v2beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/batch",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/batch/v1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/batch/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/batch/v2alpha1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/certificates",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/certificates/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/core",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/core/v1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/events",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/events/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/extensions",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/extensions/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/internalinterfaces",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/networking",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/networking/v1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/policy",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/policy/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/rbac",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/rbac/v1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/rbac/v1alpha1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/rbac/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/scheduling",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/scheduling/v1alpha1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/scheduling/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/settings",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/settings/v1alpha1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/storage",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/storage/v1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/storage/v1alpha1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/informers/storage/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/fake",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/scheme",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/admissionregistration/v1alpha1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/admissionregistration/v1alpha1/fake",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/admissionregistration/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/admissionregistration/v1beta1/fake",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/apps/v1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/apps/v1/fake",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/apps/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/apps/v1beta1/fake",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/apps/v1beta2",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/apps/v1beta2/fake",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/authentication/v1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/authentication/v1/fake",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/authentication/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/authentication/v1beta1/fake",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/authorization/v1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/authorization/v1/fake",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/authorization/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/authorization/v1beta1/fake",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/autoscaling/v1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/autoscaling/v1/fake",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/autoscaling/v2beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/autoscaling/v2beta1/fake",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/batch/v1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/batch/v1/fake",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/batch/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/batch/v1beta1/fake",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/batch/v2alpha1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/batch/v2alpha1/fake",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/certificates/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/certificates/v1beta1/fake",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/core/v1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/core/v1/fake",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/events/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/events/v1beta1/fake",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/extensions/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/extensions/v1beta1/fake",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/networking/v1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/networking/v1/fake",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/policy/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/policy/v1beta1/fake",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/rbac/v1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/rbac/v1/fake",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/rbac/v1alpha1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/rbac/v1alpha1/fake",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/rbac/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/rbac/v1beta1/fake",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/scheduling/v1alpha1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/scheduling/v1alpha1/fake",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/scheduling/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/scheduling/v1beta1/fake",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/settings/v1alpha1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/settings/v1alpha1/fake",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/storage/v1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/storage/v1/fake",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/storage/v1alpha1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/storage/v1alpha1/fake",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/storage/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/kubernetes/typed/storage/v1beta1/fake",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/listers/admissionregistration/v1alpha1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/listers/admissionregistration/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/listers/apps/v1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/listers/apps/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/listers/apps/v1beta2",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/listers/autoscaling/v1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/listers/autoscaling/v2beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/listers/batch/v1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/listers/batch/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/listers/batch/v2alpha1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/listers/certificates/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/listers/core/v1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/listers/events/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/listers/extensions/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/listers/networking/v1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/listers/policy/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/listers/rbac/v1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/listers/rbac/v1alpha1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/listers/rbac/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/listers/scheduling/v1alpha1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/listers/scheduling/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/listers/settings/v1alpha1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/listers/storage/v1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/listers/storage/v1alpha1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/listers/storage/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/pkg/apis/clientauthentication",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/pkg/apis/clientauthentication/v1alpha1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/pkg/apis/clientauthentication/v1beta1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/pkg/version",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/plugin/pkg/client/auth/exec",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/rest",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/rest/watch",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/testing",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/tools/auth",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/tools/cache",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/tools/clientcmd",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/tools/clientcmd/api",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/tools/clientcmd/api/latest",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/tools/clientcmd/api/v1",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/tools/metrics",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/tools/pager",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/tools/record",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/tools/reference",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/transport",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/util/buffer",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/util/cert",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/util/connrotation",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/util/flowcontrol",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/util/homedir",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/util/integer",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/util/retry",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/client-go/util/workqueue",
Merge pull request #64122 from ixdy/update-rules_go-and-gazelle Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>. Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups **What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0. A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes #64122. I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review: 1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like. 2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway. 3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1. 4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute. 5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`. 6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn. 7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed. 8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read. 9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell. 10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file. 11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.) 12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`. Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too. **Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously. **Release note**: ```release-note NONE ``` /assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin cc @cblecker @jayconrod Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
2018-06-22 19:03:12 -07:00
"Rev": "615dfd3eb0c3d083e20c404dea7dfc63bd032ee1"
"ImportPath": "k8s.io/kube-openapi/pkg/util/proto",
"Rev": "91cfa479c814065e420cee7ed227db0f63a5854e"