2018-05-16 01:47:01 +08:00
/ *
Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors .
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
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* /
package discovery
import (
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
restclient "k8s.io/client-go/rest"
// CachedDiscoveryClient implements the functions that discovery server-supported API groups,
// versions and resources.
type CachedDiscoveryClient struct {
delegate DiscoveryInterface
// cacheDirectory is the directory where discovery docs are held. It must be unique per host:port combination to work well.
cacheDirectory string
// ttl is how long the cache should be considered valid
ttl time . Duration
// mutex protects the variables below
mutex sync . Mutex
// ourFiles are all filenames of cache files created by this process
ourFiles map [ string ] struct { }
// invalidated is true if all cache files should be ignored that are not ours (e.g. after Invalidate() was called)
invalidated bool
// fresh is true if all used cache files were ours
fresh bool
var _ CachedDiscoveryInterface = & CachedDiscoveryClient { }
// ServerResourcesForGroupVersion returns the supported resources for a group and version.
func ( d * CachedDiscoveryClient ) ServerResourcesForGroupVersion ( groupVersion string ) ( * metav1 . APIResourceList , error ) {
filename := filepath . Join ( d . cacheDirectory , groupVersion , "serverresources.json" )
cachedBytes , err := d . getCachedFile ( filename )
// don't fail on errors, we either don't have a file or won't be able to run the cached check. Either way we can fallback.
if err == nil {
cachedResources := & metav1 . APIResourceList { }
if err := runtime . DecodeInto ( scheme . Codecs . UniversalDecoder ( ) , cachedBytes , cachedResources ) ; err == nil {
glog . V ( 10 ) . Infof ( "returning cached discovery info from %v" , filename )
return cachedResources , nil
liveResources , err := d . delegate . ServerResourcesForGroupVersion ( groupVersion )
if err != nil {
glog . V ( 3 ) . Infof ( "skipped caching discovery info due to %v" , err )
return liveResources , err
if liveResources == nil || len ( liveResources . APIResources ) == 0 {
glog . V ( 3 ) . Infof ( "skipped caching discovery info, no resources found" )
return liveResources , err
if err := d . writeCachedFile ( filename , liveResources ) ; err != nil {
2018-07-21 03:12:15 +08:00
glog . V ( 1 ) . Infof ( "failed to write cache to %v due to %v" , filename , err )
2018-05-16 01:47:01 +08:00
return liveResources , nil
// ServerResources returns the supported resources for all groups and versions.
func ( d * CachedDiscoveryClient ) ServerResources ( ) ( [ ] * metav1 . APIResourceList , error ) {
return ServerResources ( d )
func ( d * CachedDiscoveryClient ) ServerGroups ( ) ( * metav1 . APIGroupList , error ) {
filename := filepath . Join ( d . cacheDirectory , "servergroups.json" )
cachedBytes , err := d . getCachedFile ( filename )
// don't fail on errors, we either don't have a file or won't be able to run the cached check. Either way we can fallback.
if err == nil {
cachedGroups := & metav1 . APIGroupList { }
if err := runtime . DecodeInto ( scheme . Codecs . UniversalDecoder ( ) , cachedBytes , cachedGroups ) ; err == nil {
glog . V ( 10 ) . Infof ( "returning cached discovery info from %v" , filename )
return cachedGroups , nil
liveGroups , err := d . delegate . ServerGroups ( )
if err != nil {
glog . V ( 3 ) . Infof ( "skipped caching discovery info due to %v" , err )
return liveGroups , err
if liveGroups == nil || len ( liveGroups . Groups ) == 0 {
glog . V ( 3 ) . Infof ( "skipped caching discovery info, no groups found" )
return liveGroups , err
if err := d . writeCachedFile ( filename , liveGroups ) ; err != nil {
2018-07-21 03:12:15 +08:00
glog . V ( 1 ) . Infof ( "failed to write cache to %v due to %v" , filename , err )
2018-05-16 01:47:01 +08:00
return liveGroups , nil
func ( d * CachedDiscoveryClient ) getCachedFile ( filename string ) ( [ ] byte , error ) {
// after invalidation ignore cache files not created by this process
d . mutex . Lock ( )
_ , ourFile := d . ourFiles [ filename ]
if d . invalidated && ! ourFile {
d . mutex . Unlock ( )
return nil , errors . New ( "cache invalidated" )
d . mutex . Unlock ( )
file , err := os . Open ( filename )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
defer file . Close ( )
fileInfo , err := file . Stat ( )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
if time . Now ( ) . After ( fileInfo . ModTime ( ) . Add ( d . ttl ) ) {
return nil , errors . New ( "cache expired" )
// the cache is present and its valid. Try to read and use it.
cachedBytes , err := ioutil . ReadAll ( file )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
d . mutex . Lock ( )
defer d . mutex . Unlock ( )
d . fresh = d . fresh && ourFile
return cachedBytes , nil
func ( d * CachedDiscoveryClient ) writeCachedFile ( filename string , obj runtime . Object ) error {
if err := os . MkdirAll ( filepath . Dir ( filename ) , 0755 ) ; err != nil {
return err
bytes , err := runtime . Encode ( scheme . Codecs . LegacyCodec ( ) , obj )
if err != nil {
return err
f , err := ioutil . TempFile ( filepath . Dir ( filename ) , filepath . Base ( filename ) + "." )
if err != nil {
return err
defer os . Remove ( f . Name ( ) )
_ , err = f . Write ( bytes )
if err != nil {
return err
err = os . Chmod ( f . Name ( ) , 0755 )
if err != nil {
return err
name := f . Name ( )
err = f . Close ( )
if err != nil {
return err
// atomic rename
d . mutex . Lock ( )
defer d . mutex . Unlock ( )
err = os . Rename ( name , filename )
if err == nil {
d . ourFiles [ filename ] = struct { } { }
return err
func ( d * CachedDiscoveryClient ) RESTClient ( ) restclient . Interface {
return d . delegate . RESTClient ( )
func ( d * CachedDiscoveryClient ) ServerPreferredResources ( ) ( [ ] * metav1 . APIResourceList , error ) {
return ServerPreferredResources ( d )
func ( d * CachedDiscoveryClient ) ServerPreferredNamespacedResources ( ) ( [ ] * metav1 . APIResourceList , error ) {
return ServerPreferredNamespacedResources ( d )
func ( d * CachedDiscoveryClient ) ServerVersion ( ) ( * version . Info , error ) {
return d . delegate . ServerVersion ( )
func ( d * CachedDiscoveryClient ) OpenAPISchema ( ) ( * openapi_v2 . Document , error ) {
return d . delegate . OpenAPISchema ( )
func ( d * CachedDiscoveryClient ) Fresh ( ) bool {
d . mutex . Lock ( )
defer d . mutex . Unlock ( )
return d . fresh
func ( d * CachedDiscoveryClient ) Invalidate ( ) {
d . mutex . Lock ( )
defer d . mutex . Unlock ( )
d . ourFiles = map [ string ] struct { } { }
d . fresh = true
d . invalidated = true
// NewCachedDiscoveryClientForConfig creates a new DiscoveryClient for the given config, and wraps
// the created client in a CachedDiscoveryClient. The provided configuration is updated with a
// custom transport that understands cache responses.
// We receive two distinct cache directories for now, in order to preserve old behavior
// which makes use of the --cache-dir flag value for storing cache data from the CacheRoundTripper,
// and makes use of the hardcoded destination (~/.kube/cache/discovery/...) for storing
// CachedDiscoveryClient cache data. If httpCacheDir is empty, the restconfig's transport will not
// be updated with a roundtripper that understands cache responses.
// If discoveryCacheDir is empty, cached server resource data will be looked up in the current directory.
// TODO(juanvallejo): the value of "--cache-dir" should be honored. Consolidate discoveryCacheDir with httpCacheDir
// so that server resources and http-cache data are stored in the same location, provided via config flags.
func NewCachedDiscoveryClientForConfig ( config * restclient . Config , discoveryCacheDir , httpCacheDir string , ttl time . Duration ) ( * CachedDiscoveryClient , error ) {
if len ( httpCacheDir ) > 0 {
// update the given restconfig with a custom roundtripper that
// understands how to handle cache responses.
wt := config . WrapTransport
config . WrapTransport = func ( rt http . RoundTripper ) http . RoundTripper {
if wt != nil {
rt = wt ( rt )
return newCacheRoundTripper ( httpCacheDir , rt )
discoveryClient , err := NewDiscoveryClientForConfig ( config )
if err != nil {
return nil , err
return newCachedDiscoveryClient ( discoveryClient , discoveryCacheDir , ttl ) , nil
// NewCachedDiscoveryClient creates a new DiscoveryClient. cacheDirectory is the directory where discovery docs are held. It must be unique per host:port combination to work well.
func newCachedDiscoveryClient ( delegate DiscoveryInterface , cacheDirectory string , ttl time . Duration ) * CachedDiscoveryClient {
return & CachedDiscoveryClient {
delegate : delegate ,
cacheDirectory : cacheDirectory ,
ttl : ttl ,
ourFiles : map [ string ] struct { } { } ,
fresh : true ,