Without this, the flags to make klog log to stdout are not even shown.
Figuring out the `InitFlags()` is not very intuitive for ppl new to the
project, which is the target audience of the sample-controller.
Kubernetes-commit: 5f610cea1f30a81c2945d5b0f26210cccbd325d3
- Move from the old github.com/golang/glog to k8s.io/klog
- klog as explicit InitFlags() so we add them as necessary
- we update the other repositories that we vendor that made a similar
change from glog to klog
* github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra
* k8s.io/gengo/
* k8s.io/kube-openapi/
* github.com/google/cadvisor
- Entirely remove all references to glog
- Fix some tests by explicit InitFlags in their init() methods
Change-Id: I92db545ff36fcec83afe98f550c9e630098b3135
Kubernetes-commit: 954996e231074dc7429f7be1256a579bedd8344c
Added unit tests.
Changed NewController function to accept informers and not informers
factory. This make code more testable and align it with other
Kubernetes-commit: a29a1cbb955e993300c9388a218a4f323f3fdf8f