Picking up https://github.com/modern-go/reflect2/pull/2 which lazy
initializes a map of all types which we don't use in k8s, saving
memory & initialization time.
Kubernetes-commit: 970e4da4c6636b835175dc79a7492d22dc11ba33
Automatic merge from submit-queue. If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions here: https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md.
client: periodically reload InClusterConfig token
/sig auth
/sig api-machinery
Kubernetes-commit: 7b6647a418c660f2c87f183f706b297f1cb573ca
Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 67894, 64097). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>.
HPA metrics specificity improvements
**What this PR does / why we need it**:
Improves available specificity for HPA metrics by adding metric selector fields for metrics of Pods and Objects.
**Which issue(s) this PR fixes** *(optional, in `fixes #<issue number>(, fixes #<issue_number>, ...)` format, will close the issue(s) when PR gets merged)*:
Implements this KEP: https://github.com/kubernetes/community/pull/2055
**Special notes for your reviewer**:
Need to add/update tests?
**Release note**:
Introduces autoscaling/v2beta2 and custom_metrics/v1beta2, which implement metric selectors for Object and Pods metrics, as well as allowing AverageValue targets on Objects, similar to External metrics.
/assign @DirectXMan12
Kubernetes-commit: fdb5707194d56cbbd0da11c5be3a2a5653e714c9
Automatic merge from submit-queue. If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>.
update github.com/imdario/mergo to v0.3.5
**What this PR does / why we need it**:
Updates github.com/imdario/mergo library to v0.3.5. We were pinned because of a functionality change in the dependency, however, a new function was introduced with similar functionality to the old.
There is apparently some Debian packaging issues (https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=878254) because of this. I'm still not clear what those are, unless they are forcing the library to update, as opposed to using our `vendor/`.
That said, this will allow for some of those vendor conflicts to resolve for anyone else who is using client-go, so that's at least worthwhile.
**Which issue(s) this PR fixes** *(optional, in `fixes #<issue number>(, fixes #<issue_number>, ...)` format, will close the issue(s) when PR gets merged)*:
fixes#27543, fixes https://github.com/kubernetes/client-go/issues/431
**Special notes for your reviewer**:
**Release note**:
Kubernetes-commit: 6b4135267911b6c10ed536308d29d2a7c453eef6
Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 67071, 66906, 66722, 67276, 67039). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>.
#50102 Task 1: Move apimachinery/pkg/watch.Until into client-go/tools/watch.UntilWithoutRetry
**What this PR does / why we need it**:
This is a split off from https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/50102 to go in smaller pieces.
Moves `apimachinery/pkg/watch.Until` into `client-go/tools/watch.UntilWithoutRetry` and adds context so it is cancelable.
**Release note**:
**Dev release note**:
`apimachinery/pkg/watch.Until` has been moved to `client-go/tools/watch.UntilWithoutRetry`.
While switching please consider using the new `client-go/tools/watch.UntilWithSync` or `client-go/tools/watch.Until`.
/cc @smarterclayton @kubernetes/sig-api-machinery-pr-reviews
/milestone v1.12
/priority important-soon
/kind bug
(bug after the main PR which is this split from)
Kubernetes-commit: b6f0aed056ab94fef0b6f54e1ca1d66a5fc228b3
Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 66602, 67178, 67207, 67125, 66332). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>.
Vendor cfssl/cfssljson utilities
**What this PR does / why we need it**:
Vendors the `cfssl` and `cfssljson` tools. Updates `kube::util::ensure-cfssl` to use them.
**Which issue(s) this PR fixes** *(optional, in `fixes #<issue number>(, fixes #<issue_number>, ...)` format, will close the issue(s) when PR gets merged)*:
fixes#66995, fixes#60070
**Special notes for your reviewer**:
1. Add cfssl/cfssljson ot the required bins for saving
2. Manually cloned/checked out the new dependencies to my gopath. `godep restore` doesn't pull them down because they aren't required or already in the `Godeps.json`. Used @BenTheElder's list here: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/66995#issuecomment-410594532
3. `hack/godep-save.sh` to add the packages and dependencies to godep
4. Fixed two bugs when building:
a. `golang.org/x/crypto` needed to be updated
b. `github.com/cloudflare/cfssl` needed to be updated to 56268a613a so we can vendor their fork of `crypto/tls`, as we discard their modified vendored stdlib.
5. Update staging godeps
6. Update the `kube::util::ensure-cfssl` to install from vendor
**Release note**:
Kubernetes-commit: 818e632c1fde5fb01bc8ccf9b9ee6201f33a28b4
Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 66152, 66406, 66218, 66278, 65660). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>.
Handle errors
**What this PR does / why we need it**:
This is a followup PR for https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/64664 to handle errors returned from `.AddToScheme()` in places where they are not handled.
**Release note**:
/kind cleanup
/sig api-machinery
/cc @sttts
Kubernetes-commit: 6c500be0808cfe9aff1141ec83ad885d04dd25ae
Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64181, 65737). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>.
API linter framework and namesMatch API rule
**What this PR does / why we need it**:
Bump kube-openapi dependency to use the [API linter framework](https://github.com/kubernetes/kube-openapi/pull/83) in k/k OpenAPI spec generation procedure.
Currently one API rule is enforced:
"Go field names must be CamelCase. JSON field names must be camelCase. Other than capitalization of the initial letter, the two should almost always match. No underscores nor dashes in either."
**Which issue(s) this PR fixes** *(optional, in `fixes #<issue number>(, fixes #<issue_number>, ...)` format, will close the issue(s) when PR gets merged)*:
**Special notes for your reviewer**:
Most code change in this PR was generated (~1700 lines). Please see commits for detail.
**Release note**:
/sig api-machinery
/cc @pwittrock @mbohlool
Kubernetes-commit: 614e3adda05c5d7189c8485ba7abe1ba7ee501a7
Automatic merge from submit-queue. If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>.
Handle errors in generated client scheme
**What this PR does / why we need it**:
Adds missing error handling for schema construction code in generated clientsets.
**Which issue(s) this PR fixes**
Together with #64654fixes#51457.
**Release note**:
/kind bug
/sig api-machinery
Kubernetes-commit: 0e7376d9cb1ec74bcb3c10a664a330bc9d60df64
Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 65946, 65904, 65913, 65906, 65920). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>.
track schemes by name for error reporting
Getting an error message about a type not being in the scheme is hard to fix if you don't know which scheme is failing. This adds a name to the scheme which can be set during creation or can be set based on the calling stack. If you use the old constructor a name is generated for you based on the stack. Something like "k8s.io/client-go/dynamic/scheme.go:28" for instance.
Also moves a typer to its point of use. This was debt from previous refactors which I noticed going through.
Kubernetes-commit: 8e2fdb32bc84103b15310a221a375470bf567bdc
Automatic merge from submit-queue. If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>.
fix sample-controller README
The guide in doc causes an error
$ go run *.go -kubeconfig=$HOME/.kube/config
go run: cannot run *_test.go files (controller_test.go)
**What this PR does / why we need it**:
**Which issue(s) this PR fixes** *(optional, in `fixes #<issue number>(, fixes #<issue_number>, ...)` format, will close the issue(s) when PR gets merged)*:
Fixes #
**Special notes for your reviewer**:
**Release note**:
Kubernetes-commit: cf14f027c59f50c897ae5b6bb5a1f69581d1549b
Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 64122, 64936, 65288, 65383). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>.
Update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0 and perform related cleanups
**What this PR does / why we need it**: my initial intent was to simply update to rules_go 0.12.1 and gazelle 0.12.0.
A few internal changes / deprecations meant that I finally needed to clean up some technical debt. This also fixes#64122.
I've attempted to keep the steps as separate commits to make it easier to review:
1. Disable gazelle proto rule generation; legacy proto rules are deprecated, and we don't (currently) build protos at build time anyway, instead generating them with `hack/update-generated-protobuf.sh` and then checking them in. We can revisit this in the future if we'd like.
2. Remove the legacy `go_default_library_protos` filegroups using [buildozer](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildozer). We don't use these, anyway.
3. Update the rules_go bazel workspace dependency to 0.12.1.
4. Vendor gazelle 0.12.0 and update BUILD files with `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a lot of diffs, because `select()`s are no longer used in `srcs` attributes, external tests are folded into non-external tests, and vendored targets get an `importmap` attribute.
5. Set `gazelle:prefix` on `staging/src/BUILD` to make gazelle treat these correctly(ish). This allows us to remove the sed rewrite hack in `hack/update-bazel.sh`.
6. Explicitly set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `vendor/`, so that all vendored dependencies get the right importmap. gazelle 0.12.0 uses the bazel workspace name + `vendor/` as a prefix, which doesn't work with native go. Newer gazelle will use the go prefix (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/207), but it's not released yet. Setting this correctly now also fixes later `BUILD` churn.
7. Re-run `hack/update-bazel.sh`. This causes a bunch of diffs, since anything under `staging/src` now uses the `staging/src/` path instead of `vendor/`. (Both would work for bazel, but gazelle uses the former, since `vendor/` uses symlinks.) Also `importmap`s under `vendor/` are fixed.
8. Reformat a few files (using [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildtools/tree/master/buildifier)) to make later diffs easier to read.
9. Rework the `go_genrule` rules to use the new `go_genrule` from https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, which is more bazely, since it uses the rules_go `go_path` rule instead of lots of shell.
10. Remove the deprecated `go_prefix` rule from the root BUILD.bazel file.
11. Set `# gazelle:importmap_prefix k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor` on `staging/src` as well, which ensures that these repos are treated as vendored dependencies. (It's basically the bazel-y way of doing the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks.)
12. Run `hack/update-bazel.sh` one last time to fix all of the `importmap`s under `staging/src`.
Note re: point 6 above - we're pretty much ignoring the `vendor/k8s.io` symlinks entirely now under bazel. Using the `gazelle:prefix` directive ensures these get mapped into the right go importpath, and the `go_path` rule installs these correctly now too.
**Special notes for your reviewer**: this should not be submitted before https://github.com/kubernetes/repo-infra/pull/72, obviously.
**Release note**:
/assign @BenTheElder @fejta @thockin
cc @cblecker @jayconrod
Kubernetes-commit: 1ad1c8c7f80d99b9625924b2102a04a555162bfb
Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 65256, 64236, 64919, 64879, 57932). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>.
Fix CRD OpenAPI schema
depends on https://github.com/kubernetes/kube-openapi/pull/84
without this PR, kubectl complains about creating this CRD with a validation schema (which worked in 1.10):
apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: CustomResourceDefinition
name: resources.mygroup.example.com
group: mygroup.example.com
version: v1alpha1
scope: Namespaced
plural: resources
singular: resource
kind: Kind
listKind: KindList
type: array
type: number
> error: error validating "/Users/jliggitt/projects/snippets/crd/crd.yaml": error validating data: [ValidationError(CustomResourceDefinition.spec.validation.openAPIV3Schema.properties.spec.items): unknown field "type" in io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.JSONSchemaPropsOrArray, ValidationError(CustomResourceDefinition.spec.validation.openAPIV3Schema.properties.spec.items): missing required field "Schema" in io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.JSONSchemaPropsOrArray, ValidationError(CustomResourceDefinition.spec.validation.openAPIV3Schema.properties.spec.items): missing required field "JSONSchemas" in io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.JSONSchemaPropsOrArray]; if you choose to ignore these errors, turn validation off with --validate=false
that is because the types used to serialize JSONSchema require custom marshaling/unmarshaling, and the OpenAPI generator was not informed of that, so it produced this:
"io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.JSONSchemaPropsOrArray": {
"description": "JSONSchemaPropsOrArray represents a value that can either be a JSONSchemaProps or an array of JSONSchemaProps. Mainly here for serialization purposes.",
"required": [
"properties": {
"JSONSchemas": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.JSONSchemaProps"
"Schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/io.k8s.apiextensions-apiserver.pkg.apis.apiextensions.v1beta1.JSONSchemaProps"
OpenAPI isn't able to represent oneOf/anyOf types correctly currently. Until it can, we definitely shouldn't publish a schema containing required fields which aren't even part of the JSON serialization. This PR implements custom openapi type functions, which omit the properties/required/schema attributes for four specific JSONSchema types. This allows kubectl to continue creating these objects without complaining.
/sig api-machinery
/assign @sttts
fixed incorrect OpenAPI schema for CustomResourceDefinition objects
Kubernetes-commit: ed6c8b7326bd1a1b845719f4bfb302073a18f03f