Adding blank line between comment tag and package name in doc.go. So that the comment tags such as '+k8s:deepcopy-gen=package' do not show up in GoDoc. Kubernetes-commit: 61117761cd4a1b2e6ad9ff2d7eb915f3d2739dc6
Kubernetes-commit: 72809a08b94650bc8988db37be3a2ee4c6ccd113
sample-controller: add API types sample-controller: regenerate files sample-controller: add implementation sample-controller: update bazel sample-controller: update make-rules and cache_go_dirs sample-controller: Set noStatus tag. Remove openapi-gen tag. sample-controller: add deletion tombstone handling logic sample-controller: update README, remove use of reflect in UpdateFuncs sample-controller: add OWNERS file sample-controller: add LICENSE Kubernetes-commit: 740afa0e65bf44a95752fb863017a7cf14b476ad