#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2017 The Kubernetes Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail # generate-internal-groups generates everything for a project with internal types, e.g. an # user-provided API server based on k8s.io/apiserver. if [ "$#" -lt 5 ] || [ "${1}" == "--help" ]; then cat <<EOF Usage: $(basename $0) <generators> <output-package> <internal-apis-package> <extensiona-apis-package> <groups-versions> ... <generators> the generators comma separated to run (deepcopy,defaulter,conversion,client,lister,informer) or "all". <output-package> the output package name (e.g. github.com/example/project/pkg/generated). <int-apis-package> the internal types dir (e.g. github.com/example/project/pkg/apis). <ext-apis-package> the external types dir (e.g. github.com/example/project/pkg/apis or githubcom/example/apis). <groups-versions> the groups and their versions in the format "groupA:v1,v2 groupB:v1 groupC:v2", relative to <api-package>. ... arbitrary flags passed to all generator binaries. Examples: $(basename $0) all github.com/example/project/pkg/client github.com/example/project/pkg/apis github.com/example/project/pkg/apis "foo:v1 bar:v1alpha1,v1beta1" $(basename $0) deepcopy,defaulter,conversion github.com/example/project/pkg/client github.com/example/project/pkg/apis github.com/example/project/apis "foo:v1 bar:v1alpha1,v1beta1" EOF exit 0 fi GENS="$1" OUTPUT_PKG="$2" INT_APIS_PKG="$3" EXT_APIS_PKG="$4" GROUPS_WITH_VERSIONS="$5" shift 5 go install ./$(dirname "${0}")/cmd/{defaulter-gen,conversion-gen,client-gen,lister-gen,informer-gen,deepcopy-gen} function codegen::join() { local IFS="$1"; shift; echo "$*"; } # enumerate group versions ALL_FQ_APIS=() # e.g. k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/apps k8s.io/api/apps/v1 INT_FQ_APIS=() # e.g. k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/apps EXT_FQ_APIS=() # e.g. k8s.io/api/apps/v1 for GVs in ${GROUPS_WITH_VERSIONS}; do IFS=: read G Vs <<<"${GVs}" if [ -n "${INT_APIS_PKG}" ]; then ALL_FQ_APIS+=("${INT_APIS_PKG}/${G}") INT_FQ_APIS+=("${INT_APIS_PKG}/${G}") fi # enumerate versions for V in ${Vs//,/ }; do ALL_FQ_APIS+=("${EXT_APIS_PKG}/${G}/${V}") EXT_FQ_APIS+=("${EXT_APIS_PKG}/${G}/${V}") done done if [ "${GENS}" = "all" ] || grep -qw "deepcopy" <<<"${GENS}"; then echo "Generating deepcopy funcs" ${GOPATH}/bin/deepcopy-gen --input-dirs $(codegen::join , "${ALL_FQ_APIS[@]}") -O zz_generated.deepcopy --bounding-dirs ${INT_APIS_PKG},${EXT_APIS_PKG} "$@" fi if [ "${GENS}" = "all" ] || grep -qw "defaulter" <<<"${GENS}"; then echo "Generating defaulters" ${GOPATH}/bin/defaulter-gen --input-dirs $(codegen::join , "${EXT_FQ_APIS[@]}") -O zz_generated.defaults "$@" fi if [ "${GENS}" = "all" ] || grep -qw "conversion" <<<"${GENS}"; then echo "Generating conversions" ${GOPATH}/bin/conversion-gen --input-dirs $(codegen::join , "${ALL_FQ_APIS[@]}") -O zz_generated.conversion "$@" fi if [ "${GENS}" = "all" ] || grep -qw "client" <<<"${GENS}"; then echo "Generating clientset for ${GROUPS_WITH_VERSIONS} at ${OUTPUT_PKG}/clientset" if [ -n "${INT_APIS_PKG}" ]; then ${GOPATH}/bin/client-gen --clientset-name internalversion --input-base "" --input $(codegen::join , $(printf '%s/ ' "${INT_FQ_APIS[@]}")) --output-package ${OUTPUT_PKG}/clientset "$@" fi ${GOPATH}/bin/client-gen --clientset-name versioned --input-base "" --input $(codegen::join , "${EXT_FQ_APIS[@]}") --output-package ${OUTPUT_PKG}/clientset "$@" fi if [ "${GENS}" = "all" ] || grep -qw "lister" <<<"${GENS}"; then echo "Generating listers for ${GROUPS_WITH_VERSIONS} at ${OUTPUT_PKG}/listers" ${GOPATH}/bin/lister-gen --input-dirs $(codegen::join , "${ALL_FQ_APIS[@]}") --output-package ${OUTPUT_PKG}/listers "$@" fi if [ "${GENS}" = "all" ] || grep -qw "informer" <<<"${GENS}"; then echo "Generating informers for ${GROUPS_WITH_VERSIONS} at ${OUTPUT_PKG}/informers" ${GOPATH}/bin/informer-gen \ --input-dirs $(codegen::join , "${ALL_FQ_APIS[@]}") \ --versioned-clientset-package ${OUTPUT_PKG}/clientset/versioned \ --internal-clientset-package ${OUTPUT_PKG}/clientset/internalversion \ --listers-package ${OUTPUT_PKG}/listers \ --output-package ${OUTPUT_PKG}/informers \ "$@" fi