/* Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package queryparams import ( "fmt" "net/url" "reflect" "strings" ) // Marshaler converts an object to a query parameter string representation type Marshaler interface { MarshalQueryParameter() (string, error) } // Unmarshaler converts a string representation to an object type Unmarshaler interface { UnmarshalQueryParameter(string) error } func jsonTag(field reflect.StructField) (string, bool) { structTag := field.Tag.Get("json") if len(structTag) == 0 { return "", false } parts := strings.Split(structTag, ",") tag := parts[0] if tag == "-" { tag = "" } omitempty := false parts = parts[1:] for _, part := range parts { if part == "omitempty" { omitempty = true break } } return tag, omitempty } func formatValue(value interface{}) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%v", value) } func isPointerKind(kind reflect.Kind) bool { return kind == reflect.Ptr } func isStructKind(kind reflect.Kind) bool { return kind == reflect.Struct } func isValueKind(kind reflect.Kind) bool { switch kind { case reflect.String, reflect.Bool, reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64, reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128: return true default: return false } } func zeroValue(value reflect.Value) bool { return reflect.DeepEqual(reflect.Zero(value.Type()).Interface(), value.Interface()) } func customMarshalValue(value reflect.Value) (reflect.Value, bool) { // Return unless we implement a custom query marshaler if !value.CanInterface() { return reflect.Value{}, false } marshaler, ok := value.Interface().(Marshaler) if !ok { if !isPointerKind(value.Kind()) && value.CanAddr() { marshaler, ok = value.Addr().Interface().(Marshaler) if !ok { return reflect.Value{}, false } } else { return reflect.Value{}, false } } // Don't invoke functions on nil pointers // If the type implements MarshalQueryParameter, AND the tag is not omitempty, AND the value is a nil pointer, "" seems like a reasonable response if isPointerKind(value.Kind()) && zeroValue(value) { return reflect.ValueOf(""), true } // Get the custom marshalled value v, err := marshaler.MarshalQueryParameter() if err != nil { return reflect.Value{}, false } return reflect.ValueOf(v), true } func addParam(values url.Values, tag string, omitempty bool, value reflect.Value) { if omitempty && zeroValue(value) { return } val := "" iValue := fmt.Sprintf("%v", value.Interface()) if iValue != "<nil>" { val = iValue } values.Add(tag, val) } func addListOfParams(values url.Values, tag string, omitempty bool, list reflect.Value) { for i := 0; i < list.Len(); i++ { addParam(values, tag, omitempty, list.Index(i)) } } // Convert takes an object and converts it to a url.Values object using JSON tags as // parameter names. Only top-level simple values, arrays, and slices are serialized. // Embedded structs, maps, etc. will not be serialized. func Convert(obj interface{}) (url.Values, error) { result := url.Values{} if obj == nil { return result, nil } var sv reflect.Value switch reflect.TypeOf(obj).Kind() { case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Interface: sv = reflect.ValueOf(obj).Elem() default: return nil, fmt.Errorf("expecting a pointer or interface") } st := sv.Type() if !isStructKind(st.Kind()) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("expecting a pointer to a struct") } // Check all object fields convertStruct(result, st, sv) return result, nil } func convertStruct(result url.Values, st reflect.Type, sv reflect.Value) { for i := 0; i < st.NumField(); i++ { field := sv.Field(i) tag, omitempty := jsonTag(st.Field(i)) if len(tag) == 0 { continue } ft := field.Type() kind := ft.Kind() if isPointerKind(kind) { ft = ft.Elem() kind = ft.Kind() if !field.IsNil() { field = reflect.Indirect(field) // If the field is non-nil, it should be added to params // and the omitempty should be overwite to false omitempty = false } } switch { case isValueKind(kind): addParam(result, tag, omitempty, field) case kind == reflect.Array || kind == reflect.Slice: if isValueKind(ft.Elem().Kind()) { addListOfParams(result, tag, omitempty, field) } case isStructKind(kind) && !(zeroValue(field) && omitempty): if marshalValue, ok := customMarshalValue(field); ok { addParam(result, tag, omitempty, marshalValue) } else { convertStruct(result, ft, field) } } } }