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James Munnelly 00e875e461 Add sample CustomResourceDefinition controller
sample-controller: add API types

sample-controller: regenerate files

sample-controller: add implementation

sample-controller: update bazel

sample-controller: update make-rules and cache_go_dirs

sample-controller: Set noStatus tag. Remove openapi-gen tag.

sample-controller: add deletion tombstone handling logic

sample-controller: update README, remove use of reflect in UpdateFuncs

sample-controller: add OWNERS file

sample-controller: add LICENSE

Kubernetes-commit: 740afa0e65bf44a95752fb863017a7cf14b476ad
2017-10-09 19:19:34 +01:00
artifacts/examples Add sample CustomResourceDefinition controller 2017-10-09 19:19:34 +01:00
Godeps Add sample CustomResourceDefinition controller 2017-10-09 19:19:34 +01:00
hack Add sample CustomResourceDefinition controller 2017-10-09 19:19:34 +01:00
pkg Add sample CustomResourceDefinition controller 2017-10-09 19:19:34 +01:00
BUILD Add sample CustomResourceDefinition controller 2017-10-09 19:19:34 +01:00
controller.go Add sample CustomResourceDefinition controller 2017-10-09 19:19:34 +01:00
LICENSE Add sample CustomResourceDefinition controller 2017-10-09 19:19:34 +01:00
main.go Add sample CustomResourceDefinition controller 2017-10-09 19:19:34 +01:00
OWNERS Add sample CustomResourceDefinition controller 2017-10-09 19:19:34 +01:00
README.md Add sample CustomResourceDefinition controller 2017-10-09 19:19:34 +01:00


This repository implements a simple controller for watching Foo resources as defined with a CustomResourceDefinition (CRD).

It makes use of the generators in k8s.io/code-generator to generate a typed client, informers, listers and deep-copy functions. You can do this yourself using the ./hack/update-codegen.sh script.

The update-codegen script will automatically generate the following files & directories:

  • pkg/apis/samplecontroller/v1alpha1/zz_generated.deepcopy.go
  • pkg/client/

Changes should not be made to these files manually, and when creating your own controller based off of this implementation you should not copy these files and instead run the update-codegen script to generate your own.


This is an example of how to build a kube-like controller with a single type.


HEAD of this repository will match HEAD of k8s.io/apimachinery and k8s.io/client-go.

Where does it come from?

sample-controller is synced from https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/staging/src/k8s.io/sample-controller. Code changes are made in that location, merged into k8s.io/kubernetes and later synced here.