Taahir Ahmed 0db76b0424 Remove MPL-licensed dep from lruexpirecache
github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru is MPL 2 licensed, which means that
anyone who distributes code or binaries that incorporates it needs to
include its source code, even if they haven't made any modifications.

Since lrucacheexpire is picked up as a dependency of using the shared
informers in client-go, that's potentially a lot of distributors.
Most other deps of client-go are Apache 2.0, MIT, or BSD-like
licensed, which only requires including the license.

Rather than reverting to groupcache/lru, I just reimplemented the
functionality we need, which isn't much.

Kubernetes-commit: ecc53182475a00a4a1dc8ca1e056b0deb6bd430c
2020-10-10 20:29:26 -07:00

22 lines
434 B

// This is a generated file. Do not edit directly.
module k8s.io/sample-controller
go 1.16
require (
k8s.io/api v0.0.0
k8s.io/apimachinery v0.0.0
k8s.io/client-go v0.0.0
k8s.io/code-generator v0.0.0
k8s.io/klog/v2 v2.9.0
replace (
k8s.io/api => ../api
k8s.io/apimachinery => ../apimachinery
k8s.io/client-go => ../client-go
k8s.io/code-generator => ../code-generator
k8s.io/sample-controller => ../sample-controller