Kubernetes Publisher 7df7717190 Merge pull request #38320 from liggitt/golang-ratelimit
Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 59158, 38320, 59059, 55516, 59357). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="">here</a>.

Switch from juju/ratelimit to

Replaces juju/ratelimit with

Requires removing the Saturation() method on the rate limiter. In the process of attempting to contribute it to the `` implementation, it became clear that what it was calculating was not very useful when combined with periodic polling. See discussion in


Kubernetes-commit: 0656d030a7d131ca8088a9f0ecd12596eb90d2fd
2018-02-05 21:38:00 +00:00

23 lines
1.3 KiB

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