Kubernetes Publisher c0feae0701 Merge pull request #63059 from ceshihao/upgrade_json_package_fix_base64_newline
Automatic merge from submit-queue (batch tested with PRs 59965, 59115, 63076, 63059). If you want to cherry-pick this change to another branch, please follow the instructions <a href="https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/cherry-picks.md">here</a>.

Upgrade dep json-iterator/go to fix base64 decode bug

**What this PR does / why we need it**:
upgrade dep `json-iterator/go` to fix base64 decode bug #62742

**Which issue(s) this PR fixes** *(optional, in `fixes #<issue number>(, fixes #<issue_number>, ...)` format, will close the issue(s) when PR gets merged)*:
Fixes #62742

**Special notes for your reviewer**:
Just upgrade `json-iterator/go` to latest which includes base64 decode fix https://github.com/json-iterator/go/pull/266
No other code changes

**Release note**:


Kubernetes-commit: 3dbcd1ddcee786f443f89a82514bbd9c6ad06c99
2018-04-26 07:24:17 +00:00

2.5 KiB


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reflect api that avoids runtime reflect.Value cost

  • reflect get/set interface{}, with type checking
  • reflect get/set unsafe.Pointer, without type checking
  • reflect2.TypeByName works like Class.forName found in java

json-iterator use this package to save runtime dispatching cost. This package is designed for low level libraries to optimize reflection performance. General application should still use reflect standard library.


// given package is github.com/your/awesome-package
type MyStruct struct {
	// ...

// will return the type
// however, if the type has not been used
// it will be eliminated by compiler, so we can not get it in runtime

reflect2 get/set interface

valType := reflect2.TypeOf(1)
i := 1
j := 10
valType.Set(&i, &j)
// i will be 10

to get set type, always use its pointer *type

reflect2 get/set unsafe.Pointer

valType := reflect2.TypeOf(1)
i := 1
j := 10
valType.UnsafeSet(unsafe.Pointer(&i), unsafe.Pointer(&j))
// i will be 10

to get set type, always use its pointer *type


Benchmark is not necessary for this package. It does nothing actually. As it is just a thin wrapper to make go runtime public. Both reflect2 and reflect call same function provided by runtime package exposed by go language.

unsafe safety

Instead of casting []byte to sliceHeader in your application using unsafe. We can use reflect2 instead. This way, if sliceHeader changes in the future, only reflect2 need to be upgraded.

reflect2 tries its best to keep the implementation same as reflect (by testing).