* Utility Service
class Utilities {
* Creates an instance of the Utility service
* @type {object} A simple-keyboard instance
this.simpleKeyboardInstance = simpleKeyboardInstance;
* Adds default classes to a given button
* @param {string} button The button's layout name
* @return {string} The classes to be added to the button
getButtonClass = button => {
let buttonTypeClass = (button.includes("{") && button.includes("}") && button !== '{//}') ? "functionBtn" : "standardBtn";
let buttonWithoutBraces = button.replace("{", "").replace("}", "");
let buttonNormalized = '';
if(buttonTypeClass !== "standardBtn")
buttonNormalized = ` hg-button-${buttonWithoutBraces}`;
return `hg-${buttonTypeClass}${buttonNormalized}`;
* Default button display labels
return {
'{bksp}': 'backspace',
'{backspace}': 'backspace',
'{enter}': '< enter',
'{shift}': 'shift',
'{shiftleft}': 'shift',
'{shiftright}': 'shift',
'{alt}': 'alt',
'{s}': 'shift',
'{tab}': 'tab',
'{lock}': 'caps',
'{capslock}': 'caps',
'{accept}': 'Submit',
'{space}': ' ',
'{//}': ' ',
"{esc}": "esc",
"{escape}": "esc",
"{f1}": "f1",
"{f2}": "f2",
"{f3}": "f3",
"{f4}": "f4",
"{f5}": "f5",
"{f6}": "f6",
"{f7}": "f7",
"{f8}": "f8",
"{f9}": "f9",
"{f10}": "f10",
"{f11}": "f11",
"{f12}": "f12",
'{numpaddivide}': '/',
'{numlock}': 'lock',
"{arrowup}": "↑",
"{arrowleft}": "←",
"{arrowdown}": "↓",
"{arrowright}": "→",
"{prtscr}": "print",
"{scrolllock}": "scroll",
"{pause}": "pause",
"{insert}": "ins",
"{home}": "home",
"{pageup}": "up",
"{delete}": "del",
"{end}": "end",
"{pagedown}": "down",
"{numpadmultiply}": "*",
"{numpadsubtract}": "-",
"{numpadadd}": "+",
"{numpadenter}": "enter",
"{period}": ".",
"{numpaddecimal}": ".",
"{numpad0}": "0",
"{numpad1}": "1",
"{numpad2}": "2",
"{numpad3}": "3",
"{numpad4}": "4",
"{numpad5}": "5",
"{numpad6}": "6",
"{numpad7}": "7",
"{numpad8}": "8",
"{numpad9}": "9",
* Returns the display (label) name for a given button
* @param {string} button The button's layout name
* @param {object} display The provided display option
* @param {boolean} mergeDisplay Whether the provided param value should be merged with the default one.
getButtonDisplayName = (button, display, mergeDisplay) => {
display = Object.assign({}, this.getDefaultDiplay(), display);
} else {
display = display || this.getDefaultDiplay();
return display[button] || button;
* Returns the updated input resulting from clicking a given button
* @param {string} button The button's layout name
* @param {string} input The input string
* @param {object} options The simple-keyboard options object
* @param {number} caretPos The cursor's current position
getUpdatedInput = (button, input, options, caretPos) => {
let output = input;
if((button === "{bksp}" || button === "{backspace}") && output.length > 0){
output = this.removeAt(output, caretPos);
} else if(button === "{space}")
output = this.addStringAt(output, " ", caretPos);
else if(button === "{tab}" && !(typeof options.tabCharOnTab === "boolean" && options.tabCharOnTab === false)){
output = this.addStringAt(output, "\t", caretPos);
} else if((button === "{enter}" || button === "{numpadenter}") && options.newLineOnEnter)
output = this.addStringAt(output, "\n", caretPos);
else if(button.includes("numpad") && Number.isInteger(Number(button[button.length - 2]))){
output = this.addStringAt(output, button[button.length - 2], caretPos);
else if(button === "{numpaddivide}")
output = this.addStringAt(output, '/', caretPos);
else if(button === "{numpadmultiply}")
output = this.addStringAt(output, '*', caretPos);
else if(button === "{numpadsubtract}")
output = this.addStringAt(output, '-', caretPos);
else if(button === "{numpadadd}")
output = this.addStringAt(output, '+', caretPos);
else if(button === "{numpaddecimal}")
output = this.addStringAt(output, '.', caretPos);
else if(button === "{" || button === "}")
output = this.addStringAt(output, button, caretPos);
else if(!button.includes("{") && !button.includes("}"))
output = this.addStringAt(output, button, caretPos);
return output;
* Moves the cursor position by a given amount
* @param {number} length Represents by how many characters the input should be moved
* @param {boolean} minus Whether the cursor should be moved to the left or not.
updateCaretPos = (length, minus) => {
if(this.simpleKeyboardInstance.caretPosition > 0)
this.simpleKeyboardInstance.caretPosition = this.simpleKeyboardInstance.caretPosition - length
} else {
this.simpleKeyboardInstance.caretPosition = this.simpleKeyboardInstance.caretPosition + length;
* Adds a string to the input at a given position
* @param {string} source The source input
* @param {string} string The string to add
* @param {number} position The (cursor) position where the string should be added
addStringAt(source, string, position){
let output;
console.log("Caret at:", position);
if(!position && position !== 0){
output = source + string;
} else {
output = [source.slice(0, position), string, source.slice(position)].join('');
* Avoid caret position change when maxLength is set
return output;
* Removes an amount of characters at a given position
* @param {string} source The source input
* @param {number} position The (cursor) position from where the characters should be removed
removeAt(source, position){
if(this.simpleKeyboardInstance.caretPosition === 0){
return source;
let output;
let prevTwoChars;
let emojiMatched;
let emojiMatchedReg = /([\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF])/g;
* Emojis are made out of two characters, so we must take a custom approach to trim them.
* For more info:
if(position && position >= 0){
prevTwoChars = source.substring(position - 2, position)
emojiMatched = prevTwoChars.match(emojiMatchedReg);
output = source.substr(0, (position - 2)) + source.substr(position);
this.updateCaretPos(2, true);
} else {
output = source.substr(0, (position - 1)) + source.substr(position);
this.updateCaretPos(1, true);
} else {
prevTwoChars = source.slice(-2);
emojiMatched = prevTwoChars.match(emojiMatchedReg);
output = source.slice(0, -2);
this.updateCaretPos(2, true);
} else {
output = source.slice(0, -1);
this.updateCaretPos(1, true);
return output;
* Determines whether the maxLength has been reached. This function is called when the maxLength option it set.
* @param {object} inputObj
* @param {object} options
* @param {string} updatedInput
handleMaxLength(inputObj, options, updatedInput){
let maxLength = options.maxLength;
let currentInput = inputObj[options.inputName];
let condition = currentInput.length === maxLength;
* If pressing this button won't add more characters
* We exit out of this limiter function
updatedInput.length <= currentInput.length
return false;
console.log("maxLength (num) reached:", condition);
* @type {boolean} Boolean value that shows whether maxLength has been reached
this.maxLengthReached = true;
return true;
} else {
this.maxLengthReached = false;
return false;
if(typeof maxLength === "object"){
let condition = currentInput.length === maxLength[options.inputName];
console.log("maxLength (obj) reached:", condition);
this.maxLengthReached = true;
return true;
} else {
this.maxLengthReached = false;
return false;
* Gets the current value of maxLengthReached
isMaxLengthReached = () => {
return Boolean(this.maxLengthReached);
* Transforms an arbitrary string to camelCase
* @param {string} string The string to transform.
camelCase = (string) => {
return string.toLowerCase().trim().split(/[.\-_\s]/g).reduce((string, word) => string + word[0].toUpperCase() + word.slice(1));
* Counts the number of duplicates in a given array
* @param {Array} array The haystack to search in
* @param {string} value The needle to search for
countInArray = (array, value) => {
return array.reduce((n, x) => n + (x === value), 0);
export default Utilities;