/*! * * simple-keyboard v2.21.1 (Non-minified build) * https://github.com/hodgef/simple-keyboard * * Copyright (c) Francisco Hodge (https://github.com/hodgef) * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * */ (function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) { if (typeof exports === "object" && typeof module === "object") { module.exports = factory(); } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define("SimpleKeyboard", [], factory); } else if (typeof exports === "object") { exports["SimpleKeyboard"] = factory(); } else { root["SimpleKeyboard"] = factory(); } })(window, function() { /******/ return function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap /******/ // The module cache /******/ var installedModules = {}; /******/ /******/ // The require function /******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { /******/ /******/ // Check if module is in cache /******/ if (installedModules[moduleId]) { /******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports; /******/ } /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) /******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = { /******/ i: moduleId, /******/ l: false, /******/ exports: {} /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // Execute the module function /******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); /******/ /******/ // Flag the module as loaded /******/ module.l = true; /******/ /******/ // Return the exports of the module /******/ return module.exports; /******/ } /******/ /******/ /******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__) /******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules; /******/ /******/ // expose the module cache /******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules; /******/ /******/ // define getter function for harmony exports /******/ __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) { /******/ if (!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, name, { enumerable: true, get: getter }); /******/ } /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // define __esModule on exports /******/ __webpack_require__.r = function(exports) { /******/ if (typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && Symbol.toStringTag) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }); /******/ } /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // create a fake namespace object /******/ // mode & 1: value is a module id, require it /******/ // mode & 2: merge all properties of value into the ns /******/ // mode & 4: return value when already ns object /******/ // mode & 8|1: behave like require /******/ __webpack_require__.t = function(value, mode) { /******/ if (mode & 1) { value = __webpack_require__(value); /******/ } if (mode & 8) { return value; /******/ } if (mode & 4 && typeof value === "object" && value && value.__esModule) { return value; /******/ } var ns = Object.create(null); /******/ __webpack_require__.r(ns); /******/ Object.defineProperty(ns, "default", { enumerable: true, value: value }); /******/ if (mode & 2 && typeof value != "string") { for (var key in value) { __webpack_require__.d(ns, key, function(key) { return value[key]; }.bind(null, key)); /******/ } } return ns; /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules /******/ __webpack_require__.n = function(module) { /******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ? /******/ function getDefault() { return module["default"]; } : /******/ function getModuleExports() { return module; }; /******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, "a", getter); /******/ return getter; /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call /******/ __webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); }; /******/ /******/ // __webpack_public_path__ /******/ __webpack_require__.p = ""; /******/ /******/ /******/ // Load entry module and return exports /******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 0); /******/ } /************************************************************************/ /******/ ([ /* 0 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = __webpack_require__(2); /***/ }, /* 1 */ /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin /***/}, /* 2 */ /***/ function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__); // EXTERNAL MODULE: ./src/lib/components/Keyboard.css var Keyboard = __webpack_require__(1); // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/lib/services/PhysicalKeyboard.js function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) { descriptor.writable = true; } Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) { _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); } if (staticProps) { _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); } return Constructor; } /** * Physical Keyboard Service */ var PhysicalKeyboard = /* */ function() { /** * Creates an instance of the PhysicalKeyboard service */ function PhysicalKeyboard(simpleKeyboardInstance) { _classCallCheck(this, PhysicalKeyboard); /** * @type {object} A simple-keyboard instance */ this.simpleKeyboardInstance = simpleKeyboardInstance; /** * Bindings */ this.initKeyboardListener = this.initKeyboardListener.bind(this); this.getSimpleKeyboardLayoutKey = this.getSimpleKeyboardLayoutKey.bind(this); /** * Initialize key listeners */ this.initKeyboardListener(); } /** * Initializes key event listeners */ _createClass(PhysicalKeyboard, [ { key: "initKeyboardListener", value: function initKeyboardListener() { var _this = this; // Adding button style on keydown document.addEventListener("keydown", function(event) { if (_this.simpleKeyboardInstance.options.physicalKeyboardHighlight) { var buttonPressed = _this.getSimpleKeyboardLayoutKey(event); _this.simpleKeyboardInstance.dispatch(function(instance) { var buttonDOM = instance.getButtonElement(buttonPressed) || instance.getButtonElement("{".concat(buttonPressed, "}")); if (buttonDOM) { buttonDOM.style.backgroundColor = _this.simpleKeyboardInstance.options.physicalKeyboardHighlightBgColor || "#9ab4d0"; buttonDOM.style.color = _this.simpleKeyboardInstance.options.physicalKeyboardHighlightTextColor || "white"; } }); } }); // Removing button style on keyup document.addEventListener("keyup", function(event) { if (_this.simpleKeyboardInstance.options.physicalKeyboardHighlight) { var buttonPressed = _this.getSimpleKeyboardLayoutKey(event); _this.simpleKeyboardInstance.dispatch(function(instance) { var buttonDOM = instance.getButtonElement(buttonPressed) || instance.getButtonElement("{".concat(buttonPressed, "}")); if (buttonDOM && buttonDOM.removeAttribute) { buttonDOM.removeAttribute("style"); } }); } }); } /** * Transforms a KeyboardEvent's "key.code" string into a simple-keyboard layout format * @param {object} event The KeyboardEvent */ }, { key: "getSimpleKeyboardLayoutKey", value: function getSimpleKeyboardLayoutKey(event) { var output; if (event.code.includes("Numpad") || event.code.includes("Shift") || event.code.includes("Space") || event.code.includes("Backspace") || event.code.includes("Control") || event.code.includes("Alt") || event.code.includes("Meta")) { output = event.code; } else { output = event.key; } /** * If button is not uppercase, casting to lowercase */ if (output !== output.toUpperCase() || event.code[0] === "F" && Number.isInteger(Number(event.code[1])) && event.code.length <= 3) { output = output.toLowerCase(); } return output; } } ]); return PhysicalKeyboard; }(); /* harmony default export */ var services_PhysicalKeyboard = PhysicalKeyboard; // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/lib/services/KeyboardLayout.js function KeyboardLayout_classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } function KeyboardLayout_defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) { descriptor.writable = true; } Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } function KeyboardLayout_createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) { KeyboardLayout_defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); } if (staticProps) { KeyboardLayout_defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); } return Constructor; } /** * Keyboard Layout Service */ var KeyboardLayout = /* */ function() { function KeyboardLayout() { KeyboardLayout_classCallCheck(this, KeyboardLayout); } KeyboardLayout_createClass(KeyboardLayout, null, [ { key: "getDefaultLayout", /** * Get default simple-keyboard layout * @return {object} The default layout (US-QWERTY) */ value: function getDefaultLayout() { return { default: [ "` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = {bksp}", "{tab} q w e r t y u i o p [ ] \\", "{lock} a s d f g h j k l ; ' {enter}", "{shift} z x c v b n m , . / {shift}", ".com @ {space}" ], shift: [ "~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + {bksp}", "{tab} Q W E R T Y U I O P { } |", '{lock} A S D F G H J K L : " {enter}', "{shift} Z X C V B N M < > ? {shift}", ".com @ {space}" ] }; } } ]); return KeyboardLayout; }(); /* harmony default export */ var services_KeyboardLayout = KeyboardLayout; // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/lib/services/Utilities.js function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); } function Utilities_classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } function Utilities_defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) { descriptor.writable = true; } Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } function Utilities_createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) { Utilities_defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); } if (staticProps) { Utilities_defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); } return Constructor; } /** * Utility Service */ var Utilities = /* */ function() { /** * Creates an instance of the Utility service */ function Utilities(simpleKeyboardInstance) { Utilities_classCallCheck(this, Utilities); /** * @type {object} A simple-keyboard instance */ this.simpleKeyboardInstance = simpleKeyboardInstance; /** * Bindings */ Utilities.bindMethods(Utilities, this); } /** * Adds default classes to a given button * * @param {string} button The button's layout name * @return {string} The classes to be added to the button */ Utilities_createClass(Utilities, [ { key: "getButtonClass", value: function getButtonClass(button) { var buttonTypeClass = button.includes("{") && button.includes("}") && button !== "{//}" ? "functionBtn" : "standardBtn"; var buttonWithoutBraces = button.replace("{", "").replace("}", ""); var buttonNormalized = ""; if (buttonTypeClass !== "standardBtn") { buttonNormalized = " hg-button-".concat(buttonWithoutBraces); } return "hg-".concat(buttonTypeClass).concat(buttonNormalized); } /** * Default button display labels */ }, { key: "getDefaultDiplay", value: function getDefaultDiplay() { return { "{bksp}": "backspace", "{backspace}": "backspace", "{enter}": "< enter", "{shift}": "shift", "{shiftleft}": "shift", "{shiftright}": "shift", "{alt}": "alt", "{s}": "shift", "{tab}": "tab", "{lock}": "caps", "{capslock}": "caps", "{accept}": "Submit", "{space}": " ", "{//}": " ", "{esc}": "esc", "{escape}": "esc", "{f1}": "f1", "{f2}": "f2", "{f3}": "f3", "{f4}": "f4", "{f5}": "f5", "{f6}": "f6", "{f7}": "f7", "{f8}": "f8", "{f9}": "f9", "{f10}": "f10", "{f11}": "f11", "{f12}": "f12", "{numpaddivide}": "/", "{numlock}": "lock", "{arrowup}": "↑", "{arrowleft}": "←", "{arrowdown}": "↓", "{arrowright}": "→", "{prtscr}": "print", "{scrolllock}": "scroll", "{pause}": "pause", "{insert}": "ins", "{home}": "home", "{pageup}": "up", "{delete}": "del", "{end}": "end", "{pagedown}": "down", "{numpadmultiply}": "*", "{numpadsubtract}": "-", "{numpadadd}": "+", "{numpadenter}": "enter", "{period}": ".", "{numpaddecimal}": ".", "{numpad0}": "0", "{numpad1}": "1", "{numpad2}": "2", "{numpad3}": "3", "{numpad4}": "4", "{numpad5}": "5", "{numpad6}": "6", "{numpad7}": "7", "{numpad8}": "8", "{numpad9}": "9" }; } /** * Returns the display (label) name for a given button * * @param {string} button The button's layout name * @param {object} display The provided display option * @param {boolean} mergeDisplay Whether the provided param value should be merged with the default one. */ }, { key: "getButtonDisplayName", value: function getButtonDisplayName(button, display, mergeDisplay) { if (mergeDisplay) { display = Object.assign({}, this.getDefaultDiplay(), display); } else { display = display || this.getDefaultDiplay(); } return display[button] || button; } /** * Returns the updated input resulting from clicking a given button * * @param {string} button The button's layout name * @param {string} input The input string * @param {object} options The simple-keyboard options object * @param {number} caretPos The cursor's current position * @param {boolean} moveCaret Whether to update simple-keyboard's cursor */ }, { key: "getUpdatedInput", value: function getUpdatedInput(button, input, options, caretPos, moveCaret) { var output = input; if ((button === "{bksp}" || button === "{backspace}") && output.length > 0) { output = this.removeAt(output, caretPos, moveCaret); } else if (button === "{space}") { output = this.addStringAt(output, " ", caretPos, moveCaret); } else if (button === "{tab}" && !(typeof options.tabCharOnTab === "boolean" && options.tabCharOnTab === false)) { output = this.addStringAt(output, "\t", caretPos, moveCaret); } else if ((button === "{enter}" || button === "{numpadenter}") && options.newLineOnEnter) { output = this.addStringAt(output, "\n", caretPos, moveCaret); } else if (button.includes("numpad") && Number.isInteger(Number(button[button.length - 2]))) { output = this.addStringAt(output, button[button.length - 2], caretPos, moveCaret); } else if (button === "{numpaddivide}") { output = this.addStringAt(output, "/", caretPos, moveCaret); } else if (button === "{numpadmultiply}") { output = this.addStringAt(output, "*", caretPos, moveCaret); } else if (button === "{numpadsubtract}") { output = this.addStringAt(output, "-", caretPos, moveCaret); } else if (button === "{numpadadd}") { output = this.addStringAt(output, "+", caretPos, moveCaret); } else if (button === "{numpaddecimal}") { output = this.addStringAt(output, ".", caretPos, moveCaret); } else if (button === "{" || button === "}") { output = this.addStringAt(output, button, caretPos, moveCaret); } else if (!button.includes("{") && !button.includes("}")) { output = this.addStringAt(output, button, caretPos, moveCaret); } return output; } /** * Moves the cursor position by a given amount * * @param {number} length Represents by how many characters the input should be moved * @param {boolean} minus Whether the cursor should be moved to the left or not. */ }, { key: "updateCaretPos", value: function updateCaretPos(length, minus) { var newCaretPos = this.updateCaretPosAction(this.simpleKeyboardInstance, length, minus); if (this.simpleKeyboardInstance.options.syncInstanceInputs) { this.simpleKeyboardInstance.dispatch(function(instance) { instance.caretPosition = newCaretPos; }); } } /** * Action method of updateCaretPos * * @param {object} instance The instance whose position should be updated * @param {number} length Represents by how many characters the input should be moved * @param {boolean} minus Whether the cursor should be moved to the left or not. */ }, { key: "updateCaretPosAction", value: function updateCaretPosAction(instance, length, minus) { if (minus) { if (instance.caretPosition > 0) { instance.caretPosition = instance.caretPosition - length; } } else { instance.caretPosition = instance.caretPosition + length; } if (this.simpleKeyboardInstance.options.debug) { console.log("Caret at:", instance.caretPosition, "(".concat(instance.keyboardDOMClass, ")")); } return instance.caretPosition; } /** * Adds a string to the input at a given position * * @param {string} source The source input * @param {string} string The string to add * @param {number} position The (cursor) position where the string should be added * @param {boolean} moveCaret Whether to update simple-keyboard's cursor */ }, { key: "addStringAt", value: function addStringAt(source, string, position, moveCaret) { var output; if (!position && position !== 0) { output = source + string; } else { output = [ source.slice(0, position), string, source.slice(position) ].join(""); /** * Avoid caret position change when maxLength is set */ if (!this.isMaxLengthReached()) { if (moveCaret) { this.updateCaretPos(string.length); } } } return output; } /** * Removes an amount of characters at a given position * * @param {string} source The source input * @param {number} position The (cursor) position from where the characters should be removed * @param {boolean} moveCaret Whether to update simple-keyboard's cursor */ }, { key: "removeAt", value: function removeAt(source, position, moveCaret) { if (this.simpleKeyboardInstance.caretPosition === 0) { return source; } var output; var prevTwoChars; var emojiMatched; var emojiMatchedReg = /([\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF])/g; /** * Emojis are made out of two characters, so we must take a custom approach to trim them. * For more info: https://mathiasbynens.be/notes/javascript-unicode */ if (position && position >= 0) { prevTwoChars = source.substring(position - 2, position); emojiMatched = prevTwoChars.match(emojiMatchedReg); if (emojiMatched) { output = source.substr(0, position - 2) + source.substr(position); if (moveCaret) { this.updateCaretPos(2, true); } } else { output = source.substr(0, position - 1) + source.substr(position); if (moveCaret) { this.updateCaretPos(1, true); } } } else { prevTwoChars = source.slice(-2); emojiMatched = prevTwoChars.match(emojiMatchedReg); if (emojiMatched) { output = source.slice(0, -2); if (moveCaret) { this.updateCaretPos(2, true); } } else { output = source.slice(0, -1); if (moveCaret) { this.updateCaretPos(1, true); } } } return output; } /** * Determines whether the maxLength has been reached. This function is called when the maxLength option it set. * * @param {object} inputObj * @param {object} options * @param {string} updatedInput */ }, { key: "handleMaxLength", value: function handleMaxLength(inputObj, options, updatedInput) { var maxLength = options.maxLength; var currentInput = inputObj[options.inputName]; var condition = currentInput.length === maxLength; if ( /** * If pressing this button won't add more characters * We exit out of this limiter function */ updatedInput.length <= currentInput.length) { return false; } if (Number.isInteger(maxLength)) { if (options.debug) { console.log("maxLength (num) reached:", condition); } if (condition) { /** * @type {boolean} Boolean value that shows whether maxLength has been reached */ this.maxLengthReached = true; return true; } else { this.maxLengthReached = false; return false; } } if (_typeof(maxLength) === "object") { var _condition = currentInput.length === maxLength[options.inputName]; if (options.debug) { console.log("maxLength (obj) reached:", _condition); } if (_condition) { this.maxLengthReached = true; return true; } else { this.maxLengthReached = false; return false; } } } /** * Gets the current value of maxLengthReached */ }, { key: "isMaxLengthReached", value: function isMaxLengthReached() { return Boolean(this.maxLengthReached); } /** * Determines whether a touch device is being used */ }, { key: "isTouchDevice", value: function isTouchDevice() { return "ontouchstart" in window || navigator.maxTouchPoints; } /** * Determines whether pointer events are supported */ }, { key: "pointerEventsSupported", value: function pointerEventsSupported() { return window.PointerEvent; } /** * Bind all methods in a given class */ }, { key: "camelCase", /** * Transforms an arbitrary string to camelCase * * @param {string} string The string to transform. */ value: function camelCase(string) { return string.toLowerCase().trim().split(/[.\-_\s]/g).reduce(function(string, word) { return word.length ? string + word[0].toUpperCase() + word.slice(1) : string; }); } /** * Counts the number of duplicates in a given array * * @param {Array} array The haystack to search in * @param {string} value The needle to search for */ }, { key: "countInArray", value: function countInArray(array, value) { return array.reduce(function(n, x) { return n + (x === value); }, 0); } } ], [ { key: "bindMethods", value: function bindMethods(myClass, instance) { var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true; var _didIteratorError = false; var _iteratorError = undefined; try { for (var _iterator = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(myClass.prototype)[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step = _iterator.next()).done); _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) { var myMethod = _step.value; var excludeMethod = myMethod === "constructor" || myMethod === "bindMethods"; if (!excludeMethod) { instance[myMethod] = instance[myMethod].bind(instance); } } } catch (err) { _didIteratorError = true; _iteratorError = err; } finally { try { if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return != null) { _iterator.return(); } } finally { if (_didIteratorError) { throw _iteratorError; } } } } } ]); return Utilities; }(); /* harmony default export */ var services_Utilities = Utilities; // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/lib/components/Keyboard.js function Keyboard_typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { Keyboard_typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { Keyboard_typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return Keyboard_typeof(obj); } function Keyboard_classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } function Keyboard_defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) { descriptor.writable = true; } Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } function Keyboard_createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) { Keyboard_defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); } if (staticProps) { Keyboard_defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); } return Constructor; } // Services /** * Root class for simple-keyboard * This class: * - Parses the options * - Renders the rows and buttons * - Handles button functionality */ var Keyboard_SimpleKeyboard = /* */ function() { /** * Creates an instance of SimpleKeyboard * @param {Array} params If first parameter is a string, it is considered the container class. The second parameter is then considered the options object. If first parameter is an object, it is considered the options object. */ function SimpleKeyboard() { var _this = this; Keyboard_classCallCheck(this, SimpleKeyboard); this.registerModule = function(name, initCallback) { if (!_this.modules[name]) { _this.modules[name] = {}; } initCallback(_this.modules[name]); }; var keyboardDOMQuery = typeof (arguments.length <= 0 ? undefined : arguments[0]) === "string" ? arguments.length <= 0 ? undefined : arguments[0] : ".simple-keyboard"; var options = Keyboard_typeof(arguments.length <= 0 ? undefined : arguments[0]) === "object" ? arguments.length <= 0 ? undefined : arguments[0] : arguments.length <= 1 ? undefined : arguments[1]; if (!options) { options = {}; /** * Initializing Utilities */ } this.utilities = new services_Utilities(this); /** * Processing options */ this.keyboardDOM = document.querySelector(keyboardDOMQuery); /** * @type {object} * @property {object} layout Modify the keyboard layout. * @property {string} layoutName Specifies which layout should be used. * @property {object} display Replaces variable buttons (such as {bksp}) with a human-friendly name (e.g.: “backspace”). * @property {boolean} mergeDisplay By default, when you set the display property, you replace the default one. This setting merges them instead. * @property {string} theme A prop to add your own css classes to the keyboard wrapper. You can add multiple classes separated by a space. * @property {Array} buttonTheme A prop to add your own css classes to one or several buttons. * @property {boolean} debug Runs a console.log every time a key is pressed. Displays the buttons pressed and the current input. * @property {boolean} newLineOnEnter Specifies whether clicking the “ENTER” button will input a newline (\n) or not. * @property {boolean} tabCharOnTab Specifies whether clicking the “TAB” button will input a tab character (\t) or not. * @property {string} inputName Allows you to use a single simple-keyboard instance for several inputs. * @property {number} maxLength Restrains all of simple-keyboard inputs to a certain length. This should be used in addition to the input element’s maxlengthattribute. * @property {object} maxLength Restrains simple-keyboard’s individual inputs to a certain length. This should be used in addition to the input element’s maxlengthattribute. * @property {boolean} syncInstanceInputs When set to true, this option synchronizes the internal input of every simple-keyboard instance. * @property {boolean} physicalKeyboardHighlight Enable highlighting of keys pressed on physical keyboard. * @property {boolean} preventMouseDownDefault Calling preventDefault for the mousedown events keeps the focus on the input. * @property {string} physicalKeyboardHighlightTextColor Define the text color that the physical keyboard highlighted key should have. * @property {string} physicalKeyboardHighlightBgColor Define the background color that the physical keyboard highlighted key should have. * @property {function(button: string):string} onKeyPress Executes the callback function on key press. Returns button layout name (i.e.: “{shift}”). * @property {function(input: string):string} onChange Executes the callback function on input change. Returns the current input’s string. * @property {function} onRender Executes the callback function every time simple-keyboard is rendered (e.g: when you change layouts). * @property {function} onInit Executes the callback function once simple-keyboard is rendered for the first time (on initialization). * @property {function(inputs: object):object} onChangeAll Executes the callback function on input change. Returns the input object with all defined inputs. * @property {boolean} useButtonTag Render buttons as a button element instead of a div element. * @property {boolean} disableCaretPositioning A prop to ensure characters are always be added/removed at the end of the string. * @property {object} inputPattern Restrains input(s) change to the defined regular expression pattern. * @property {boolean} useTouchEvents Instructs simple-keyboard to use touch events instead of click events. * @property {boolean} autoUseTouchEvents Enable useTouchEvents automatically when touch device is detected. * @property {boolean} useMouseEvents Opt out of PointerEvents handling, falling back to the prior mouse event logic. */ this.options = options; this.options.layoutName = this.options.layoutName || "default"; this.options.theme = this.options.theme || "hg-theme-default"; this.options.inputName = this.options.inputName || "default"; this.options.preventMouseDownDefault = this.options.preventMouseDownDefault || false; /** * @type {object} Classes identifying loaded plugins */ this.keyboardPluginClasses = ""; /** * Bindings */ services_Utilities.bindMethods(SimpleKeyboard, this); /** * simple-keyboard uses a non-persistent internal input to keep track of the entered string (the variable `keyboard.input`). * This removes any dependency to input DOM elements. You can type and directly display the value in a div element, for example. * @example * // To get entered input * let input = keyboard.getInput(); * * // To clear entered input. * keyboard.clearInput(); * * @type {object} * @property {object} default Default SimpleKeyboard internal input. * @property {object} myInputName Example input that can be set through `options.inputName:"myInputName"`. */ this.input = {}; this.input[this.options.inputName] = ""; /** * @type {string} DOM class of the keyboard wrapper, normally "simple-keyboard" by default. */ this.keyboardDOMClass = keyboardDOMQuery.split(".").join(""); /** * @type {object} Contains the DOM elements of every rendered button, the key being the button's layout name (e.g.: "{enter}"). */ this.buttonElements = {}; /** * Rendering keyboard */ if (this.keyboardDOM) { this.render(); } else { console.warn('"'.concat(keyboardDOMQuery, '" was not found in the DOM.')); throw new Error("KEYBOARD_DOM_ERROR"); } /** * Saving instance * This enables multiple simple-keyboard support with easier management */ if (!window["SimpleKeyboardInstances"]) { window["SimpleKeyboardInstances"] = {}; } window["SimpleKeyboardInstances"][this.utilities.camelCase(this.keyboardDOMClass)] = this; /** * Physical Keyboard support */ this.physicalKeyboardInterface = new services_PhysicalKeyboard(this); /** * Modules */ this.modules = {}; this.loadModules(); } /** * Handles clicks made to keyboard buttons * @param {string} button The button's layout name. */ Keyboard_createClass(SimpleKeyboard, [ { key: "handleButtonClicked", value: function handleButtonClicked(button) { var debug = this.options.debug; /** * Ignoring placeholder buttons */ if (button === "{//}") { return false; /** * Calling onKeyPress */ } if (typeof this.options.onKeyPress === "function") { this.options.onKeyPress(button); } if (!this.input[this.options.inputName]) { this.input[this.options.inputName] = ""; } var updatedInput = this.utilities.getUpdatedInput(button, this.input[this.options.inputName], this.options, this.caretPosition); if (// If input will change as a result of this button press this.input[this.options.inputName] !== updatedInput && (// This pertains to the "inputPattern" option: // If inputPattern isn't set !this.options.inputPattern || // Or, if it is set and if the pattern is valid - we proceed. this.options.inputPattern && this.inputPatternIsValid(updatedInput))) { /** * If maxLength and handleMaxLength yield true, halting */ if (this.options.maxLength && this.utilities.handleMaxLength(this.input, this.options, updatedInput)) { return false; } this.input[this.options.inputName] = this.utilities.getUpdatedInput(button, this.input[this.options.inputName], this.options, this.caretPosition, true); if (debug) { console.log("Input changed:", this.input); /** * Enforce syncInstanceInputs, if set */ } if (this.options.syncInstanceInputs) { this.syncInstanceInputs(this.input); /** * Calling onChange */ } if (typeof this.options.onChange === "function") { this.options.onChange(this.input[this.options.inputName]); /** * Calling onChangeAll */ } if (typeof this.options.onChangeAll === "function") { this.options.onChangeAll(this.input); } } if (debug) { console.log("Key pressed:", button); } } /** * Handles button mousedown */ /* istanbul ignore next */ }, { key: "handleButtonMouseDown", value: function handleButtonMouseDown(button, e) { var _this2 = this; /** * Handle event options */ if (this.options.preventMouseDownDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } if (this.options.stopMouseDownPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); /** * @type {boolean} Whether the mouse is being held onKeyPress */ } this.isMouseHold = true; if (this.holdInteractionTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.holdInteractionTimeout); } if (this.holdTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.holdTimeout); /** * @type {object} Time to wait until a key hold is detected */ } this.holdTimeout = setTimeout(function() { if (_this2.isMouseHold && (!button.includes("{") && !button.includes("}") || button === "{delete}" || button === "{backspace}" || button === "{bksp}" || button === "{space}" || button === "{tab}")) { if (_this2.options.debug) { console.log("Button held:", button); } _this2.handleButtonHold(button, e); } clearTimeout(_this2.holdTimeout); }, 500); } /** * Handles button mouseup */ }, { key: "handleButtonMouseUp", value: function handleButtonMouseUp() { this.isMouseHold = false; if (this.holdInteractionTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.holdInteractionTimeout); } } /** * Handles button hold */ /* istanbul ignore next */ }, { key: "handleButtonHold", value: function handleButtonHold(button) { var _this3 = this; if (this.holdInteractionTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.holdInteractionTimeout); /** * @type {object} Timeout dictating the speed of key hold iterations */ } this.holdInteractionTimeout = setTimeout(function() { if (_this3.isMouseHold) { _this3.handleButtonClicked(button); _this3.handleButtonHold(button); } else { clearTimeout(_this3.holdInteractionTimeout); } }, 100); } /** * Send a command to all simple-keyboard instances (if you have several instances). */ }, { key: "syncInstanceInputs", value: function syncInstanceInputs() { var _this4 = this; this.dispatch(function(instance) { instance.replaceInput(_this4.input); instance.caretPosition = _this4.caretPosition; }); } /** * Clear the keyboard’s input. * @param {string} [inputName] optional - the internal input to select */ }, { key: "clearInput", value: function clearInput(inputName) { inputName = inputName || this.options.inputName; this.input[inputName] = ""; /** * Reset caretPosition */ this.caretPosition = 0; /** * Enforce syncInstanceInputs, if set */ if (this.options.syncInstanceInputs) { this.syncInstanceInputs(this.input); } } /** * Get the keyboard’s input (You can also get it from the onChange prop). * @param {string} [inputName] optional - the internal input to select */ }, { key: "getInput", value: function getInput(inputName) { inputName = inputName || this.options.inputName; /** * Enforce syncInstanceInputs, if set */ if (this.options.syncInstanceInputs) { this.syncInstanceInputs(this.input); } return this.input[inputName]; } /** * Set the keyboard’s input. * @param {string} input the input value * @param {string} inputName optional - the internal input to select */ }, { key: "setInput", value: function setInput(input, inputName) { inputName = inputName || this.options.inputName; this.input[inputName] = input; /** * Enforce syncInstanceInputs, if set */ if (this.options.syncInstanceInputs) { this.syncInstanceInputs(this.input); } } /** * Replace the input object (`keyboard.input`) * @param {object} inputObj The input object */ }, { key: "replaceInput", value: function replaceInput(inputObj) { this.input = inputObj; } /** * Set new option or modify existing ones after initialization. * @param {object} options The options to set */ }, { key: "setOptions", value: function setOptions(options) { options = options || {}; this.options = Object.assign(this.options, options); /** * Some option changes require adjustments before re-render */ this.onSetOptions(options); /** * Rendering */ this.render(); } /** * Executing actions depending on changed options * @param {object} options The options to set */ }, { key: "onSetOptions", value: function onSetOptions(options) { if (options.inputName) { /** * inputName changed. This requires a caretPosition reset */ if (this.options.debug) { console.log("inputName changed. caretPosition reset."); } this.caretPosition = null; } } /** * Remove all keyboard rows and reset keyboard values. * Used interally between re-renders. */ }, { key: "clear", value: function clear() { this.keyboardDOM.innerHTML = ""; this.keyboardDOM.className = this.keyboardDOMClass; this.buttonElements = {}; } /** * Send a command to all simple-keyboard instances at once (if you have multiple instances). * @param {function(instance: object, key: string)} callback Function to run on every instance */ }, { key: "dispatch", value: function dispatch(callback) { if (!window["SimpleKeyboardInstances"]) { console.warn("SimpleKeyboardInstances is not defined. Dispatch cannot be called."); throw new Error("INSTANCES_VAR_ERROR"); } return Object.keys(window["SimpleKeyboardInstances"]).forEach(function(key) { callback(window["SimpleKeyboardInstances"][key], key); }); } /** * Adds/Modifies an entry to the `buttonTheme`. Basically a way to add a class to a button. * @param {string} buttons List of buttons to select (separated by a space). * @param {string} className Classes to give to the selected buttons (separated by space). */ }, { key: "addButtonTheme", value: function addButtonTheme(buttons, className) { var _this5 = this; if (!className || !buttons) { return false; } buttons.split(" ").forEach(function(button) { className.split(" ").forEach(function(classNameItem) { if (!_this5.options.buttonTheme) { _this5.options.buttonTheme = []; } var classNameFound = false; /** * If class is already defined, we add button to class definition */ _this5.options.buttonTheme.map(function(buttonTheme) { if (buttonTheme.class.split(" ").includes(classNameItem)) { classNameFound = true; var buttonThemeArray = buttonTheme.buttons.split(" "); if (!buttonThemeArray.includes(button)) { classNameFound = true; buttonThemeArray.push(button); buttonTheme.buttons = buttonThemeArray.join(" "); } } return buttonTheme; }); /** * If class is not defined, we create a new entry */ if (!classNameFound) { _this5.options.buttonTheme.push({ class: classNameItem, buttons: buttons }); } }); }); this.render(); } /** * Removes/Amends an entry to the `buttonTheme`. Basically a way to remove a class previously added to a button through buttonTheme or addButtonTheme. * @param {string} buttons List of buttons to select (separated by a space). * @param {string} className Classes to give to the selected buttons (separated by space). */ }, { key: "removeButtonTheme", value: function removeButtonTheme(buttons, className) { var _this6 = this; /** * When called with empty parameters, remove all button themes */ if (!buttons && !className) { this.options.buttonTheme = []; this.render(); return false; } /** * If buttons are passed and buttonTheme has items */ if (buttons && Array.isArray(this.options.buttonTheme) && this.options.buttonTheme.length) { var buttonArray = buttons.split(" "); buttonArray.forEach(function(button, key) { _this6.options.buttonTheme.map(function(buttonTheme, index) { /** * If className is set, we affect the buttons only for that class * Otherwise, we afect all classes */ if (className && className.includes(buttonTheme.class) || !className) { var filteredButtonArray = buttonTheme.buttons.split(" ").filter(function(item) { return item !== button; }); /** * If buttons left, return them, otherwise, remove button Theme */ if (filteredButtonArray.length) { buttonTheme.buttons = filteredButtonArray.join(" "); } else { _this6.options.buttonTheme.splice(index, 1); buttonTheme = null; } } return buttonTheme; }); }); this.render(); } } /** * Get the DOM Element of a button. If there are several buttons with the same name, an array of the DOM Elements is returned. * @param {string} button The button layout name to select */ }, { key: "getButtonElement", value: function getButtonElement(button) { var output; var buttonArr = this.buttonElements[button]; if (buttonArr) { if (buttonArr.length > 1) { output = buttonArr; } else { output = buttonArr[0]; } } return output; } /** * This handles the "inputPattern" option * by checking if the provided inputPattern passes */ }, { key: "inputPatternIsValid", value: function inputPatternIsValid(inputVal) { var inputPatternRaw = this.options.inputPattern; var inputPattern; /** * Check if input pattern is global or targeted to individual inputs */ if (inputPatternRaw instanceof RegExp) { inputPattern = inputPatternRaw; } else { inputPattern = inputPatternRaw[this.options.inputName]; } if (inputPattern && inputVal) { var didInputMatch = inputPattern.test(inputVal); if (this.options.debug) { console.log('inputPattern ("'.concat(inputPattern, '"): ').concat(didInputMatch ? "passed" : "did not pass!")); } return didInputMatch; } else { /** * inputPattern doesn't seem to be set for the current input, or input is empty. Pass. */ return true; } } /** * Retrieves the current cursor position within a input or textarea (if any) */ }, { key: "handleCaret", value: function handleCaret() { /** * Only first instance should insall the caret handling events */ this.caretPosition = null; var simpleKeyboardInstances = window["SimpleKeyboardInstances"]; if (simpleKeyboardInstances && Object.keys(simpleKeyboardInstances)[0] === this.utilities.camelCase(this.keyboardDOMClass) || !simpleKeyboardInstances) { if (this.options.debug) { console.log("Caret handling started (".concat(this.keyboardDOMClass, ")")); } document.addEventListener("keyup", this.caretEventHandler); document.addEventListener("mouseup", this.caretEventHandler); document.addEventListener("touchend", this.caretEventHandler); } } /** * Called by {@link handleCaret} when an event that warrants a cursor position update is triggered */ }, { key: "caretEventHandler", value: function caretEventHandler(event) { var targetTagName; if (event.target.tagName) { targetTagName = event.target.tagName.toLowerCase(); } this.dispatch(function(instance) { if (instance.isMouseHold) { instance.isMouseHold = false; } if ((targetTagName === "textarea" || targetTagName === "input") && !instance.options.disableCaretPositioning) { /** * Tracks current cursor position * As keys are pressed, text will be added/removed at that position within the input. */ instance.caretPosition = event.target.selectionStart; if (instance.options.debug) { console.log("Caret at: ", event.target.selectionStart, event.target.tagName.toLowerCase(), "(".concat(instance.keyboardDOMClass, ")")); } } else if (instance.options.disableCaretPositioning) { /** * If we toggled off disableCaretPositioning, we must ensure caretPosition doesn't persist once reactivated. */ instance.caretPosition = null; } }); } /** * Process buttonTheme option */ }, { key: "getButtonTheme", value: function getButtonTheme() { var _this7 = this; var buttonThemesParsed = {}; this.options.buttonTheme.forEach(function(themeObj) { if (themeObj.buttons && themeObj.class) { var themeButtons; if (typeof themeObj.buttons === "string") { themeButtons = themeObj.buttons.split(" "); } if (themeButtons) { themeButtons.forEach(function(themeButton) { var themeParsed = buttonThemesParsed[themeButton]; // If the button has already been added if (themeParsed) { // Making sure we don't add duplicate classes, even when buttonTheme has duplicates if (!_this7.utilities.countInArray(themeParsed.split(" "), themeObj.class)) { buttonThemesParsed[themeButton] = "".concat(themeParsed, " ").concat(themeObj.class); } } else { buttonThemesParsed[themeButton] = themeObj.class; } }); } } else { console.warn('buttonTheme row is missing the "buttons" or the "class". Please check the documentation.'); } }); return buttonThemesParsed; } }, { key: "onTouchDeviceDetected", value: function onTouchDeviceDetected() { /** * Processing autoTouchEvents */ this.processAutoTouchEvents(); /** * Disabling contextual window on touch devices */ this.disableContextualWindow(); } /** * Disabling contextual window for hg-button */ /* istanbul ignore next */ }, { key: "disableContextualWindow", value: function disableContextualWindow() { window.oncontextmenu = function(event) { if (event.target.classList.contains("hg-button")) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return false; } }; } /** * Process autoTouchEvents option */ }, { key: "processAutoTouchEvents", value: function processAutoTouchEvents() { if (this.options.autoUseTouchEvents) { this.options.useTouchEvents = true; if (this.options.debug) { console.log("autoUseTouchEvents: Touch device detected, useTouchEvents enabled."); } } } /** * Executes the callback function once simple-keyboard is rendered for the first time (on initialization). */ }, { key: "onInit", value: function onInit() { if (this.options.debug) { console.log("".concat(this.keyboardDOMClass, " Initialized")); } /** * Caret handling */ this.handleCaret(); if (typeof this.options.onInit === "function") { this.options.onInit(); } } /** * Executes the callback function before a simple-keyboard render. */ }, { key: "beforeFirstRender", value: function beforeFirstRender() { /** * Performing actions when touch device detected */ if (this.utilities.isTouchDevice()) { this.onTouchDeviceDetected(); } if (typeof this.options.beforeFirstRender === "function") { this.options.beforeFirstRender(); /** * Notify about PointerEvents usage */ } if (this.utilities.pointerEventsSupported() && !this.options.useTouchEvents && !this.options.useMouseEvents) { if (this.options.debug) { console.log("Using PointerEvents as it is supported by this browser"); } } /** * Notify about touch events usage */ if (this.options.useTouchEvents) { if (this.options.debug) { console.log("useTouchEvents has been enabled. Only touch events will be used."); } } } /** * Executes the callback function before a simple-keyboard render. */ }, { key: "beforeRender", value: function beforeRender() { if (typeof this.options.beforeRender === "function") { this.options.beforeRender(); } } /** * Executes the callback function every time simple-keyboard is rendered (e.g: when you change layouts). */ }, { key: "onRender", value: function onRender() { if (typeof this.options.onRender === "function") { this.options.onRender(); } } /** * Executes the callback function once all modules have been loaded */ }, { key: "onModulesLoaded", value: function onModulesLoaded() { if (typeof this.options.onModulesLoaded === "function") { this.options.onModulesLoaded(); } } /** * Register module */ }, { key: "loadModules", /** * Load modules */ value: function loadModules() { var _this8 = this; if (Array.isArray(this.options.modules)) { this.options.modules.forEach(function(Module) { var module = new Module(); /* istanbul ignore next */ if (module.constructor.name && module.constructor.name !== "Function") { var classStr = "module-".concat(_this8.utilities.camelCase(module.constructor.name)); _this8.keyboardPluginClasses = _this8.keyboardPluginClasses + " ".concat(classStr); } module.init(_this8); }); this.keyboardPluginClasses = this.keyboardPluginClasses + " modules-loaded"; this.render(); this.onModulesLoaded(); } } /** * Get module prop */ }, { key: "getModuleProp", value: function getModuleProp(name, prop) { if (!this.modules[name]) { return false; } return this.modules[name][prop]; } /** * getModulesList */ }, { key: "getModulesList", value: function getModulesList() { return Object.keys(this.modules); } /** * Parse Row DOM containers */ }, { key: "parseRowDOMContainers", value: function parseRowDOMContainers(rowDOM, rowIndex, containerStartIndexes, containerEndIndexes) { var _this9 = this; var rowDOMArray = Array.from(rowDOM.children); var removedElements = 0; if (rowDOMArray.length) { containerStartIndexes.forEach(function(startIndex, arrIndex) { var endIndex = containerEndIndexes[arrIndex]; /** * If there exists a respective end index * if end index comes after start index */ if (!endIndex || !(endIndex > startIndex)) { return false; } /** * Updated startIndex, endIndex * This is since the removal of buttons to place a single button container * results in a modified array size */ var updated_startIndex = startIndex - removedElements; var updated_endIndex = endIndex - removedElements; /** * Create button container */ var containerDOM = document.createElement("div"); containerDOM.className += "hg-button-container"; var containerUID = "".concat(_this9.options.layoutName, "-r").concat(rowIndex, "c").concat(arrIndex); containerDOM.setAttribute("data-skUID", containerUID); /** * Taking elements due to be inserted into container */ var containedElements = rowDOMArray.splice(updated_startIndex, updated_endIndex - updated_startIndex + 1); removedElements = updated_endIndex - updated_startIndex; /** * Inserting elements to container */ containedElements.forEach(function(element) { return containerDOM.appendChild(element); }); /** * Adding container at correct position within rowDOMArray */ rowDOMArray.splice(updated_startIndex, 0, containerDOM); /** * Clearing old rowDOM children structure */ rowDOM.innerHTML = ""; /** * Appending rowDOM new children list */ rowDOMArray.forEach(function(element) { return rowDOM.appendChild(element); }); if (_this9.options.debug) { console.log("rowDOMContainer", containedElements, updated_startIndex, updated_endIndex, removedElements + 1); } }); } return rowDOM; } /** * Renders rows and buttons as per options */ }, { key: "render", value: function render() { var _this10 = this; /** * Clear keyboard */ this.clear(); /** * Calling beforeFirstRender */ if (!this.initialized) { this.beforeFirstRender(); } /** * Calling beforeRender */ this.beforeRender(); var layoutClass = "hg-layout-".concat(this.options.layoutName); var layout = this.options.layout || services_KeyboardLayout.getDefaultLayout(); var useTouchEvents = this.options.useTouchEvents || false; var useTouchEventsClass = useTouchEvents ? "hg-touch-events" : ""; var useMouseEvents = this.options.useMouseEvents || false; var disableRowButtonContainers = this.options.disableRowButtonContainers; /** * Account for buttonTheme, if set */ var buttonThemesParsed = Array.isArray(this.options.buttonTheme) ? this.getButtonTheme() : {}; /** * Adding themeClass, layoutClass to keyboardDOM */ this.keyboardDOM.className += " ".concat(this.options.theme, " ").concat(layoutClass, " ").concat(this.keyboardPluginClasses, " ").concat(useTouchEventsClass); /** * Iterating through each row */ layout[this.options.layoutName].forEach(function(row, rIndex) { var rowArray = row.split(" "); /** * Creating empty row */ var rowDOM = document.createElement("div"); rowDOM.className += "hg-row"; /** * Tracking container indicators in rows */ var containerStartIndexes = []; var containerEndIndexes = []; /** * Iterating through each button in row */ rowArray.forEach(function(button, bIndex) { /** * Check if button has a container indicator */ var buttonHasContainerStart = !disableRowButtonContainers && button.includes("[") && button.length > 1; var buttonHasContainerEnd = !disableRowButtonContainers && button.includes("]") && button.length > 1; /** * Save container start index, if applicable */ if (buttonHasContainerStart) { containerStartIndexes.push(bIndex); /** * Removing indicator */ button = button.replace(/\[/g, ""); } if (buttonHasContainerEnd) { containerEndIndexes.push(bIndex); /** * Removing indicator */ button = button.replace(/\]/g, ""); } /** * Processing button options */ var fctBtnClass = _this10.utilities.getButtonClass(button); var buttonThemeClass = buttonThemesParsed[button]; var buttonDisplayName = _this10.utilities.getButtonDisplayName(button, _this10.options.display, _this10.options.mergeDisplay); /** * Creating button */ var buttonType = _this10.options.useButtonTag ? "button" : "div"; var buttonDOM = document.createElement(buttonType); buttonDOM.className += "hg-button ".concat(fctBtnClass).concat(buttonThemeClass ? " " + buttonThemeClass : ""); /** * Handle button click event */ /* istanbul ignore next */ if (_this10.utilities.pointerEventsSupported() && !useTouchEvents && !useMouseEvents) { /** * Handle PointerEvents */ buttonDOM.onpointerdown = function(e) { _this10.handleButtonClicked(button); _this10.handleButtonMouseDown(button, e); }; buttonDOM.onpointerup = function(e) { _this10.handleButtonMouseUp(); }; buttonDOM.onpointercancel = function(e) { return _this10.handleButtonMouseUp(); }; } else { /** * Fallback for browsers not supporting PointerEvents */ if (useTouchEvents) { /** * Handle touch events */ buttonDOM.ontouchstart = function(e) { _this10.handleButtonClicked(button); _this10.handleButtonMouseDown(button, e); }; buttonDOM.ontouchend = function(e) { return _this10.handleButtonMouseUp(); }; buttonDOM.ontouchcancel = function(e) { return _this10.handleButtonMouseUp(); }; } else { /** * Handle mouse events */ buttonDOM.onclick = function() { _this10.isMouseHold = false; _this10.handleButtonClicked(button); }; buttonDOM.onmousedown = function(e) { _this10.handleButtonMouseDown(button, e); }; } } /** * Adding identifier */ buttonDOM.setAttribute("data-skBtn", button); /** * Adding unique id * Since there's no limit on spawning same buttons, the unique id ensures you can style every button */ var buttonUID = "".concat(_this10.options.layoutName, "-r").concat(rIndex, "b").concat(bIndex); buttonDOM.setAttribute("data-skBtnUID", buttonUID); /** * Adding display label */ buttonDOM.setAttribute("data-displayLabel", buttonDisplayName); /** * Adding button label to button */ var buttonSpanDOM = document.createElement("span"); buttonSpanDOM.innerHTML = buttonDisplayName; buttonDOM.appendChild(buttonSpanDOM); /** * Adding to buttonElements */ if (!_this10.buttonElements[button]) { _this10.buttonElements[button] = []; } _this10.buttonElements[button].push(buttonDOM); /** * Appending button to row */ rowDOM.appendChild(buttonDOM); }); /** * Parse containers in row */ rowDOM = _this10.parseRowDOMContainers(rowDOM, rIndex, containerStartIndexes, containerEndIndexes); /** * Appending row to keyboard */ _this10.keyboardDOM.appendChild(rowDOM); }); /** * Calling onRender */ this.onRender(); if (!this.initialized) { /** * Ensures that onInit and beforeFirstRender are only called once per instantiation */ this.initialized = true; /** * Handling onpointerup */ /* istanbul ignore next */ if (this.utilities.pointerEventsSupported() && !useTouchEvents && !useMouseEvents) { document.onpointerup = function() { return _this10.handleButtonMouseUp(); }; } else if (useTouchEvents) { /** * Handling ontouchend, ontouchcancel */ document.ontouchend = function(e) { return _this10.handleButtonMouseUp(); }; document.ontouchcancel = function(e) { return _this10.handleButtonMouseUp(); }; } else if (!useTouchEvents) { /** * Handling mouseup */ document.onmouseup = function() { return _this10.handleButtonMouseUp(); }; } /** * Calling onInit */ this.onInit(); } } } ]); return SimpleKeyboard; }(); /* harmony default export */ var components_Keyboard = Keyboard_SimpleKeyboard; // CONCATENATED MODULE: ./src/lib/index.js /* harmony default export */ var lib = __webpack_exports__["default"] = components_Keyboard; /***/ } /******/ ]); });