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Root class for simple-keyboard This class:

  • Parses the options
  • Renders the rows and buttons
  • Handles button functionality

Constructor Summary

Public Constructor

constructor(params: Array)

Creates an instance of SimpleKeyboard

Member Summary

Public Members

addButtonTheme(buttons: string, className: string): *

Adds/Modifies an entry to the buttonTheme.


Called by handleCaret when an event that warrants a cursor position update is triggered


clear: *

Remove all keyboard rows and reset keyboard values.


clearInput(inputName: string): *

Clear the keyboard’s input.


dispatch(callback: function(instance: object, key: string)): *

Send a command to all simple-keyboard instances at once (if you have multiple instances).


getButtonElement(button: string): *

Get the DOM Element of a button.


getInput(inputName: string): *

Get the keyboard’s input (You can also get it from the onChange prop).


Handles clicks made to keyboard buttons


Retrieves the current cursor position within a input or textarea (if any)


simple-keyboard uses a non-persistent internal input to keep track of the entered string (the variable keyboard.input).


Processing options


onInit: *

Executes the callback function once simple-keyboard is rendered for the first time (on initialization).


Executes the callback function every time simple-keyboard is rendered (e.g: when you change layouts).


Physical Keyboard support


removeButtonTheme(buttons: string, className: string): *

Removes/Amends an entry to the buttonTheme.


render: *

Renders rows and buttons as per options


replaceInput(inputObj: object): *

Replace the input object (keyboard.input)


setInput(input: string, inputName: string): *

Set the keyboard’s input.


setOptions(option: object): *

Set new option or modify existing ones after initialization.


Send a command to all simple-keyboard instances (if you have several instances).


Initializing Utilities

Public Constructors

public constructor(params: Array) source

Creates an instance of SimpleKeyboard


params Array

If first parameter is a string, it is considered the container class. The second parameter is then considered the options object. If first parameter is an object, it is considered the options object.

Public Members

public addButtonTheme(buttons: string, className: string): * source

Adds/Modifies an entry to the buttonTheme. Basically a way to add a class to a button.

public buttonElements: object source

public caretEventHandler: * source

Called by handleCaret when an event that warrants a cursor position update is triggered

public clear: * source

Remove all keyboard rows and reset keyboard values. Used interally between re-renders.

public clearInput(inputName: string): * source

Clear the keyboard’s input.

public dispatch(callback: function(instance: object, key: string)): * source

Send a command to all simple-keyboard instances at once (if you have multiple instances).

public getButtonElement(button: string): * source

Get the DOM Element of a button. If there are several buttons with the same name, an array of the DOM Elements is returned.

public getInput(inputName: string): * source

Get the keyboard’s input (You can also get it from the onChange prop).

public handleButtonClicked(button: string): * source

Handles clicks made to keyboard buttons

public handleCaret: * source

Retrieves the current cursor position within a input or textarea (if any)

public input: object source

simple-keyboard uses a non-persistent internal input to keep track of the entered string (the variable keyboard.input). This removes any dependency to input DOM elements. You can type and directly display the value in a div element, for example.


default object

Default SimpleKeyboard internal input.

myInputName object

Example input that can be set through options.inputName:"myInputName".


// To get entered input
let input = keyboard.getInput();

// To clear entered input.

public keyboardDOM: * source

Processing options

public keyboardDOMClass: string source

public onInit: * source

Executes the callback function once simple-keyboard is rendered for the first time (on initialization).

public onRender: * source

Executes the callback function every time simple-keyboard is rendered (e.g: when you change layouts).

public options: object source


layout object

Modify the keyboard layout.

layoutName string

Specifies which layout should be used.

display object

Replaces variable buttons (such as {bksp}) with a human-friendly name (e.g.: “backspace”).

mergeDisplay boolean

By default, when you set the display property, you replace the default one. This setting merges them instead.

theme string

A prop to add your own css classes to the keyboard wrapper. You can add multiple classes separated by a space.

buttonTheme Array

A prop to add your own css classes to one or several buttons.

debug boolean

Runs a console.log every time a key is pressed. Displays the buttons pressed and the current input.

newLineOnEnter boolean

Specifies whether clicking the “ENTER” button will input a newline (\n) or not.

tabCharOnTab boolean

Specifies whether clicking the “TAB” button will input a tab character (\t) or not.

inputName string

Allows you to use a single simple-keyboard instance for several inputs.

maxLength number

Restrains all of simple-keyboard inputs to a certain length. This should be used in addition to the input element’s maxlengthattribute.

maxLength object

Restrains simple-keyboard’s individual inputs to a certain length. This should be used in addition to the input element’s maxlengthattribute.

syncInstanceInputs boolean

When set to true, this option synchronizes the internal input of every simple-keyboard instance.

physicalKeyboardHighlight boolean

Enable highlighting of keys pressed on physical keyboard.

physicalKeyboardHighlightTextColor string

Define the text color that the physical keyboard highlighted key should have.

physicalKeyboardHighlightBgColor string

Define the background color that the physical keyboard highlighted key should have.

onKeyPress function(button: string): string

Executes the callback function on key press. Returns button layout name (i.e.: “{shift}”).

onChange function(input: string): string

Executes the callback function on input change. Returns the current input’s string.

onRender function

Executes the callback function every time simple-keyboard is rendered (e.g: when you change layouts).

onInit function

Executes the callback function once simple-keyboard is rendered for the first time (on initialization).

onChangeAll function(inputs: object): object

Executes the callback function on input change. Returns the input object with all defined inputs.

public physicalKeyboardInterface: * source

Physical Keyboard support

public removeButtonTheme(buttons: string, className: string): * source

Removes/Amends an entry to the buttonTheme. Basically a way to remove a class previously added to a button through buttonTheme or addButtonTheme.

public render: * source

Renders rows and buttons as per options

public replaceInput(inputObj: object): * source

Replace the input object (keyboard.input)

public setInput(input: string, inputName: string): * source

Set the keyboard’s input.

public setOptions(option: object): * source

Set new option or modify existing ones after initialization.

public syncInstanceInputs: * source

Send a command to all simple-keyboard instances (if you have several instances).

public utilities: * source

Initializing Utilities