The FileEntry.createWriter() method passes in a FileEntry object instead of a File object. As a result the FileWriter.length was not being set properly so when you do a it would go to 0, so your next write would overwrite your file.
In order to fix this issue the FileEntry.createWriter() method now makes a call to FileEntry.file() to get the correct file size. The File object is now passed to the FileWriter constructor.
An implementation of the W3C Media Capture spec:
Capture operations are supported for audio, video, and images. Each
capture operation launches the native audio recorder, video recorder,
or camera application, respectively.
User can retrieve PERSISTENT and TEMPORARY file systems, list their
contents, and manipulate files and directories within them.
Modify existing FileWriter implementation
- Change the way user creates a FileWriter. User must either pass a
File object to the FileWriter constructor, or use the
FileEntry.createWriter() method.
- Drop support for the 'filePath' and 'append' parameters in the
FileWriter constructor. The file path is determined from either the
File object passed to the FileWriter constructor, or the FileEntry
object used to create the FileWriter. To append to a file, use the
FileWriter object's seek method:
// writer is a FileWriter object
// seek to length of file to append;
Replace FileMgr JavaScript APIs not specified in any File API spec
- Remove navigator.fileMgr.createDirectory(dirName) function. To
create a directory, use the DirectoryEntry.getDirectory() method,
which is part of the File API: Directories and System spec. Set
the Flags.create to 'true':
// directory is a DirectoryEntry object
directory.getDirectory(path, {create:true}, successCB, failCB);
- Remove navigator.fileMgr.getRootPaths() function. To retrieve the
root file systems, use the window.requestFileSystem() function,
which is part of the File API: Directories and System spec.
- Remove navigator.fileMgr.getFileProperties(fileName) function. To
get the properties of a file, use the FileEntry.file() method, which
is part of the File API: Directories and System spec.
- Remove navigator.fileMgr.deleteFile(fileName) function. To delete a
file, use the Entry.remove() method, which is part of the File API:
Directories and System spec.
- Remove navigator.fileMgr.deleteDirectory(dirName) function. To
delete a directory, use the Entry.remove() (if it is empty), or
DirectoryEntry.removeRecursively() methods, which are part of the
File API: Directories and System spec.
Clean up existing FileManager native code. Move some functionality to
file utility class.