2018-07-25 10:03:54 +08:00
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<plugin id= "cordova-plugin-xunfeiListenSpeaking" version= "0.0.1" xmlns= "http://apache.org/cordova/ns/plugins/1.0" xmlns:android= "http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" >
<name > cordova-plugin-xunfeiListenSpeaking</name>
2020-10-19 16:24:36 +08:00
<preference name= "APP_KEY" />
<preference name= "CHANNEL" default= "developer-default" />
2018-07-25 10:03:54 +08:00
<platform name = "android" >
<js-module name= "xunfeiListenSpeaking" src= "www/cordova-plugin-xunfeiListenSpeaking.js" >
<clobbers target= "xunfeiListenSpeaking" />
<config-file target= "res/xml/config.xml" parent= "/*" >
<feature name= "XunfeiListenSpeaking" >
<param name= "android-package" value= "com.thomas.xunfeilistenspeaking.XunfeiListenSpeaking" />
<config-file target= "AndroidManifest.xml" parent= "/manifest" >
<uses-permission android:name= "android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED" />
<uses-permission android:name= "android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
<uses-permission android:name= "android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name= "android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name= "android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name= "android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name= "android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name= "android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name= "android.permission.READ_CONTACTS" />
<uses-permission android:name= "android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name= "android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS" />
<uses-permission android:name= "android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<!-- 移动统计分析 -->
2020-10-19 16:24:36 +08:00
android:value="$APP_KEY" />
2018-07-25 10:03:54 +08:00
2020-10-19 16:24:36 +08:00
android:value="$CHANNEL" />
2018-07-25 10:03:54 +08:00
<config-file target= "AndroidManifest.xml" parent= "/manifest/application" >
<activity android:name= "com.thomas.xunfeilistenspeaking.XunfeiDialogActivity"
<!-- assets -->
<source-file src= "src/android/assets/iattest.wav" target-dir= "assets" />
<source-file src= "src/android/assets/call.bnf" target-dir= "assets" />
<source-file src= "src/android/assets/grammar_sample.abnf" target-dir= "assets" />
<source-file src= "src/android/assets/keys" target-dir= "assets" />
<source-file src= "src/android/assets/userwords" target-dir= "assets" />
<source-file src= "src/android/assets/iflytek/voice_bg.9.png" target-dir= "assets/iflytek" />
<source-file src= "src/android/assets/iflytek/voice_empty.png" target-dir= "assets/iflytek" />
<source-file src= "src/android/assets/iflytek/voice_full.png" target-dir= "assets/iflytek" />
<source-file src= "src/android/assets/iflytek/waiting.png" target-dir= "assets/iflytek" />
<source-file src= "src/android/assets/iflytek/warning.png" target-dir= "assets/iflytek" />
<source-file src= "src/android/assets/iflytek/recognize.xml" target-dir= "assets/iflytek" />
<!-- lib -->
<source-file src= "src/android/libs/Msc.jar" target-dir= "libs" />
<source-file src= "src/android/libs/Sunflower.jar" target-dir= "libs" />
<source-file src= "src/android/libs/armeabi/libmsc.so" target-dir= "libs/armeabi" />
<source-file src= "src/android/libs/arm64-v8a/libmsc.so" target-dir= "libs/arm64-v8a" />
<source-file src= "src/android/libs/armeabi-v7a/libmsc.so" target-dir= "libs/armeabi-v7a" />
<!-- layout -->
<source-file src= "src/android/res/layout/activity_xunfei_dialog.xml" target-dir= "res/layout" />
<!-- xml -->
<source-file src= "src/android/res/xml/iat_setting.xml" target-dir= "res/xml" />
<source-file src= "src/android/res/xml/ise_settings.xml" target-dir= "res/xml" />
<source-file src= "src/android/res/xml/tts_setting.xml" target-dir= "res/xml" />
<source-file src= "src/android/res/xml/understand_setting.xml" target-dir= "res/xml" />
<!-- src -->
<source-file src= "src/android/src/com/thomas/xunfeilistenspeaking/XunfeiListenSpeaking.java" target-dir= "src/com/thomas/xunfeilistenspeaking" />
<source-file src= "src/android/src/com/thomas/xunfeilistenspeaking/IatSettings.java" target-dir= "src/com/thomas/xunfeilistenspeaking" />
<source-file src= "src/android/src/com/thomas/xunfeilistenspeaking/JsonParser.java" target-dir= "src/com/thomas/xunfeilistenspeaking" />
<source-file src= "src/android/src/com/thomas/xunfeilistenspeaking/SettingTextWatcher.java" target-dir= "src/com/thomas/xunfeilistenspeaking" />
<source-file src= "src/android/src/com/thomas/xunfeilistenspeaking/XunfeiDialogActivity.java" target-dir= "src/com/thomas/xunfeilistenspeaking" />
<!-- res -->
<config-file target= "res/values/strings.xml" parent= "/resources" >
<!-- <string name="app_name">讯飞语音示例</string> -->
<!-- 请替换成在语音云官网申请的appid -->
2020-10-19 16:24:36 +08:00
<string name= "app_id" > $APP_KEY</string>
2018-07-25 10:03:54 +08:00
<string name= "example_explain" > 本示例为讯飞语音Android平台开发者提供语音听写、语法识别、语义理解和语音合成等代码样例, 旨在让用户能够依据该示例快速开发出基于语音接口的应用程序。</string>
<string name= "text_tts_source" > 科大讯飞作为中国最大的智能语音技术提供商, 在智能语音技术领域有着长期的研究积累, 并在中文语音合成、语音识别、口语评测等多项技术上拥有国际领先的成果。科大讯飞是我国唯一以语音技术为产业化方向的“国家863计划成果产业化基地”…</string>
<string name= "text_tts_source_en" > iFLYTEK is a national key software enterprise dedicated to the research of intelligent speech and language technologies, development of software and chip products, provision of speech information services, and integration of E-government systems. The intelligent speech technology of iFLYTEK, the core technology of the company, represents the top level in the world.</string>
<string name= "text_isr_abnf_hint" > \t上传内容为: \n\t#ABNF 1.0 gb2312;\n\tlanguage zh-CN;\n\tmode voice;\n\troot $main;\n\t$main = $place1 到$place2 ;\n\t$place1 = 北京 | 武汉 | 南京 | 天津 | 东京;\n\t$place2 = 上海 | 合肥;</string>
<string name= "text_understand_hint" > \t您可以说: \n\t今天的天气怎么样?\n\t北京到上海的火车?\n\t有什么好吃的?\n\t上海外滩有哪些酒店?\n\n\t更多语义请登录: \n\thttp://osp.voicecloud.cn/ \n\t配置您的专属语义吧!</string>
<!-- 听写 -->
<string name= "text_begin" > 请开始说话…</string>
<string name= "text_begin_recognizer" > 开始音频流识别</string>
<string name= "text_upload_contacts" > 上传联系人</string>
<string name= "text_upload_userwords" > 上传用户词表</string>
<string name= "text_upload_success" > 上传成功</string>
<string name= "text_userword_empty" > 词表下载失败或内容为空</string>
<string name= "text_download_success" > 下载成功</string>
<string name= "pref_key_iat_show" > iat_show</string>
<string name= "pref_title_iat_show" > 显示听写界面</string>
<string name= "pref_title_iat_dwa" > 结果动态修正</string>
<string name= "xunfei_cancel_listen" > 取消语音</string>
<!-- 合成 -->
<string-array name= "engine_entries" >
<item > 本地合成</item>
<item > 在线合成</item>
<string-array name= "engine_values" >
<item > local</item>
<item > cloud</item>
<string-array name= "voicer_cloud_entries" >
<item > 小燕—女青、中英、普通话</item>
<item > 小宇—男青、中英、普通话</item>
<item > 凯瑟琳—女青、英</item>
<item > 亨利—男青、英</item>
<item > 玛丽—女青、英</item>
<item > 小研—女青、中英、普通话</item>
<item > 小琪—女青、中英、普通话</item>
<item > 小峰—男青、中英、普通话</item>
<item > 小梅—女青、中英、粤语</item>
<item > 小莉—女青、中英、台湾普通话</item>
<item > 小蓉—女青、中、四川话</item>
<item > 小芸—女青、中、东北话</item>
<item > 小坤—男青、中、河南话</item>
<item > 小强—男青、中、湖南话</item>
<item > 小莹—女青、中、陕西话</item>
<item > 小新—男童、中、普通话</item>
<item > 楠楠—女童、中、普通话</item>
<item > 老孙—男老、中、普通话</item>
<string-array name= "voicer_cloud_values" >
<item > xiaoyan</item>
<item > xiaoyu</item>
<item > catherine</item>
<item > henry</item>
<item > vimary</item>
<item > vixy</item>
<item > xiaoqi</item>
<item > vixf</item>
<item > xiaomei</item>
<item > xiaolin</item>
<item > xiaorong</item>
<item > xiaoqian</item>
<item > xiaokun</item>
<item > xiaoqiang</item>
<item > vixying</item>
<item > xiaoxin</item>
<item > nannan</item>
<item > vils</item>
<string-array name= "emot_entries" >
<item > 正常</item>
<item > 高兴</item>
<item > 悲伤</item>
<item > 生气</item>
<string-array name= "emot_values" >
<item > neutral</item>
<item > happy</item>
<item > sad</item>
<item > angry</item>
<string-array name= "stream_entries" >
<item > 通话</item>
<item > 系统</item>
<item > 铃声</item>
<item > 音乐</item>
<item > 闹铃</item>
<item > 通知</item>
<string-array name= "stream_values" >
<item > 0</item>
<item > 1</item>
<item > 2</item>
<item > 3</item>
<item > 4</item>
<item > 5</item>
<string formatted= "false" name= "tts_toast_format" > 缓冲进度为%d%%,播放进度为%d%%</string>
<!-- 语言 -->
<string-array name= "language_entries" >
<item > 普通话</item>
<item > 粤语</item>
<item > 河南话</item>
<item > 英语</item>
<string-array name= "language_values" >
<item > mandarin</item>
<item > cantonese</item>
<item > henanese</item>
<item > en_us</item>
<!-- 语音评测 -->
<string name= "text_en_word" > "[word]\napple\nbanana\norange"</string>
<string name= "text_en_sentence" > "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."</string>
<string name= "text_cn_syllable" > "知,痴,是"</string>
<string name= "text_cn_word" > "磁铁,率领,脆弱,动手,古筝"</string>
<string name= "text_cn_sentence" > "一座座雪峰插入云霄,峰顶银光闪闪,大大小小的湖泊,像颗颗宝石镶嵌在彩带般的沟谷中。"</string>
<string-array name= "ise_language_entries" >
<item > 英语</item>
<item > 汉语</item>
<string-array name= "ise_language_values" >
<item > en_us</item>
<item > zh_cn</item>
<string-array name= "category_entries" >
<item > 单字</item>
<item > 词语</item>
<item > 句子</item>
<string-array name= "category_values" >
<item > read_syllable</item>
<item > read_word</item>
<item > read_sentence</item>
<string-array name= "result_level_entries" >
<item > plain</item>
<item > complete</item>
<!-- 标点符号 -->
<string-array name= "punc_entries" >
<item > 有标点</item>
<item > 无标点</item>
<string-array name= "punc_values" >
<item > 1</item>
<item > 0</item>
<string-array name= "dwa_entries" >
<item > 开启</item>
<item > 关闭</item>
<platform name= "ios" >
<js-module name= "speech" src= "www/Speech.js" >
<!-- <clobbers target="navigator.speech" /> -->
<clobbers target= "xunfeiListenSpeaking" />
<config-file parent= "/*" target= "config.xml" >
<feature name= "Speech" >
<param name= "ios-package" value= "CDVSpeech" />
2020-10-19 16:24:36 +08:00
<resource-file src= "src/ios/IFlySpeechConfig.plist" />
2018-07-25 10:03:54 +08:00
<config-file target= "*-Info.plist" parent= "NSMicrophoneUsageDescription" >
<string > </string>
<header-file src= "src/ios/CDVSpeech.h" />
<source-file src= "src/ios/CDVSpeech.m" />
<framework src= "AVFoundation.framework" />
<framework src= "AddressBook.framework" />
<framework src= "AudioToolbox.framework" />
<framework src= "SystemConfiguration.framework" />
<framework src= "QuartzCore.framework" />
<framework src= "libz.tbd" />
<framework src= "libc++.tbd" />
<framework src= "UIKit.framework" />
<framework src= "CoreGraphics.framework" />
<framework src= "Foundation.framework" />
<framework src= "CoreTelephony.framework" />
<framework src= "CoreLocation.framework" />
2020-10-19 16:24:36 +08:00
<framework src= "Contacts.framework" />
<framework src= "src/ios/iflyMSC.framework" custom= "true" />
<config-file target= "*IFlySpeechConfig.plist" parent= "AppKey" >
<string > $APP_KEY</string>
2018-07-25 10:03:54 +08:00