/** * Exit script with custom error log. * @param {string} msg - Error message. * @param {Error} exception */ exports.exit = require('./error_exit'); /** * Get the real list of platforms affected by a running plugin hook. * @param {Object} context - Cordova context. */ exports.getPlatformsList = invokeHelper.bind(null, './get_platforms_list'); /** * Detect if the context process is running with verbose option. * @param {Object} context - Cordova context. */ exports.isVerbose = invokeHelper.bind(null, './is_verbose'); exports.getFileMapContent = invokeHelper.bind(null, './getFileMapContent'); function invokeHelper (path) { var helper = require(path); var context = arguments[1]; return helper.apply(context, Array.prototype.splice.call(arguments, 2)); }