There are some google scripts on Apache home page preventing page to fully loaded in time in some cases. Switched to Apache Community home page as test page and increased timeout just in case. github close #149
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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
var cordova = require('cordova');
var isWindows = cordova.platformId == 'windows';
window.alert = window.alert || navigator.notification.alert;
exports.defineAutoTests = function () {
describe('cordova.InAppBrowser', function () {
it("inappbrowser.spec.1 should exist", function () {
it("inappbrowser.spec.2 should contain open function", function () {
describe('open method', function () {
var iabInstance;
var originalTimeout;
var url = 'https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/cordova/';
var badUrl = 'http://bad-uri/';
beforeEach(function () {
// increase timeout to ensure test url could be loaded within test time
originalTimeout = jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL;
iabInstance = null;
afterEach(function (done) {
// restore original timeout
jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = originalTimeout;
if (iabInstance !== null && iabInstance.close) {
iabInstance = null;
// add some extra time so that iab dialog is closed
setTimeout(done, 2000);
function verifyEvent(evt, type) {
if (type !== 'exit') { // `exit` event does not have url field
function verifyLoadErrorEvent(evt) {
it("inappbrowser.spec.3 should retun InAppBrowser instance with required methods", function () {
iabInstance = cordova.InAppBrowser.open(url, '_blank');
it("inappbrowser.spec.4 should support loadstart and loadstop events", function (done) {
var onLoadStart = jasmine.createSpy('loadstart event callback').and.callFake(function (evt) {
verifyEvent(evt, 'loadstart');
iabInstance = cordova.InAppBrowser.open(url, '_blank');
iabInstance.addEventListener('loadstart', onLoadStart);
iabInstance.addEventListener('loadstop', function (evt) {
verifyEvent(evt, 'loadstop');
it("inappbrowser.spec.5 should support exit event", function (done) {
iabInstance = cordova.InAppBrowser.open(url, '_blank');
iabInstance.addEventListener('exit', function (evt) {
verifyEvent(evt, 'exit');
iabInstance = null;
it("inappbrowser.spec.6 should support loaderror event", function (done) {
iabInstance = cordova.InAppBrowser.open(badUrl, '_blank');
iabInstance.addEventListener('loaderror', function (evt) {
exports.defineManualTests = function (contentEl, createActionButton) {
function doOpen(url, target, params, numExpectedRedirects, useWindowOpen) {
numExpectedRedirects = numExpectedRedirects || 0;
useWindowOpen = useWindowOpen || false;
console.log("Opening " + url);
var counts;
var lastLoadStartURL;
var wasReset = false;
function reset() {
counts = {
'loaderror': 0,
'loadstart': 0,
'loadstop': 0,
'exit': 0
lastLoadStartURL = '';
var iab;
var callbacks = {
loaderror: logEvent,
loadstart: logEvent,
loadstop: logEvent,
exit: logEvent
if (useWindowOpen) {
console.log('Use window.open() for url');
iab = window.open(url, target, params, callbacks);
else {
iab = cordova.InAppBrowser.open(url, target, params, callbacks);
if (!iab) {
alert('open returned ' + iab);
function logEvent(e) {
console.log('IAB event=' + JSON.stringify(e));
// Verify that event.url gets updated on redirects.
if (e.type == 'loadstart') {
if (e.url == lastLoadStartURL) {
alert('Unexpected: loadstart fired multiple times for the same URL.');
lastLoadStartURL = e.url;
// Verify the right number of loadstart events were fired.
if (e.type == 'loadstop' || e.type == 'loaderror') {
if (e.url != lastLoadStartURL) {
alert('Unexpected: ' + e.type + ' event.url != loadstart\'s event.url');
if (numExpectedRedirects === 0 && counts['loadstart'] !== 1) {
// Do allow a loaderror without a loadstart (e.g. in the case of an invalid URL).
if (!(e.type == 'loaderror' && counts['loadstart'] === 0)) {
alert('Unexpected: got multiple loadstart events. (' + counts['loadstart'] + ')');
} else if (numExpectedRedirects > 0 && counts['loadstart'] < (numExpectedRedirects + 1)) {
alert('Unexpected: should have got at least ' + (numExpectedRedirects + 1) + ' loadstart events, but got ' + counts['loadstart']);
wasReset = true;
numExpectedRedirects = 0;
// Verify that loadend / loaderror was called.
if (e.type == 'exit') {
var numStopEvents = counts['loadstop'] + counts['loaderror'];
if (numStopEvents === 0 && !wasReset) {
alert('Unexpected: browser closed without a loadstop or loaderror.');
} else if (numStopEvents > 1) {
alert('Unexpected: got multiple loadstop/loaderror events.');
return iab;
function doHookOpen(url, target, params, numExpectedRedirects) {
var originalFunc = window.open;
var wasClobbered = window.hasOwnProperty('open');
window.open = cordova.InAppBrowser.open;
try {
doOpen(url, target, params, numExpectedRedirects, true);
finally {
if (wasClobbered) {
window.open = originalFunc;
else {
console.log('just delete, to restore open from prototype');
delete window.open;
function openWithStyle(url, cssUrl, useCallback) {
var iab = doOpen(url, '_blank', 'location=yes');
var callback = function (results) {
if (results && results.length === 0) {
alert('Results verified');
} else {
alert('Got: ' + typeof (results) + '\n' + JSON.stringify(results));
if (cssUrl) {
iab.addEventListener('loadstop', function (event) {
iab.insertCSS({ file: cssUrl }, useCallback && callback);
} else {
iab.addEventListener('loadstop', function (event) {
iab.insertCSS({ code: '#style-update-literal { \ndisplay: block !important; \n}' },
useCallback && callback);
function openWithScript(url, jsUrl, useCallback) {
var iab = doOpen(url, '_blank', 'location=yes');
if (jsUrl) {
iab.addEventListener('loadstop', function (event) {
iab.executeScript({ file: jsUrl }, useCallback && function (results) {
if (results && results.length === 0) {
alert('Results verified');
} else {
alert('Got: ' + typeof (results) + '\n' + JSON.stringify(results));
} else {
iab.addEventListener('loadstop', function (event) {
var code = '(function(){\n' +
' var header = document.getElementById("header");\n' +
' header.innerHTML = "Script literal successfully injected";\n' +
' return "abc";\n' +
iab.executeScript({ code: code }, useCallback && function (results) {
if (results && results.length === 1 && results[0] === 'abc') {
alert('Results verified');
} else {
alert('Got: ' + typeof (results) + '\n' + JSON.stringify(results));
var hiddenwnd = null;
var loadlistener = function (event) { alert('background window loaded '); };
function openHidden(url, startHidden) {
var shopt = (startHidden) ? 'hidden=yes' : '';
hiddenwnd = cordova.InAppBrowser.open(url, 'random_string', shopt);
if (!hiddenwnd) {
alert('cordova.InAppBrowser.open returned ' + hiddenwnd);
if (startHidden) hiddenwnd.addEventListener('loadstop', loadlistener);
function showHidden() {
if (!!hiddenwnd) {
function closeHidden() {
if (!!hiddenwnd) {
hiddenwnd.removeEventListener('loadstop', loadlistener);
hiddenwnd = null;
var info_div = '<h1>InAppBrowser</h1>' +
'<div id="info">' +
'Make sure http://cordova.apache.org and http://google.co.uk and https://www.google.co.uk are white listed. </br>' +
'Make sure http://www.apple.com is not in the white list.</br>' +
'In iOS, starred <span style="vertical-align:super">*</span> tests will put the app in a state with no way to return. </br>' +
'<h4>User-Agent: <span id="user-agent"> </span></hr>' +
var local_tests = '<h1>Local URL</h1>' +
'<div id="openLocal"></div>' +
'Expected result: opens successfully in CordovaWebView.' +
'<p/> <div id="openLocalHook"></div>' +
'Expected result: opens successfully in CordovaWebView (using hook of window.open()).' +
'<p/> <div id="openLocalSelf"></div>' +
'Expected result: opens successfully in CordovaWebView.' +
'<p/> <div id="openLocalSystem"></div>' +
'Expected result: fails to open' +
'<p/> <div id="openLocalBlank"></div>' +
'Expected result: opens successfully in InAppBrowser with locationBar at top.' +
'<p/> <div id="openLocalRandomNoLocation"></div>' +
'Expected result: opens successfully in InAppBrowser without locationBar.' +
'<p/> <div id="openLocalRandomToolBarBottom"></div>' +
'Expected result: opens successfully in InAppBrowser with locationBar. On iOS the toolbar is at the bottom.' +
'<p/> <div id="openLocalRandomToolBarTop"></div>' +
'Expected result: opens successfully in InAppBrowser with locationBar. On iOS the toolbar is at the top.' +
'<p/><div id="openLocalRandomToolBarTopNoLocation"></div>' +
'Expected result: open successfully in InAppBrowser with no locationBar. On iOS the toolbar is at the top.';
var white_listed_tests = '<h1>White Listed URL</h1>' +
'<div id="openWhiteListed"></div>' +
'Expected result: open successfully in CordovaWebView to cordova.apache.org' +
'<p/> <div id="openWhiteListedHook"></div>' +
'Expected result: open successfully in CordovaWebView to cordova.apache.org (using hook of window.open())' +
'<p/> <div id="openWhiteListedSelf"></div>' +
'Expected result: open successfully in CordovaWebView to cordova.apache.org' +
'<p/> <div id="openWhiteListedSystem"></div>' +
'Expected result: open successfully in system browser to cordova.apache.org' +
'<p/> <div id="openWhiteListedBlank"></div>' +
'Expected result: open successfully in InAppBrowser to cordova.apache.org' +
'<p/> <div id="openWhiteListedRandom"></div>' +
'Expected result: open successfully in InAppBrowser to cordova.apache.org' +
'<p/> <div id="openWhiteListedRandomNoLocation"></div>' +
'Expected result: open successfully in InAppBrowser to cordova.apache.org with no location bar.';
var non_white_listed_tests = '<h1>Non White Listed URL</h1>' +
'<div id="openNonWhiteListed"></div>' +
'Expected result: open successfully in InAppBrowser to apple.com.' +
'<p/> <div id="openNonWhiteListedHook"></div>' +
'Expected result: open successfully in InAppBrowser to apple.com (using hook of window.open()).' +
'<p/> <div id="openNonWhiteListedSelf"></div>' +
'Expected result: open successfully in InAppBrowser to apple.com (_self enforces whitelist).' +
'<p/> <div id="openNonWhiteListedSystem"></div>' +
'Expected result: open successfully in system browser to apple.com.' +
'<p/> <div id="openNonWhiteListedBlank"></div>' +
'Expected result: open successfully in InAppBrowser to apple.com.' +
'<p/> <div id="openNonWhiteListedRandom"></div>' +
'Expected result: open successfully in InAppBrowser to apple.com.' +
'<p/> <div id="openNonWhiteListedRandomNoLocation"></div>' +
'Expected result: open successfully in InAppBrowser to apple.com without locationBar.';
var page_with_redirects_tests = '<h1>Page with redirect</h1>' +
'<div id="openRedirect301"></div>' +
'Expected result: should 301 and open successfully in InAppBrowser to https://www.google.co.uk.' +
'<p/> <div id="openRedirect302"></div>' +
'Expected result: should 302 and open successfully in InAppBrowser to www.zhihu.com/answer/16714076.';
var pdf_url_tests = '<h1>PDF URL</h1>' +
'<div id="openPDF"></div>' +
'Expected result: InAppBrowser opens. PDF should render on iOS.' +
'<p/> <div id="openPDFBlank"></div>' +
'Expected result: InAppBrowser opens. PDF should render on iOS.';
var invalid_url_tests = '<h1>Invalid URL</h1>' +
'<div id="openInvalidScheme"></div>' +
'Expected result: fail to load in InAppBrowser.' +
'<p/> <div id="openInvalidHost"></div>' +
'Expected result: fail to load in InAppBrowser.' +
'<p/> <div id="openInvalidMissing"></div>' +
'Expected result: fail to load in InAppBrowser (404).';
var css_js_injection_tests = '<h1>CSS / JS Injection</h1>' +
'<div id="openOriginalDocument"></div>' +
'Expected result: open successfully in InAppBrowser without text "Style updated from..."' +
'<p/> <div id="openCSSInjection"></div>' +
'Expected result: open successfully in InAppBrowser with "Style updated from file".' +
'<p/> <div id="openCSSInjectionCallback"></div>' +
'Expected result: open successfully in InAppBrowser with "Style updated from file", and alert dialog with text "Results verified".' +
'<p/> <div id="openCSSLiteralInjection"></div>' +
'Expected result: open successfully in InAppBrowser with "Style updated from literal".' +
'<p/> <div id="openCSSLiteralInjectionCallback"></div>' +
'Expected result: open successfully in InAppBrowser with "Style updated from literal", and alert dialog with text "Results verified".' +
'<p/> <div id="openScriptInjection"></div>' +
'Expected result: open successfully in InAppBrowser with text "Script file successfully injected".' +
'<p/> <div id="openScriptInjectionCallback"></div>' +
'Expected result: open successfully in InAppBrowser with text "Script file successfully injected" and alert dialog with the text "Results verified".' +
'<p/> <div id="openScriptLiteralInjection"></div>' +
'Expected result: open successfully in InAppBrowser with the text "Script literal successfully injected" .' +
'<p/> <div id="openScriptLiteralInjectionCallback"></div>' +
'Expected result: open successfully in InAppBrowser with the text "Script literal successfully injected" and alert dialog with the text "Results verified".';
var open_hidden_tests = '<h1>Open Hidden </h1>' +
'<div id="openHidden"></div>' +
'Expected result: no additional browser window. Alert appears with the text "background window loaded".' +
'<p/> <div id="showHidden"></div>' +
'Expected result: after first clicking on previous test "create hidden", open successfully in InAppBrowser to https://www.google.co.uk.' +
'<p/> <div id="closeHidden"></div>' +
'Expected result: no output. But click on "show hidden" again and nothing should be shown.' +
'<p/> <div id="openHiddenShow"></div>' +
'Expected result: open successfully in InAppBrowser to https://www.google.co.uk';
var clearing_cache_tests = '<h1>Clearing Cache</h1>' +
'<div id="openClearCache"></div>' +
'Expected result: ?' +
'<p/> <div id="openClearSessionCache"></div>' +
'Expected result: ?';
var video_tag_tests = '<h1>Video tag</h1>' +
'<div id="openRemoteVideo"></div>' +
'Expected result: open successfully in InAppBrowser with an embedded video plays automatically on iOS and Android.' +
'<div id="openRemoteNeedUserNoVideo"></div>' +
'Expected result: open successfully in InAppBrowser with an embedded video plays automatically on iOS and Android.' +
'<div id="openRemoteNeedUserYesVideo"></div>' +
'Expected result: open successfully in InAppBrowser with an embedded video does not play automatically on iOS and Android but rather works after clicking the "play" button.';
var local_with_anchor_tag_tests = '<h1>Local with anchor tag</h1>' +
'<div id="openAnchor1"></div>' +
'Expected result: open successfully in InAppBrowser to the local page, scrolled to the top as normal.' +
'<p/> <div id="openAnchor2"></div>' +
'Expected result: open successfully in InAppBrowser to the local page, scrolled to the beginning of the tall div with border.';
// CB-7490 We need to wrap this code due to Windows security restrictions
// see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/hh465380.aspx#differences for details
if (window.MSApp && window.MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction) {
MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction(function() {
contentEl.innerHTML = info_div + local_tests + white_listed_tests + non_white_listed_tests + page_with_redirects_tests + pdf_url_tests + invalid_url_tests +
css_js_injection_tests + open_hidden_tests + clearing_cache_tests + video_tag_tests + local_with_anchor_tag_tests;
} else {
contentEl.innerHTML = info_div + local_tests + white_listed_tests + non_white_listed_tests + page_with_redirects_tests + pdf_url_tests + invalid_url_tests +
css_js_injection_tests + open_hidden_tests + clearing_cache_tests + video_tag_tests + local_with_anchor_tag_tests;
document.getElementById("user-agent").textContent = navigator.userAgent;
// we are already in cdvtests directory
var basePath = 'iab-resources/';
var localhtml = basePath + 'local.html',
localpdf = basePath + 'local.pdf',
injecthtml = basePath + 'inject.html',
injectjs = isWindows ? basePath + 'inject.js' : 'inject.js',
injectcss = isWindows ? basePath + 'inject.css' : 'inject.css',
videohtml = basePath + 'video.html';
createActionButton('target=Default', function () {
}, 'openLocal');
createActionButton('target=Default (window.open)', function () {
}, 'openLocalHook');
createActionButton('target=_self', function () {
doOpen(localhtml, '_self');
}, 'openLocalSelf');
createActionButton('target=_system', function () {
doOpen(localhtml, '_system');
}, 'openLocalSystem');
createActionButton('target=_blank', function () {
doOpen(localhtml, '_blank');
}, 'openLocalBlank');
createActionButton('target=Random, location=no, disallowoverscroll=yes', function () {
doOpen(localhtml, 'random_string', 'location=no, disallowoverscroll=yes');
}, 'openLocalRandomNoLocation');
createActionButton('target=Random, toolbarposition=bottom', function () {
doOpen(localhtml, 'random_string', 'toolbarposition=bottom');
}, 'openLocalRandomToolBarBottom');
createActionButton('target=Random, toolbarposition=top', function () {
doOpen(localhtml, 'random_string', 'toolbarposition=top');
}, 'openLocalRandomToolBarTop');
createActionButton('target=Random, toolbarposition=top, location=no', function () {
doOpen(localhtml, 'random_string', 'toolbarposition=top,location=no');
}, 'openLocalRandomToolBarTopNoLocation');
//White Listed
createActionButton('* target=Default', function () {
}, 'openWhiteListed');
createActionButton('* target=Default (window.open)', function () {
}, 'openWhiteListedHook');
createActionButton('* target=_self', function () {
doOpen('http://cordova.apache.org', '_self');
}, 'openWhiteListedSelf');
createActionButton('target=_system', function () {
doOpen('http://cordova.apache.org', '_system');
}, 'openWhiteListedSystem');
createActionButton('target=_blank', function () {
doOpen('http://cordova.apache.org', '_blank');
}, 'openWhiteListedBlank');
createActionButton('target=Random', function () {
doOpen('http://cordova.apache.org', 'random_string');
}, 'openWhiteListedRandom');
createActionButton('* target=Random, no location bar', function () {
doOpen('http://cordova.apache.org', 'random_string', 'location=no');
}, 'openWhiteListedRandomNoLocation');
//Non White Listed
createActionButton('target=Default', function () {
}, 'openNonWhiteListed');
createActionButton('target=Default (window.open)', function () {
}, 'openNonWhiteListedHook');
createActionButton('target=_self', function () {
doOpen('http://www.apple.com', '_self');
}, 'openNonWhiteListedSelf');
createActionButton('target=_system', function () {
doOpen('http://www.apple.com', '_system');
}, 'openNonWhiteListedSystem');
createActionButton('target=_blank', function () {
doOpen('http://www.apple.com', '_blank');
}, 'openNonWhiteListedBlank');
createActionButton('target=Random', function () {
doOpen('http://www.apple.com', 'random_string');
}, 'openNonWhiteListedRandom');
createActionButton('* target=Random, no location bar', function () {
doOpen('http://www.apple.com', 'random_string', 'location=no');
}, 'openNonWhiteListedRandomNoLocation');
//Page with redirect
createActionButton('http://google.co.uk', function () {
doOpen('http://google.co.uk', 'random_string', '', 1);
}, 'openRedirect301');
createActionButton('http://goo.gl/pUFqg', function () {
doOpen('http://goo.gl/pUFqg', 'random_string', '', 2);
}, 'openRedirect302');
createActionButton('Remote URL', function () {
}, 'openPDF');
createActionButton('Local URL', function () {
doOpen(localpdf, '_blank');
}, 'openPDFBlank');
//Invalid URL
createActionButton('Invalid Scheme', function () {
doOpen('x-ttp://www.invalid.com/', '_blank');
}, 'openInvalidScheme');
createActionButton('Invalid Host', function () {
doOpen('http://www.inv;alid.com/', '_blank');
}, 'openInvalidHost');
createActionButton('Missing Local File', function () {
doOpen('nonexistent.html', '_blank');
}, 'openInvalidMissing');
//CSS / JS injection
createActionButton('Original Document', function () {
doOpen(injecthtml, '_blank');
}, 'openOriginalDocument');
createActionButton('CSS File Injection', function () {
openWithStyle(injecthtml, injectcss);
}, 'openCSSInjection');
createActionButton('CSS File Injection (callback)', function () {
openWithStyle(injecthtml, injectcss, true);
}, 'openCSSInjectionCallback');
createActionButton('CSS Literal Injection', function () {
}, 'openCSSLiteralInjection');
createActionButton('CSS Literal Injection (callback)', function () {
openWithStyle(injecthtml, null, true);
}, 'openCSSLiteralInjectionCallback');
createActionButton('Script File Injection', function () {
openWithScript(injecthtml, injectjs);
}, 'openScriptInjection');
createActionButton('Script File Injection (callback)', function () {
openWithScript(injecthtml, injectjs, true);
}, 'openScriptInjectionCallback');
createActionButton('Script Literal Injection', function () {
}, 'openScriptLiteralInjection');
createActionButton('Script Literal Injection (callback)', function () {
openWithScript(injecthtml, null, true);
}, 'openScriptLiteralInjectionCallback');
//Open hidden
createActionButton('Create Hidden', function () {
openHidden('https://www.google.co.uk', true);
}, 'openHidden');
createActionButton('Show Hidden', function () {
}, 'showHidden');
createActionButton('Close Hidden', function () {
}, 'closeHidden');
createActionButton('google.co.uk Not Hidden', function () {
openHidden('https://www.google.co.uk', false);
}, 'openHiddenShow');
//Clearing cache
createActionButton('Clear Browser Cache', function () {
doOpen('https://www.google.co.uk', '_blank', 'clearcache=yes');
}, 'openClearCache');
createActionButton('Clear Session Cache', function () {
doOpen('https://www.google.co.uk', '_blank', 'clearsessioncache=yes');
}, 'openClearSessionCache');
//Video tag
createActionButton('Remote Video', function () {
doOpen(videohtml, '_blank');
}, 'openRemoteVideo');
createActionButton('Remote Need User No Video', function () {
doOpen(videohtml, '_blank', 'mediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction=no');
}, 'openRemoteNeedUserNoVideo');
createActionButton('Remote Need User Yes Video', function () {
doOpen(videohtml, '_blank', 'mediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction=yes');
}, 'openRemoteNeedUserYesVideo');
//Local With Anchor Tag
createActionButton('Anchor1', function () {
doOpen(localhtml + '#bogusanchor', '_blank');
}, 'openAnchor1');
createActionButton('Anchor2', function () {
doOpen(localhtml + '#anchor2', '_blank');
}, 'openAnchor2');